S -> -O mrjc co m ta H r- *n rn *-* >-. o m W r?r u a —• *2T tJ ^3 C B» (/) ?3 O -J o WHS Graduation Wednesday THE WESTFIELD LEADER 6 P.M. Tht l—dlmg mU Motx WUUy Clrcutfd Wteldy N imVmimmCmumty Hff.md CIRH »'<inliiRe I'ald Published EIGHTY-SECOND YEAR—No. 44 at W,e.lfleld, N. J. WESTFIELD, NEW JERSEY, THURSDAY, JUNE 15,1972 Kvery Thursday 28 Tages—10 Cents 89 to Graduate <*•*-. To Stop a Thief. Council Confirms Confession M' • At HT Tonight In Murder Holy Trinity High School Mary Lynn Griffin Engrave Valuables Need for Housing Frank Joseph Grippo will hold commencement Donald p. Christiano of Barbara R. Davidson, A resolution confirming The resolution is a recommendations of the enrclKt for w graduates at Jeffrey Edward ~Grunder Westfield confessed to Westfield Realtor and Robert Michael Guididas need for moderate income requirement of the Newmayor's advisory com- I o'clock tonight in the high murdering John Dries chairman of the Make housing was adopted by the Jersey' State Housing mittee on housing to the Khool auditorium. Barbara Gunning following an argument over America Better Committee Annette Marie Haefeli marijuana hi a Springfield Town Council Tuesday Finance Agency, from elderly, or the controversial Dr. Frank Cordasco, of the Westfield Board of night, providing the first whom mortgage funds Boynton Ave.- tract site nrofetior of education at Melissa Eileen Hess motel room latt winter, Realtors, reported today a Peter Michael Hnat according to Springfield positive step toward im- would be sought for such a recommended. Montclair SUte College, will new program designed to plementation of the senior project. But the resolution, Third Ward Councilman address the graduates. Paul William Hoffmann Police Sgt. Samuel combat the rising rate of Kevin Gerard Hopkins Calabrese. citizen housing for West- it was pointed out, does not Vincent McGowan, who was Slater Mercedita, Holy theft and houae bur|l«rie» in bind the council to the critical of the mayor's Trinity principal, and Magr. Gerald Joseph Hydock Sgt. Calabrese testified in Westfield. Held. Mary Jane Kay committee earlier report on Charles B. Murphy, pastor Union County Court Mon- In cooperation with Police its Burvey of housing need, of Holy Trinity pariah, will John Joseph Kedzierski day, during the fifth day of Jeanne Eileen Kennelly Chief James F. Moran, the said that the current report personally congratulate the Christiano's murder trial, Westfield Board has made Defends is as comprehensive as class of 1S72 which includes Edward Leonard Kerwin, that the defendant admitted Jr. available at Police possible. "If a professional residents of Westfield and the crime four days after Headquarters electric survey was lacking, that surrounding towns from Maureen Karen Kilkenny Dries was found dead. on engravers for permanent Academic was not due to any fault of Piscataway to Union Laura Marion Kling Dec. 11. identification of household this committee which township. Eileen Marion Kroncke - Christiano, 22, of Carlton valuables by engraving the requested authority for such The new graduates are: (ContlniMd on Paft 4) Rd., is accused of mur- home owners drivers a survey but was turned licenae number on such Freedom Karen Jean Albers dering Dries with a hammer i • down by a committee of this Edward Charles Anderson in a room at the Colonial item* at TV seti, cameras, Defense of Westfield council. Robert Gerard Aubrecht Trinity Motor Court, Route 22, camping equipment, lawn teachers' ' academic Springfield. Christiano and mowers, bicycles, and "I do not think we can Robert Joseph Ball freedom was voiced ignore 'the common Janet Mary Barberi Driers allegedly were in- similar possessions that Tuesday night at a com- volved as partners in illegal hold great attraction for knowledge and experience John Bauernschmitt To Award mittee-of-the-whole session of all of us that such housing Kathleen Jean Beckman drug trafficking at the time burglars. of the Board of Education by of the murder. need does in fact exist. To Paul Joseph Berzanskis , Families participating Dr. James P, Johnson. insist upon a professional Blaise William Bollwage Diplomas In admitting the crime, will have free use of an Johnson, a new member of survey at this time would Use Jane Boyd the detective tMtifiedChrU- electric engraver for a 48 the board, said he felt only delay further what we James Francis Bremer tian'o said he went to the hour period and the "compelled to respond to Kathryn Agnes Brown The 38-tnember eighth all want, adequate housing grade at Holy Trinity (Continued on P«#t 61 engravers can mark almost the unfounded and un- for our senior citizens," Michael Edward Brown any substance, metal, wood, documented attack on the Mary Patricia Burns Elementary School will re- John K. Meeker McGowan added. ceive diplomas, tomorrow 14, Thomas A, Calalon demonstrate! electric engraver recently enacted policy of Edward John Ciecwisz Republicans for Realtor officials and Police Chief. Shows) here are academic freedom." Charles Harris, his Vincent Clyne night during a graduation Meeker Mgr. colleague from the third mass in the church. Msgr. in communities where this Barbara R. Davidion, chairman of Make America BetUr "During the past few Susan Ellen Codey Committee of the WertfleM Board of RealtorfivCferkf ward in which the site for James Patrick Coffey Charles B. Murphy, pastor, Reeled type of program has been years," Johnson said, For Luerssen the project has been will officiate at the mass underway, the identification W. Rokotny, president of frcttfleM Board of Realtors: 'irresponsible accusations recommended, concurred, Joanne Marie Colfax of valuables make it more Police Chief James F. Moran and Lieutenant Cataloa. David T. Luerssen, Dennis Collani and award the diplomas. have: been leveled at Republican candidate for and Jay F. Rochlin, second Margaret Marie Cullen Members of the Molowa difficult for burglars to teachers, board members "fence" stolen goods. In America Better Chairman will take maximum ad- and administrators, all of the third ward council seat, (Continued on Ptsa 33) (Cathy Ann Cuoco graduating class will serve Albert L. Molowa was today announced the ap- Frank Joseph Corcione III as lector, bearers of the addition, burglars are notsaid, "can be arranged any vantage of the new program which have had a chilling unanimously elected anxious to be caught with day 9-5, Monday through because, in other com- effect of both free inquiry pointment of John K. Wonder Why Joseph Patrick Cullinan offertory gifts and will chairman of the Westfield Meeker Jr. of 25 Stoneleigh Martin Richard Curlik recite the prayers which merchandise that law en-Friday, by. callihplthe munities, burglary among and genera) teacher-pupil The Yellow h? Town Republican Com- forcement agencies can Traffic SafeWleffie«r«Jie participating householders relations in the schools, The Park __ as his campaign William Robert Donnelly III they composed. The Girl's mittee for the forthcoming ' Gall Margaret Fitipatrick Choir under the direction of prove doesn't belong to Westfield Police Depart- has been significantly lower charges speak similarly of manager for the Nov. 7 The traditional white year at its annual them. , ment, 232-1000. The West- 'secret' meetings, 'plots' election. street traffic lanes are being Kenneth John Galipeau (Continued on P«o» 4) reorganization meeting than the general rate," Kathleen Marie Gerristead "A loan of the electric field Board of ^ReiHohi and *vil portent! which will _ In .accepting Luerssen's repainted yellow, according Monday night at Union engraver," the Make hopes that our townspeople ; tcontlniml «<?•«• 41 ensue' once the floodgates appointment, . Meeker to Police Chief James FV David Gindel County Republican Leona A. Golday are opened.' stated, "I am proud to be Moran. Yellow lines will Headquarters. Other of- Name separate traffic flowing in Patrice Ann Gregware Schools ficers elected include "The ; opponents of named Dave Luerssen's academic freedom in the campaign manager. As he opposite directions, while Gladys Caprario, vice Administrators white will separate lanes of chairman; Marilyn Barber, schools are usually more to ' has previously demon- Day Care Center The Westfield Board of be pitied than feared, strated on council, he has traffic flowing in the same Closing secretary; Fred Bauman, direction. treasurer; Edward Schott, Education appointed 33 Conformity alone makes the ability and integrity to Needs Volunteers county delegate; and administrators and them Comfortable. Terrified make a positive contribution The change, according to Tuesday Virginia Kiselica, alternate supervisors for the 1972-73 of newness, of the free ex- both to the town as a whole Chief Moran, was made to High school and college county delegate. school year at a special conform to new New Jersey students planning to be in meeting Tuesday night. (Continued on (Continued on P«ot 231 highway standards. Westfield for all or part of Tuesday will be the final Molowa, a former the summer may be in- full day of school for some Republican councilman and teresting in doing volunteer 8500 Westfield public school chairman of the committee work at the Day Care Center students. during the past year, on Madison Ave. The ac- Elm Street School welcomed the new members Westfield Rotary Club Awards tivities are varied — students will have a four- to the committee and made teachers' assistants, office hour session on Wednesday the following appointments workers, mealtime aides or to make up for a day lost for ward leaders: Robert L. Handy Andys to fix this'n during the winter due to Evans, Ward 1; Frank 22 Scholarships Totalling $9500 that around the center. The heating problems. McPherson, Ward 2; Frank summer schedule is being Awards Assemblies, in Dooley, Ward 3; and Pauline Mount, Ward 4. With the aid of a $5,000 gift will attend Catholic attend Spelman College and WHS, will study at St.
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