Authors: Pallavi Subhraveti Ron Caspi Peter Midford Peter D Karp An online version of this diagram is available at BioCyc.org. Biosynthetic pathways are positioned in the left of the cytoplasm, degradative pathways on the right, and reactions not assigned to any pathway are in the far right of the cytoplasm. Transporters and membrane proteins are shown on the membrane. Ingrid Keseler Periplasmic (where appropriate) and extracellular reactions and proteins may also be shown. Pathways are colored according to their cellular function. Gcf_000317615Cyc: Dactylococcopsis salina PCC 8305 Cellular Overview Connections between pathways are omitted for legibility. Anamika Kothari a sulfonate glycine betaine glycine betaine glycine betaine pro pro ammonium ammonium hydrogencarbonate nitrate hydrogencarbonate phosphate phosphate phosphate phosphate phosphate pro pro pro nitrate RS15670 RS08720 RS10615 RS07690 RS05530 RS17475 RS03390 RS06795 RS08115 RS14450 RS15135 RS11065 RS15325 RS07155 RS12795 glycine betaine glycine betaine glycine betaine a sulfonate ammonium ammonium nitrate hydrogencarbonate pro pro pro pro pro hydrogencarbonate phosphate phosphate phosphate phosphate phosphate nitrate 5-amino-5-(4- a reduced an sn-glycero-3- UDP-N-acetyl- an N-terminal- Inorganic Nutrient Metabolism an oxidized a lipid II H + RS00790 H + Amine and Polyamine Fermentation mixed acid fermentation hydroxybenzyl)- SAM + ferredoxin [iron- phospho-N-(acyl) α-D-muramoyl- L-methionyl-L- 3-sulfino-L-alanine thioredoxin H ADP ATP Biosynthesis 6-(D-ribitylimino) sulfur] cluster ethanolamine L-alanyl-γ-D- alanyl-[protein] gln Aminoacyl-tRNA Charging glutaminyl-tRNA biosynthesis via transamidation assimilatory selenate reduction -5,6-dihydrouracil glutamyl-meso-2,6- spermidine biosynthesis III phosphoenolpyruvate D-alanyl-D-alanine sulfate reduction IV diaminopimeloyl- type I methionyl SufS family F0F1 ATP ferredoxin glycerophosphoryl carboxypeptidase/ H + H + 7,8-didemethyl- thioredoxin diester D-alanyl-D-alanine D-alanyl-D-alanine- aminopeptidase: ATP cysteine synthase glu phosphoenolpyruvate sulfate selenate arg pyruvate kinase: 8-hydroxy-5- reductase phosphodiesterase: endopeptidase: dacB map adenylyltransferase desulfurase: carboxylase: DACSA_RS11410 sulfate sulfate (5',5'''-P-1,P-4- deazariboflavin subunit alpha: DACSA_RS02715 D-alanyl-D-alanine penicillin- type I methionyl sufS SAM putrescine DACSA_RS08730 [+ 2 isozymes] adenylyltransferase: sat adenylyltransferase: sat tetraphosphate F0F1 ATP biosynthetic adenosine 5'- synthase subunit DACSA_RS06960 glycerophosphoryl carboxypeptidase/ binding aminopeptidase: + + biosynthesis I phosphorylase II): H H arginine APS phosphoselenate CofG: cofG ferredoxin:thioredoxin diester D-alanyl-D-alanine- protein map synthase spermidine biosynthesis I DACSA_RS10155 sulfite an L-glutamyl- adenosylmethionine decarboxylase: oxaloacetate pyruvate reductase: phosphodiesterase: endopeptidase: dacB 2: mrdA ala arg adenylyl-sulfate 7,8-didemethyl- gln [tRNA Gln ] decarboxylase: speD speA 8-hydroxy-5- DACSA_RS08985 DACSA_RS05430 biosynthetic kinase: cysC penicillin- an N-terminal L- sulfate RS06830 sulfate SAM deazariboflavin binding a N- met alanyl-[protein] Asp-tRNA(Asn) Asp-tRNA(Asn) dAdoMet agmatine arginine formate C- Ap4A PAPS selenite synthase subunit an oxidized protein D-ala acetylglucosamine- /Glu-tRNA(Gln) /Glu-tRNA(Gln) decarboxylase: acetyltransferase: pflB a reduced sn-glycerol an N- CofH: cofH ferredoxin [iron- 2: mrdA -N-acetylmuramyl- amidotransferase amidotransferase adenosylmethionine speA thioredoxin 3-phosphate acylethanolamine nitrite nitrite subunit GatC: gatC polyamine decarboxylase: speD agmatine (S)-malate (R)-lactate phosphoadenosine sulfur] cluster (tetrapeptide) RS15985 subunit GatC: gatC aminopropyltransferase: phosphosulfate formate formate [+ 2 isozymes] acetyl-CoA formate 7,8-didemethyl- UDP-N- pyrophosphoryl- [+ 9 isozymes] a 5-phosphooxy- DACSA_RS15270 putrescine dAdoMet agmatinase: fumarase C: reductase: cysH 5'-deoxyadenosine 8-hydroxy-5- met D-ala acetylmuramoyl- undecaprenol DACSA_RS09075 selenodiglutathione ammonium L-glutamyl- speB citrate synthase: phosphoadenosine deazariboflavin L-alanyl-γ-D- [tRNA Gln ] N 1 -(3-aminopropyl) bifunctional phosphosulfate sulfite RS00840 sulfite polyamine fumarate DACSA_RS12505 glutamyl-meso-2,6- agmatine putrescine acetaldehyde- reductase: cysH diaminopimeloyl- Asp-tRNA(Asn) aminopropyltransferase: CoA/alcohol DACSA_RS15270 fumarate reductase/ citrate acetyl phosphate CO H D-alanine /Glu-tRNA(Gln) dehydrogenase: adhE 2 2 sulfite succinate glutathioselenol Fe 2+ RS03480 Fe 2+ bifunctional amidotransferase dehydrogenase sulfite reductase, aconitate hydratase acetate kinase: N-acetyl-muramoyl-(L- sn-glycero-3- (4R)-4-hydroxy- magnesium- an N-terminal- subunit GatC: gatC spermidine spermidine flavoprotein subunit: acetaldehyde ferredoxin adenosylcobinamide a purine H O alanyl-γ-D-glutamyl-L- diphosphate 2 phospho-N- protoporphyrin IX L-methionyl-L- L-selenocysteine [+ 2 isozymes] 2/2-methylisocitrate DACSA_RS11230 2-oxoglutarate DACSA_RS06815 dependent: sir ribonucleoside lysyl-D-alanyl-D-alanine) (arachidonoyl) 13-monomethyl ester seryl-[protein] a reduced dehydratase: acnB bifunctional magnesium- acetate 5'-triphosphate ethanolamine H O c-type an L-glutaminyl- succinate acetaldehyde- hydrogen sulfide hydrogen selenide bifunctional protoporphyrin 2 cytochrome tRNA charging cis-aconitate CoA/alcohol D-alanyl-D-alanine RdgB/HAM1 family type I methionyl SufS family ancytochrome oxidized [tRNA Gln ] bifunctional 4-hydroxy-2- IX monomethyl c oxidase dehydrogenase: adhE carboxypeptidase/ non-canonical glycerophosphoryl aminopeptidase: cysteine O c-type bifunctional adenosylcobinamide oxoglutarate ester (oxidative) 2 D-alanyl-D-alanine- purine NTP map desulfurase: UQ UQ cytochrome phe a tRNA Phe aconitate hydratase kinase/ diester aldolase/2- cyclase: acsF RS13760 ethanol pyrophosphatase: sufS NADH NADH Gly 2/2-methylisocitrate endopeptidase: dacB phosphodiesterase: type I methionyl gly a tRNA pyruvate fermentation polyphosphate nitrate reduction VI (assimilatory) adenosylcobinamide- rdgB dehydro-3-deoxy- magnesium- dehydratase: acnB phosphate penicillin-binding DACSA_RS05430 phosphogluconate protoporphyrin aminopeptidase: to ethanol I metabolism inorganic Cys Met Met glu Tyr His phenylalanine- Thr guanylyltransferase: protein 2: mrdA glycerophosphoryl aldolase: IX monomethyl map cys a tRNA elongator tRNA met initiator tRNA met glu a tRNA tyr a tRNA his a tRNA thr a tRNA selenide 2+ 2+ glycine--tRNA -tRNA ligase D-threo-isocitrate nitrate diphosphatase: ala Zn RS03450 Zn arg a tRNA Arg asn tRNA Asn ile a tRNA Ile val a tRNA Val lys a tRNA Lys ser a tRNA ser pro a tRNA Pro leu a tRNA Leu trp a tRNA Trp tRNA asp asp a tRNA Ala ala pyruvate long chain cobU diester DACSA_RS08575 ester (oxidative) subunit alpha: pheS Gln DACSA_RS16185 ligase subunit beta: gln a tRNA NADP-dependent polyphosphate ferredoxin-- adenosyl- N-acetyl-muramoyl-(L- phosphodiesterase: cyclase: acsF an N-terminal Rubisco shunt γ 3,8-divinyl cysteine-- methionine-- methionine-- glutamate-- tyrosine-- histidine-- DACSA_RS12615 phenylalanine--tRNA threonine-- isocitrate nitrate reductase: cobinamide alanyl- -D-glutamyl- D-ala DACSA_RS02715 met L-seryl-[protein] formate C- protochlorophyllide a tRNA ligase: arginine--tRNA asparagine-- tRNA ligase: tRNA ligase: isoleucine-- tRNA ligase: valine--tRNA ligase: tRNA ligase: lysine--tRNA tRNA ligase: serine--tRNA proline--tRNA glycine--tRNA ligase leucine--tRNA ligase subunit beta: tRNA ligase: tryptophan-- aspartate--tRNA alanine--tRNA DACSA_RS15970 a purine L-lysyl-D-alanine) glyoxylate pyruvate Zn 2+ RS04085 Zn 2+ dehydrogenase: phosphate H + DACSA_RS00395 ligase: argS tRNA ligase: asnS DACSA_RS07340 DACSA_RS07340 tRNA ligase: ileS DACSA_RS07820 DACSA_RS07950 DACSA_RS08705 ligase: lysS DACSA_RS09585 ligase: serS ligase: proS subunit alpha: glyQ ligase: leuS DACSA_RS16245 DACSA_RS14695 tRNA ligase: trpS ligase: aspS ligase: alaS acetyltransferase: polyphosphate ribonucleoside phosphate DACSA_RS02380 F6P sn-glycerol pflB kinase 1: ppk1 nitrite 5'-diphosphate anandamide 2-oxoglutarate 3-phosphate an L-cysteinyl-[tRNA Cys ] an L-arginyl-[tRNA Arg ] an L-asparaginyl-[tRNA Asn ] an L-methionyl-[elongator tRNA Met ] an L-methionyl-[initiator tRNA Met ] an L-isoleucyl-[tRNA Ile ] an L-glutamyl-[tRNA Glu ] an L-valyl-[tRNA Val ] an L-tyrosyl-[tRNA Tyr ] an L-lysyl-[tRNA Lys ] an L-histidyl-[tRNA His ] an L-seryl-[tRNA ser ] an L-prolyl-[tRNA Pro ] a glycyl-[tRNA Gly ] an L-leucyl-[tRNA Leu ] an L-phenylalanyl-[tRNA Phe ] an L-threonyl-[tRNA Thr ] an L-tryptophanyl-[tRNA Trp ] an L-aspartyl-[tRNA asp ] an L-alanyl-[tRNA Ala ] an L-glutaminyl-[tRNA Gln ] transketolase: tkt ferredoxin-- Zn 2+ RS12540 Zn 2+ acetyl-CoA formate nitrite reductase: D-erythrose long chain 10 γ α ε (1S,2R)-1- an N-terminal- an N-terminal- bifunctional DACSA_RS15980 an L-methionyl- an N - L-alanyl- -D-glutamyl-L- N ,N -diacetyl-lysyl- oleoyl-CoA H O 4-phosphate polyphosphate ser C-(indol-3- L-methionyl-L- 2 L-methionyl-L- ser a tRNA sec [initiator tRNA Met ] formyltetrahydrofolate lysyl-D-alanyl-D-alanine D-alanyl-D-alanine acetaldehyde- ammonium yl)glycerol cysteinyl-[protein] valyl-[protein] Zn 2+ RS13135 Zn 2+ CoA/alcohol transaldolase: tal 3-phosphate dehydrogenase: D-alanyl-D-alanine D-alanyl-D-alanine acyl-CoA Cofactor, Carrier, and Vitamin Biosynthesis methionyl-tRNA type I methionyl type I methionyl serine- adhE glutamine glutamate carboxypeptidase/ carboxypeptidase/ tryptophan
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