The official publication of the San Diego Region Porsche Club of America November 2019 AUTOWERKS PORSCHE FACTORY CERTIFIED COLLISION REPAIR CENTER 8809 Mission Gorge Rd Santee, CA 92071 619 449-0111 www.ptautowerks.com Features and Pictures Tour de Force 18 Mystery Weekend 24 Too Cool for School! 38 Performance Driver School 26 Departments and Articles On the Cover 02 Board of Directors, Witness Staff 03 Committees 06 President’s Column 10 Board Meeting Minutes 16 SoCal Euro Event 30 iPhone Apps at the Track 43 Membership Essentials 44 View from the Back, Part II 48 Classifi eds 50 Membership 52 Advertising Index, Rates, Policy The official publication of the San Diego Region Porsche Club of America November 2019 Photo by John Straub Image Works Past SDR President, Karen Raines awe- some Cayman framed below the historic California Tower in Balboa Park. WW2019 11.indd 1 10/25/2019 7:30:36 AM San Diego Region 2019 Board of Directors [email protected] President Victoria Varon Editor 949-690-6294 Susan Brown [email protected] [email protected] Assistant Editor Vice-President Tom Tweed John Straub Advertising [email protected] [email protected] Photography Greg Phillips Secretary Jennifer Noerenberg Bartley Billing Classifi ed Ads Tom Gould Ad2Ad [email protected] [email protected] www.ad2ad.com 310.261.7535 classifi [email protected] Treasurer Printing Proofreading Gisele Gonzalez Innovative Printing Solutions Angela Avitt 760.420.1950 Martha McGowan [email protected] Windblown Witness • Volume 60 Nmbr 6• November 2019 Director Mike McGowan The Windblown Witness (USPS 361-790) is the offi cial publication of the [email protected] Porsche Club of America, San Diego Region, Inc., and is published quarterly. $14 of each member’s annual dues is for a subscription to the newsletter. Director Copies are also available by subscription to non-region members at $36 per Mike Miller year (Continental US). Any statement appearing in the Windblown Witness is that of the author and does not constitute an opinion of the Porsche Club of America, the San Diego [email protected] Region, Inc., its Board of Directors, the Windblown Witness editors, or its staff . The editorial staff reserves the right to edit all material submitted for Director publication. Ulrick Matsunaga © 2019 by the Porsche Club of America, San Diego Region, Inc. All rights reserved. Permission is granted to chartered regions of PCA to reprint articles [email protected] in their newsletters if credit is given to the author and the Windblown Witness. Offi ce of publication: 1805 Altamira Place, San Diego, CA 92103. Periodicals postage paid at San Diego, CA and at additional mailing offi ces. Past President/Advisor Tom Gould POSTMASTER: Send address changes to PCA Executive Offi ce, P.O. Box 310-261-7535 6400, Columbia, MD 21045. 2 Windblown Witness WW2019 11.indd 2 10/25/2019 7:31:03 AM San Diego Region 2019 Committees Archivist Goodie Store Rules Tours Tom Brown Jeni Noerenberg Bartley Tom Brown Keith Verlaque 619.491.0150 619.817.5446 Historian Rally Auto Museum Volunteer Coordinator John Straub Eric Marc-Aurele Open 619.667.3826 Scrutineer Sara Gengler Charity Legal Aff airs Steve Grosekemper 702.240.9689 Carmen Richardson Jim Ryan Social Web Team 619.855.9201 858.455.6898 Genette McGowan - Webmaster Concours Membership Social Media Greg Bartley Tom Brown Lana and Adam Gill Marc Matanza 916.596.0385 619.491.0150 Military Liaison 619.851.7919 -General eMaster Rick Richardson Sponsor Liaison Tom Brown Tiff anie Bodine 619.855.9200 619.491.0150 Dan Carusillo Event Flyers Jerry Delira Bev Gould Bruce Wing Gary Burch Panorama Articles -Forum Tech Sessions 619.315.9184 Sara Gengler Steve Grosekemper Julie Ngo Event Insurance Policies/Procedures 619.733.5697 Ulrick Matsunaga Ann Archibald Tom Brown Tom Tweed 858.454.5446 Autocross Driver Education/Time Trials Chair Safety Chairs Equipment Jerry Bumpus Open Greg Phillips Steve Eisler Scott Leslie Tech Inspection Chief Driving Instructor Vetting New Drivers Eric Marc-Aurele Dan Chambers Mark Rondeau Steve Grosekemper Chief Driving Instructors Tech Advisor Dan Chambers Mark Rondeau Mike Brown Steve Grosekemper Jad Duncan Timing Results Anastasia Berta Timing Track Rental/Liaison Ralph Linares Ryan McClune Herb Meeder Tom Brown Pre-registration Equipment Greg Phillips Fred Yip Roger Bush DE School Instructors Rob Walker Matt Sparks Bill Behun Registration Logistics Mark Curran Katie Kinninger Charles Gillespie Andrew Raines Corner Working Eric Marc-Aurele Pre-registration/Registration Ian McIntyre Cathy Young Mark Rondeau Committee chair email ad- editor policy techsessions dresses (all use de preregaway timingaway @pcasdr.org): emaster preregq timingq archivist equipment rally tours automuseum eventfl yers registration treasurer ax forum-admin rules tt board historian safety volunteer cdiq insurance social webmaster cdiaway legal socialmedia witnessads charity logistics sponsorliaison witnessadvertiserdelivery classifi eds membership goodiestore witnessbilling clubracing militaryliaison techadvisor yearbook concours panorama techinspectionax cornerworking photoeditor techinspectiontt-de November 2019 3 WW2019 11.indd 3 10/25/2019 7:31:04 AM 4 Windblown Witness WW2019 11.indd 4 10/25/2019 7:31:04 AM EUROPEAN MOTORSPORTS Vista, CA. (760) 599-9307 Contact: Cameron Clanton German Auto Repair Porsche enthusiasts, 20 Year PCA members Est. 1992, family owned & operated Towing and local shuttle service Porsche, BMW, Mercedes Benz, Audi, VW, Mini Cooper WWW.EUROPEANMOTORSPORTS.ORG November 2019 5 WW2019 11.indd 5 10/25/2019 7:31:05 AM From the Queen’s Corner Victoria Varon SDR President Welcome to my fi nal Queen’s Corner article. As I write Tuesday social, or ogling cars at Concours (or Cars and this, I am noticing a tinge of sadness. It has been a great SDR) with like-minded Porsche lovers, there are so many run being your 2019 president, and bittersweet that my time events that off er insight into how wonderful our mem- as president is coming to an end. I am however, excited to bers are, and what makes this club great. I’m grateful for announce your 2020 Board of Directors, who I know will each and every one of you for the contribution you bring, serve you and your highest and best interest next year! whether it is volunteering for one of our many chair posi- tions or committees, sharing ideas and insights on what Coming in as president will be past-resident and tour leader you think would make this club even better than it is, or extraordinaire, Keith Verlaque; vice-president is our abun- just taking time to socialize and get to know each other as dant juggler-of-many-roles, Tom Brown; Gisele Gonzalez we talk cars. is staying on to crunch numbers as your treasurer; and Mike Miller, voted on for a second term, will be your dili- As we wrap up this year, there are still many fun events gent secretary. Three fi ne gentlemen, Michael McGowan, underway to carry you into the holidays, and some events Ulrick Matsunaga, and John Straub are staying on as your that are happening early next year to look forward to as loyal directors. Thank you also to Jeni Noerenberg Bart- well. There are the regular monthly events including our ley for her service as secretary this year; her presence will board and member meetings, (open to all), and our Cars be missed on the board next year! And, thank you to Eric and SDR the last Sunday of the month. (No Last Tuesday Marc Aurele, our master of autocross, for running for the Social due to Thanksgiving and Christmas!) And defi nitely 2020 board. If only there were an extra seat for this volun- fi nd some time to come to our fi nal tech session of the year teer, who understands the meaning of contribution better at Phil Thearle’s Autowerks Collision Center on November than anyone I know. I hope to see Eric run again next year. 2, and our last big track event at Buttonwillow, November He will always have my vote! 2 and 3. If you are a volunteer, you can’t miss the volunteer party November 9, and please join in the fi nal Autocross Please give your 2020 Board of Directors a warm welcome of the year on December 7. Then, before you know it, our (or welcome back) and congratulations! Serving on the Porsche Prom at the US Grant hotel, will be upon us! board of directors is such a high honor and big responsi- bility. I’m so grateful when volunteers step up to the plate Porsche Prom, aka Installation Dinner, aka Member Win- like this. I will remain on the board for another year as an ter Formal, is a huge annual party for all our members to advisor, although I know this team will need little to no get dressed up to the nines and gather with other mem- advising, given their magnitude of experience. I’m look- bers for dining, dancing, and more. The theme for this soi- ing forward to seeing in what direction they take the club rée (since we are going to be in the ’20s again) is Great next year! Gatsby! So gentlemen, dust off those tuxes (or fancy suits), and ladies if you’ve been dying to wear your pearls and a Speaking of gratitude, and as we approach the holidays, feather in your hair, here’s your chance! I’ve been plan- this is a time where many people focus on being grate- ning this event for the past several months with Genette ful for our connections, and quality time with people who McGowan, and it is sure to be a roaring good time, with matter most. This club has become a place where I spread fabulous people, delicious dinner, entertainment, awards, much of my gratitude around to people who I consider to be and the installation of your 2020 Board of Directors.
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