ISSUE 1 2010 West Island Line: A Link for Better Quality of Life 西港島:營造更佳生活質素的鐵路項目 35 Gammon’s first Public Private Partnership 25 Widespread participation in community project in Singapore – ITE College West – activities showcases Gammon’s a milestone in sustainable business commitment to CSR 金門在新加坡的首個「公私合營」項目 — 工藝教育西區 積極參與社區公益活動, 履行企業社會責任 學院 — 為業務的可持續發展奠定新里程 Chief Executive’s Message 總裁的話 who worked on the magnificent Hong Kong Pavilion at the World Expo in Shanghai, which I am proud to say we completed in just 14 months. Of course, we could not have done so without the support of many entities, including the Government, our business partners and others. We thank them all. Meanwhile, Gammon’s first Public Private Partnership (PPP) project in Singapore – the contract to build the new Institute of Technical Education College West – is an important step in the company’s strategy of creating sustainable PPP businesses in the region. We were proud to see the smooth completion of the project and its opening on 5 July, giving the first intake of 8,000 students state-of-the-art facilities in the coming year. 今期的《金門印記》涵蓋多個讓全體金門同事引以為榮的全新大型建築項目,建造 港鐵西港島正是其中之一,這項目延伸現時港鐵服務網絡到港島西區,在堅尼地 城、西營盤和香港大學分別興建三個車站。金門承諾以可持續發展的建造方法,安 In this issue of The Record, we cover a lot of topics, many of which 全、準時地完成這複雜的工程,同時減少對居民和環境的影響。 are exciting new, or large projects of which Gammon can be 此外,我在此特別讚揚參與建造上海世界博覽會香港館的同事,在短短14個 justifiably proud. 月內完成工程,我亦衷心感謝各政府部門、業界夥伴,以及有關單位予以支持和 Just one example is the West Island Line, which will extend 配合,令香港館這重要項目得以順利落成。 the MTR network into the western part of Hong Kong Island, with 與此同時,我非常高興看見新加坡工藝教育西區學院順利竣工,並在7月5日隆 new stations in Kennedy Town, Sai Ying Pun and at Hong Kong 重開幕,在未來一年為首批8,000 位學生提供劃時代的教學設施。工藝教育西區學 University. We are committed to completing this complicated 院是金門在新加坡的首個「公私合營」項目,這項目的順利完成,標誌著金門在亞洲 project in a safe, timely and sustainable manner, with as little 區內持續發展公私合營業務的策略,已經向前邁進了重要的一步。 disruption to the local community and environment as possible. Turning to Mainland China, I would like to thank everyone Thomas Ho 何安誠 Editor’s Column 編輯的話 theme “Green and Sustainability” are some striking examples of our community engagement. In addition, through meaningful events, such as the annual “Walk Up Jardine House”, the “Central Rat Race” and the Mini-Mindset Day 2010, with proceeds going towards Mindset to support its mental health promotion programmes, as well as the Walkathon to Guangzhou in support of the Hong Chi Association, a strong bond is being built among Jardine Ambassadors, Gammon colleagues and service users from the NGOs. We are proud of and are grateful to all those who have committed their energy and heart to making these events such a resounding success. Let’s keep up the good work and team spirit! Enjoy this issue of The Record! 金門的業務以人為本,我們在招攬、培育和挽留人才方面專心志致,從未鬆懈, 最近更獲僱員再培訓局頒贈「ERB人才企業嘉許計劃 – 人才企業1st」獎項,確認 We are in the people business. It is second nature to us to devote 金門在培訓和發展人才方面的努力和成就,金門是80家獲這計劃嘉許的機構之 undivided attention and care to attracting, developing and 一,得此殊榮實在令人鼓舞。 retaining our talent. In recognition of this, we recently received 透過參與社區公益活動,履行企業社會責任,最能體現「金門之道」和金門的 the “Manpower Developer 1st” honour in the Employees Retraining 核心價值,而金門同事亦身體力行,積極參與社區活動,如「公益慈善馬拉松」、 Board Manpower Developer Award Scheme for our outstanding 「學校商界跨接計劃」、特別為小學生而設的繪畫比賽、以「環境保護及持續發展」 performance in manpower training and development. We are 為主題的「商校合作計劃」等。 delighted to be among the 80 organisations accredited to support 此外,我們透過參與有意義的活動,例如為思健籌募善款推動精神健康的 this pioneering scheme. 「齊步上怡廈」、「鼠戰中環」、「2010 小型思健同樂日」,以及與匡智會合辦行路 Community engagement, which is an integral part of our 上廣州步行籌款活動等,均成功把怡和親善大使、金門同事,和志願團體的服務 corporate social responsibility, is evident in The Gammon Way 受眾緊密地聯繫一起。 and, our Core Values, and clearly demonstrated in our people’s 我們非常感謝參與這些活動的同事,你們的愛心和奉獻,令活動得以圓滿成 active participation in community affairs. The Community Chest 功,金門以你們為榮,謹希望各位繼續發揮無私精神,與金門一起貢獻社會! Challenge races, the Corporate Sustainability for Schools (CS4 請細閱今期的《金門印記》! Schools) programme, drawing competitions for primary school Edmond Lai 黎永覺 students and the School-Business Partnership Programme under the Director, Human Resources 人力資源董事 2 The Record • Issue 1/2010 The Record • Issue 1/2010 4 CONTENTS 目錄 Feature 專題報導 4 Gammon recently updated and restated its Core Values to better reflect how it does business in today’s rapidly changing and challenging world. 金門最近重新修訂核心價值,期望能更清晰地向各界展示,金門如何在競爭激烈、 瞬息萬變的市場發展業務。 News 快訊 7 Gammon to widen Tolo Highway/Fanling Highway (Stage 1) • New Victoria Park Swimming Pool complex to be built by Gammon • New Cathay Pacific cargo terminal demonstrates state-of-the-art technologies • Gammon recognised by ERB as “Manpower Developer 1st” • Tamar Development Project wins 2010 HKAEE awards • Gammon Chief Executive Thomas Ho appointed Justice of the Peace • Innovation and creativity recognised with PIP Award • One Island East wins Quality Building Award • Gammon’s safety excellence earns awards • Team spirit to the fore in sporting events • Employee of the Month • Frontline safety staff win appreciation • Best of the Year Awards 18 金門擴闊吐露港公路/粉嶺公路(第一期)• 建造全新的維多利亞公園泳池場館 • 國泰 全新貨運站展示先進建造科技 • 金門獲僱員再培訓局嘉許為「人才企業1st」• 添馬艦 發展項目奪取「2010香港環保卓越計劃」金獎 • 金門總裁何安誠獲委任為太平紳士 • 金門憑創新和創意贏得「Pride in Performance」榮譽 • 港島東中心奪「優質建築大獎」 • 傑出安全措施再享殊榮 • 金門在運動項目體現團隊精神 • 每月最佳員工 • 前線安 全員工獲得嘉許 • 全年傑出成就獎項 Focus Story 焦點特寫 18 While building the West Island Line MTR extension, Gammon demonstrates that construction in a densely populated area can be sustainable and environmentally friendly. 金門參與建造萬眾期待的港鐵西港島,並向各界展示以可持續和環保的建造方法在 人口密集的地區興建鐵路。 CSR 企業社會責任 25 Gammon underscores its commitment to CSR with widespread participation in a number of community events. 參與社區活動,履行企業社會責任。 Profile 焦點人物 29 Lau Ho Sing, Senior Site Agent at the Hennessy Centre Redevelopment Project, motivates frontline staff to deliver assignments safely and to the highest quality standards. 興利中心重建項目的高級地盤總管劉浩聲推動前線工友以最佳質素,安全地完成工作。 31 Health, Safety and Environment 健康、安全及環保 Safety awards across a number of disciplines demonstrate the importance Gammon places on this aspect of its business. 金門最近榮獲多個安全方面的獎項,肯定了金門對安全的重視。 Projects 工程項目 35 Completed ITE College West in Singapore opens to students • “Potential Unlimited” in the spotlight at the Hong Kong Pavilion at World Expo Shanghai 工藝教育西區學院竣工,迎接首批學生 • 上海世界博覽會香港館展現香港的無限潛能 35 40 Contracts List 工程合約一覽表 Executive Editor Edmond Lai Editor, English Sally Brandon Editor, Chinese Chloe Tam Design Manager Johnny Chan 執行總編 黎永覺 英文主編 Sally Brandon 中文主編 譚婉儀 設計總監 陳錦源 Your contributions are welcome. Please contact Candy Chan, Corporate Communications Manager 歡迎各位提供寶貴意見,請隨時聯絡企業傳訊經理陳敏碧 Tel +852 2516 8733 Fax +852 2516 6260 E-mail [email protected] This publication is proudly managed and produced by 製作及統籌機構 Bamboo Business Communications Tel +852 2838 4553 Fax +852 2873 3329 www.gammonconstruction.com The Record • Issue 1/2010 3 [ FEATURE 專題報導 ] We Act in The Gammon Way 金門之道 hile Gammon has long had Core Values in place to guide Wits workforce and encompass the company’s work ethic, these values were recently updated and restated to better reflect how Gammon does business in today’s rapidly changing and challenging world. result of these discussions, we decided to The new-look Core Values – Safety, form a small committee to look into the Integrity, Excellence – have been core values, and find a way of simplifying streamlined to give them greater them and making them more focused, impact and make them even easier conveying to our employees, external to remember and assimilate into clients and the public exactly what we everyone’s daily work. They have also do and who we are. been incorporated into a philosophy called The Gammon Way, which also TR: So, it was essentially a outlines Gammon’s Mission and Vision, reshaping of the original four namely “to build for a better quality core values down to three? of life and living environment in a safe AC: Yes, in simple terms, we and sustainable manner” and “to be reformulated the four core values to the contractor of choice in Hong Kong, focus on the issues that are important China and Southeast Asia”, respectively. to the company, namely Safety, The Record recently took some time Integrity and Excellence. to talk to Andrzej Cierpicki, Gammon’s Executive Director (Commercial) , to TR: What do the new core values discuss The Gammon Way and the new mean for Gammon’s employees? Core Values. AC: By redefining our core values as three words, we have made our TR: How did the Gammon Way and message clearer and more concise, the three core values come about? thus reinforcing the employees’ – AC: Our original core values, which particularly the new employees’ described Gammon as being Customer- – understanding of the issues to Centric, Resource-Rich, Innovative and which Gammon is committed. Risk Managers, were developed back in At the end of the day, these 2002. However, at our 2008 biannual are three words that are Top Management Conference, we very easy to understand. discussed these values and decided that As everyone knows, they did not adequately address code Safety means ensuring of conduct issues. In addition, we felt that everyone involved in that they were not as focused as they everything we do is safe and Gammon’s Executive Director could be and were perhaps a little too healthy at all times. Integrity (Commercial), Andrzej complicated. They sounded good, but covers a number of issues, including Cierpicki, talks about the new-look Core Values. they didn’t quite convey the message
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