201 NOTORNIS Ornithology of the Southern Pacific Volume 64 2017 Journal of the Ornithological Society of New Zealand 202 243 Contents of Volume 64, 2017 Volume 64, Part 1, March 2017 CONTENTS Papers Bill trait variation in kākāpō, Strigops habroptilus (Gray): Gray, L.J.; Digby, A.; Eason, D.K. 1 differences between contemporary and historical birds Assessing the suitability of non-invasive methods to monitor Fischer, J.H.; Debski, I.; Taylor, G.A.; 13 interspecific interactions and breeding biology of the South Wittmer, H.U. Georgian diving petrel (Pelecanoides georgicus) Short notes Causes of mortality for kārearea / New Zealand falcon (Falco Waite, E. 21 novaeseelandiae) in the Whakatipu district La Niña signal? Unusual inshore sightings of black petrel Reyes, E.M.R.; Suarez-Spin, G.; Bell, 24 (Procellaria parkinsoni) in Santa Elena Province, Ecuador E.A. Winter mortality of barn owl (Tyto alba) in Northland, New Zealand Hyde, N.; Matthews, K. 27 Claws on the wings of kea parrots (Nestor notabilis) Wein, A.; Schwing, R. 31 Mallard (Anas platyrhynchos) eating California quail (Callipepla Bell, B.D. 34 californica) chick Observation of simple tool use in a southern black-backed gull Bird, M. 36 (Larus dominicanus) Single season colony records of black-fronted terns (Chlidonias Schlesselmann, A-K.V.; Cooper, J.; 38 albostriatus) spanning their entire breeding range Maloney, R.F. Foraging flight times in the New Zealand (Rhipidura fuliginosa) and Bell, B.D. 44 grey (R. albiscapa) fantails Confirmation of the extinction of South Georgian diving petrels Fischer, J.H.; Hjorsvarsdottir, F.O.; 48 (Pelecanoides georgicus) on Enderby Island Hiscock, J.A.; Debski, I.; Wittmer, H.U. Contemporary observations of predation on the buff weka King, C.M. 52 (Gallirallus australis hectori) by ferrets in the South Island during the nineteenth century 244 Volume 64, Part 2, June 2017 CONTENTS Papers Vagrant and extra-limital bird records accepted by the Birds New Miskelly, C.M.; Crossland, A.C.; Sagar, 57 Zealand Records Appraisal Committee 2015-2016 P.M.; Saville, I.; Tennyson, A.J.D.; Bell, E.A. At-sea distribution of breeding male and female grey petrels Mischler, C.P.; Bell, E.A. 68 (Procellaria cinerea) determined from New Zealand fisheries bycatch The breeding biology of northern white-faced storm petrels Rayner, M.J.; Young, M.K.; Gaskin, 76 (Pelagodroma marina maoriana) and results of an in-situ chick C.G.; Mitchel, C.; Brunton, D.H. translocation Short notes Observations of New Zealand fairy tern (Sternula nereis davisae) Preddey, J.M.; Pulhan, G.A. 87 foraging at Te Arai dune lakes, New Zealand Sightings of snipe in Northland, New Zealand, by 18th century Lee, M. 93 French mariners Survey and population size estimate of Fiordland penguin (tawaki; Mattern, T.; Long, R. 97 Eudyptes pachyrhynchus) in Milford Sound / Piopiotahi, New Zealand Multiple young shining cuckoos (Chrysococcyx lucidus) being fed by Beauchamp, A.J. 102 single grey warbler (Gerygone igata) pairs Diet of the Atiu swiftlet (Aerodramus sawtelli): an aerial insectivore Tarburton, M. 106 on a small island in the South Pacific Do grey-backed storm petrels (Garrodia nereis) breed in Fiordland, Miskelly, C.M.; Stahl, J.-C.; Tennyson, 109 New Zealand? A.J.D. 245 Volume 64, Part 3, September 2017 CONTENTS Papers Geometric morphometric methods show no shape differences Gray, L.J.; Renner, M.A.M 117 between female and male kākāpō (Strigops habroptilus) bills and claws Behaviour of stoats (Mustela erminea) raiding the nests of rock Little, L.; King, C.M.; O'Donnell, C.F.J. 124 wrens (Xenicus gilviventris) in alpine New Zealand Breeding petrels of Dusky Sound, Fiordland – survivors from a Miskelly, C.M.; Tennyson, A.D.J.; 136 century of stoat invasions Stahl, J.-C.; Smart, A.F.; Edmonds, H.K.; McMurtrie, P.G. Population size, breeding success and predators of black- Bell, M. 154 fronted tern (Chlidonias albostriatus) in the Upper Clarence River catchment, New Zealand Weights and measurements of Anas superciliosa in New Zealand Williams, M. 162 Short notes Timing and duration of egg-laying of flesh-footed shearwater Bell, M.; Burgin, D.; Crowe, P.; Kirk, H. 171 (Puffinus carneipes) in New Zealand Obituary Obituary - Brian Douglas Bell, QSM, FRAOU, FOSNZ (1930–2016) Robertson, C.J.R 175 246 Volume 64, Part 4, December 2017 CONTENTS Papers Investigation of fallout events in Hutton’s shearwaters (Puffinus Deppe, L.; Rowley, O.; Rowe, L.K.; Shi, 181 huttoni) associated with artificial lighting N.; McArthur, N.; Gooday, O.; Goldstien, S.J. Dispersal of endemic passerines to islands in Dusky Sound, Miskelly, C.M.; Tennyson, A.J.D.; 192 Fiordland, following translocations and predator control Edmonds, H.K.; McMurtrie, P.G. A survey of Fiordland crested penguins / tawaki (Eudyptes Long, R. 206 pachyrhynchus) from Cascade River to Martins Bay, South Westland, New Zealand, 2014 The changing relative abundance of grey duck (Anas superciliosa) Williams, M. 211 and mallard (A. platyrhynchos) in New Zealand Short notes Status of the flesh-footed shearwater (Ardenna [Puffinus] carneipes) Marin, M. 229 in the south eastern Pacific Distribution of New Zealand falcon (Falco novaeseelandiae): Re- Bell, D. 234 sults of a 10-year survey 2006-2016 The 1907 ‘last generally accepted record’ of huia (Heteralocha Galbreath, R. 239 acutirostris) is unreliable 247 INDEX OF AUTHORS AND SPECIES Volume 64 INDEX OF AUTHORS AND SPECIES BELL, M.; BURGIN, D.; CROWE, P.; KIRK, H. Timing and duration of egg-laying of flesh-footed shearwater (Puffinus carneipes) in New Zealand, 171-174 Acanthisitta chloris, see rifleman, South Island bellbird, 65, 193, 196, 199, 205 Acanthisittidae, 125 BIRD, M. Observation of simple tool use in a southern Adenna [Puffinus]carneipes, see shearwater, flesh-footed black-backed gull (Larus dominicanus), 36-37 creatopus, see shearwater, pink-footed bird, forest spp., 192 Aerodramus sawtelli, see swiftlet, white-rumped freshwater spp., 194 albatross, southern Buller’s, 74 land spp., 192-205 wandering, 74 of prey spp., 234 Alectoris rufa, see partridge, red-legged blackbird, 16, 36, 196, 205 Anas castanea, see teal, chestnut booby, brown, 57, 60, 66 chlorotis, see teal, brown red-footed, 57, 59, 60, 65, 66 gracilis, see teal, grey BRUNTON, D.H., see RAYNER, M.J.; YOUNG, M.K.; luzonica, see duck, Philippine GASKIN, C.G.; MITCHEL, C.; BRUNTON, D.H. nesiotis, see teal, Campbell Island budgerigar, 8, 9 platyrhynchos, see duck, mallard bulbul, red-vented, 64 platyrhynchos/oustaleti, see duck, Mariana mallard BURGIN, D., see BELL, M.; BURGIN, D.; CROWE, P.; poecilorhyncha, see duck, Indian spot-billed KIRK, H. rhynchotis, see shoveler, Australasian spp., 225 Cacatua galerita, see cockatoo, sulphur-crested superciliosa, see duck, grey moluccensis, see cockatoo, salmon-crested superciliosa pelewensis, see duck, lesser grey sulphurea, see cockatoo, lesser sulphur-crested superciliosa rogersi, see duck, Pacific black Cacatuidae, 31 wyvilleana, see duck, Hawaiian Cacomantis flabelliformis, see cuckoo, fan-tailed zonorhyncha, see duck, eastern spotbill Calidris alba, see sanderling Anthornis melanura, see bellbird tenuirostris, see knot, great Aptenodytes patagonicus, see penguin, king Callaeas cinerea, see kokako, South Island Apteryx owenii, see kiwi, little spotted wilsoni, see kokako, North Island spp., see kiwi, spp. Callipepla californica, see quail, California Apus apus, 108 Calonectris borealis, see shearwater, Cory’s Ardea modesta, see heron, white Carduelis flammea, see redpoll Athene noctua, see owl, little Catharacta antarctica, see skua, subantarctic Aythya australis, see duck, white-eyed chaffinch, 205 Charadrii, 36, 37 BEAUCHAMP, A.J. Multiple young shining cuckoos Charadriiformes, 154 (Chrysococcyx lucidus) being fed by single grey warbler Charadrius bicinctus, see dotterel, banded (Gerygone igata) pairs, 102-105 leschenaultii, see plover, greater sand BELL, Ben D. Mallard (Anas platyrhynchos) eating veredus, see dotterel, oriental California quail (Callipepla californica) chick, 34-35 Chenonetta finschi, see duck, Finsch’s BELL, Ben D. Foraging flight times in the New Zealand jubata, see duck, Australian wood (Rhipidura fuliginosa) and grey (R. albiscapa) fantails, Chlidonias albostriatus, see tern, black-fronted 44-47 leucopterus, see tern, white-winged black BELL, D. Distribution of New Zealand falcon (Falco niger, see tern, black novaeseelandiae): Results of a 10-year survey 2006-2016, Chroicocephalus scopulinus, see gull, red-billed 234-238 Chrysococcyx lucidus, see cuckoo, shining BELL, E.A., see REYES, E.M.R.; SUAREZ-SPIN, G.; BELL, Circus approximans, see harrier, Australasian E.A. Clamator glandarius, see cuckoo, great spotted BELL, E.A., see MISKELLY, C.M.; CROSSLAND, A.C.; cockatoo, lesser sulphur-crested, 31 SAGAR, P.M.; SAVILLE, I.; TENNYSON, A.J.D.; salmon-crested, 31 BELL, E.A. sulphur-crested, 31 BELL, E.A., see MISCHLER, C.P.; BELL, E.A. Coenocorypha barriensis, see snipe, North Island BELL, M. Population size, breeding success and predators iredalei, see snipe, South Island of black-fronted tern (Chlidonias albostriatus) in the COOPER, J., see SCHLESSELMANN, A-K.V.; COOPER, J.; Upper Clarence River catchment, New Zealand, 154- MALONEY, R.F. 161 Coracina novaehollandiae, see cuckoo-shrike, black-faced 248 INDEX Coturnix novaezelandiae, see quail, New Zealand Egretta garzetta, see egret, little creeper, brown, 193, 196, 205 novaehollandiae, see heron, white-faced CROSSLAND, A.C., see MISKELLY, C.M.; CROSSLAND, sacra, see heron, reef A.C.; SAGAR, P.M.; SAVILLE, I.;
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