KXCU CALIFORNIA GIVES TAFT AN EXCURSIONS. Newark WoiWomen Should Work To ENTHUSIASTIC WELCOME. Farmers Out Early to Greet Him STEAMERS Make W(World s Fair Assured Fact and Busy Day Is Ahead. SAN FRANCISCO, Oct. 4.—President Taft awoke in California today. Even BY ADELINE STANLEY CARRICK. State Federation of Clubs Could Proposed Great Exposition to in the early morning hours the atten- tion of the whole countryside was fo- Do Wonders by Putting Occupy Site on Jersey Mead- and SAYS FORI cused on the President's train, DEAD, station was crowded ows every platform Newark Shoulder to Wheel. Would Astonish Nation. and with farmers and their families. _ Majestic Governor Declares Republic li The first stop of Importance wsb at Redding, where three minutes wae Will Make a to prospect of having the Great- vicinity of New Jersey end New York. Sight-Seeing Trip Threatened Con- est World’s Fair in this given to attach the special car bearing Through vicinity It is our due. The of the East THE people Governor Glllett Und the committee ot should make East- every loyal liave been most in their atti- trol by Few. generous twenty business men from the bay erner thrill from top to toe. tude toward West Their the exposi- who welcomed the President Much has been sold of the progress I cities, tlons have been supported and given while the school of the middle while the he was addressing and far West, full value. In of the WHO THROTTLED all of the praise children and citizens of Redding, who NEW YORK HARROR LEADERS steady, substantial rapid growth of East there was no note of Jealousy or filled the streets surrounding the sta- the East has almost escaped comment— PRIMARIES ARE MENACE deglre to belittle what the middle and tion. A of National Guards- because it has no the company had marks of far West have 'done. men was drawn up on the platform. And Sait the spectacular. Up I New York Is the greatest city In the When the train was again In motion, We have opened our eyes in wonder world—Europe’s natural gate into the the President received Governor Glllett Refuses to Mention Names, Say' at the lively rebuilding of San £’ran- ] ; world's greatest country, the land of and members of the committee. The cisco; cities are springing up nil through Bosses of Both Parties promise for the poor end heartsick and program includes a stop at Sacramento, ing the middle West with astounding rapid, despairing—but her facilities are prac- where a re<Vptlon will be held In the the the has Around Are Bad. tty; Alaska-Yukon exposition Hudson Equally tically exhausted. Brooklyn Is out of State capitol. Warships revealed to use the wonderful possibili- the way, as far as the West Is con- Leaving Sacramento at 4:30 a. m„ ties of the West—but the possibilities of cerned, but this section of the country the President arrived In Oakland be- Governor John Franklin Fort, ol the East, particularly along the middle must continue to grow, for people are fore 8 o’clock, when will begin one of an eastern coast, are Infinitely more won- New Jersey, declared yesterday In crowding, in. the most days of hts journey. EVERY AFTERNOON THIS WEEK derful. crowding, crowding strenuous Interview with a New York newspapei It Is then that the world was The President wll be the guest of Berk- New York has almost grown to its fime unless boss rule in given an to realize the eley, Oakland and San Francisco, and man that parties utmost, but the growth of Newark has site the whole country could possibly opportunity is overthrown it will result, In Ills be- find. There is no value and Importance of that part of every moment of his time will be filled Commercial Wharf at 1:30 P. M. just begun, even though It ranks very other place in the Leaving Sharp, ;i overthrow of gov- that lies near the metrop- with reviews of school children, recep- lief, In the popular near the top in the list of the world’s East that people.from all parts of the Jersey great as a at ernment. The Governor plays no will find so no olis; of the splendid stretch of land tions, and a wind-up, banquet 7 o’Ciock greatest manufacturing cities. Jersey country accessible; in Returning About the matter of bosses. other that Is to be built upon; the Falrmount Hotel, where 600 Han favorites In party City and Hoboken, the two groat ter- section will middle and far west- Just waiting bosses, of the wonderful of the Franciscans wll sit at tables with the He believes that Republican minals of all of the trains that come ern visitors have such an opportunity city future, the direct to when Newark, and Ho- President. why have throttled pri- into the East, are but a stone's throw Judge of the growth in power and Jersey City the New Jersey boken have Into one, with Tiekels 50 Cents Children 25 Cents maries and prevented from our doors, separated oniy by | magnitude of the* Fast; a growth as grown all the suburban towns Legislature from enacting Into legisla- stretches of meadow land, where the | different from that on the opposite side flourishing 1 tion the party pledges, are a menace Greatest World’s Fair is to he held. of the Mississippi as that of the ever- gathered In, when the city of London CANNON DENIES PARSON’S ns as Demo- will no be first In when to the republic Just much Newark’s natural facilities are as green moss from the quickly maturing longer size; will enfold us all in lier “TREASON” CHARGES. AMUSEMENTS. cra l Ic bosses. great as those of New York—are the mushroom. prosperity AMUSMBMENTB.^ the It and the of In a recent speech in Newark greatest In the world. Right at our is our solemn duty as loyal East- wings peace that plenty, Governor told of party bosses sitting front door is the beautiful Newark bay erners not to let the wings of this won. shall wrap us ns in a garment. All Speaker Assails New York Con- In the seats of members of the Legis- with miles of waterfront that one day ! derful opportunity slip through our hall, then, to the Greatest World’s lature and telling those members how will be worth fabulous prices. fingers. The campaign for widespread Fair of 1914. From now on let all of gressman in Interview. to vote and what to say In order to support of this must the people of the East unite to make Annual Card and The underground and under-river enterprise begin Oct. growled Grand Party Reception at once. It CHICAGO, 4.—•‘Humph,” defeat legislation demanded by the tunnels lnve us into Men, women and children all truly "greatest.” Given the brought sharp Joseph Cannon—only that was not the , by people. with New York must do their part, that our own fair Men ean do but our women conjunction city, many much,, word he used—"If Parsons Is looking "Governor, what prompted you to of whose citizens have settled New Jersey must come into her own; can do more, for to them Is given the already for a he’ll have of chances : of St. Peter’s Church that the fight, plenty Ladies’ Sodality make attack on the bosses the in our world’s eyes must be turned visions of what the future contains. your beautiful residential districts, in for It." Young on her other night?" he was asked. town and out. The time for the re- directly and note her prosperity Let them resolve to muke their dreams In his library at Danville yesterday For the Benefit of St. Peter’s Orphan Asylum, it? I believe the time Is clamation of those and her promise; that its lips may call come true, the un- "Prompted all acres of meadow through practical, he had read for the first time the com- ripe, and the people should know the land is here. We must build them of her great. tiring efforts of their men. plete statement Issued by Congressman TUESDAY EVENING, OCTOBER 5th, 1909, true condition of affairs,” was the re- in order to make room for Now is the time for the State Feder- Let the school children know of the necessity Herbert Parsons, of New York, con- ply. our rapidly growing ation of Women’s Clubs, an organiza- and work for it, for It Is to At the Auditorium. population. project taining a declaration that the reelec- Krueger “What, In your opinion, will be the Therefore, before it is too late, if we tion tiiat grows in power daily, to con- them that this wonderful New- greater tion of the Speaker of the House had Whist and Pinochle will bo played; also names Tor noil-players. ultimate Outcome If boss rule Is con- are to have the Greatest World's Fair In centrate its efforts: for the civic de- ark will belong. Already, though awarded. |been due to treason by "up-State” ;; Handsome Prizes I! tinued?" was asked. the East, we must begin to at partments of all of the clubs in the plans are hut in their bud, we feel like " plan New York politicians. TICKBTS BO Centn. "In the end boss rule. If it is not once, because when those meadows be- State to unite in an effort—it will not lo all the world a welcome to singing He read the statement with a running will lead to the overthrow of gin to grow into building lots we will have to be a great effort—to convince our country's best and greatest—Its stopped, comment, In which the word "lie" was popular government," was the reply, have lost the most wonderful, the most all of the powers that be that the steady, sturdy-hearted, growing, uttered, not Infrequently.
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