
61 ACKNOWLEDGMENTS Manypeople have helped me during the preparation of this other aspectsof its preparation.Beryl Heardcontributed to guide.Walt Brehm, Ed Cake, Darryl Felder, Paul Johnson, Joel mostaspects of this work,including the illustrationof Figs.5, Martin,Terry M«Bee, John Ogle, Robin Overstrcet, Harriet 13, 14, 21, 23, and 25; I am mostgrateful tor her patience, Perry,Ken Stuck, and Paul Wolf critically read all or partsof encouragement,and untiringhelp in this undertaking,Wanda the manuscript,and their constructivesuggestions and com- Geddieprepared Fig. 22, andE. L, Bousfieldand Harriet Perry mentsare appreciated,For variousreasons concerning tirnc, providedFigs. 48 and 54, respectively.Figure 1 and plates space,ur forniat,some of therecommendations could not be III!, XLIII!, XLV!, XLVI Ez 2!, andLXIV! were incorporatedinto the guide. redrawnor reprintedfrom E. L. Bousfield,Shallow-Water Specialthanks are due James I. Jonesand Diannc Jones of GammarideanAmphipoda nfl<Yew l'.ngland, copyright! 1973 the Mississippi-AlabamaSea Grant Consortiumfor their by the NationalMuseum of Canada,and used with permission patienceand continued support throughout this project. of thepublisher, Cornell University Press. Some of the glossary Rob<nOvcrstreet kindly providedspace and technical assis- entries were from, or modified from, J. Andrews 971!, tanceduring the latterstages of completingthe manuscript. Bousfteld973!, Fauchald977!, Overstreet978!, or JoanDurfee and RcnaKrol helpedprool thc manuscript,and Williams 965!. Dottie Neelytypeset camera-ready copy andhelped proof the A numberof people,too numerousto namehere, associated keys,bibliography, glossary, and index. Al Chestnut,Paul John- with theDauphin Island Sea Lab, with theUniversity of South son,Bill Kruczynski,Ken Stuck, and Fred Thompson provided Alabama,and with the Gulf CoastResearch Laboratory, aided severalspecimens needed for preparationof illustrations. in various clerical and administrative aspectsof this project. Veryspecial appreciation is expressed to Linda Lutz, who Finally,I expressmy gratitudeto MinnieLaird-Bolton I'or illustratedtEiis guide cxcept Figs. 5, 11, 13, 14, 21 '23, her help and cornrmtmentto the completionof this project. 25 27. 53, 54, 64 73!, andplayed a veryimportant part in 62 BIBLIOGRAPHY Abbott, R T 1974 American Seashells,Van Nustrand Reinold Cu., Boesch, D. F. & R. J. Diaz. 1974, New records of pcracarid crusta- New York. Second edition. 663 pp, ceansfrom oligohalinc waters of the ChesapcakcBay. Chesapeake & H. S, Ladd. 1951. A new brackish-water gastropod from Sci. 15!: 56 58 Texas Amnicolidae: Littoridina!. J Wash. Acad. Sci. 41: Bousfield, E. L. 1973. 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