CALIFORNIA BAPTIST UNIVERSITY j U LY 2009 • VOLUME 54 • ISSUE 2 PSyched! cBU School of Behavioral Sciences celebrates the past, anticipates the future message from the president DR. RONALD L. ELLIS Dear Alumni and Friends: In the midst of challenging times, the summer of 2009 CBU’s first NAIA national softball championship is unfolding at California Baptist University with the (pgs. 14 and 15). Congratulations to both teams! characteristic enthusiasm and continuing progress Near the end of the spring semester I spoke to the that many see as synonymous with this institution. CBU faculty and staff on the subject of “Balancing Let me summarize just a few of the achievements, Forward Momentum while Exercising Cautionary beginning with the cover story in the current issue Restraint in Uncertain Times.” My purpose was to of The Roundtable that celebrates a milestone for explain the implications of the current economic California Baptist University – a quarter century situation in a thoughtful, reasoned manner that of graduate education in the School of Behavioral recognized where this institution has been, described Sciences (pg. 16). what has been accomplished through it, and affirmed The summer season began with record spring what we still desire to achieve for CBU. commencement ceremonies that marked the The following week I presented the same address to largest number of graduates this university has ever the CBU Board of Trustees. The title of that address produced in a single year. CBU’s Enrollment Services aptly summarizes our continuing focus in the midst staff and others are hard at work recruiting new of one of the most difficult periods that our nation students and making good progress toward meeting and this university have experienced. The complete fall enrollment goals. text of my address is reprinted in this issue of The This summer also has seen another wonderful season Roundtable so that not only will the staff, faculty of International Service Projects. Hundreds of CBU and trustees know of this critical stewardship students, staff and faculty made an immeasurable responsibility, but so will CBU alumni, friends and impact all around the world. With more teams than others who read this magazine (see page 22). ever before spanning the globe, this has been the Despite the difficulties of today’s troubled economy, most successful year to date for CBU’s signature great things are continuing at California Baptist global service program (pg. 13). University. Most importantly, we remain steadfast We continue receiving accolades over this year’s CBU in our dedication to the vision of “a University athletics successes. First, Rick Rowland coached the Committed to the Great Commission.” As we deal CBU men’s swimming and diving team to its fourth with the challenges of today’s troubled times, may consecutive NAIA national championship. And the the Lord guide our steps and continue to bless! CBU softball team, led by Head Coach Mike Smith Ronald L. Ellis, Ph.D. and the NAIA Coaching Staff of the Year, posted President index of contents j U L Y 2 0 0 9 the roundtable CALIFORNIA BAPTIST UNIVERSITY j U LY 2009 • VOLUME 54 • ISSUE 2 edITOR: Dr. Mark A. Wyatt MANAGING edITOR: Karen Bergh ASSOcIATe edITOR: Jeremy Zimmerman ART dIRecTOR: Edgar Garcia PhOTOGRAPhy: Michael J. Elderman, Tom Householder, Enoch Kim, Dr. Mark A. Wyatt, Michael Berger, Carrie Smith, Kim Jacobs, Brennen Smith/ Deratur Daily, Karen Bergh cONTRIBUTING WRITeR(S): Micah McDaniel, David Noblett, Carrie Smith, Dr. Mark A. Wyatt SUBScRIPTION INQUIRIeS: 04 05 California Baptist University ALUMNI director CBU NEwS Division of Institutional Advancement Carrie Smith [email protected] 951.343.4439 ALUMNI ANd dONOR INFORMATION: Division of Institutional Advancement 800.782.3382 www.calbaptist.edu/ia AdMISSIONS ANd INFORMATION Department of Admissions 8432 Magnolia Avenue 07 08 Riverside, CA 92504-3297 faculty FOCUS MIND, body AND [SPIRIT] 877.228.8866 The Roundtable is published three times annually for the alumni and friends of California Baptist University. Third Class Postage at Riverside, California Postmaster, Please send address change to: California Baptist University 8432 Magnolia Avenue Riverside, CA 92504-3297 10 14 Non-profit permit No. 268 worldview athLETICS www.calbaptist.edu 16 26 ON The cOVeR psychED advancement Dr. Bruce Stokes (left) and long-time colleague Dr. Gary Collins share vision for CBU’s School of Behavioral Sciences. See cover story. Pg. 16 The ROUNdTABLe RePRINT POLICY Contents copyright 2009 by California Baptist University. All rights reserved. edITORIAL INQUIRIeS OR ARTIcLe RePRINTS: Contact Karen Bergh 951.343.5067 [email protected] None of the content in this issue of The Roundtable may 27 32 be reproduced in part or in whole without written ALUM PROFILE hONOR ROLL OF DONORS permission from California Baptist University’s Marketing and Communication Division. To obtain permission, please send your request to [email protected]. message from the alumni director carrie smit h Message from the Alumni Director Greetings, fellow Alumni! It is my great honor to be at Homecoming this year and would like to get writing to you for the first time as Director of Alumni involved with this committee, please let me know. Relations. Many of you know me because I have The committee will be meeting throughout the next been working in Alumni Relations at CBU for almost few months to plan and organize the Homecoming five years now. Earlier this year I was given the events. opportunity to step into this position and I couldn’t Since Homecoming has been moved to February, be more excited. After meeting with the alumni there will not be a Homecoming celebration during association for the past few months we have some the 2009 calendar year. In order to recognize the great changes planned for Alumni Relations and I graduates of the class of 1959, who are celebrating hope that you will all find ways to get involved. their 50th reunion this year, we will be having an One of the recent changes made was to adjust Alumni Banquet on Tuesday, November 10, 2009. the date of Homecoming. The Alumni Association More information will be coming soon, so watch under the leadership of Mike Lynch sent out an your email and/or mailboxes for details. online survey in March 2009, and based on the There are many ways for alumni to be involved with more than 1,000 responses (see pg. 30), the Alumni the University, current students and other alumni – Association Board and the Executive Council of CBU no matter where you live. If you would like more voted to change the date of Homecoming back to information on how you can partner with us, please the early spring of each year to coincide with the feel free to contact me. Remember to keep your basketball season. So, mark your calendars – our contact information updated so we can make sure next Homecoming will be held on February 12 & 13, you are receiving all the information you need about 2010. We hope to see you all there! the Alumni Association. And, if there is anything we In order to help ensure that this Homecoming can do for you, please don’t hesitate to let us know. is as successful as it can be, I have established a In Christ, Homecoming committee made up of local alumni Carrie Smith (’00) who will be assisting Alumni Relations and the Director of Alumni Relations Alumni Association with plans for the weekend. If 951.343.4439 | [email protected] you have ideas about what you would like to see 0 4 I 0 5 cbunews c BU I CALIFORNIA BAPTIST UNIVERSITY j U L Y 2 0 0 9 hONORS students, Faculty “Walk YOUR TALK Walk” DRAwS OF ThE YEAR NAMED at ANNUAL hUNDREDS to CAMPUS Convocation CEREMONIES Saturday, April 18, 2009 marked the date for the 5th Annual Members of the CBU community saluted the Walk Your Talk Walk to raise money and awareness of the academic achievements of students on April 15 needs of children in the foster care system. California Baptist at the Van Dyne Gym on campus, including the University hosted the event, which drew more than 700 naming of Sallie d’Anna as “Outstanding Degree people to the campus and raised more than $26,000. Many Completion Student,” and Lindsey Jean cline as CBU students participated in the event, and the Office of “Outstanding Senior.” Spiritual Life and Conferences and Events staff provided organizational assistance. dr. Ronald L. ellis, president of California Baptist University, congratulated each honoree. In addition, The walk at CBU followed the “Lancer Loop,” a two-mile dr. Amy Stumpf, assistant professor of Christian walk around the perimeter of the University’s property. CBU Studies, was named Faculty Member of the President Ronald L. ellis was on hand to welcome the Year. Stumpf recently led a group of students walkers and exhibitors, as was Ron Loveridge, the Mayor of in meetings with lawmakers on Capitol Hill in Riverside, and chris MacArthur, City Councilman for Ward 5 Washington, D.C. to address the issue of human within which CBU is located. trafficking. To view CBU News video coverage of the event visit: The Min Sung Kim International Student Award http://www.vimeo.com/4480671. was presented to Jianyu “Jay” Jin of China, who graduated in May with his bachelor’s degree in RED CARPET ROLLED OUT FOR student business administration. FILM COMPETITION Students, faculty, friends and even family members got a chance to experience the “red carpet treatment” as they walked through the doors of the Wallace Theatre at California Baptist University to participate in the third annual Student Film Competition entitled, “Behind the Kugel,” on April 7.
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