STUDIES ON THE GROUNDNUT POD BORERS BY V. ANITHA, B.Sc.(Ag) THESIS SUBMI'ITED TO THE DHRA PRADESH AGRICULTURAL UNIVERSFY IN PARTIAL FULFILMENT OF THE REQUIREMENTS FOR THE AWARD OF THE DEGREE OF MASTER OF SCIENCE IN THE FACULTY OF AGRICULTURE DEPARTMENT OF ENTOMOLOGY LEGUMES ENTOMOLOGY UNIT COLLEGE OF AGRICULTURE. RAIENDRANAGAR LEGUMES PROGRAM ANDHRA PRADESH AGRICULTURAL UNIVERSITY ICRISAT CENTER RATENDRANAGAR, HYDERABAD - 5CO 030 ICRISAT. PATANCHERU A.P. 502 324 August, 1992 CERTIFICATE Ms. V. Anitha has satisfactorily prosecuted the course of research and that the thesis entitled STUDIES ON THE GROUNDNUT POD BORERS submitted is the result of original research work and is of sufficiently high standard to wartant its presentation to the examination. I also certify that the thesis or part thereof has not been previously submitted by her for a degree of any University. Major Advisor: Dr. D. Dasaradha Rami Reddy Professor Department of Entomology College of Agriculture Rajendranagar Hyderabad 500 030 CERTIFICATE This is to certify that the thesis entitled "Studies on the groundnut pod borers" submitted in partial fulfilment of the requirements for the degree of 'Master of Science in Agriculture' of the Andhra Pradesh Agricultural University, Hyderabad, is a record of the bonafide research work carried out by Ms. V. Anitha under my guidance and supervision. The subject of the thesis has been approved by the Student's Advisory Committee. No part of the thesis has been submitted for any other degree or diploma. The published part has been fully acknowledged. All assistance and help received during the course of the investigations have been duly acknowledged by the author of the thesis. Dr. D. ~asaradRami eddy Chairman of the Advisory Committee Thesis approved by the Student's Advisory Committee: Chairman: Dr. D. Dasaradha Rami Reddy Professor DeDt. Of Entomolow ~oilegeof ~gricuiture Rajendranagar Hyderabad 500 030 Members 1. Dr. G.V. Ranga Rao Legumes Entomologist ICRISAT, Patancheru Andhra Pradesh 502 324 Dr. T.V.K. Singh $JL""%. Asst. Professor Dept. of Entomology College of Agriculture Rajendranagar Hyderabad 500 030 I Lr. K. Srinivasulu Reddy kw ~sst.Professor Dept. of Statistics and Hathematics College of Agriculture Rajendranagar Hyderabad 500 030 CONTENTS Chapter Title Page No. No. I1 REVIEW OF LITERATURE 4-13 2.1 Groundnut Pod Borers 2.2 Extent of Damage 2.3 Nature of Damage 111 MATERIALS AND METHODS 14-19 3.1 Location of Experiment 3.2 Sampling for Extent of Damage 3.3 Collection of Pod Borers 3.4 Identification of Pod Borers 3.5 Nature of Damage 3.6 Survey IV RESULTS 20-50 4.1 Pod Borers Associated with Groundnut 4.2 Survey for Groundnut Pod Borers 4.3 Extent of Damage 4.4 Nature of Damage Earwig Pod Preference Position of Bore Holes Size of the Hole Shape of the Hole Darnnge to the Pod Damage to Kernel Number of Holes on the Kernel Excreta Time of Feeding Termite Size and Shape of Holes Damage to Kernel Wireworm Spodoptera White Grub and Curculionid Grub Subterranean Ant 4.5 Key for identification of groundnut pod borers 4.5.1 Earwigs 4.5.2 Termites 4.5.3 Wireworms 4.5.4 White G~bs 4.5.5 Spodoptera litura 4.5.6 Subterranean Ants V DISCUSSION 5.1 Groundnut Pod Borers 5.2 Nature of Damage VI SUMMARY LITERATURE CITED LIST OF ILLUSTRATIONS Figure Title Page No. No. 1 Bore holes due to earwig in groundnut pods a) Around dorsum of beak, b) Nearer to incurved area of beak, c) On the dorsal constriction; d) Base of pod. 2a Pathway made by earwig at the periphery of the split pod 2b Roundly triangular entry hole on kemel 3a Earwig's preference for immature kernels 3b Irregular exit hole on kernel (with ragged edges) 4 Nibbling on the k&el by earwig 5 Pod flesh and kernel littered with faecal matter of earwig 6 Termite damaged pods filled with soil 7 Brown coloured wireworm boring into the pod at the beak 8a Round to oval holes made by brown wireworm 8b Blackened frass like material left in the pod 9 The born hole more like an incision made by the white coloured wireworm 10 Kernel damage by white coloured species of wireworm 11 Apple shaped hole at beak made by Spodopteru litura 12 White grub damaged pods 13a Pin tip holes made by subterranean ant 13b Irregular kernel damage by subterranean ant LIST OF TABLES Table Title Page No. No. 1 Groundnut fields, varieties, sowing dates, and the area in different seasons. 14 2 Pod borers found associated with groundnut. 20 3 Survey for groundnut pod borer incidence in farmers' fields during posnainy season (April 1-8, 1992). 4 Groundnut pod borer infestation in alfisols and vertisols during rainy season 1991 at ICRISAT Center. 5 Pod borer infestation in different groundnut varieties grown in venisols and alfisols during postrainy season, 1991-92 at ICRISAT Center. 6 Key to identify different groundnut pod feeders (based on damage symptoms) ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS I have no words to express my profound gratitude to Dr. D.D.R. Reddy, Professor and Head, Department of Entomology, College of Agriculture, APAU. Rujendranagir, the Chairman of my advisory committee for his invaluable guidance and constant supervision during the course of my study. I take this opportunity to thank him for the interest he has taken to give me the right perspective of research. My special thanks are due to Dr. G.V. Rangi Rao, Legutnes Entomologist, ICRISAT, for Iris close monitoring and expert guitlat~cethrougl~out my resenrch work. I express my sincere thanks to Dr. T.V.K. Sing11 (Asst. Professor, Dept. of Entomology) und Mr. K. Srinivasulu Reddy (Asst. Professor, Dept. of Statistics and Matlretniitics) for the valuable help rendered during the period of my work. I am griteful to !he staff of the Department of Entomology, College of Agriculture. APAU, Rujentlranagnr, for their unstinted cooperation. I deem it a privilege to thank Dr. D.L. Oswalt, Progrnm Leader, Human Resource Development Program and Dr. J.A. Wightman, Principal Legumes Entomologist, ICRISAT, for pertnitting me to avail the facilities at ICRISAT. 1 am grateful to Dr. S.N. Nigum, Principal Plant Breeder. Groundnut Breeding for permitting me to sample in the fields of the Unit. I appreciate the assistance and cooperation extended to me by all the staff of Legutiies Entomology throughout my research work at ICRISAT. My special thanks are due to Mr. V. Anjahh, Mr. V.J. Benny, Mr. Eswamiah, and Mr. Manaiali. 1 am extremely tliankful to Mr. B.V.R. Sastry and Mr. S.V. Priisad Rao for the help rendered in the excellent computerization of the thesis. My special thanks to Mr. Chittiis of Photographic Unit, who did a neat job with photographs md added colour to my thesis. I atn highly indebted to Mr. A.K. Sadasivan, Genetic Resources Unit, ICRISAT, for his endless support and encouragement throughout my study period. Last but not the least, 1 take great pleasure in acknowledging the support given by nly tnotlier and grandparents in cotnpleting my work. I a111 grateful to all my well wishers and friends especially Vijay~,Kumnr, Krishna, Pad~na,~rinivk; and Venkat who enthusiastically stood by me at all times. DECLARATION I declare that this thesis entitled STUDIES ON THE GROUNDNUT POD BORERS is a bonafide record of work done by me during the period of research at ICRISAT. Patancheru. This thesis has not formed in whole or in part, the basis for the award of any degree or diploma. I 8 &/WC kR Date: 24-V* ISSZ- V. ANITHA Author : V. ANITHA Title of the thesis : STUDIES ON GROUNDNUT POD BORERS Degree to which it is submitted : MASTER OF SCIENCE IN AGRICULTURE Faculty : AGRICULTURE Department : ENTOMOLOGY Major Advisor : DR. D. DASARADHA RAM1 REDDY PROFESSOR DEPARTMENT OF ENTOMOLOGY COLLEGE OF AGRICULTURE RAJENDRANAGAR HYDERABAD 500 030 University : ANDHRA PRADESH AGRICULTURAL UNIVERSITY Year of subtnission Abstract Investigations were undertaken on pod feeding insects of gmundnut at International Crops Research Institute for the Semi-Arid Tropics (ICRISAT), Patanche~.Andhra Pradesh, India, during the rainy and postrainy seasons of 1991-1992 on the species involved, their nature and extent of damage. In addilion to ICRISAT Center, farmers fields in some imponant groundnut growing areas of soulhem India were also surveyed to know the distribution and extent of damage by these pcsts. The pod borers identified were earwigs (Euborellia annulipes Lucas, E. plebeja Dohm, Forcipula quadrispittosa), termite (Odotttoterntes wallonensis Wasmann). wirewomi (unidentified), subterranean ant (Dorylus labiatus Shuckered), tobacco caterpillar (Spodoptera litura F.), white grub (Lachnosterp consan-guinea Blanch), and a curculionid grub (unidentified). Of these. earwigs were predominant. At ICRISAT the venisols recorded about 26 per cent damage in rainy season whereas the alfisols showed about 2 per cent damage in both rainy and postrainy seasons. The surveys indicated that pod feeders caused an average of less than 2 per cent damage. The distribution of earwig was more in venisols whereas the other pod borers were more prevalent in alfisols. The damage sylnptoms by each pod borer was described based on position, size, and shape of holes on the pod, nature, extent of damage to kernel, and also other distinguishing features like type of excreta, and nature of plugging in the pod. A key based on these characters was formulated for identifi-cation of the pod borers of groundnut. CHAPTER I INTRODUCTION Arachis hypogaea L. (groundnut or peanut) is mainly used as a dietary supplement in the developed countries either as roasted and salted and eaten as a snack or as milled products. However, groundnuts are an important source of dietary protein and lipid, especially in developing countries.
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