9582· CONGRESSIONAL RECORD-HOUSE JUNE· 3(} We have·Iistened here on the floor of Mr. DOUGLAS. Mr. President, I ask Servicemen's Readjustment Act (Public Law this body for long hours at this session unanimous consent that the order for a 346, 78th Cong., June 22, 1944); and of the Congress to charges and counter­ S. 3571. An act to continue the au t hority quorum call be rescinded, and that fur­ of the Maritime Commission under the charges, explanations, and alibis con­ ther proceedings under the call be sus­ Merchant Ship Sales Act of 1946, and for cerning what has been done in this cotm­ pended. other purposes. try at home by this same godless force The PRESIDING OFFICER. Without of communism ehdeavoring to work its objection, it is so ordered. MESSAGES FROM THE PRESIDENT agents into our Government-the same ADJOURNMENT Sundry messages in writing from the conspiracy which has caused us to. take President of the United States were com­ these highly unusual and unprecedented Mr. LUCAS. Mr. President, I move municated to the House by Mr. Miller, steps this week to meet it abroad. We that the Senate adjourn until f2 o'cloclc one of his secretaries, who also informed have heard much, but we have taken no. noon tomorrow. · · · · the House that on the follO\ving dates the action. We have had a special investi- . The motion \vas agreed to; and <at President approved and signed bills and gating committee grappling with. the. 7 o'clock and 3· minutes p. m.) the Senate joint resolutions of the House of the problem of what to. do with the Com-: adjourned until tomorrow, Saturday, following titles:. munists who are alleged to have wormed Jul¥. -~· 1950, at 12 o'clock ip.eddian. On June 23, 1950: their way into positions of high im­ H. R. 697. An act for the ·relief of Samuel portance, and it simply does not seem_to .WITHDRiA WAL W. Pqorvu; me that here, on the eve of Independence Executive nomination withdrawn H. R. 2224. An act for the relief of the Day, here, on the eve of the birthday of Winona :Machine & Foundry Co., a corpora- from the Senate June 30 (legislative day tion of Winona, Minn.; . this country, dedicated to the proposition of June 7), 1950: that men should be free, we should leave H. R. 4747. An act for the relief of Louise undone things which might well be done POSTMASTER Ahting; PENNSYLVANIA H. R. 4781. An act for the.relief of Veronica to finish the· job of measuring up to the · .Jolly; challege flung at our feet by the Com-· James S. Newto_n, Ell~ood_ City, Pa: . H. R. 6163. An act for the relief of Dr. Wei munists abroad and their conspiracy at Tcheng Liang; home. The dangers to our security are · H. R. 7057. An act to amend · Veterans perhaps greater .due· to our no~chalance Regulation No. 1 (a) with · respect to the · at home than are -those growing out of HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES . ·computation of estimated costs of teaching personnel and supplies for instruction in the Communist conspiracy abroad. We need case of colleges of agriculture and . the to take the same firm courageous·action FRIDAY, JUNE 30, 19$0 mechanic arts and other nonprofit educa­ at home that we have bee·n compelled as tional institutions; a Nation to undertake abroad. This is a The House met at 12 o'clock noon. H. R. 4960. An act for the relief of Mrs. job for Congress to do. The Chaplain, Rev. Bernard Bras­ Elizabeth H. Whitney; So, Mr. President, while it may. be kamp, D. D., offered the following prayer: H. R. 7440. An act to ainend Vete·rans that we do not now have the time to act, Thou who art the supreme ruler of Regulations to establish for persons who · o served in the ·Armed Forces during World War today, and we well may not find the time the universe and the guiding intelligence II a further presumption. ·of service-con­ before the Fourth, still recognizing as I ill the life of all mankind, we have en- nect ion for active pulmonary tuberculosis; do that there is now nothing more im­ ·tered upon a new day ladened with diffi­ H. R. 4100. An act for the relief of Calvin portant before the country than to meet cult tasks and grave responsibilities. E. Cranford; and , . · the challenge of communism fully, at We humbly con.fess that we al.·e not H. R. 4163. An act for the relief of Mr. and home as well as abroad, that ther£: is sure of what we should think or say or Mrs. C. S. Walker. · On June 24, 1950: nothing more important for any Senator do in order to Qear effectiv~ witness that H. R. 7579. An act to extend the Rubber Act on this floor to do than to square his we are men of vision and worthy of our of 1948 (Public Law 469, 80th Cong.), and conscience with the fact that, while high vocation as statesmen and spiritual for other purposes. drafting young men to die overseas and leaders. _ On June 26, 1950: while sending millions of dollars of our Grant that we may yield ourselves to H. R. 2705. An act for the relief of Martin wealth abroad, we .have as yet done the interpreting and guiding light of Thy Kenneth Ikeda; literally and completely nothing to meet ·spirit, assured that the secret of our H. R. 2803. An act for the relief of Albert the challenge of the same menace here blessedness is to be found in obeying Thy J. Peterson; H. R. 3009. An act for the relief of Dr. 111 at home. I think we should give con­ will and following Thy leading. Reza Bassir; sideration to these obligations. We Fill us with longings and hopes for that H. R. 3018. An act for the ·relief of Camilla should at least set the stage and prepare blessed day of prediction when the na­ Fabris; to act in tightening our home-front de­ tions of the earth shall be united in the H. R. 4371. An act for the relief of Shiro fenses against communism. bonds ·of brotherhood, seeking together Takemura; . I think it is fitting, therefore, on this the blessings' of freedom and peace which H. R. 5541. An act for the relief of William unhappy eve of Independence Day, when none can ever find or enjoy alone. Lawrence Tan; Hear us in the name of the Christ, our H. R. 6589. An act for the relief of Mitsue American boys are dying in Korea to­ Miyamoto; .night in fighting communism, as we meet Savi our. Amen . · H. R. 6747. An act for the relief of Helga here, that we do what we can, as we can, The Journal of the proceedings of Holleb; and when we can to meet the challenge yesterday was read and approved. H. R . 7096. An act for the relief of Mrs. of communism. We cannot vote today Maria Salome Holland; but we can set the stage for early and MESSAGE FROM THE SENATE H. R. 7315. An act for the relief of Daijiro A message from the Senate, by Mr. Yoshida; and effective action. H. R. 7363. Aa act for the relief of Suzuko Therefore, Mr. President, since there McDaniel, its enrolling clerk, announced Yagi and Anne Yagi. is no business pending before the Senate that the Senate had passed a concurrent On June 27, 1950: at this time, I move that the Senate pro­ resolution of the following title, in which H. R. 1609. An act for the relief of Arne ceed to the consideration of the bill the concurrence of the House is re­ Gordon Westly; <S. 2311) to protect the United States quested: H. R. 6743. An act to amend the Federal against certain un-American and sub­ S. Con. Res. 96. Concurrent resolution to Loan Bank Act, as amended, and title IV versive activities, and for other purposes. print additional copies of hearings on S. 1832, of the National Housing Act, as amended, an immigration bill. and for other purposes; The PRESIDING OFFICER. The H. R. 6756. An act for the relief of Arthur question is on agreeing to the motion of The message also announced that the Chen Shu Jee; 'the Senator from South Dakota. Senate agrees to the reports of the com­ H. R. 6787. An act for the relief of Mrs. Mr. DOUGLAS. Mr. President, I sug­ mittees of conference on the disagreeing Kyoko Nakamura Kornhauser; gest the absence of a quorum. H. R. 6880. An act for the relief of Mrs. votes of the two Houses on the amend­ Kiyo Narum! Murakami and Keiko Narumi; The PRESIDING OF'FICER. The ments of the House to bills of the Senate H. R. 6894. An act for the relief of Mrs. clerk will call the roll. of the following titles: Nobuko :Eto Heard; The legislative clerk proceeded to call S. 2596. An .act relating to education or H. R. 7035. An act for the relief of Hisako the roll. training of veterans under ti~;le II of · the ·Sakata Ikezawa; · 1950 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD-HOUSE 9583 H. R. 704'7. An act for the relief of Mrs. The SPEAKER. Is there objection to House for 1 minute and revise and ex­ Torno Nonque Rosevear; the request of the gentleman from tend my remarks. H. R. 7050. An act for the relief of Louie Garn Yean; Massachusetts? The SPEAKER. Is there objection to H.
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