SPORTS 1 f a k i r b i s c u t s SERVING ABERDEEN,HAZLET, KEYPORT AND MATAWAN ]I’ m S<‘ :n AUGUST 11, 1993 25 CENTS VOLUME 23, NUMBER 32 A n ounce o f prevention County plan takes action against flooding BY MARILYN DUFF Staff W riter W hat makes a bubbling brook or peaceful stream turn into a raging, destructive river? Or a drainage ditch take on a life of its own? The obvious answer is too much water, but there’s more to the equation than that. Development has a major impact on stream systems and their ability to convey storm water. It can also adversely affect water quality, polluting drinking and recreational waters, and destroy wildlife habitats. Fortunately, there are ways to protect stream corridors even with increasing de­ velopment, and Monmouth County is tak­ ing action through the creation of regional environmental councils to do just that. One of the main goals will be coopera­ tive stream corridor management. “I think it’s a good idea, long await­ ed,” said Keyport Mayor John Merla, who was recently elected chairman of the Bayshore Regional Environmental Council. The council will have representa­ From the Stone Road Bridge over Chingarora Creek at the Keyport-Union Beach border, Thomas Kellers studies a new map tives from 11 Bayshore communities. I showing all of the county’s drainage features. Kellers is senior environmental planner with the Monmouth County Planning Continued on page 12 Board and secretary of the Monmouth County Environmental Council. (Photo by Rich Schultz) Flo o d relievers HOLMDEL — Imagine a bunch of cheerful children, a hot day and a lot of cos­ tume jewelry. Throw in a generous spirit for good measure. The only thing missing during a very hot late morning recently were customers. However, in just two days children at a stand at the comer of Kathy Court and Hillcrest Road raised about $50 for victims of the floods in the Midwest. “If you’ve got red blood, help the flood,” two boys yelled to a passing motorist, who did not stop. Business was slow at the stand in the hot late morning Aug. 3, and various items of costume jewelry sat waiting for customers. Annette Langer said her husband Jeffrey sells costume jewelry and donated some of it for the sale. The children earlier had sold out the candy they offered. They were planning to raise $100 or continue until the flood was over, said Vanessa Langer. “It’s fun and it’s work at the same time,” said Doug Langer, whose idea it was to raise money this year. Last year the children raised $20 in one day to help victims of Hurricane An­ Vanessa Langer, 13, Doug Langer, 10, Mike Murphy, 11, Jeremy Langer, 6, Matt drew, said Vanessa. Murphy, 7, Katie Murphy, 4, and “Buster” raise money to help Midwest flood vic­ tims. (Photo by Rich Schultz) Continued on page 13 Buying or selling a car? check Classified first! 2 AUGUST 11, 1993, THE INDEPENDENT f r o m o u r J ' l 9 3 f r e e h o ld s C n J § SF ^ Y D eciduous ^ ° t t S N e c k ZrttpV l &"7*ee ML ’Z Z Z shrubs J™ Zeim r!e9Bush S A T . , A U G . 1 4 t h I . O F F 10 am to 3 pm i . ~ F F Over 2000 Trees & Evergreens Must Be P J f S L r © & S p ? ^ e Pine O f ? % t a m M m , V ' t Sold! (Good Varieties) Located at: Schibanoff Road Gate' 1 8" to 14.99. %* (FREEHOLD ONLY) 2 5 priced from OFF 15.99$ up PRICED FROM V o * - e l •'o0° 3 3 £ 13 Gal. ConbSS? *" H«es OFF $ 0 9 9 $ O Q 9 9 ^ £ 2 2 5 * * - NONE * * s S S f t 5 £ m t o HIGHER fo b P SAVE UP TO HUNDREDS OF PIECES TlTCHOOSE FROM - NEW PIECES A00E0 WEEKLY IN FREEHOLD IP! Choose from: Cement Pott, Bird Baths, Fountains, Nautical, Deer, Forest Animals, Pond Visit Our 5 0 % Pieces, Gnomes, Oriental, Fishing Boys, Classical Statuary, Jockeys, Lions, sou-fli , 4 CEMENT and more Cartoon Characters and mores SE GARDEN STATUARY S l f f i i ; It’s ju st bursting with c<2 fi|e ^ 1' Brilliant Tropical Foliage & t a e £ 6 u<i£en Sfrecuz& i f e r t i l i z e r HOUSE JA P A N E S E BEETLE TRAP gbM JSehov.o’so Contains no killing agents. Does not ot rtjen»n9 BEDDING harm beneficial insects. Contains flora) and sex lure. PLANT TWINLIGHT Reg. Our C 9 9 a n n Professional PLANTS 8 49 Price 3 A 99 T U R F F O O D Less 1.00 Rebate... Water Hyaciths i 9 9 . S a t e , 15.000 sq. ft........ 1 0 ■ ■ jr. t.; & Water Lettuce IO HORNET & WASP TWINLIGHT Pondcare 50% OFF DISEASE STOPPER M KILLER m LITTLE GIANT LINER TURF FUNGICIDE 0 _ g9 P E 1 P U M P AMMO ROCKS BY THE FOOT Reg. Price 10.000 sq. ft..................... Epoxy Base 170 GPH (Keep Amonia Out up to 1 Year) Available in INTERPET • BRAND HI-YIELD LIQUID SEVIN Big 40 Lb. Bag 20 & 1 Ltr. GL0RI0N Economical & Easy to use. Hi-yield Reg. Q Q 9 9 32 Mil FISH FOODS Sevin controls Jap. Beetles & many 54.99 2 % 1 8 " & ITEMS LAWN BUILDER other destructive insects. Thickness PIUS WEED CONTROL _QQ Reg. 9.99 C99 I Fish Arelnfeaturina: WATERFALLS 1 15.000 sq. ft..................... I 4 Quart... D 1 Comets, Koi, Butterfly & Green Shost AVAILABLE ; ed ■ F is h • * GLORION *1 Koi, Fantails, Shubunkins, Gold No more Green Water, keep 1 HI-YIELD Ip ia n ts • F o u n ta ir your Pond Crystal Clear 31 Channel Catfish, Sarassas, Lion Heads, L A W N W E E D ROSS FLOWER I a ll a c c e s s o rie s — UV Sterilzer & S U M M E R and IpondsandU^-- J Tad Poles & Snails and much more! Available * CRABGRASS CONTROL g 1 Lb. Cannister on,y 2500 sq. ft...............................7 AT COLTS NECK, RT. 34 PET FOOD & SUPPLES TRU-LAWN 40 LBS Espona HOLLYTONE Purina DOG CHOW BIL JAC CAT FOOD 10-6-4 50% ORGANIC 25 Lbs.....................799 4 0 L b s ............................................................ 1 8 L b s ......................................... .. ....................... 1 8 14 All Purpose ^gg Lawn Fertilizer............... I V 50 Lbs.................... 12! Bill Jac PUPPY FOOD Purina RABBIT CHOW 3 5 L b s ............................................................ Red Cedar Shaving 5 0 L b s .................................................................... ... 8 18 Big 2.2 cu. ft. Bole ROUTE 9 NORTH Bil Jac LITE FOOD 2 | 2 | 6 " l R q 9- 10.59 g g g PRO PLAN ADULT DOG FORMULA 3 5 L b s .......................................... ................. OVER FREEHOLD 4 0 L b s . ............................................................... 2 4 89 20 Varieties of 462-2700 Bil Jac Select DOG FOOD DECORATIVE STONE. MON.-SAT. 9 AM to 7 PM 3 5 L b s .................................................................... 2 3 68 Great for Landscaping SUN. 9 to 6 BROCKS 100 Styles of ROUTE 34 NORTH W e G uarantee w e will nos be unde-sold. Brock will m atch PATIO BLOCKS COLTS NECK any Current-N ew spaper advertised price on brand nam e item s. Sim ply present, the A O to the cashier prior to to choose from 462-0900 ! purchase. Item s m ust b e of equal size an d 15 Varieties of MON.-SAT. 9 AM to 7 PM SUN. 9 to 6 F 1 1 M Not responsible for typographical errors. We reserve the right MULCHES Available to limit quantities. Sale prices effective thru 8/17/93. SOME ITEMS AVAILABLE for BULK PURCHASE THE HELPFUL GARDEN CENTERS’ THE INDEPENDENT, AUGUST 11, 1993 3 THIS ISSUE: Patrols o f t o w n p a r k to increase ________ BY MARILYN DUFF________ Staff W riter MIDDLETOWN — In an effort to halt recent vandalism at township parks, police are stepping up their surveillance. “Police patrols will be vigorously checking the parks and investigating any acts of vandalism,” Mayor Anthony Musella and Police Chief William Fowlie announced on Friday. The action comes on the heels of sev­ eral major acts of vandalism in recent weeks that have resulted in thousands of dollars worth of damage. Musella called the destruction a shame, when the township is “trying to NOT NOW! — George Pavlovicz, 2, of Aberdeen Township, wonders upgrade parks.” McMahon Park in North why his sister, Marie, 1, is trying to get off a kiddie ride before it’s Middletown was the hardest hit, the over. The siblings were enjoying the Leonardo Community Fire Janice DeSimone and her mayor said Friday. newborn son, Matthew, shared a Company’s Firemen’s Fair in Middletown. (Photo by Rich Schultz) Over a two-week period there, two special experience not too long $600 portable toilets were set on fire and ago. meter and light control boxes for a new, 6-month-old outdoor lighting system were destroyed. P a g e 7 The fire ignited the eaves of a nearby, Tra in lo ve r shares out-of-service restroom building, but was brought under control. REGULAR FEATURES co lle ctio n , h isto ry Officials say vandals • C a le n d a r P a g e 26 sleeping and dining coach, he explained. will be prosecuted to • Classifieds Page 36 Keyport resident There is a golden oak control panel, the fullest extent of • Editorials Page 22 also from the Pullman car, which dates back to the earlier part of this century.
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