1943 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD-SENATE 8161 POSTMASTERS DELIBERATIONS WITH CLOSED DOORS The LEGISLATIVE CLERK. A bill (H. R. LOUISIANA The VICE PRESIDENT. Under the 3-291) to amend the National Housing Gussie Long Harris, Athens. order adopted yesterday, the Senate will Act, as amended. Willie B. Killgore, Lisbon. now proceed to deliberate with closed The VICE PRESIDENT. Is there ob­ NEW YORK doors to hear the Senators who recently jection to the present consideration of Frank C. Timm, Attica. visited the fighting fronts. the bill? Agnes D. Buckley, Boonville. Thereupon (at 12 o'clock and 3 min­ Mr. McKELLAR. Mr. President, may Mary B. Sherry, East Patchogue. utes p. m.) the Senate proceeded to de­ we have an explanation of the bill? Alma H. Jones, East Quogue. Mr. RADCLIFFE. Mr. President, I JenniE!' W. Jewell, Fishkill. liberate with closed doors. Agnes Rourke, Gansevoort. After 4 hours and 27 minutes the doors shall be glad to make la brief statement Samuel J. Hand, Genoa. were reopened. with respect to the bill. It deals with the subject of the Federal Housing Ad­ Joseph P. Wilson, Manhasset. REPORTS OF COMMITTEES Milton S. Smith, Mayville. ministration. It does not create any S. Erie Dodge, Newfane. _ The VICE PRESIDENT. Without ob­ new functions for the Federal Housing Sylvester J. Krasniewicz, Pine Island. jection, certain routine reports received Administration, nor does it appropriate Wilbur A. Gruhn, Sea Breeze. this day will be received. any money. The bill provides for ex­ Josephine Westphall, South New Berlin. Mr. BA~KLEY. As if presented in tending the time of operation under Walter Rossen, Vestal. the morning hour._ Parke Higgins, Warsaw. title I, title II, and title VI, the pro­ J. Austin Howe, Weedsport. The VICE PRESIDENT. As if pre­ visions of each of which expire July 1, Myrtle M. Freeman, Windsor. sented in the morning hour. 1944. It is obvious that that period is The following reports of committees too short,' and that something must be were submitted: - done to extend the time . By Mr. TUNNELL, from the Committee on . Mr. McKELLAR. Mr. President, I SENATE Claims: wish to ask the Senator from Maryland s 1382. A bill for the relief of certain offi­ a question. In lines 4 and 5 on pagP. 1, THURSDAY, OCTOBER 7, 1943 cers and employees of the foreign service of I find a provision striking out "'$1,200,- the Unite,_d States who, while in the course of 000,000' and inserting in lieu thereof (Legislative day of Wednesday, Septem­ their respective duties, suffered losses of per­ sonal property by reason of war conditions; '$1,600,000,000.'" That provision would ber 15, 1943) without amendment (Rept. No. 448). authorize an increase of $400,000,000. By Mr. ELLENDER, from the Committee on Mr. RADCLIFFE. I had not come to The Senate met at 12 o'clock noon, on Claims: · that feature. I have been discussing the expiration of the recess. S. 1282. A bill for the relief of Eric W. the three ar.:endments which merely ex­ The Chaplain, Rev. Frederick Brown Rodgers; without amendment (Rept. No. 449). tend the time for operations under titles Harris, D. D., offered the following By Mr. ROBERTSON, from the Committee prayer: · on Claims. I, II, and VI. H. R. 1222. A bill for the relief of Jacob Under title VI, the present authoriza­ 0 God our Father, in all the confusion Wolozin; without amendment (Rept. No. 450). tion is $1,200,000,000. · That has been and perplexity of these convulsive days By Mr. WALSH, from the Committee on about exhausted. In order to take care we look up with the inner eyes of deeP. Naval Affairs: • of the projects which are considered desire, believing with a faith that will S. 1346. A bill for the relief of the R. B. necessary in regard to our defense hous­ not be denied that somewhere in the Walker F'Uneral Home; without amendment ing ·additional authorization of $400,- (Rept. No. 451); 1 universe is a Reality that answers to the S. 1347. A bill to amend section 12 of the 000,000 is necessary. noblest hopes which ever ftash · their Naval Aviation Cadet Act of 1942; without Mr. M.cKELLAR. The bill authorizes bright beams in the_darkness. From the amendment (Rept. No. 452); the appropriation of an additional mt,sty fiats of dull and sluggish moods S. 1348. A bill to amend the second para­ $400,000,000. · I want to know for what which so often becloud the radiant faith graph of section 10 of the Pay Readjustment it is to be used. by which we really live, lift our spirits, Act of 1942; without amendment (Rept. No. Mr. RADCLIFFE. Mr. President, if we pray, to the height of the historic 453); . the Senator will permit me, I will glad­ S. 1350. A bill to establish the grades of moment in which we are set. commissioned warrant officer and warrant ly endeavor to explain this item. As day by day within these hallowed officer in the United States Marine Corps, and Mr. McKELLAR. Certainly. walls we stand in the Valley of Decision for other purposes; without amendment Mr. RADCLIFFE. The bill does not we would fail not Thee nor our fellow (Rept. No. 454); provide for the appropriation of any men who, caught in the fell clutch of S. 1352. A bill to provide for reimbursement money. tyranny, are counting on us for deliv­ of officers, enliSted men, and others in the Mr. McKELLAR. I understand th&.t; erance. Strengthen our will to choose naval service of the United States for property it would authorize an appropriation. lost, damaged, or destroyed in such service; that which is morally excellent rather without amendment (Rept. No. 455); Mr. RADCLIFFE. No; it would not than that which is politically expedient; S. 1354. A bill to amend the Act approVed make any appropriation at all. All it so that receiving today the inheritance J anuary 16, 1936, entitled "An Act to provide would do would be simply to increase the of yesterday we may transmit it unsul­ for the retirement and retirement annuities of amount of insurance which can be cre­ lied and unwasted to tomorrow. Bring civilian members of the teaching staff at the ated by the F. H. A: Last spring Con­ us to an enduring peace when justice United States Naval Academy and the Post­ gress fixed the total amount at $1,200,- shall roll down like the waters and graduate School, United States Naval 000,000. It Academy;" without amendment (Rept. No. was, however, quite obvious righteousness as a mighty stream. We 456); that such amount would not be sufficient, ask it in that Name above every name. S. 1386. A bill making it a misdemeanor to and the developments since then, and Amen. stow away on aircraft and providing punish­ the studies made have brought out clearly THE JOURNAL ment therefor; without amendment (Rept. the fact that we shall have to increase On request of Mr. BARKLEY, and by No. 457); and · it. Otherwise, the additional war hous­ H. R. 1869. A bill authorizing the President ing will have to be put up by the Federal unanimous consent, the reading of the to present, in the name of Congress, a Dis­ Journal of the proceedings of the calen­ tinguished Service Cross to George F. Thomp­ Government, and the cash will have to be dar day Wednesday, October 6, 1943, was son; without amendment (Rept. No. 458), advanced for that purpose, out of the Federal Treasury. Certainly it is bet­ dispensed with, and the Journal was ap- . AMENDMENT OF THE NATIONAL HOUSING proved. ter for the United States Government to , ACT guarantee the loans by insurance for MESSAGE FROM THE PRESIDENT Mr. RADCLIFFE. Mr. President, I which it receives premiums, than to ad­ A message in writing from the Presi­ ask unanimous consent for the present vance the entire amounts of the loans. dent of the United States submitting a consideration of House bill 3291, Cal­ In order to obviate such a drain on nomination was ·communicated to the endar No. 425. Federal funds, and to permit the F. H. A. Senate by Mr. Miller, one of his secre­ The VICE PRESIDENT. The bill will to continue to operate under title VI, it taries. be stated by title. is necessary to create the authorization 8162 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD-SENATE OCTOBER 7 time. I ask unanimous consent that the been constructed in accordance with our which will be required for the projects of property standards and accepted as security this year and for those of 1944, by pro­ letters may be printed in the RECORD at for F. H. A. mortgages. viding for an additional amount. of this point. As an illustration of the feeling of the $400,000,000 of insurance .or guaranty. There being no objection, the letters people for whom this housing is constructed, Mr. BARKLEY. Mr. President, will were ordered to be printed in,the RECORD, I am attaching a copy of a section of the the Senator yield there? as follows: newspaper, The Negro Freeholder of Houston, Mr. RADCLIFFE. I yield. FEDERAL HoUSING ADMINISTRATION, Tex., dated Saturday, July 25, 1942. You will Mr. BARKLEY. There would never be .. Washington, D. C ., October 2, 1943. note that the entire section of eight pag-es is any appropriation, and there would not The Honorable GEORGE L . RADCLIFFE, devoted to news, comments, and appreciation United States Senate, · of the new Clinton Park housing project, be any authorization for an appropria­ the construction of which was financed tion, unless the amount of insurance car­ Washington, D.
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