2 COMMUNITY THE NATIONAL HERALD, JANUARY 10, 2009 Doctors Stuck Niarchos Foundation awards grant to GOINGS ON... ■ JANUARY 16 - 19 dox Christian churches in the at Egypt-Gaza MONTREAL, Que. – Del Sol and Greater Chicago area cordially in- St. Sophia Hellenic School in Utah Portokalada.com cordially invite vite the community to a prayer ser- the community to “Living It Up,” an vice marking National Sanctity of Border amazing 21 & over event for MLK Life Day at the St. George Antiochi- weekend from January 16-19, an Orthodox Church (1220 S. 60th RAFAH, Egypt (AP)- Greek anes- 2009. “We are flying in DJs from NY Court) in Cicero, Illinois on Sunday, thesiologist Dimitrios Mognie and and Chicago with special guest DJ January 25 at 6:00 PM. Believing another doctor arrived at this bor- John Grammatis!” Save some of that all human life is sacred, the der crossing loaded with medical your energy for daylight hours, be- worship service will emphasize for- supplies to help Gazans wounded in cause skiing, snowboarding and giveness and the tragedy of 50 mil- the Israeli offensive. Instead, they tubing will all be available at the lion abortions since the Roe v. Wade have waited at the border for days. heavenly resort of Mt. Tremblant. If decision in 1974. The Service will On Tuesday, a representative you just want to chill during the be sponsored by the Orthodox from a Norwegian medical aid or- day, Montreal is the place to be. Christian Clergy Association of ganization was allowed to enter the Montreal offers some of the most Greater Chicago, on behalf of the 80 Gaza Strip from Rafah. But most beautiful scenic views and architec- Orthodox Christian churches in the doctors have been denied entry by ture, amazing cafes and restau- Greater Chicago area. The homilist Egyptian authorities and spend rants, casinos, and don't forget will be Rev. Fr. Nicholas Jonas, pas- their days drinking tea and coffee shopping and the spa. So are you tor of the Ss. Constantine and Helen at a small, dusty cafe near the ready for 4 Days and 3 Nights of Liv- Greek Orthodox Church in Palos crossing's metal gates. ing It Up? The “Living It Up” pack- Hills. The service will begin at 6 "This is a shame," said Mognie, age includes: 3 nights accommoda- p.m. and will be followed by a brief who used his vacation to travel tions in Deluxe or Concierge level presentation on the sanctity of life from Greece to try to help in Gaza. rooms, open bar welcome party Fri- given by Ms. Nikolia Rallis. Ms. Ral- He thought entering through day night at exclusive downtown lis is a senior at Northwestern Uni- Egypt, which has a narrow border nightclub, exclusive VIP parties Sat- versity and has been active in the with the Hamas-ruled strip, was his urday & Sunday nights, free VIP ad- Pro-Life movement for many years. best bet. mission to over 7 nightclubs, com- Her campus involvement in the pro- "That in 2009 they have people plimentary shuttles to parties each life movement has included volun- in need of help from a doctor and night, complimentary shuttles to teering at a crisis pregnancy center, we can go to help and they won't let the beautiful “Mt. Tremblant” on bringing speakers to her college us. This is crazy," said Mognie, who From Left, Back Row: Pete Giamalakis, Vice President; Nick Varanakis, Kerri Nakamura, Elaina Simos, Saturday and Sunday, complimen- campus and she is also the co- has worked in conflict zones from Trustees; Dr. Susan Brady, Director; Vickie Folias, Secretary; Fr. Michael Kouremetis, Dean and Mary tary Shuttle to Tubing & Snowmo- founder of Orthodox Christian Iraq to Somalia. Agrapides, Treasurer. Front Row : Greg Adondakis, Trustee; Roula Siklas, Program Director for Niarchos biling, let’s make a deal Casino Youth for Life. All are invited to at- Gaza's few hospitals have been Foundation; Andrea Giamalakis, Development Coordinator; Marina Gianoulis, Trustee; Evangelia Kout- package wit $20pp Casino Chips, tend and parking is free. For more swamped by more than 2,400 sou, Consul of Education, San Francisco Consulate; Andrea Kussack, Program Director for Niarchos Foun- complimentary double music CD, information, contact St. George An- wounded in Israel's 11-day cam- dation and Elaine M. Bapis, President. breakfast & hors devours daily with tiochian Orthodox Church (708) paign to stop Hamas militants from concierge rooms. Package Price: 656-2927. launching rockets into Israel. Al- Quad Price $300 per person, Triple most 600 Palestinians have been The Stavros Niarchos Founda- Price $325 per person, Double Price ■ FEBRUARY 7 killed. Nearly half of the dead are tion has awarded a three year grant $375 per person. Conveniently lo- WASHINGTON, D.C. – The Wash- civilians, according to U.N. and to Saint Sophia Hellenic Orthodox cated in the heart of downtown ington National Opera Women’s Palestinian officials. School. Andrea M. Giamalakis, De- Montreal, this hotel boasts a spa- Committee and His Excellency The Mognie and his colleague, both velopment Coordinator for the cious, elegant lobby, large well-ap- Ambassador of Greece cordially in- from the Greek organization Doc- school wrote the grant that benefit- pointed guestrooms with private vite the community to “The Mid- tors for Peace, were the last in their ted the Greek Language, the Schol- balconies and a variety of full ser- winter Gala,” at the Andrew W. Mel- group of six Greek doctors to re- arship/Financial Aid and Physical vice amenities. The hotel is the ideal lon Auditorium on Saturday, Febru- main at the Rafah border after ar- Education Programs. location for pleasure and only steps ary 7, 2009 at 6:30 PM. Rebecca riving last Friday with medical sup- Members of the Niarchos Foun- to Montreal's finest shopping, Miller and Sally Cox are the Gala plies. The others returned home af- dation visited with students and fac- restaurants, nightclubs and attrac- Co-Chairs. A not to be missed black- ter being continually rebuffed by ulty members on November 13, tions. You can book a Deluxe of tie gala – join us for dinner and the Egyptian border guards. 2008. Program Directors Argyro Concierge Room. With 94 runs ser- dancing as we celebrate Thessaloni- Israel and Egypt first closed (Roula) Siklas and Andrea Kussack viced by 13 state-of-the-art lifts, the ki through the ages! For individual their borders with Gaza after participated in the school’s morning mountain dominates a stunningly tickets, please call The Midwinter Hamas took control of the area in music class, visited the individual beautiful countryside. Those who Gala Office at 202-295-2437 or e- June 2007. The Egyptian closure classrooms and observed the Greek live for the great outdoors and love mail [email protected]. For cor- has been seen by some as abetting Language classes. Also visiting the to breathe clean air have the perfect porate sponsorships, please call Israel's siege of the crowded strip, school was special guest Evangelia playground. A paradise where ski 202-295-2431 or e-mail home to 1.4 million people. Koutsou, Education Consul from the and snowboard enthusiasts are [email protected]. Since Israel's offensive, Egypt San Francisco Consulate. The Stu- From Left: Roula Siklas, Program Director, Niarchos Foundation; An- both spoiled silly: ramps, rails and has taken in a trickle of wounded dent Parent Associate hosted a lun- drea Giamalakis, Development Coordinator and Grant Writer and Ma- jumps as well as an Olympic caliber ■ FEBRUARY 10 Palestinians through the crossing at cheon for the special visitors. rina Gianoulis, Trustee. pipe. Taste the freedom, dare the NEW YORK – The Hellenic Cham- Rafah. The Egyptian government, Nick & Elaine Bapis hosted an mountain, live Tremblant to the ber of Commerce and Norwegian- the main mediator between Israel evening reception for the visitors Mrs. Vickie Folias and Miss Margo elementary school with six grades fullest! For more information, go to American Chamber of Commerce and Hamas, has said it would only along with the Board of Trustees Sotiriou, who were also present. and 114 students, the school re- www.montrealx.com. cordially invite the community to open Rafah if moderate Palestinian and special guests. Mrs. Elaine Saint Sophia was established in mains the only one of its kind in the their Joint Shipping Conference, forces of President Mahmoud Ab- Bapis is one of the three original 1996 with a preschool and kinder- state of Utah and the Mountain ■ JANUARY 17 “How Will Shipping Survive the bas are in charge of the crossing. founders of the school along with garten. Now fully accredited as an West States. CHICAGO – The Hellenic Museum Perfect Storm?” at The New York and Cultural Center cordially in- Helmsley Hotel (212 East 42nd vites the community to a lecture en- Street) on Sunday, February 10, titled “Orthodoxy and Hellenism in 2009 at 8:15 AM. Members: $625 America” given by Paul G. Manolis, (additional from same firm: $575); author of the monumental History Non-Members: $695. Full program John Catsimatidis: Going From Supermarkets to Oil of the Greek Church of America in and speakers to be announced. Reg- Acts and Documents. This three vol- istration/coffee begins at 8:15 AM, Continued from page 1 ume work, with a fourth to come, Conclusion/Networking Reception documents the history of the Greek begin at 5:00 PM. the banks and hedge funds lured in Archdiocese of America. The work by the oil boom beat a hasty retreat has already received much critical ■ APRIL 2-6 when credit valves were shut start- acclaim as the authoritative voice ATLANTIC CITY, N.J.
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