8 CROATIAN INTERNATIONAL RELATIONS REVIEW The EU, the SECI and Croatia Janko Vranyczany-Dobrinovic An outline of Croatia's Austrian branch of the House of Hapsburg, with the logistic centre for Croatia at Graz. This fate- foreign policy strategy ful decision resulted in much grief, the fragmen- tation of the Kingdom, the creation of the mili- regarding relations with tary zone at Karlovac commanded by Austrian and German generals and of the Kraina borderland, the European Union settled by Orthodox peoples from the Balkans, and the loss of Dalmatia. After the defeat of the One of the most controversial issues preoc- Ottoman Empire, what was for the Croats a cupying the Croatian public opinion since autumn mainly defensive union, gradually turned into a 1996, and likely to continue doing so in the' fu- state structure dominated by the Hungarians and ture, is the report on the regional approach to a Austro-Germans. The Croats, concerned about group of Southeast European countries, covering the fate of the annexed Dalmatia, Rijeka and the Republic of Croatia, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Istria, and wishing to achieve equality by creating the Federal Republic of Yugoslavia, Macedonia a larger grouping, began to dream about linkage and Albania, prepared by the Foreign Relations with what they thought to be "related southern Commission of the General Directorate Ia of the Slavs" in their immediate vicinity. European Commission and adopted by the Coun- This linkage, which was to last for 70 years, cil of Ministers at the meeting of the Ministerial briefly interrupted by the ephemeral Independent Council, in Luxembourg, 28 October, 1996. State of Croatia, could have produced even more The consensual integration of a number of tragic consequences for Croatia than the Turkish sovereign state entities, sometimes as a result of incursions and destruction. pressure, which was formerly motivated by dynas- And just now, when the protracted histori- tic, defence or economic considerations and more cal process, initiated in 1527, of reclaiming all recently to prevent war or conflict between them, Croatian lands and uniting them into a sovereign is being replaced by association and the creation Croatian state is nearing completion, a new po- of larger market, customs, trade and investment litical project is being touted on the European zones. political market, a project which, presented in in- Almost the entire Croatian history, which creasingly milder versions, produces apprehen- may be viewed as tragic or as the art of survival of sion, outrage and disappointment in all people in a small and threatened people, is filled with vari- Croatia, from the government and parliament to ous kinds of association, accompanied by a more the vast majority of the population. or less voluntary forfeiture of sovereignty: from the Pacta conventa', the Convention of Tsetin/, PROJECT OF THE POLITICAL the Pragmatic Sanction", the National Council", RECONCILIATION and up to the meeting of ZA VNOH5 and the To be true, this project of "reconciliation present day, on the eve of the process of integra- and economic and communication linkage" of tion with the European Union. countries east of Slovenia, conceived by the bu- In order to keep alive what was left of the reaucratic strategists from the European Commis- devastated and decimated Kingdom of Croatia, sion, cannot be compared with the voluntary or and perhaps to reclaim one day the lost lands, lack- forced institutionalised unions of Croatia in the ing adequate troops and money, a large part of past, but all our recent experiences produce in us the Croatian nobility, probably reluctantly, joined not only emotional rejection but also rational cau- their Hungarian peers in a primarily defensive tion. alliance with the southern and south-eastern duch- The paradox of this project is that, at the ies of the German Roman Empire, ruled by the end of the past century and during the first two JANUARY -JUNE 1997 9 decades of this century, it would have been en- gionallinks" with the Federal Republic ofYugo- thusiastically welcomed by the larger part of our slavia and the Republika Srpska in Bosnia and political and intellectual circles. The same could Herzegovina. This tendency will be reinforced by be said of the days of the so-called "Croatian the economic gravitation of the western part of spring", whereas today it can only provoke indig- the Republika Srpska around Bihac towards the nation and disillusionment. Republic of Croatia, as well as by our own inter- Let us try and cast a sober and realistic ests in the Federation of Bosnia and Herzegovina glance on some facts, even if we don't like them. and in Bosnia and Herzegovina as a whole. The rebellion of the Croatian Serbs, the After the Illyrian dreams of a Croato- aggression from Belgrade, the war and our in- Serbian coalition, the Yugoslav Committee in volvement in favour of the Croatian minority and exile, the self-suffocation of the Croatian Conven- interests in Bosnia and especially in Herzegovina, tion, after accession to the Kingdoms of were driving Croatia farther and farther apart Karagjorgjevic and Petrovic- Njegos, and finallyby from Slovenia and from the other Visehrad coun- the creation of Yugoslavia, in the natural course tries. After the Washington and Dayton accords, of things, albeit reluctantly, Croatia developed moreover, Croatia was being driven closer and more economic, communication, sports, and even closer to the Balkans, similarly to the manner in family links with the majority Balkan part of the which it was occupied and later annexed by former Yugoslavia than its public is willing to ad- Austro-Hungary after the Berlin Congress, with mit. German support -with the difference that Austro- Like it or not, also in the future; the Croats Hungary was a Central European power. will continue to maintain more particular and The virtual balkanisation of Central Euro- mutually stimulating relations with the Serbs, pean Croatia began at the end of 1918, with the Bosnian Moslems and Montenegrins than with, entry into Zagreb of the Serb army, with the set- e.g., the Hungarians, Austrians and even the ting up of the armed forces and the gendarmerie Slovenes. and of local administration over the whole The world public opinion, the media and Croatian territory after the Serb model and staffed the major international factors and decision-mak- by Serbs. This balkanisation received added im- ers do not wish to take into consideration the "pre- petus during the forty-five years of the commu- 1918 phase", viewing instead things from the van- nist regime in Yugoslavia, imbued by a Balkan tage point of the familiar recent past. And this mentality and accompanied by a mass exodus of recent past, for most of these international fac- the Croat elite, raised on Central European tra- tors, was at first glance a history of four decades dition. of coexistence of all former Yugoslav ethnic If Croatia was submitted to "creeping groups within a single state structure without any balkanisation", reinforced by an influx of refugees major dispute. from Bosnia and Herzegovina at the time of the They are more interested in the realities of Independent State of Croatia, after 1945 and dur- the current geographic and communication logic ing the recent war, as well as by the arrival of larger of the area between Zagreb and Saloniki, and in numbers of Croats from the Dinara region, then the neuralgic spots in Bosnia and Herzegovina, we must admit at the same time that Northwest Mostar, Brcko, Sandzak and Kosovo, which are Serbia, in Voivodina, Novi Sad, Zemun and West- not likely to die out for many years to come, than ern Sirmium possesses certain Central European in our historicist Central European sentimental- traits which enable it, when necessary, to stress ity, especially since we contributed to the destruc- its position as a link with the Danubian region. It tion of a functioning Central European common- would appear that the Federal Republic of Yu- wealth of peoples, after having been one of the goslavia plans to invoke its geopolitical position initiators and co-authors of Yugoslavias of all and predominance in terms of population in or- shapes and hues. der to assume one day a central role in the region They show little interest in historical inter- between Zagreb and Saloniki. pretations, the Kosovo myth and the term "bul- "The Croatian Central European Serbs", wark of Christianity" only produce a semi-polite especially after the reintegration of Eastern smile, and the same goes for the complexities of Slavonia and the return of a portion of the Serbs the Croato-Serbian conflict; they have even less who fled after Operation Storm, will constitute understanding of the much more complex prob- the most numerous and the most important mi- lem of Bosnia and Herzegovina, except that it nority in Croatia, and thereby strengthen the "re- places us beyond the Balkan pale. 10 CROATIAN OOERNATIONAL RELATIONS REVrEW The international political and economic the new conditions this imposes, offer excellent factors apply a pragmatic approach in assessing excuses for procrastination. Moreover, Europe is the present situation in terms of potentials for no longer willing to admit some "poor relations", future cooperation, regardless of possible histori- as it did with Greece or Portugal, but wants eco- calor mentality preferences. However, this is not nomic peers, who will not constitute an incessant to say that Croatia should give up its efforts to drain on the expensive, jointly financed develop- inform the public that this part of the world has ment funds and subsidies. Actually, it was devel- long been divided into two antagonistic cultural oped countries like Austria, Sweden, Denmark and political groupings, one oriented to the Euro- and Finland who were the last to be welcomed Christian and the other to the Byzantine and Ot- into the extended circle of the Founding Six un- toman cultural and political heritage.
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