Lioi, Anthony. "Index of Terms." Nerd Ecology: Defending the Earth with Unpopular Culture. London: Bloomsbury Academic, 2016. 217–226. Environmental Cultures. Bloomsbury Collections. Web. 25 Sep. 2021. <>. Downloaded from Bloomsbury Collections, www.bloomsburycollections.com, 25 September 2021, 21:38 UTC. Copyright © Anthony Lioi 2016. You may share this work for non-commercial purposes only, provided you give attribution to the copyright holder and the publisher, and provide a link to the Creative Commons licence. Index Abbey, Edward 48 audience-oriented criticism 7 abnormality 46 Augustinian principle 129 absolute music 134 autoethnography 35, 36, 45, 51 Adamson, Joni 47, 89, 90 autonomy 14, 28, 163 Adorno, Theodor 137, 146–7 advanced Slayerism 153 Bacon-Smith, Camille 146 affection 62–3 Barnstone, Willis 107 agrarianism 31 Battistoni, Alyssa 56 AIDS. See HIV/AIDS Baudrillard, Jean 14, 97, 101–5, 107, 120, Ainulindalë 125 cosmogony 136 simulation 107 metaphysical lineage of 133 theory of simulacra 103 philosophical appropriation of 132 Beer, Gillian 45–6 Alaimo, Stacy 47 Berger, Peter L. 115–16 alienation 70, 71, 84, 103, 105, 122, 128, Beverly Hills 90210 60 131, 138, 191 biblical narratives 6 Alpha Natural Resources 125 The Big Bang Theory 51 Always Coming Home (LeGuin) 58 “Birds and Bees” 60 Amazons 55 Black, Edwin 32 “ambivalent secularization” of modernity Bleeding Edge (novel) 14, 50, 100–16, 167 152 culture of 112 American Born Chinese (novel) 36 Brave New World (Huxley) 165 Anderson, Benedict R. 38, 66 The Brief Wondrous Life of Oscar Wao The Animatrix 14, 97, 100, 105–9 (Diaz) 109 Anthropocene 104, 174 Brokeback Mountain 60, 178 anticosmic dualism 133 “brown sky effect” 115 anti-cosmos of schooling 105 Buckley, Michael 39–41 anti-immigrant racism 36 Buddhism 106 anti-intellectualism 25 Buell, Lawrence 75 Apatow, Judd 43 Buffy the Vampire Slayer 3, 16, 144–6 Apocalypse 148–58 Butler, Octavia E. 34, 35, 46 apokatastasis 142–3 principle of 142 Calvinist theories 126 Aristotelian ethics 104 capitalism 114–16 Arnold, Matthew 4 Captain Marvel (superhero) 172, 175 art carbon bomb 117 Catholic understanding of 135 Carrithers, Gale H. 95 of enchantment 136–44 Carson, Rachel 11, 48, 99, 109 artificial intelligences (AIs) 106 Cassaday, John 170–1 218 Index Catching Fire (Katniss) 119–20 convergence theory 7 Catholic theology 134, 142 Cooke, Darwin 181, 182 centaurs 55 corruption 71, 94, 154 centralization 165 conventional sign of 125 Chabon, M. 175 of Platonism 133 chiaroscuro effect 52 cosmogony 15, 126, 130, 131, 133, 136 Chinese lanterns 176–7 cosmological disaster 109 Christian apocalypse 106 cosmopolitan citizenship 108 Christian ecological theology 134 cosmopolitanism 69, 72–4, 76, 77, 81, Christian mysticism 133 82, 84, 87, 92, 94–6, 99, 165, Christian technique of fourfold exegesis 7 183 Christianity 131 cosmos 15, 49, 58, 65, 71–3, 89, 96, Chua, Daniel K. L. 134 97, 101, 115, 118, 123, 125, 126, Civil Rights Movement 26–7, 30 129–30, 132–5, 142, 149, 150, 193, civilization 1, 2, 4, 8, 9, 13, 17, 47, 66, 68, 197, 203 73, 79, 87, 90, 93, 94, 99, 104, 109, structure of 129–30 164, 166, 188 counter-apocalypse Claremont, Chris 188 foundation of 130 Clewell, Andre F. 143 restoration as 123–44 climate denial, ideology of 108 Coupland, Douglas 51, 52 climate disaster 107 creation myths 126, 128 Cold War culture 174 criminal aliens 40–1 collaborative nature of music 127 critical race theory 30 collective identity 46, 53 Critical Theory 11 Collins, Suzanne 15, 97, 100, 116–18, 120, Crosman, Robert 7–8 122 cross-cultural synthesis 168 colonization 165 Crow, Jim 34 comet 97–8 The Crying of Lot 49 (Pynchon) 114 comic books 16–18, 149, 159, 168, 170, cultural dysfunction 40 174, 177, 181, 188, 193, 197, 198, cultural inheritance 39 204 cultural production 101 encyclopedic knowledge of 99–100 culture 11, 30, 36 production 174 Culture & Anarchy (Arnold) 4 Communist dehumanization 57 Cunningham, Richie 27–8 community 7, 8, 13, 16, 59, 63 Curry, Patrick 125 classical models of 59 cybernetic theories of ecology 50 imagined 38 cyborg 53, 59, 105 organismic 45 aesthetics 127–8 of planetary defense 18 definition of 58–9 computer 23, 28, 29, 49–51, 92, 93, 96, Harawavian 59 110, 113, 147, 151, 156, 193 vs. monster 58 Condis, Megan 205 movement from 59–60 Condry, Ian 7 political disruptions of 58 consolation, final category of 138 political role of 59 constructivism 115 consumer culture 11, 103 Dalton, Caroline 175 contemporary environmentalism 58 Daniel, Tony 78–80 contemporary media 103 Dark Phoenix 158–60 contemporary social system 102 Dark Willow 155, 158–61, 163 Index 219 Darwin, Charles 44–6, 81, 92 nerd (see ecology) polysemy 45–6 organismal connotations of 49 theory, extraordinary hermeneutic political 11 potential in 45 queer (see queer ecology) DC Comics 170, 174, 179, 194 semiotic 53 DC: The New Frontier (2015) 181 traditions of 11 Death of Nature, The (Merchant) 49 urban 11, 111 “DeepArcher” 110 economic growth 23 DeKoven, Marianne 69 neoliberal models of 101–2 democracy 65, 66, 69, 75, 80, 82, 121, economic production 101 165 economic transformation 30 sacred canopy of 121 economy, American 28 demonic Gender 163 eco-political disaster 106 demonic horde 157 ecosexual resistance 60 depersonalization 49 Edison, Thomas 31 destruction 97–121, 128 effluvia 10, 39, 47–9, 53, 59, 62 diachronic reading 143 effluvium48 , 50 Díaz, Junot 99 eggheads 25–6, 203 digital innovation 25 Eglash, Ron 28 Dikötter, Frank 32 Ellis, Warren 170–1 dirt theory 111, 112–13 elvish art, human approximations of 137 material terms of 113 enchantment 130 discourse of absolute music 134 modernity and 137 disease metaphors 48 Ender’s Game (Card) 165 disruptive music 140 English mythology 127 divine punishment 141–2 enlightenment 106 “The Domination System” 154 philosophy 46 dot-com bubble in 2000 113 enthusiasm 62–3 dualism 14, 15, 53, 98, 100, 105, 107, 122, environmental culture 12, 19, 22–4, 94, 133, 135, 136 147, 199, 204 “dualistic anti-cosmic spirit” 107 urban-ecological approach to 111 duality of Nerdland 39 environmental destruction 125 duBois, Page 55 environmental disaster 166 dynamism in relationships 53 environmental imagination 43 environmental justice 164–5, 168 Earth’s climate system 124 environmental law 100 eco-cosmopolitanism 66, 67, 99, 109 environmental racism 11 of nerds 64 environmental transformation 2 ecocritical conversation 12 environmentalism 49, 50, 57 ecocriticism 9, 42, 47, 111 Environmentalism and Popular Culture ecological discourse 29 (Sturgeon) 9 ecological imperialism 11 Erickson, Bruce 60 ecological restoration 16, 126, 142–4, 164, escapism 125–6 200, 203 eschatology 116, 126, 141, 143, 153 eschatology of 126 ethos 11, 38, 42, 58, 59, 73, 82, 94, 95, 133, ecological theology, Christian 134 135, 136, 142, 168, 173, 175, 181, ecology 186, 190, 193, 195 cybernetic theories of 50 eucatastrophes 15–16, 123, 138, 139–41, modern 11 162–4, 197, 200 220 Index eugenics 12–14, 19, 32, 33, 41, 45, 53, 54, gay cancer 48 58, 59, 65, 78–84, 87, 96, 118, 121, gay marriage 61 145, 166–8, 172, 174, 178, 187, Gay Rights movement 29 205–6 geektopia project 64 euhemerism 2 geektropolis 40 euthenics 11 Geertz, Clifford 42 Everdeen, Katniss 15–16, 117–22, 136 gender 158–64 evolutionary liberation 30 cultures of 155 ex nihilo 7 demonic 155 expulsion 7 imbalance 131 norms 62 Facebook 5, 124, 167 patterns of reproduction and mortality fairy stories 136–44 155 fan behavior 3 violence 156 fanthropology 7 genetic inheritance 39 fascism 40, 78, 79, 82, 84, 117, 120, 121, Giles the Watcher, 147–52, 155–7, 159, 125, 129 161–3 sacred canopy of 117, 120 gladiatorial combat 117 Fawaz, Ramzi 173, 175, 188 global civilization 109 The Fellowship of the Ring 139 Gnostic dualism 122, 133 feminism/femininity 30, 62, 150 Gnosticism 98 feminist revolutionaries 155 kinds of 107 Fey, Tina 35–6 Gothic femininity 149 Fifth Sacred Thing, The (Starhawk) 58 Gothic genre 151 Firefly (television show) 16, 17, 145, Gothic logic 151 164–8, 170 Gramsci, Antonio 61 Fonzarelli, Arthur 27 green cathedrals 57 Foote, Stephanie 48 Green Lanterns 18, 19, 171, 174, 176–86 Forbes, Chris 154 “green thinking” 112 forced hybridization scheme 34 Greenpeace campaign (2014) 9 formalism 103 fossil-fuel economy 125 Habermas, Jürgen 6 fourfold exegesis 7 Haeckel, Ernst 11, 49, 50 Frankenstein: The Matrix (film) 108 Halberstam, Jack 60 Freaks and Geeks (Apatow) 43, 51 Halberstam, Judith 60 frisson 58 Happy Days 24, 27–8, 41 Happy Days-Revenge of the Nerds 30 Gaard, Greta 62 Harawavian cyborg 59 Galaxy Quest (film) 1, 2, 5–6, 9 Haraway, Donna Jeanne 34, 53, 56, 58, 88, Historical Documents of 8 122, 202 game designers 103–4 Hardwick, Chris 11, 24, 187 game environment 104, 118 The Harmony of the World (Kepler) 133 game theory 14, 103 Harris-Perry, Melissa 38 "Gamergate” scandal 75 Hart, John 134, 135 gamification 104 hashslingrz.com 110 Gans, Herbert 4 Hayles, Katherine 202 garbage 10, 12, 21, 48, 70, 71, 80, 96, 101, hegemonic concepts 61 110–14, 119, 146 Heise, Ursula K. 13, 66, 67 Garrard, Greg 197 hermeneutic circle 7 Index 221 heroism 176 Jordan, Darran 176 heteronormativity 61 Jordan, Hal 180–3 heterosexism 60 Jordan, William R. 142 HIV/AIDS 48–9 Hoeveler, Diane Long 152 Kant, Immanuel 3, 73 Hofstadter, Richard 25 Keller, Catherine 130 Hogle, Jerrold E. 146, 154, 155 Kendall, Lori 50 Hollander, John 132, 133 Kepler, Johannes 133 home economics 11 Khan, Kamala 171–2 honeybees, agriculture 56 Honig, Bonnie 119 Lacan, Jacques 102 Horkheimer, Max 1, 137 The Lair of the White Worm (Russell)
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