November 2.8, 1973 EXTENSIONS OF REMARKS 38497 United States; to the Committee on Bank­ provide technical assistance to units of gen­ PRIVATE BILLS AND RESOLUTIONS ing and Currency. eral local government to implement programs By Mr. ROY: which are designed to increase the use of Under clause 1 of rule XXII, private H.R. 11650. A b111 to amend the Internal carpools by commuters; to the Committee on bills and res.olutions were introduced and Revenue Code of 1954 to provide that the Interstate and Foreign Commerce. severally referred as follows: tax on the amounts paid for communica­ By Mr. UDALL (for himself, Mr. tion services shall not apply to the amount RHODES, and Mr. STEIGER Of Ari­ By Mr. ANDREWS of North Dakota: of the State and local taxes paid for such zona): H.R. 11655. A bill for the relief of North services; to the Committee on Ways and H.R. 11653. A bill ratifying and confirming Central Educational Television, Inc.; to the Means. an agreement by the Secretary of the In­ Committee on the Judiciary. By Mr. STUCKEY: terior providing for the issuance of a life­ By Mr. KETCHUM: H.R. 11651. A bill to temporarily suspend time grazing permit to the Gray family now H.R. 11656. A bill for the rellef of Mrs. motor vehicle em1ssion standards and pro­ consisting of Jack Gray, Henry Gray, and Elmer Andreotti; to the Committee on the hibitions against modifying em1ssion control Robert Louis Gray, relating to the grazing of Judiciary. systems; to the Committee on Interstate and cattle within the confines of the Organ Pipe Foreign Commerce. By Mr. WHITE: Cactus National Monument; to the Commit­ H.R. 11657. A blil for the rellef of Miss By Mr. TIERNAN (!or himself, Mr. tee on Interior and Insular Affairs. BADn.LO, Mr. CoLLIER, Mr. El:LBERG, Maria Ann Sharar; to the Committee on the By Mr. WILLIAMS: Judiciary. Mr. GREEN o! Pennsylvania, Mr. H.R. 11654. A blll to suspend motor vehicle GUDE, Mr. HosMER, Mr. KYRos, Mr. emission and fuel standards for the duration MOAKLEY, Mr. NIX, Mr. PODELL, Mr. of the energy crisis in order to conserve fuel; PETITIONS, ETC. RANGEL, Mr. REt:TSS, Mr. RHODES, Mr. to the Committee on Interstate and Foreign RosENTHAL, Mr. RoYBAL, Mr. ST Under clause 1 of rule XXII, GERMAIN, Mr. SARBANES, Mrs. Commerce. By Mr. BOWEN: 366. The SPEAKER presented a petition o! ScHROEDER, Mr. SE'IBEBLING, Mr. the Legislative Councll o! Maryland, Annapo­ STARK, Mr. THOMPSON Of New Jersey, H. Con. Res. 385. Concurrent resolution Mr. CHARLES H. WILSON of California, expressing the sense of Congress that no par­ lis, Md., relative to the resignation of the Mr. WON PAT, and Mr. YATRON) : don, reprieve, or amnesty be given to desert­ resident clerk of the U.S. District Court for H.R. 11652. A bill to authorize the Secre­ ers or draft evaders; to the Committee on the Western Distrlct of Kentucky; to the tary of Transportation to make grants and the Judiciary. Committee on the Judiciary. EXTENSIONS OF REMARKS THE PRESIDENT SHOULD NOT RE­ which we are presently confronted. Such after study and deliberation, sent a tele­ SIGN AND CAN BE REMOVED a precedent would establish that a mi­ gram to President Nixon and issued a re­ AFTER IMPEACHMENT nority could through false accusations lease on November 7, which I ask unani­ and propaganda drive from the Presi­ mous consent to have printed in the dency a strong and able President and RECORD. HON. CARL T. CURTIS thus rob the people through false witness There being no objection. the release OF NEBRASKA and intimidation of their President was ordered to be printed in the RECORD, IN THE SENATE OF THE UNITED STATES whom they had duly elected. It could re­ as follows: Wednesday, November 28, 1973 sult in the destruction of our form of COMMITTEE FOR CONSTITUTIONAL INTEGRITY: government by visiting punishment upon PRESIDENT NIXON HAs A CONSTITUTIONAL Mr. CURTIS. Mr. President, on No­ an individual, innocent of wrong-doing, OBLIGATION AND A DUTY IN THE NA­ vember 2, in this Chamber, our distin­ rather than to devote attention to the TIONAL INTEREST To IGNORE HYSTERICAL guished colleague, Senator BARTLETT, root causes of evil in our political system DEMANDS THAT HE RESIGN expressed to us his deep concern .over the and their orderly removal. The latter is, The Committee for Constitutional Integ­ suggestions and demands that President rity has this date addressed to President of course, our function as Senators. Nixon the following telegram: Nixon resign his office because of the ac­ I associate myself with what our dis­ cusations, insinuations, and innuendos President RICHARD M. NIXON, tinguished colleague, Senator GoLD­ of Watergate. This is, of course, a con­ THE WHITE HOUSE, WATER, said concerning the present crisis cern which each and every one of us must Washington, D.C. on November 4: share in equal measure, in view of the As a group of citizens concerned with the I'm asking in the name of reason, 1n the preservation of the Constitution, we, the disastrously adverse constitutional effect name of sanity, of justice and enlightenment, Committee for Constitutional Integrity, urge the establishment of such a precedent 1n the name of the great God above, for a mo­ you to stand firm against the hysterical de­ would create. ment of quiet thought and reflection. mands for your resignation. It is the genius As Senator BARTLETT pointed OUt, ar­ If we can have such a moment to quiet the of our Constitution that it permits our ticle n, section 4 of the Constitution pro­ hysteria that grips us, we may be able to pro­ Presidents to withstand the shifting winds vides that the President shall be removed ceed to the task ahead; w put in order our of partisan fury, and to serve out their terms from office only after impeachment for house of government; to eliminate the in­ of office unless they are impeached and con­ and the conviction of "treason, bribery, competent, punish the gullty, and to make victed for treason, bribery, or other hlg'h or other high crimes and misdemeanors." sure that what has happened wlll not happen crimes and misdemeanors. This is not the first again-but all this 1n an orderly, deliberate time that political partisans have first souglrt Not once in the almost 200 years of fashion. to discredit the authority of the President by our existence as a Nation has a President To the Congress, to the White House, to unscrupulous propaganda and then de­ resigned. No provision of our Constitu­ the Administration, to the press and the news manded that the President step down oft the tion even suggests, mueh less requires, media, to the pulpits and the universities, to ground that he has lost the confidence of resignation because of accusations or each and every one of us, I plead for restraint the people. President Truman at one point public clamor. Such demands cannot be in this crisis. For us to stay on this road of had a Gallup Poll rating substantially lower justified merely because of a lowering of unreason means stark tragedy. than that which the polls assign to you. public support, else several of our great Finally, in the words of the street, 1n God's Demands were made, notably by Senator Ful­ Presidents, including Lincoln, Wilson, name, "Cool it!" Give us time to think, and bright, that President Truman resign for the look at the road ahead. supposed good of the country. President Tru­ and Truman, each of whom sut:ered a man refused to heed these demands and later sharp drop in popular support while serv­ I wish to assure my colleagues of my was triumphantly reelected by the vote of the ing as President, might not have finished deep conviction that the vast majority of people. It is now universally agreed that their elected terms of office. our citizens-those who have not become President Truman served the country well, Even aside from the massive adverse propagandized into frenzied criers for and that he dld right to preserve the Con­ impact uPOn our constitut~onal system resignation or impeachment--entertain stitution by resisting pressure and intimida­ resignation would have, such action will the same thoughts. I know this to be true tion. prove nothing. It would, however, result The firm adherence to the constitutional of those who have studied the matter, mandate that a President should serve out 1n a serious and possibly fatal division unbiased and without partisanship. his term of office and not yield to the mo­ &nlong our people and thus seriously en- Such a group of citizens who, in 1971, mentary Winds of public opinion is what danger the proper solution of the grave associated themselves as the Committee saved this nation during the Civil War. At problems, domestic, and foreign, with for Constitutional Integrity, obviously one point President Lincoln privately des- 38498 EXTENSIONS OF REMARKS November 28, 1973 p.atred of reelection during the 1864 cam­ debts. None of these countries 1s today pay­ heartedly concur. I feel very strongly that paign. But under the shelter of a fixed term Ing even the interest on Its remaining debts a long-range policy must be developed of office, he did not quit but held firm. He to the United States. achieved reelection and saved the Union. When the franc was in danger of collap­ to secure alternate sources of energy for It is supreme folly to undermine the prin­ sing in 1956, it was the Americans who two primary reasons: First, we cannot ciple of serving out an elected term of office­ propped it up, and their reward was to be allow ourselves to be put in a position a principle which has served us so well-by insulted and swindled on the streets of of dependency upon other nations, nor pressure for your voluntary resignation.
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