
1 | P a g e 2018 年度报告 2018 Annual Report CONFUCIUS.SDSU.EDU 2 | P a g e 圣地亚哥州立大学孔子学院 2018 年度报告 CONFUCIUS INSTITUTE AT SDSU 2018 REPORTS 月份 日期及活动 MONTH DATE & ACTIVITY 一月 20 2018 一月份教师培训 CISDSU Hosts 2018 January Teachers Training January 30 孔子六艺亮相圣地亚哥 NEW 8 早间新闻栏目 Six Arts Featured at San Diego NEWS 8 二月 3 六艺喜迎狗年 圣大孔院新春表演一炮而红 Chinese New Year Celebration at Balboa Park February 6 2018 圣地亚哥州立大学出国留学项目推介会 2018 SDSU Spring Study Abroad Fair 8 人大附中艺术团走进孔子课堂开普敦高中 用完灭的演出欢度春节 RDFZ Art Troupe at El Capitan High School, a Spectacular Performance for the Chinese New Year 圣大孔院参加孔子课堂爱德小学新年庆祝活动 CISDUS Participates in Adobe Bluffs elementary school Chinese New Year Celebration 9 孔子课堂巴纳德小学全体师生展示“六艺”欢度春节 Barnard Chinese New Year Celebration Featuring “Six Arts” Performance 人大附中艺术团在米逊湾高中举办“欢乐春节”演出 RDFZ Arts Troupe Performs at Mission Bay High School 2018 巴纳德社区新年庆祝 10 2018 Barnard Chinese Community Celebration 圣大孔院出席狗年新年团拜 Year of the Dog Celebration Banquet CONFUCIUS.SDSU.EDU 3 | P a g e 12 圣大孔院应邀出席洛杉矶总领馆新年招待会 Chinese Consulate General in Los Angeles Chinese Lunar New Year Reception 13 山丹丹花开 La Jolla Country Day 学校 La Jolla Country Day School Celebrates Chinese New Year with Guzheng Performance SDSU 舞狮表演庆新春 SDSU Lunar New Year Lion Dance 15 圣大孔院参加圣大中国学生学者联合会春晚 SDSU CSSA Chinese New Year Celebration 小小文化周 送福到各州 The Cultural Week in Pacific Beach Middle School 边陲小镇吹起的中国风 “Chinese Style” Blasts in the town of Banning 16 河景国际小学庆祝春节 Riverview International Academy Chinese New Year Celebration 17 一场特殊的音乐会 Chasing My Dream in the Invisible World: A Piano Concert by Xiangjun Wang 18 大年初三海洋世界上演“六艺”圣大孔院师生表演红火全场 CISDSU Celebrates Chinese New Year with Six Arts at SeaWorld 20 圣大孔院助力第十二届心手相连慈善文艺晚会 CISDSU Assist The 12th Annual Hear-to-Hear Hand-in-Hand Charity Series 22 盲人大学生王香君访问 E3 城市高中 Visually Impaired Student Xiangjun Wang Visits E3 Civic High School 23 圣大孔院与中华历史博物馆合办钱思亮先生回顾展 CISDSU Co-Hosts the Life & Deeds of Dr. Shih-Liang Chien Exhibition 24 川浙联合倾情表演 文化盛宴庆狗年 Inaugural Soiree: An Enchanting Evening Celebrating the Year of the Dog CONFUCIUS.SDSU.EDU 4 | P a g e 圣地亚哥全程欢庆中国春节,孔院“六艺”引领 狗年潮流 San Diego Downtown Celebrates Chinese New Year, CISDSU Six Arts Leading the Trend in the Year of Dog 2 圣大孔院出席圣地亚哥华人元宵节晚会 三月 Chinese Lantern Festival Celebration Banquet March 3 圣地亚哥州立大学孔子学院接待加州洛杉矶大学东南亚学生代表团 SEACLEAR Delegation Visits Six Arts Center 6 圣大孔院成功举办 2018 美西南汉语桥比赛 CISDSU Successfully Hosts 2018 South-West Region Chinese Bridge Chinese Language Proficiency Competition 9 圣地亚哥州立大学孔子学院参加爱德小学户外文化活动日 Adobe Bluffs Elementary School Run2Play Health & Fitness Day 孔院举办汉语桥比赛辅导交流会 16 Experiences sharing on Chinese Bridge competition 20 圣地亚哥州大学孔子学院参加开普敦高中多元文化节 CISDSU Participates in El Capitan High School’s Multicultural Festival 四月 14 品味六艺新思路,孔院交流促发展—孔子学院美西大会在圣地亚哥州立 大学圆满落幕 April 2018 North American Confucius Institute Western Regional Conference 19 圣大孔院参加第八届圣地亚哥亚洲电影节春季影展 CISDSU Participates in 8th Annual San Diego Asian Film Festival Spring Showcase 30 一场别开生面的武术讲座 A Special Presentation of Chinese Martial Arts at SDSU 五月 5 第九届圣地亚哥亚洲文化节 9th Annual Asian Cultural Festival May 圣大孔院孔子课堂参加第五届美国华人青少年艺术节 Confucius Classrooms attended the Fifth American Chinese Youth Arts Festival 6 2018 圣地亚哥高中生赴厦门大学中文夏令营行前培训 CONFUCIUS.SDSU.EDU 5 | P a g e 2018 Chinese Bridge Summer Camp Pre-Departure Orientation 7 中国文化走进 Linda Vista 小学 CISDSU Introduces Chinese Culture to Linda Vista Elementary School 17 巴纳德家长 Love Zubiller 女士在 2018 全美中文大会上发表演讲 Barnard Elementary Parent Speaks at 2018 National Chinese Language Conference 18 圣大孔院成功举办 2018 春季国画课结课仪式 2018 Spring Chinese Painting Class Closing Ceremony 20 圣大孔院参加佛光山佛诞节文化表演 CISDSU Performs at Buddha’s Brithday Celebration at Hsi Fang Temple 24 六艺中心孔子铜像揭幕仪式成功举办 Confucius Statue Unveiling Ceremony 27 圣大孔院参加传统饮食文化节表演 CISDSU Performs at Ethnic Food Fair 六月 6 Empower 特许小学学生表演太极拳 Tai Chi demonstration at Empower Charter School June 圣地亚哥州立大学孔子学院参加 2018 巴纳德小学运动会 CISDSU Participates in 2018 Barnard Field Day 16 2018 上海游学项目 2018 Shanghai Summer Program 25 圣大孔院与 KPBS 公共广播电视台联办中国文化交流午餐会 Cultural Connections Event at KPBS 八月 9 爱德小学中文沉浸项目成立 Kudos to Adobe Bluffs! August 10 玩中学汉语 六艺乐无穷 2018 Chinese Six Arts Summer Camp 13 圣大孔院应吴伟教授邀请 宾客齐聚家中品味六艺 A Taste of Six Arts with Professor Wai Ng 16 除了会包饺子,孔院孩子都具备这些才艺! CONFUCIUS.SDSU.EDU 6 | P a g e CISDSU multitalented students showcased Six Arts at the Consulate General’s Open Houese 九月 6 圣大孔院举办圣地亚哥郡长 Ron Roberts 光荣退休晚宴 CISDSU Hosted Retirement Banquet for Supervisor Ron Roberts September 9 圣大孔院古筝演奏家刘丹在第五届博华音乐会上演奏 CISDSU Guzheng Instructor Dan Liu Performs at the 5th Bohua Music Concert 15 孔院美国中心颁发人文交流奖,圣大孔院两名获奖者脱颖而出 CISDSU Student & Parent Received National People-to-People Award in Washington D.C. 21 厦门大学艺术团访问爱德小学 Xiamen University Arts Troupe Performs at Adobe Bluffs Elementary School 22 2018 中秋晚会在巴博亚公园隆重举行 2018 Moon Festival Celebration at Balboa Park 28 厦门大学书记张彦一行访问六艺中心暨六艺中心余氏六艺迎宾堂揭牌仪 式 Xiamen University Delegation Visits Six Arts Center Du Nam Xuong Six Arts Welcome Hall Unveiling Ceremony 29 秋季汉办教师及志愿者培训 September Teachers Training 十月 15 圣地亚哥州立大学新任校长 Adela de la Torre 访问六艺中心 SDSU New President Adela de la Torre Visits Six Arts Center October 21 2018 中学生汉语桥我们又来了! 2018 Chinese Bridge Competition 十一月 14 中国茶道在国际教育周上大放异彩 Chinese Tea Ceremony Kicks Off International Education Week November Celebration 圣大孔院庆祝圣地亚哥亚洲电影节 CISDSU Celebrated San Diego Asian Film Festival 15 圣大孔院参加国际和平村活动 CISDU Participated in International Peace Village 16 中国武术走进 Hilltop 高中 Chinese Martial Arts Demonstration at Hilltop High School CONFUCIUS.SDSU.EDU 7 | P a g e 28 圣大孔院举办郡长朗罗伯茨退休晚宴 CISDSU Hosted Retirement Reception for Supervisor Ron Roberts 30 巴纳德小学秋游访问六艺中心 Barnard 3rd Grade Six Arts Filed Trip 十二月 4 孔子课堂学生康可米在孔子学院年度大会上讲话 Confucius Classroom Student Kamila Carter Speaks at CI Global December Conference 爱德小学荣获“年度孔子课堂”称号 Confucius Classroom of the Year: Adobe Bluffs Elementary School 5 圣大孔院正式启动 Kate Sessions 小学六艺项目 CISDSU Launches Six Arts Program at Kate Sessions Elementary School 2018 年 1 月 20 日 January 20, 2018 2018 一月份教师培训 CISDSU Hosts 2018 January Teachers Training 2018 年 1 月 20 日,圣 地亚哥州立大学孔子学 院(圣大孔院)在六艺 中心举办了一月教师培 训讲座。 早上,圣大孔院管理院 长刘丽容教授围绕“章 鱼计划”作主题演讲, 引领大家思考 2018 的 愿望清单以及制定职业 计划。刘院长指出,展 望 2018 非常重要,因 为“你的回答不仅反映 了你的价值观和你对新 一年的期望,而且会激 励你不断努力,实现目 标。”随后,汉办老师关欣和刘晓峰分享了她们在孔子课堂的教学经验。当天上午,超过 20 名教 师也一并分享了她们的教学经验和培训心得。 CONFUCIUS.SDSU.EDU 8 | P a g e 下午的讲座以“英语写作”为主题。圣大孔院特别邀请 Lief Fearn 博士为大家讲解“英语写作的 要领”。他的演讲旨在提高汉办老师的写作技巧。 On January 20, 2018, the Confucius Institute at San Diego State University (CISDSU) hosted the January Teachers’ Training Workshop at Six Arts Center. In the morning, Dr. Lilly Cheng, Managing Director of CISDSU, presented her topic “Octopus Project”. According to Dr. Cheng, “Creating your vision for 2018” is important because “Your answers not only reflect your value and vision, but will also motivate you to strive to achieve your goals in the new year”. Afterwards, Hanban teachers Ms. Xin Guan and Ms. Xiaofeng Liu shared their experiences on teaching in Confucius Classroom schools. Furthermore, over 20 Hanban teachers also reflected on their teaching experiences and what they’ve learned from previous training workshops. The afternoon workshop focused on English writing. Guest speaker, Dr. Leif Fearn, spoke on “English Writing Know How”. His presentation aims to strengthen our teachers’ English writing skills. CONFUCIUS.SDSU.EDU 9 | P a g e 2018 年 1 月 30 日 January 30, 2018 孔子六艺亮相圣地亚哥 NEWS 8 早间新闻栏目 Six Arts Featured at San Diego NEW 8 1 月 30 日早晨,圣地亚哥 州立大学孔子学院(圣大 孔院)受电视台 NEWS8 和 中国馆的邀请,参与录制 了早间新闻栏目,将孔子 六艺精彩直播给电视观众, 宣传本周末即将在中国馆 主办的中国春节庆祝。 圣大孔院六艺专职教师李 仁松教授身着太极服,在 节目中表演六艺中“射” 的代表——太极拳和太极 剑 。 节 目 期 间 , 主 持 人 Jeff Zevely 采访了李仁松 教授,李教授将太极对健 康的功效解释给主持人和 观 众 。 视 频 链 接 : http://www.cbs8.com/story/37387009/the-year-of-the-dogcelebrate-chinese-new-year-at- balboa-park 二月三日本周六中午,圣大孔院将在中国馆主办的中国春节庆祝活动中展示孔子六艺演出。表演 包括茶艺、民乐、太极、国画、民族舞蹈、珠心算等等。带来这些表演的演员们则是我们孔子课 堂的才艺相当的学生和教师团队。让我们本周六中午一起庆祝春节,巴博尔公园不见不散! In the morning of January 30, the Confucius Institute at San Diego State University (CISDSU) was featured by San Diego local news station – NEWS 8. CISDSU Six Arts Instructor, Professor Rensong Li, demonstrated Taichi fan and Taichi sword on the Morning Extra program. House of China president, David Seid, and House of China Director Lily Zhou also gave the audience a preview of this weekend’s Chinese New Year celebrations at Balboa Park. During the show, TV Host Jeff Zevely interviewed Professor Li about Taichi. Link to the video: http://www.cbs8.com/story/37387009/the-year-of-the-dogcelebrate-chinese-new- year-at-balboa-park CISDSU will proudly present Six Arts performances on Saturday, February 3 at House of China, Balboa Park. Performances will include tea ceremony, Chinese instruments, Taichi, Chinese painting, minority dances, abacus etc. They )will be performed by our talented Confucius Classroom students and teachers. Come watch the show at noon on Saturday to kick start the New Year! CONFUCIUS.SDSU.EDU 10 | P a g e 2018 年 2 月 3 日 February 3, 2018 六艺喜迎狗年 圣大孔院新春表演一炮而红 Chinese New Year Celebration at Balboa Park 2 月 3 日中午,一首新年歌 曲《恭喜恭喜》唱红了圣地 亚哥拥有两百多年历史的巴 博尔公园。全场近千名观众 和孔子课堂学生齐声欢唱、 提前庆祝狗年的到来。原 来,圣地亚哥州立大学孔子 学院(圣大孔院)的学生和 老师们在巴博尔公园为大家 上演了一场“六艺庆新春” 的演出,为圣地亚哥献上今 年的第一场春节联欢表演。 开场歌曲《迎春花》由孔子 课堂太平洋海滨中学的学生 马慧玫(Leah Markworth)为 大家倾情演唱,随后主持人 尚克斯(Christopher Santy)和马慧玫用流利的中文祝贺大家新年快乐,赢得观众们的啧啧称赞。孔 子课堂巴纳德小学表演团为观众精彩呈现中文歌剧表演《木兰》;河景国际小学学生阿尔德 (Abboud)姐妹优雅展示古筝和茶艺表演;TDS 中学的哈莫尼(Harmony Richardson)打扮成一只翠绿 的小孔雀,在汉语桥冠军爱红风(Kassia Love)的优美葫芦丝乐声中翩翩起舞;中国民族风在今年也 格外流行,巴纳德学生的藏族舞蹈《高原蓝》和蒙古歌曲《卓玛》展现中国少数民族风情;不得 不提孔院汉办老师们威风凛凛的太极扇表演让观众们连连喝彩;六艺还少不了“书”,孔院老师 挥墨献上“一笔画狗”赠给观众,为现场增添了互动气氛;还有“神奇的珠心算”表演展现了算
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