' / MCTOT CMPIJS VOL. XXXI Storrs, Connecticut, Wednesday, December 6, 1944 Z88 No. 13 500 Expected Jo Attend Military Ball HUGE WAR BOND AUCTION DEC~12 Five QheiTs Compete Laurels, A E Phi JOINT COMMITTEE PLANS AUCTION For Military Title Jointly Sponsor Dinner To Honor Tickets Available Community Affair For $1.50, Plus Tax, The biggest university bond Prof. Hollister From R. O. T. C. dnve in the state of Connecticut will be held in Hawley Armory Tuesday, Dec. 12 On Friday evening, December 8, Monday, December 11, from 7 in the Hawley Armory, Queen of p. m. to 10:30 p. m. The sale is University And Friends Unite the Military Ball will be an- sponsored by the Laurels and A E nounced and formally presented 1-hi Sorority to support the Sixth To Arrange Testimonial Fete during the intermission following War Loan Drive. Both Groups the grand march. thought of the idea simultaneous- Sherman P. Hollister, Professoi Five co-eds, all sorority girls, ly- of Horticulture, Emeritus, will be have been in competition for the honored by a testimonial dinner honored title. These are: Debby "Two for the price of one" will which will be held in the Ball- be the theme of the evening as the Beaumont, '45, and Alice McMee- 100m of the Bond Hotel on Decem- kin, '47, of Kappa Alpha Theta; auctioneer, a notable member of ber 12 at 6:30 p. m. the faculty, auctions off new mer- Sunny Baldwin, '47, and Alice chandise contributed by stores all Mott, '45, of Kappa Kappa Gam- over Connecticut. The highest Dinner To Be Held ma; and Janet Matz, '47, of Pi bidder will receive the article auc- Beta Phi. tioned off plus a bond or stamps The sophomore members of the for the exact money bid. R.O.T.C. have completed the By Friday, displays of part of voting processes for the election of the merchandise will be in the the queen and after her presenta- show cases of the Home Economics tion by Major Moffit, she will be building and the bookstore. Post- Left to right: Jewell Lieberman, Elaine Chausky, Lillian Zimmer- given a silver bracelet by Lt ers with pictures of the goods will man, Gladys Claps. David Barlow, who will also be- be up by that time. Lillian Zim- stow upon her the traditional kiss. merman, '45, general chairman, Aside from the gift received by tain desired articles at the same the winning candidate, each of the states "All of the goods to be auc- time. No pledges for bonds will Senate Plans Movie tioned are new. We have received five girls will be presented with a be accepted. Bonds to be used at For War Loan Drive corsage. generous contributions from stores the auction may be purchased be- Sonny Berman and his famed in Willimantic, Hartford, Stam- fore December 11 from any com- "Target for Today," a motion Baybrook Orchestra, popular in ford, Manchester, and other towns mittee member. picture released by the Office of West Haven and nearby vicinities, in Connecticut." SHERMAN P. HOLLISTER Some of the merchandise, gift Rosalie Lassman, '45, entertain- War Information, will be held have been engaged by the com- ment chairman, does not give any December 7 at 7:30 p. m. in Engi- mittee to furnish the evening's certificates, and services are: Professor Hollister graduated details for the planned entertain- neering 207, under the auspices music. The decorations will be Chesterfield cigarettes, Lucky horn University of Connecticut in ment. "There will just be plenty of the Student Senate in conjunc- under the direction of profession- Strike cigarettes, sweaters, ties, 1905 and served as professor of of it," she states. Novelty stamp tion with the Sixth War Loan al decorators from Hartford, the gloves, dinner and cocktails at th<.' Horticulture here for thirty-five sales, a bazaar, and raffles will Drive, Nicholas Randazzo, chair- same group who were in charge Kock. rationed foods, lamps, iden- years, On September 15 Profes- tification bracelets, gift orchids, precede the auction. man, stated today. of the Football Hop decorations. sor Hollister retired from the po- A military motif of red, white, and ash trays, mirror curio shelves, a Committees wish to thank peo- The acting in this movie is not sition of Head of Department of meal at the Capitol Restaurant. done by professional actors but blue, will be inaugurated into the ple from the various departments Horticulture. He also served in scheme of the dance with guns, record albums, movie tickets, a who have contributed their serv- by members of the famed Eighth the honorary positions of president complete evening of entertainment Air Force. It is not to be con- flag's, and possibly R.O.T.C. ban- ices, the local papers for their aid, of the Connecticut Pomological ners used. with the queen of the Military and Stations WTIC and WNBC in fused with a similar motion pic- Society and the Connecticut Tree Ball, paintings, prints, radios, a Hartford for their broadcasts. ture, "Target for Tonight," for the Protective Association. Tickets are now on sale and strand of cultured pearls, and one to be shown here on the Pearl may be obtained from any sopho- Dean Ackerman's services to car- Committee chairmen are Lillian Harbor anniversary has been Because of the respect and es- more of the R.O.T.C. for the price ry books for an hour. Many sur- Zimmerman, '45, general chair- shown but once previously on No- teem which Professor Hollister has of $1.50 per bid, plus federal tax. prise items and services will be man; Lee Taylor, '47, and Jewel vember 15. It is the story of a earned, the University of Con- Approximately 100 tickets will be auctioned off. Lieberman, '45, advertising; Rose bombing raid from the planning necticut, the Connecticut Pomo- made available for the E. R. C. on Fleisher, '45, and Ada Simonson, stage to the safe return home and logical Society, and the Connecti- campus. Students are again urged to cut Tree Protective Association are write to their families to obtain "45, bond; Gladys Clapps, '45, and what happens with the informa- Bids will be distributed Thurs- Norma Raff el, '46, decorations: tion gathered on the missions. joining along with other friends day evening in both Whitney and money to purchase bonds. Soror- to honor him at a testimonial din- ities, fraternities, and organized Reva Dubowy, '46, solicitation; This film was originally one of the Main Dining Hall. The bids Rosalie Lassman, '45, entertain- the Army confidential movies but ner. Invocation will be given by are to be ivory leather with a groups are requested to purchase Reverend J. Garland Waggoner, bonds in the group's name and ob- ment. was only recently released. gold seal and an embossed sabre South Pacific Invasion scenes Religious Counselor, and speakers adorning the cover. will also be shown as a part of the will be as follows: Albert N. Jor- The Military Ball given under evening's program. The admis- gcnsen, president of the Univer- the auspices of the R.O.T.C. will sion will be by a 25 cent war sity; Ray E. Landis of Old Grecn- be the second formal dance of its Manship To Speak Dec. 13 stamp only. (Continued on Page Three) kind to be held on campus this year and late permission of the front with a Red Cross division evening has been set for 2 a. m. Weil-Known Sculptor during the World War I, he re- Saturday. turned to the United States to do Ground Broken For New Building Recipient Of Honors war memorials, and soon began For Work in America his work on animal sculpture Administration Warns In 1914 he won the Widencr For Women's Physical Education Gold Medal, Pennsylvania; in 1915 Women Hitch-Hikers Receives World Recognition the Gold Medal. San Francisco cinder blocks will compose the With Severe Penalty Exposition; in 1921 the Gold Med- Eventually To Become temporary exterior, which will be ' Paul Manship. noted sculptor, al of the American Institute of replaced by bricks and stone trim The problem of women students will speak on "Sculptor in the Architects; in 1924 the American First Unit of Center as soon as is possible. The build- hitch-hiking rides is becoming Making." at 8 p.m. on December Numismatic Society Medal, and In Post-War Program ing has been approved for the more and more serious in spite of 13. in the Storrs Church, for the 1925 the Gold Medal of the Phila- above purpose, and will have a the action taken by the W.S.GA December Convocation program. delphia Art Association. Monday, December 3. 1944. floor space approximately 40' x 92'. and Miss Mildred P. French, as- In recognition of his distinguish- Mr. Manship was born in St. There will be four showers and sistant director of student per- ed work, Mr. Manship has been marked the breaking of the Paul. Minnesota, on Christmas some locker facilities. sonnel in charge of women. made an Academician of the Am- ground for a new auxiliary rec- As soon as permanent additional Day, 1885. of an old American reation building for women, its Warnings have been given in family. Interested in art at an erican Academy of Arts and Let- materials are made available, as every women's dormitory. The ters; Fellow of the American early age. he was, studying at the plan being started over a year ago to be requested of the Legislature, reasons given for the suppression St. Paul Institute of Art when he Academy of Arts and Sciences; when the advent of the soldiers this building will be converted and of the hitch-hiking have been Academician of the National decided that sculpture, not paint- on campus necessitated a larger will become the first unit of a stated to be unfavorable reflection Academy of Design; Member of ing, was to be his field.
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