3.6.2020 Finnish Meteorological Institute's internationally peer-reviewed publications 2005-2020 The publications are sorted firstly by year (backwards from year 2020) and secondly by author name. 1. APATENKOV S, PILIPENKO V, GORDEEV E, VILJANEN ARI, JUUSOLA LIISA, BELAKHOVSKY V, SAKHAROV Y, SELIVANOV V. 2020. Auroral omega bands are a significant cause of large geomagnetically induced currents. Geophys. Res. Lett. 47, e2019GL086677, https://doi.org/10.1029/2019GL086677. 2. BATHMANN U, SCHUBERT H, ANDRÉN E, TUOMI LAURA, RADZIEJEWSKA T, KULINSKI K, CHUBARENKO I. 2020. Editorial: Living Along Gradients: Past, Present, Future. Frontiers in Marine Science, 6, 801, https://doi.org/10.3389/fmars.2019.00801. 3. BELU?I? D, DE VRIES H, DOBLER A, LANDGREN O, LIND P, LINDSTEDT D, PEDERSEN RA, SÁNCHEZ-PERRINO JC, TOIVONEN ERIKA, VAN ULFT B, WANG F, ANDRAE U, BATRAK Y, KJELLSTRÖM E, LENDERINK G, NIKULIN G, PIETIKÄINEN JONI-PEKKA, RODRÍGUEZ-CAMINO E, SAMUELSSON P, VAN MEIJGAARD E, WU M. 2020. HCLIM38: a flexible regional climate model applicable for different climate zones from coarse to convection-permitting scales. Geosci. Model Dev. 13, 1311?1333, 2020. 4. BOISVERT L, VIHMA TIMO, SHIE C-L. 2020. Evaporation from the Southern Ocean estimated on the basis of AIRS satellite data. Journal of Geophysical Research: Atmospheres, 125, e2019JD030845. https://doi.org/10.1029/2019JD030845. 5. CIMINI D. HAEFFELIN M. KOTTHAUS S. LÖHNHERT U. MARTINET P. O'CONNOR EWAN, WALDEN C. COLLAUD COEN M. PREISSLER J. 2020. Towards the profiling of the atmospheric boundary layer at European scale - introducing the COST Action PROBE. Bull. of Atmos. Sci. Technol. (2020). https://doi.org/10.1007/s42865-020-00003-8. 6. CLILVERD M. A. RODGER C. J. VAN DE KAMP MAXIMILIANUS, VERRONEN PEKKA. 2020. Electron Precipitation From the Outer Radiation Belt During the St. Patrick's Day Storm 2015: Observations, Modeling, and Validation. Journal of Geophysical Research: Space Physics,125, e2019JA027725. https://doi.org/10.1029/2019JA027725. 7. DAGSSON-WALDHAUSEROVA P, MEINANDER OUTI. 2020. Atmosphere - Cryosphere Interaction in the Arctic, at High Latitudes and Mountains With Focus on Transport, Deposition and Effects of Dust, Black Carbon, and Other Aerosols. Citation: Dagsson-Waldhauserova, P. Meinander, O. eds. Atmosphere - Cryosphere Interaction in the Arctic, at High Latitudes and Mountains With Focus on Transport, Deposition and Effects of Dust, Black Carbon, and Other Aerosols. Lausanne: Frontiers Media SA. https://doi.org/10.3389/978-2-88963- 504-7, e-book, 2020. 8. HÄMÄLÄINEN KAROLIINA, SALTIKOFF ELENA, HYVÄRINEN OTTO, VAKKARI V, NIEMELÄ SAMI. 2020. Assessment of Probabilistic Wind Forecasts at 100 m Above Ground Level Using Doppler Lidar and Weather Radar Wind Profiles. American Meteorological Society - Monthly Weather Review Page: 1321-1334 Volume: 148 Num: 3 https://doi.org/10.1175/MWR-D-19-0184.1. 9. HUUKI H, KARHINEN S, BÖÖK HERMAN, LINDFORS ANDERS, KOPSAKANGAS-SAVOLAINEN M, SVENTO R. 2020. Utilizing the flexibility of distributed thermal storage in solar power forecast error cost minimization. Journal of Energy Storage Vol. 28. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.est.2020.101202. 10. IKONEN V.P. KILPELÄINEN A, STRANDMAN H, ASIKAINEN A, VENÄLÄINEN ARI, PELTOLA H. 2020. Effects of using certain tree species in forest regeneration on regional wind damage risks in Finnish boreal forests under different CMIP5 projections. Eur J Forest Res (2020). https://doi.org/10.1007/s10342-020-01276-6. 11. JACOB D. PIETIKÄINEN JONI-PEKKA, ET AL. 2020. Regional climate downscaling over Europe: perspectives from the EURO-CORDEX community. Reg Environ Change 20, 51 (2020). 12. JONASSEN M, CHECHIN D, KARPECHKO ALEXEY, LUPKES C, SPENGLER T, TEPSTRA A, VIHMA TIMO, ZHANG X. 2020. Dynamical Processes in the Arctic Atmosphere. In: A. A. Kokhanovsky, and C. Tomasi (Eds.): Physics and chemistry of Arctic atmosphere, p. 1-52, Springer Polar Sciences, https://doi.org/10.1007/978- 3-030-33566-3. 13. JÄRVINEN RIKU, ALHO M, KALLIO ESA, PULKKINEN T.I. 2020. Ultra-low frequency waves in the ion foreshock of Mercury: A global hybrid modeling study. Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, 491, 3, 4147-4161, https://doi.org/10.1093/mnras/stz3257. 14. KALLIO-MYERS VIIVI, RIIHELÄ AKU, LAHTINEN PANU, LINDFORS ANDERS. 2020. Global horizontal irradiance forecast for Finland based on geostationary weather satellite data. Solar Energy Vol. 198 p. 68-80. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.solener.2020.01.008. 15. KOENIGK T, KEY J, VIHMA TIMO. 2020. Climate Change in the Arctic. In: A. A. Kokhanovsky, and C. Tomasi (Eds.): Physics and chemistry of Arctic atmosphere, p. 673-705, Springer Polar Sciences, https://doi.org/10.1007/978-3-030-33566-3. 16. KÄRNÄ TUOMAS. 2020. Discontinuous Galerkin discretization for two-equation turbulence closure model. Ocean Modelling, Vol.150, 101619. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.ocemod.2020.101619. 17. KUKKONEN JAAKKO, LÓPEZ-APARICIO S. SEGERSSON D. GEELS C. KANGAS LEENA, KAUHANIEMI MARI, MARAGKIDOU A. JENSEN A. ASSMUTH T. KARPPINEN ARI, SOFIEV MIKHAIL, HELLEN HEIDI, RIIKONEN KARI, NIKMO JUHA, KOUSA A. NIEMI J.V. KARVOSENOJA N. SOUSA SANTOS G. SUNDVOR I. IM U. CHRISTENSEN J.H. NIELSEN O.-K. PLEJDRUP M.S. NØJGAARD J.K. OMSTEDT G. ANDERSSON C. FORSBERG B. BRANDT J. 2020. The influence of residential wood combustion on the concentrations of PM2. in four Nordic cities. Atmos. Chem. Phys. 20, pp. 4333-4365, https://doi.org/10.5194/acp-20-4333-2020. 18. LAKKALA KAISA, AUN M, SANCHEZ R, BERNHARD G, ASMI EIJA, MEINANDER OUTI, NOLLAS F, HÜLSEN G, AALTONEN VEIJO, AROLA ANTTI, DE LEEUW GERARDUS. 2020. New continuous total ozone, UV, VIS and PAR measurements at Marambio 64°?S, Antarctica,. Citation: Lakkala, K. Aun, M. Sanchez, R. Bernhard, G. Asmi, E. Meinander, O. Nollas, F. Hülsen, G. Aaltonen, V. Arola, A. and de Leeuw, G. New continuous total ozone, UV, VIS and PAR measurements at Marambio 64°?S, Antarctica, Earth Syst. Sci. Data Discuss. https://doi.org/10.5194/essd-2019-227, in review, 2019. 19. LAURILA TERHI, GREGOW HILPPA, SINCLAIR V A. 2020. The Extratropical Transition of Hurricane Debby (1982) and the Subsequent Development of an Intense Windstorm over Finland. Monthly Weather Review, https://doi.org/10.1175/MWR-D-19-0035.1. 20. LEINSS S, LÖWE H, PROKSCH M, KONTU ANNA. 2020. Modeling the evolution of the structural anisotropy of snow. The Cryosphere, 14, 51?75, 2020 https://doi.org/10.5194/tc-14-51-2020. 21. LI Z, ZHAO J, SU J, LI C, CHENG BIN, HUI F, YANG Q, SHI L. 2020. Spatial and Temporal Variations in the Extent and Thickness of Arctic Landfast Ice. Remote Sensing. 2020; 12(1):64. 22. MAHRT L, NILSSON E, RUTGERSSON A, PETTERSSON HEIDI. 2020. Sea-Surface Stress Driven by Small- Scale Non-stationary Winds. Boundary-Layer Meteorology, 176:13-33. https://doi.org/10.1007/s10546-020- 00518-9. 23. MÄKELÄ JARMO, MINUNNO F, AALTO TUULA, MÄKELÄ A, MARKKANEN TIINA, PELTONIEMI M. 2020. Sensitivity of 21st century simulated ecosystem indicators to model parameters, prescribed climate drivers, RCP scenarios and forest management actions for two Finnish boreal forest sites. Biogeosciences, 17, 2681?2700, 2020 https://doi.org/10.5194/bg-17-2681-2020. 24. NEZAMI S. KHORAMSHAHI E. NEVALAINEN OLLI, PÖLÖNEN I. HONKAVAARA E. 2020. Tree Species Classification of Drone Hyperspectral and RGB Imagery with Deep Learning Convolutional Neural Networks. Remote Sensing, 2020, 12(7), 1070, https://doi.org/10.3390/rs12071070. 25. PALMROTH MINNA, GRANDIN M, HELIN M, KOSKI P, OKSANEN A, GLAD M, VALONEN R, SAARI K, BRUUS E, NORBERG JOHANNES, VILJANEN ARI, KAURISTIE KIRSTI, VERRONEN PEKKA. 2020. Citizen scientists discover a new auroral form: Dunes provide insight into the upper atmosphere. AGU Advances, 1, e2019AV000133, https://doi.org/10.1029/2019AV000133. 26. PAN W, KRAMER S, KÄRNÄ TUOMAS, PIGGOTT M. 2020. Comparing non-hydrostatic extensions to a discontinuous finite element coastal ocean model. Ocean modelling, 101634. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.ocemod.2020.101634. 27. PARDING K, DOBLER A, MCSWEENEY T, LANDGREN O, BENESTAD R, ERLANDSEN H, MEZGHANI A, GREGOW HILPPA, RÄTY OLLE, VIKTOR E, EL ZOHBI J, CHRISTENSEN O B, LOUKOS H. 2020. GCMeval ? An interactive tool for evaluation and selection of climate model ensembles. Climate Services, Volume 18, 100167, ISSN 2405-8807, https://doi.org/10.1016/j.cliser.2020.100167. 28. PELLIKKA HILKKA, SÄRKKÄ JANI, JOHANSSON MILLA, PETTERSSON HEIDI. 2020. Probability distributions for mean sea level and storm contribution up to 2100 AD at Forsmark. SKB Technical Report TR- 19-23, 55pp. https://www.skb.se/publikation/2494748/. 29. QUESADA-RUIZ S, ATTIÉ J, LAHOZ W.A, ABIDA R, RICAUD P, AMRAOUI L.E, ZBINDEN R, PIACENTINI A, JOLY M, ESKES H, SEGERS A, CURIER L, HAAN J.D, KUJANPÄÄ JUKKA, NIJHUIS A.C, TAMMINEN JOHANNA, TIMMERMANS R, VEEFKIND P. 2020. Benefit of ozone observations from Sentinel-5P and future Sentinel-4 missions on tropospheric composition. Atmospheric Measurement Techniques Vol. 13 p. 131-152. https://www.atmos-meas-tech.net/13/131/2020/ https://doi.org/10.5194/amt-13-131-2020. 30. RAI N, O?HARA A, FARKAS D, SAFRONOV O, RATANASOPA K, WANG F, LINDFORS ANDERS, JENKINS G.I, LEHTO T, SALOJÄRVI J, BROSCHE M, STRID Å, APHALO P.J, MORALES L.O. 2020. The photoreceptor UVR8 mediates the perception of both UV-B and UV-A wavelengths up to 350 nm of sunlight with responsivity moderated by cryptochromes. Plant, Cell & Environment. https://onlinelibrary.wiley.com/doi/abs/10.1111/pce.13752 https://doi.org/10.1111/pce.13752. 31. REUTER M, BUCHWITZ M, SCHNEISING O, NOËL S, BOVENSMANN H, BURROWS J.P, BOESCH H, NOIA A.D, ANAND J, PARKER R.J, SOMKUTI P, WU L, HASEKAMP O.P, ABEN I, KUZE A, SUTO H, SHIOMI K, YOSHIDA Y, MORINO I, CRISP D, O?DELL C.W, NOTHOLT J, PETRI C, WARNEKE T, VELAZCO V.A, DEUTSCHER N.M, GRIFFITH D.W, KIVI RIGEL, POLLARD D.F, HASE F, SUSSMANN R, TÉ Y.V, STRONG K, ROCHE S, SHA M.K, MAZIÈRE M.D, FEIST D.G, IRACI L.T, ROEHL C.M, RETSCHER C, SCHEPERS D.
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