ANJ 1990V 16 Images

ANJ 1990V 16 Images

Series I Volume XVI 1990 m ARMENIAN 'EPaifU'H'SIliillIj NUMISMATIC JOURNAL 1 CU3 ^>pul^u<)>hsuMu^ Ru^n>ku ARMENIAN NUMISMATIC JOURNAL Series I Vol. XVI liM CONTENTS Numismatic Literature for Armenia 1 UUP9«Ubinj, Zbijpb 4.. Z.aijaiumail.nLJ' oirLtuip ujaMa-riLf p-nriiupi^nuju^r ?)fiL'JUl^bl,pUlJnJUt^UJ'L 'LpLP'bp ...2 SARKISSIAN, Henry V. Philatelic Material Issued on the Occasion of Great Tragedy in Armenia [Summary] ,.4 SARYANf Levon A. Centennial Medallions of the Armenian Revolutionary Federation: 1890-1990 ..5 Armenian Numismatic Literature 10 Let's Spread the Word on Armenian Numismatics 12 NERCESSIAN, Y. T. Yagharshapat Five Ruble Bank Note ,13 BEDOUKIAN, Paul Z. Some Curious Coins from Cilician Armenia 16 Armenian Numismatic Literature 20 Letters 22 ABGARIANS, Mesrop. Four Rare Artaxiad Copper Coins 22 KHORSHEV, Valery. Commemorative Coin Marks Armenian Earthquake .28 Armenian Numismatic Literature ,30 Numismatic Books Reach Yerevan .35 SARYAN Levon A. Ring in , Money Prehistoric Armenia .36 NERCESSIAN, Y. T. Two Kedabek Bank Notes 44 Armenian Numismatic Literature .47 ARMENIAN NUMISMATIC JOURNAL is the quarterly publication of Armenian Numismatic Society, an educational, non-profit organization. Editor, Y T. Nercessian, 851 Beverly Park Place, Pico Rivera, California 90660-1920. U. S. A. Associate Editor, W. Gewenian, Corresponding Editors, Levon A. Sar/an (Greenfield. Wl) and Henry Sarkissian (Yerevan). Non-member subscriptions ( individuals and institutions) $ 1 0.00 per year. Back issues available. 1 Series I Volume XVI, No. 1 March 1990 m ARMENIAN TPaifll'Il’SlliillX NUMISMATIC mhW JOURNAL 1 fiU3 niPuiruiihsuMU^ fiu^n»tu ARMENIAN NUMISMATIC JOURNAL Series I vol.xvi.No. 1 October 1989 NUhlSMATIC LITERATURE FOR ARMENIA The March 11,1 989 meeting of the Armenian Numismatic Society was held at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Jernukian. The host discussed Cilician Armenian gold coins. During the meeting a resolution was passed to write a letter to Armenia to find out how many copies of our publications they would like to have for new libraries to be built in the earthquake-devastated areas and also in Artsakh ( Nagorno Karabagh). A letter was composed on April 29, 1 989, addressed to Mr. Hrayr S. Babayan, Director of American Sector of the Committee for Cultural Relations with Armenians Abroad, Yerevan. In late June, a response dated June 5, 1989, and si^ed by Mr. R. Kozmcyan, assistant to the president of the Committee for Cultural Relations with Armenians Abroad, was received: . .riLn.ULipi|i|nr\ qpuuquj^nLRjuj'L Rnn.'LniJ' 2bp <;iujbgnn.nLRjujl .** (l^bpUu 50-70uitiuj'b oph'bujq jfipuj^uu'bijnLp <;ujmnphg). The translation reads, "We leave to your contemplation the quantity of literature to be shipped ( perhaps 50-70 copies of each volume would be sufficient).” The September 9, 1 989 meeting of the Society was held at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Y. T. Nercessian. The host discussed and presented the "Municipal Bank Notes of Armenia." Since the publication of the author's corpus on Armenian bank notes, most of the local membership had never seen the city notes of Armenia. It was a different type of excitement to examine these monuments in a display case. During the business discussion, the letter of Mr. R. Kozmoyan was read. The secretary stated that we have the books and we should help Armenia by sending the books they wanted. After a lengthy discussion the executive body approved the transfer and shipment of 560 books from the Society’s stock to Armenia (70 copies of each Sp^ial Publicdtion 1 to 6 and the Sibil ian and Bedoukian Festschrifts in the Armenian Numismatic Journah. However, since the Society did not have money in the treasury, and had incurred financial liabilities due to the last two publications, it was decided to contxt Babayan or Kozmoyan to find out if it would be possible to arrange free transportation for the books to Armenia. Note that the books have a retail market value of $ 1 3,702,50 and the registered book post surface rates to Yerevan would cost around $2 ,000.00. Y. T. Nercessian, Secretary ARMENIAN NUM I SAMT 1C JOURNAL is the quarterly publication of Armenian Numismatic Society, an educational, non-profit organization. Editor, Y. T, Nercessian, 851 Beverly Park Place, Pico Rivera, California 90660, U, S. A. Associate Editor, W. Gewenian, Corresponding Editors, Levon A. Saryan (Greenfield, Wl) and Henry Sarkissian (Yerevan), Non-member subscriptions ( individuals and institutions) $ 1 0.00 per year. Back issues available. Armenian Numismatic Journal, Vol , XVI ( 1 990) 1 fiU3uusuxnhir irta uatsh ufMiPin«i i^nTunMnhu? ShUSblhUSUMUX ^h^Plt:P 1988^inbirpbph 7-\>\ ZuijujumujXrLJ' inbrip rt^bgujd bp^puJ 2 UJpcfQ <;uj«ruj- Q*bn.<;ujlifip ilP2tn tp pntnp 4JUin.uj4?ujm>p^ dn(\n»(nLr>*iibpp <;ujirujp' lujl* <;uiuuipuii|uji^ujli ijUjqJuj^bpmrLppL'b i^oiJ ULiX<;uLiin, <;pxoipi^-dbaujpi<nP‘pL’i iioiJ* nunXuiiiuj^ <;uuumujmrtppLV UXJuju^ j.Xuig U UUZU* ipnumo, npQ bpi^ft 2 UjpujpnLaij Q'bpuigjjrLJ' ^qujpi4bg ^pi.ujmbi.pumui^uj'b 'ipLj^bp, npnl.ij ft'tb'L n^. Jpujj’i nq^ujiip 'L2»JU'uaiiirL|^LV Xpoi ujJ‘pnq2 ^ujunj^ uipujJujrvprLbtrL b Zuijujumui'inJ* bpi^poi- 2 UJp(tpg inndaid'bbpp'i: ‘bpuj'iijj J^ujcIujJujXui^ pLpm(p ipnumujjp'u jnL 2 Ujpduj‘b'bbp b^, npnxjj 1^0 uiui<;abli <;uiLUJ4?uj&nLUpfi«r (pXi.i4tu puj'bqoipoixujjp'b, uijxiqtu tu m*L<;ujinuji|Uj^) pppU. Jbd mqtinp jp2Ujmuil<Xbp: bujjuUujaujg pnqujpijnLbgpX tpnuuuujpli piupbqnp- ^UJ^^JLl^ qpn2<Au‘bp2'bbp' bpbjj mbuujiip: UauJ^^^ qpn2JUilp2h iqunniibpnnud b Spqpuj'i P-p qpujjp qbpujpmujqpftppLXo* ^bplUlvT ^UJJ qpri^LX <;ujjbpb’b U amubpbli btqnt'Lbpnq' «‘VHU»r J.p.iu. I q., SpqpuJliinjd. Mohera, I b.AO H.3.THrpaH BenHKMR»: 9uj|u i|nqjp qbplLp Ui^l^pL^nL^^ «20-»>10 Kon.», ^bpAlLnLlf' «nOMTA CCCP.1988»: bpi<pnpq qpn2d‘uj'Lp2P ^Ipujj u4UjmMbpnuu6 b "iujj- ^uj^uj^ 2$ujpmujpujiqbmnLpbujX ^2lJU’lUJLnp jn- 2 UJpduiX\bppg hjJpujdXp ZapipupJbp mui- zSujpq: n^2J'iAJ'Lp2P ^b'unpn'bntJ' iqujintjbpnLUJd b mujzSujpoi *bpuj qbpUnLJ ^UJJ qpnLppLl*' «Zapip- upJbp mujzSujpo. 618 p.XpaM PMncMMe.618 r.»: 'Ibplip iinriirnLiT «50 15 Kon.», ^bp£U.nL^^ «nOMTA CCCP.1988»: bppnpq qpn2J‘uJ'i>P2P liPUJj ibbpujpmujqpnLUid b 3nq^UJPuJ^ 3nq^ujpuj^bujlp 'b^u]pQ' UumnLUJ^ujJujjpQ <;bm: ^bplinLif ‘iujjbpb'b li afiubpb'u qpnppL'blibp << 1111111 ^111601 ^11] jpQ J’oi'Lijuj'i ^bin. 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XYI ( 1990) 2 bX ibinuiiH'iJPUJMuj'b t, np rvpn2JUiXp2'v»*>P0 ^ Mu^poM! ipuiuuwptl* MtuqUHJ ^J«^pnq2UJ^UJ^ tHtuiptnif: Tf»n2Jlu’\4»2 <;uiLUJ4jnqXbph ti2UJqprt.W“-'bo nqiiJ* bJ <;pujLppbL jujinmui^tu ujaujghX qpn2Jui‘bp2P ilpuij, np uyimni^pnujd t Spqpui^ P-h qpuiJo: SuJLnq iMtiniJ t 'L2bJ*» np ujjq qpujJD hpuj^uiTj it, ujjl o'wj.opp'uuijnp^L'b, ujjq muwn2$ujanq pli^u^tu Spqptii'i^ lJ4UJ^/I^bp^, uij'uqtu tL Jtu'ipuJJUiu'Lbpnq, ptu. ujpuuiij^'iuiu^tu Wtul* bl* Spqpui'b P-p opoji qpnujqnujd qpiuXbpP'l, UJJ^nujJb^UJJ^^L, 'lpuJ^^ uipqp 'bWiP uuibqdujqnpdnW'L^ b^: 60-UJ^UJ^ pnujinuXXbpp ^tubp^^, oqinnbtnq ZuJJUJu^nuJ^^ l^uJ^n«^npbUJ^ u^bimumu^ puj'bqujpuj'bp qpujJUjqpuinpbuj*i puuct'tnJ' u^uj<;nnq UpinuJ2 tubuJ'b ^uipuinnpbuj'b qpuJJluq^lnuJ^UJ'L 'Lpipbppg, fUJ'iqujt^utqnpd ^pqnp ZuiJp^^^ P*t,npqbuj’lo (iXnujd 1932 p.) uinbfidbg ujjq «qpujJp» opp^uiifti, npo «;uJquJp^bpnq uuupujdnbg h^iiqtu Unqbmu]^uJ^ lJ^np^L^nJ‘, uj^uitu ti ^puj uuJ<:^nu^^bp^g qnpu: U^qp^g qpnujqunJ tpl» bpqbpbuujlp «qpuu»ribp» ujAn‘;bmblL Ji^^nq^ruJ^^, npiqtu ujuiujnuj'iisuj'i'ibpp, quj'uugp qomp'ubpp ujauj'idp'b oqiuii'Lbp (Jbtlupnppg U. iqq'uSpg), pul^ujl.h qpbi.n JUJpJuJpuJ^4?, 2R^jml JluXbuJij li ujjtV Ujq qpiuXbpQ umuigujl* ujjljiqpup tnujpoidnJ*, np oiaui'iAp'i opp'wuq'ibpp qbpoipbpbiuC uinbq^LnJ* tpx ujaujuiqbt^bp, joizSuJlu qctnujp mugn^iuX qXbtnq puj^qujpuj^uijh'b UJJ^ uj 2 |uujijmji^pglibpp‘b, npn'bjj qpujJUiqtin-J'uju'LUjqtin'ibp ^bV Zblg ujju «qpujJp» oiaujjp^ bpbu^ t, np qbpiupmujqpnbL qpn2^^UJ^^2^ qbpgnuid t oijli 1984 p. 4pujmujpujijnuj8 quulabp qp^pg, npinbq qpujJQ 4.bpujpinaiqpnuj8 b 2 qnliUJLnp qbpuiinuinpbujJp ujJ‘pnq2 UP ilpujj: (1730- bppnpa qpn2»fU]‘bp2P 4PU^J U1 UJln^bpquJ^ t Snq'biupujli Snq'uupuj^buj'bp 1801 pp. ) «UuuinujdujJlujpQ J‘UJ'b^UJ'b <;bin» uinbqdujqnpdnpbujli jp <;aunnoidQ: Ziujuiuinui^nJ 1988 p. bpijpuj2ujptfp ULiappnq pnqujp^nbt bli *iujIl 8pujp^bp, dO* q. juuj^.- puupp u^uJm^bpnq (ujju- p'bjj'b qbpujpmujqpnuj6 t i^mpo'bp iqujinijbpQ , npp qbplip J'ujunJ' nlih qpnppLli' «nEPBUH AEHb. PREMIER JOUR»: lijq ujappnq iqujinpujumnbL tp 'uuu. ujauj^p'b opnujj jujinn^ WJi, npnq i^liinbL b^ qbpnjp2bUJL dpujp^bp 1988 p. 'kqmbvTpbpp 27-pli bplLUiXfivT, pui^ <;bimijqujjnJ* U ITnu^Q- 2 *b 2 niu 8 uJ 2 |uujimu\ 5 : hXiiqtu JUJJm^h t Ifoijp Upnap quj^duiinuj'bQ uiuj^inJ* t Upimuatubuj^ bpl^nL qpuJvT' nu^buuj (^bq^ qpujvr), ^fpLup ujpduupbujj: inbu Ifnabn^juj^, «lfujjp upnap qpuiJujqpmuj^ujX dnqnqaidnL'b», t£Jpoj&pl UJlituqpp (1976), <;ujJ'iijp 9-t, qpuuXbp ppL 159-160, muiujqpnLUu6 b^ 'lUJli IpoiXg LfiuuuXi^Ujp^bpD: Armenian Numismatic Journal, Vol.

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