ZOBODAT - www.zobodat.at Zoologisch-Botanische Datenbank/Zoological-Botanical Database Digitale Literatur/Digital Literature Zeitschrift/Journal: Nota lepidopterologica Jahr/Year: 1984 Band/Volume: 7 Autor(en)/Author(s): Ganev Julius Artikel/Article: A contribution to the study of the Pyraloidea of the Balkan Peninsula 39-49 ©Societas Europaea Lepidopterologica; download unter http://www.biodiversitylibrary.org/ und www.zobodat.at Nota lepid. 7 (1) : 39-49 ; 31. III. 1984 ISSN 0342-7536 A contribution to the study of the Pyraloidea of the Balkan Peninsula Julius Ganev University of Sofia, Faculty of Biology, Laboratory of Experimental Entomology Boul. Dr. Zankov, 8, 1421 Sofia, Bulgaria. In comparison with the Macrolpicoptera, the Microlepidoptera of Bulga- ria have not been studied in detail. Most of the species are reported from one single locality. The present work is a list of Pyraloidea captures from Bulgaria, Jugoslavia and Greece. The material for this publication was collected by the author during the period 1978-1982 from several parts of Bulgaria and in 1979 from Jugoslavian Macedonia. Further material from Jugoslavia was collected at the following localities : Kosovo-Pristina by P. Jaksic, v. Funtana near Poreck by E. Berio, and Titov Veles by J. De Freina. The material from Greece was collected in Monemvasia-Lakonia by G. Christensen. The following 1 5 species are new for the Bulgarian fauna : O. fit sea Iis Den. & Schiff., P. lancealis Den. & Schiff., M. asinalis Hbn., M. turbidalis Tr., M. terrealis Tr., S. traducalis Zell., S. acuteUiis Ev., D. lacustrata Panz., E. delunella Stt., E. phaeoleuca Zell., U. egregialis H.-S., S. albicilla H.-S., M. similella Z., M. cirrigerella Z:, A. oblitella Zell. Two species of Crambidae have previously not been reported for Greece (Bleszynski, 1964) .A. tersella Led, A. trabeatella H.-S. I would like to thank : Dr. H. AMSEL-Karlsruhe, W. SpEiDEL-Karlsruhe, P. LERAUT-Paris, E. BERio-Genova, J. de FREiNA-München, G. Christensen- Monemvasia, P. JAKsfc-Pristina, D. KiRiAKov-Sofia, St. BoTCHAROv-Sofia, N. ViHODZEvsKu-Sofia, t H. LuKov-Sofla, P. PETKOv-Vidin. Places and localities in Bulgaria (in abbreviation) Northern Bulgaria South-eastern Bulgaria Varna (Var.) Arcutino south of Burgas (Ark.) Evksinograd near Varna (Ev.) Sozopol (Soz.) Smirnenski-Michailovgradsko (Smir.) Burgas (Bur.) Vidin (Vid.) Svilengrad (Svil.) Silistra (Sil.) 39 . ©Societas Europaea Lepidopterologica; download unter http://www.biodiversitylibrary.org/ und www.zobodat.at Stara planina Mount. (Balkan) Top Viden in Konjavo Mount. Etropol cloister- (Etr.) 1450 m (Viden.) h. Haidushka pesen 1020 m (H. p.) Ossogovo Mount. Rila Mount h. Ossogovo 1 640 m (Osog.) Borovetz (Bor.) Dvete reki 1000 m (D. r.) Panitchiste (Pan.) Kiustendil (Kius.) Suhia cal 2200 m (S. cal) Beckbunar 2050 m (Beck) h. Skakavitza 1870 m (Skak. R.) Vitosha Mount. Kostenetz (Kos.) Zlantnite mostove (Z. m.) Rila cloister (Ril.) Bunkera 730 m (Bun.) South -West Bulgaria Pirin. Mount. Skakavitza railway station Bansko 900-1000 m (Ban.) Zemen gorge in Konjavo h. Begovitza 1750 m (Beg.) Mount, 500 m (Sk.) Melnik (Mel.) Kozuch near Petrich (Koz.) Kressna gorge (Kress.) Rhodopi Mount. Golo bârdo Mount. (G. b.) village Shiroka lâka (Sh. 1.) Lozen Mount., German cloister (Ger.) h. Izgrev 1820 m (Izg.) Blagoevgrad (Blag.) village Progled (Prog.) village Tzigrilovtzi near Tran (Tzig.) passage Rozen 1450 m (Roz.) h. Belasitza in Belasitza Mount. (Bel.) h. Beute brezi 1000 m (B. brez.) Sofia (Sof.) mine Persenk 900 m (Per.) village Prekolnitza-west from Halpatch in cent. Rhodopi (Halp.) Kiustendil 800-900 m (Prek.) Tchepelare 1 100 m (Tchep.) v. Hàrsovo near Blagoevgrad (Hâr.) village Trigrad 1000 m (Trig.) Systematic part CRAMBIDAE - Euchromius superbellus (Zell.) Koz., 10.6.1981, 5 d ; 3.9.1981, 4 d. E. ocellus (Haw.) - Koz., 24.6.1981, 4 ex.; 27.9.1982, 2 ex., Ev., 1 1 5.9.1981, d and ç, Bun., 3.10.1981, 1 ç , Kress., 5.5.1980, 2 d, Svil., 5.7.1981, 1 d , Greece, Monemvasia, 3.6.1981, 1 d (leg. Christen- sen). Chilo phragmitellus (Hbn.) -Koz., 24.6.1981, 2 Q, 13.8.1982, 1 ç . Pseudobissetia terrestrelia (Christ.)- Koz., 10.6.1981, 2 Q. - Calamotropha paludella (Hbn.) Kress. , 25.6.1980, 1 d, Koz., 24.6.1981, 4 d, 28.10.1981, 1 d, Blag. , 28.7.1980, 1 d, Bun., 15.6.1979, 1 C5, Svil., 5.7.1981, 1 d C. aureliella (Fisch, von Rösl.) - Koz., 10.6. 1981, 2 Q. Crambus pratellus (L.) - Sk., 1.6.1979, 1 d, Bun., 9.6.1979, 1 d, Tchep., 6.6.1981, 1 Q, Per., 5.6.1981, 6 d and 2 Q, Koz., 10.6.1981, 1 d. C. nemorellus (Hbn.) - Ril., 10.7.1956, 1 d (leg. Karnozitzki), Bor., 16.7.1953, 1 d (leg. Botcharov), Kos., 22.6.1954, 1 d (leg. Botcharov), Bun., C5, 1 30.6.1980, 2 Pan., 17.7.1980, ç , Osog., 2.7.1980, 2 Ö and 40 . ©Societas Europaea Lepidopterologica; download unter http://www.biodiversitylibrary.org/ und www.zobodat.at 1 g, Tchep., 6.6.1981, 1 ö-, Sk., 9.7.1980, 1 ç5, Izg., 31.7.1982, 1 Ö and 1 Q Agriphila deliella (Hbn.) - Kress., 8.10.1981, 1 <3. A.brioniella(ZER.)-Kress., 19.8.1980, 1 d, Sk., 1.8.1980, 2 d and 1 9, Koz., 1.9.1982, 3 d. Ark., 1 d, Ev., 5.9.1981, 4 d, Halp., 18.8.1980, 1 d Jug. Funtana, 24.8.1982, 1 d (leg. Berio.). >d. selasella (Hbn.) - Kress., 27.8.1982, 1 d (leg. Lukov). A. straminella (Den. & Schiff.) - Blag., 28.7.1980, 2 d i4. trabeatella (H.-S.) - Greece, Monemvasia, 11.9.1982, 1 9 (leg. Christensen). A.tersella (Led.) -Greece, Monemvasia, 11.9.1982,1 9,9.10.1982,1 9 (leg. Christensen). A. tolli (Blesz.) - Ev., 5.9.1981, 2 d, var., 3.9.1960, 1 d (leg. Karnozitzki), Sk., 8.9.1980, 2öand2c, Kress., 16.9.1980, 3 d and 1 9, Koz., 6.10.1981, 1 9, Ark., 1 Ö, Bun., 30.8.1980, 1 d, Kius., 24.8.1982, 2 d, Greece, Monemvasia, 9.10.1981, 1 d and 1 9, 26.9.1981, 1 9 (leg. Christensen), Jugoslavia, v. Funtana, 24.8.1982, 1 d (leg. Berio). Catoptria permutatella (H.-S.) - Etr., 27.7.1971, 1 d (leg. Lukov), H. p., 29.6.1979, 1 d (leg. Raitchev). C. gozmanyi gozmanyi Blesz. - Bun., 18.8.1979, 1 d, Bor., 15.7.1971, 1 d (leg. Botcharov), Pan., 17.7.1980, 2 d and 1 9 , Z. m., 16.7.1960, 2 d and 1 9 (leg. Botcharov). C. gozmanyi casperella Ganev - Beg., 17.8.1982, 1 C5, Sh. 1., 5.8. 1982, 2 Ö. C. myella (Hbn.)- Pan., 17.7.1980, 1 Ö, Bun., 13.7.1979, 1 d, Izg., 31.7.1982, 2 Ö and 1 9, Roz., 30.7.1982, 1 C5, Prog., 4.8.1982, 2 Ö, Tchep., 20.8.1980, Id and 1 9, Z. m., 18.7.1969, 1 Ö (leg. Botcharov). C. osthelderi (De Lattin) - Osog., 30.7.1980, 5 Ö and 2 9 C. languidella (Zell.) - Osog., 2.7.1980, 1 d, Beck., 31.7.1980, 1 Ö. C. litlwrgyrella (Hbn.) -G. b., 30.8.1975, 2 Ö (leg. Vihodcevskji), Mel., 5.7.1960, 1 Ö (leg. Botcharov). Mesocrambus candiellus (H.-S.)- Koz., 10.6.1981, 2 9, 1.9.1982, 2 ö and 1 9 Xanthocrambus saxonellus (Zin.) - Jugoslavia, Titov Vêles, 27.5.1979, 1 9 (leg. de Freina). Pediasia jucundella (H.-S.) - Var., 29.8.1954, 1 Ö (leg. Karnozitzki). P. contaminella (Hbn.) - Jugoslavia, Funtana 24.8.1982, 24 Ö and 8 9 (leg. Berio). P. matricella (Tr.) - Koz., 27.9.1982, 6 d and 1 ç, Ark., 17.10.1981, 2 d, Kress., 14.10.1980, 1 9. 41 . ©Societas Europaea Lepidopterologica; download unter http://www.biodiversitylibrary.org/ und www.zobodat.at - Platytes cerusella (Den. & Schiff.) Kress., 25.6.1980, 2 Ö , Bun., 6.6.1981, 1 C5, Sk., 11.6.1981, 1 Ö, Osog., 2.7.1981, 2 d, Koz., 24.6.1981, 2 c5 and 1 9 Smir., 20.6.1980, 2 d P. alpinella (Hbn.)-Sk., 1.9.1980, 1 ö. Ancylolomia palpella Reb. - Ger., 17.8.1968, 1 Ö (leg. Botcharov), Kress., 1 Q, Greece, Monemvasia, 8.8.1981, 1 Ö, 29.9.1981, 2 ö and 1 Q (leg. Christensen). A. tentaculella (Hbn.)- Soz., 6.8.1979, 1 ç (leg. Botcharov), Vid., 1 6 (leg. Petkov), Blag., 15.9.1980, 1 ö , Kress., 8.10.1981, 1 Q, Bur., 5.8.1981,2 d,Sh.l., 8.7.1981, 1 ö , Jugoslavia, Pristina, 1.9.1978, 1 ö (leg. Jaksic), v. Funtana, 24.8.1982, 10 d and 2 ç (leg. Berio), Greece, Monemvasia, 20.9.1982, 1 d, 8.9.1981, 2 ö (leg. Christensen). /I. dispa relia (Hbn.) - Ark. 2 Ö . /4. pectinatella (Zell.) - Greece, Monemvasia, 20.9.1982, 1 Q (leg. Christensen). SCHOENOBIINAE Schoenobius gigantella Den. & Schiff. - Koz., 14.6.1982, 2 Q, Vidin, 1 Q. - 5. alpherakii St. Koz., 10.6.1981, 1 ç> . S.forficella Thnb. - Koz., 11.5.1982, 1 Q. Scirpophaga praelata Scop. - Koz., 3.9.1982, 2 Ö and 4 Q SCOPARIINAE Scoparia ochrectlis Den. & Schiff. - Sk., 14.6.1980, 2 Ö and 1 g, Jugoslavia, Titov Veles, 27.5.1979, 1 Q (leg. de Freina). S. pyralella Den. & Schiff. - Bun., 30.6.1979, 1 C5, Osog., 30.7.1980, 1 c5,Sk., 11.6.1981, 2 ö, Kius., 18.6.1981, 1 9. S. ingratella Zell. - Kos., 4.7.1982, 1 C5, Bei., 16.6.1981, 1 Ö, Sk., 20.6.1982, 1 C5, Per., 5.6.1981, 3 Ö, Bun., 20.6.1981, 1 d and 1 9, Roz., 13.7.1981, 1 Q, Kius., 18.6.1981, 1 ö, Osog., 2.7.1980, 1 9, B.
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