OFFICE OF THE ASSISTANT COMMISSIONER OF INCOME TAX, (ADMN.), SOLAPUR "Aaykar Bhavan", Opp. Hotel Kinara, Hotgi Road, Solapur- 3 Tel No. 0217-2741765 Fax No. 0217-2741765 No. SOLjAsstt. CIT, (Admn.J/lnfra/23A/Hiring of Vehicle/2018-19/ Date: 12.09.2018 NOTICE INVITING RE-TENDER 1. The Income Ta x Office, Solapur intends to invite sealed tenders from reputed vendors for hiring of 2 (Two) vehicles, these vehicles will be stationed at Solapur. The preferred vehicles to be hired by the Income Tax Department one are 6+ 1 i.e. Tavera-Chevrolet, Innova-Toyota, Ertica-Maruti, Mobolo-Honda and another are 3+ 1 i.e. Eteaus-Toyota, Swift Desire Maruti, Nissan Sunny, Duster-Renault, Honda City and Maruti Suzuki Ciaz (permit vehicle). The period of contract shall be one year from the date of signing of the final agreement which is likely to be extended up to one year at the administrative convenience of Principal Commissioner of Income Tax-6, Pune. Different models of vehicle from different vendors may be hired based on the financial bid received for each model. 2. Sealed Tenders, duly superscribed "Tenders for hiring of vehicles by office of the Addl. Commissioner of Income Tax, Range-1&2, Solapur" and addressed to "The Asstt. Commissioner of Income Tax, (Admn.), Solapur are invited so as to reach the Tender Box kept in Room NO. 207, Second Floor, "Aaykar Bhavn", Opp. Hotel Kinara, Hotgi Road, Solapur-413003 not later than 17.00 hours on 24.09.2018. Tenders received after stipulated date/time shall not be entertained. Th e tenders will be opened on 27.09.2018 at 16.00 hours in the presence of the Bidders of their representative who may like to be present. 3. Detailed information/terms and conditions for the purpose either be download from www.incometaxindia.gov.in or Tender Documents can also be obtained from the Administrative Officer, Income Tax Office, Room No. 207, "Aaykar Bh avan", Opp. Hotel Kinara, Hotgi Road, Solapur-413003 during the regular office hours i.e. 11 .00 A.M. to 5.00 P.M. on payment of non-refundable tender fee of Rs. 1,000/- by Cash or DD/Pay Order drawn in favour of ZAO, CBDT, Pune. In case the tender document is downloaded from the Department's website, a non-refundable tender fee of Rs. 1,000/- has to be paid by way of DD/Pay Order drawn in favour of ZAO, CBDT, Pune payable at Pune at the time of submission of the duly filled tender application . (Manis at) Asstt. Commissio r of Income Tax, (Ad . ), Solapur OFFICE OF THE ADDL. COMMISSIONER OF INCOME TAX, RANGE- l&2, "Aaykar Bhavan", opp. Kinara Hotel, Hotgi Road, Solapur-413003 Phon :- 0217 2741767 Fax No. 0217 - 2741764 TENDER DOCUMENT Sub: Hiring of vehicles by % the Addl. Commissioner of Income Tax Range- 1&2, Solapur, regarding .... The Addl. Commissioner of Income Tax Range-1&2 Sola pur, on behalf of the President of India, invites quotations in sealed covers from reputed vendors latest by 24.09.2018 for hiring 2(Two) vehicles, this vehicles will be stationed at sola pur. Vehicles should be of different models (only Diesel/Petrol run) for the use of the Addl. Commissioner of Income Tax Range-1&2, Sola pur. The preferred vehicles to be hired by the income Tax Department one are 6+ 1 i.e. Tavera-Chevrolet, Innova­ Toyota, Ertica-Maruti, Mobolo-Honda and another are 3+1 i.e. Eteaus-Toyota, Swift Desire Maruti, Nissan Sunny, Duster-Renault, Honda City and Maruti Suzuki Ciaz (permit vehicle) . The period of contract shall be one year from the date of signing of the final agreement. Different models of vehicle from different vendors may be hired based on the financial bid received for each model. The bid sha ll consist of two parts - Technical Bid and Financial Bid . Both bids are to be placed in two separate sealed envelopes (clearly super-scribing "Technical Bid " and "Financial Bid") which in turn are to be placed in one sealed cover. Bids of all parties whose Financial Bi d is not in a separate sealed cover or the rates quoted by them find mention in their Technical Bid shall be rejected forthwith. All the information sought under the head 'conditions' and "other Information to be supplied" is to be given in Technical Bid while price quoted for the same will have to be mentioned only in the Financial Bid . The Financial bids of only those parties will be opened whose Tech nical Bids are found to be eligible while the disqualified bidders Financial Bid shall not be opened. The Technical bid shall be opened at 4:00 PM on 27.09.2018 at % the Addl. Commissioner of Income Tax Range-1&2, "Aayakar Bhavan", Hotgi Road, Sola pur in the presence of one representative of each of the bidder who wishes to be present. 1 A. Eligibility Criteria for Bidder (supporting evidences should be submitted along with Technical Bid ):- i. The Applicant Vendor should have experience of operating sufficient number of vehicles at the time of making application for the contract and should produce evidences to that effect. ii. The Applicant's Annual Turnover should not be less than RS.10 lakhs from the business of hiring of mid-size vehicles in Assessment Years 2016-17 and 2017-18. In support of this, applicant vendor should submit their copies of Returns of Income filed with the Income Tax Department along with Balance Sheet and Profit & Loss Account for F.Ys. 2015-16 to 2016-17. iii. Applicant Vendor should have a reputed client base & should not have been black listed by any Govt. Department in last five years. The client list along with proof of work order received should be submitted in support of the same. iv. The above conditions will not apply to Government or Semi­ Government Enterprises. B. TECHNICAL BID :- Eligible transport vendors, tour/ taxi operators are requested to provide the following information in the Performa enclosed with this tender document:- 1. Name & address of the bidder. 2. Nature of business. 3. I ncome Tax assessment particulars, Ward/Circle & PAN. 4. Number of vehicles presently owned by the vendor along with proof of ownership of each vehicle. 5. Turnover in the past two years along with documentary evidence. 6. Copies of L T. Returns for the last th ree Assessment Years 2015-16,2016-17 and 2017-18 along with balance sheet, P&L A/ c and Auditor's Report, if any. 2 7. Details of hiring of vehicles done in the past:- Name & address of the parties to whom vehicles were given on hire during last 3 Financial Years (F.Y.2015-16 to 2017-18). Period for which the vehicles were hired out; Number of vehicles given on hire. C. FINANCIAL BID:- (a) The rate for hiring of vehicles should be quoted for 2500 Kms per month and 260 Hrs. for vehicles of the make of not before 31.12.2015. The time & distance will be calculated from the time & place of reporting to the time & place of release. (b) The balance of unutilized kilometres run during the month are to be carried forward till end of contract period and any cumulative shortage will lapse at the end of contract year and any cumulative excess will be paid at the end of contract year, as per kilometre basis and it shall be adjusted against the extra mileage covered during contract period. Explanation: For the purpose of clause (b) - unused Kms would mean the difference between agreed Kms and actual Kms run by a vehicle of the operator in a particular month. (c) The rates for petrol/ diesel run vehicles for different models are to be given separately. (d) Rates for extra km/ hour must be separately specified. (e) Rates for 80km/ 10 hours per day may be separately specified for additional cars required on temporary basis. (f) The rates quoted should be exclusive of Service Tax/ GST as well as any other Govt. Levies etc. as applicable. Quotation should be submitted in sealed covers super-scribed as QUOTATION FOR HIRING OF VEHICLES & should reach the office of the Addl. Commissioner of Income Tax Range-1&2, "Aayakar Bhavan", Hotgi Road, Sola pur on before 24.09.2018 by 5.00 PM. The quotation will be opened on 27.09.2018 at 04.00 PM in the presence of the parties or their representative, who wish to be present. 3 GENERAL TERMS & CONDITIONS 1. The Add!. Commissioner of Income Tax Range-1&2 Sola pur, reserves the right to postpone and l or extend the date of receipt/opening rates/ quotations or to withdraw the same, without assigning any reason thereof. 2. Rates/ Quotations duly filled in, will be received up to the date and time mentioned in the letter/ advertisement given in the newspaper or website. Considering the area of operation and logistical requirements, the vendor should preferably be from Solapur District for vehicle stationed at Solapur which would be convenient for both the Department and the Vendor. 3. The tender will not contact in any way any person/authority for availing the contract. If found so, the tender of the agency doing so will be rejected. 4. The tender must be submitted along with Demand Draft drawn in favour of 'The ZAO, CBDT, Pune' of Rs. 10,000/ - (non-interest bearing) as Earnest Money Deposit (EMD). Bid submitted without EMD will summarily be rejected. The EMD of the successful bidder will be refunded after furnishing of the Security Deposit and the EMD of the other bidders will be refunded at the earliest after completing bidding process.
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