Día! ® Diversity in Action 活动多样性 2014 Día Book List Let the reading celebration 让阅读的盛会在您的图书馆® begin @ your library®! 开始吧! April 30 marks a special day in the lives of children. April 30 is El día de los 4月30日是孩子们生活中的一个特殊的日子。4月30日是儿童节/书 niños/El día de los libros or Children’s Day/Book Day, known as “Día.” It is a 籍日(西班牙语为:El día de los niños/El día de los libros;英语 day to celebrate children and books! Día reflects a library’s commitment to 为:Children’s Day/Book Day),是一个被称为“Día”的节日,是人们 include and celebrate a variety of cultures year-round. On April 30, around 为孩子和书籍庆祝的日子!Día节日体现了图书馆常年容纳和庆祝多 the country, an annual, special celebration of linking children to books, home 种文化的宗旨。这一天,举国上下都会在学校、图书馆、博物馆、教 languages and cultures is held at schools, libraries, museums, churches, 堂、公园和书店举行年度特别庆祝会,将孩子与书籍、家庭语言和文 parks, and bookstores. But Día also provides a wonderful opportunity for 化联系起来。同时,这一节日还为父母向孩子们宣讲书籍的力量和读 parents to promote the power of books and reading to their own children. 书的益处提供了绝佳的机会。一年中的每一天都可以是Día节日,都 Every day of the year can be “Día,” a day for linking all children and books! 可以成为每个孩子和书籍连谊的一天。 By including books in the celebration, families can begin to develop 在庆祝会中加入书籍元素,可以使每个家庭开始建立起新的习惯,逐 new habits that will instill a love for books and reading in children. 步向孩子灌输热爱书籍和阅读的意识。每天为您的孩子读上不少于20 Reading daily to your child for at least twenty minutes can become a 分钟的书就能让这成为一项家庭传统。孩子们会喜欢上这样的体验, family tradition. Children will enjoy the experience and grow to love and 渐渐地爱上并欣赏书籍。在您培养他们对书籍的爱好时,您也可以在 appreciate books. You can also include food, music, crafts, dance, poetry 庆祝会的核心内容中加入食物、音乐、手工、舞蹈、诗歌和游戏等元 and games as you nurture the love for books at the heart of the celebration. 素。 Parents, Here are 家长们,以下是一 Some Helpful Hints… 些非常有用的提示... • 在您的孩子降生之后就开始阅读。越早为您的宝贝阅读越 • Begin reading together when your child is born. It’s never too early 好。当您亲昵地抱着您的宝贝并看着书时,您的宝贝会在甜 to read to your baby. When you hold your baby close and look at a 蜜的怀抱里快活地听着您的声音和您讲得故事。与您一起看 book together, your baby will enjoy the snuggling and hearing your 书能让您的宝贝觉得安全可靠,使他建立起对阅读的自信心 voice as well as the story. Feeling safe and secure with you while 和热爱之情。 looking at a book builds your baby’s confidence and love of reading. • 初学走步的幼儿天生好动。日常经历里充满了参与交流谈话、 • Being a toddler is all about action. Everyday experiences are full 唱有趣的歌曲以及开发语言能力的机会。他们常常需要活动, of opportunities to engage in conversation, sing silly songs and 所以如果他们在您阅读时表演故事中的内容或者只是单纯的嬉 develop language skills. Toddlers need to move, so don’t worry if 戏玩闹,请不要担心。他们可能闲不下来,但是他们在听。 they act out stories or just skip, romp, or tumble as you read to them. They may be moving, but they are listening. • 每天,当您与孩子亲昵地依偎的时候,您最好给您的孩子读点东 西,这样会使阅读变得温馨又充满爱意。通过谈论有趣的词句 • Read to your child every day. Make this a warm and loving time 或对象来扩大孩子的词汇量。阅读时让孩子指出某物、看图说 when the two of you can cuddle close. Build your child’s vocabulary 话或重复某些普通词语,使您的孩子参与到阅读中。 by talking about interesting words and objects. Involve your child in the reading by asking him/her to point out objects, talk about the • 确定一个日常读书时间,例如饭后或睡前。选个舒适的地方就 pictures, or repeat common words. 坐,例如摇椅,远离干扰。生动地阅读,注意调节语速。当您 的孩子要求时,可重复为他阅读其特别感兴趣的书籍。 • Decide on a regular reading time each day, such as after meals or at bedtime. Choose a comfortable place to sit, such as a rocking chair, • 做一个阅读模范;当您阅读书报或杂志时,让您的孩子看见您 away from distractions. Read with expression; vary the pace of your 在阅读。给孩子讲述有关您家族和文化的故事。一起写一本家 reading. Reread your child’s favorite books whenever asked. 庭故事书。 • Be a role model; let your child see you reading, whether it’s a book, newspaper or magazine. Tell stories about your family and culture. Write a family story book together. For more information about Día, please contact: Association for Library Service to Children, Chinese Translation: a division of the American Library Association This information was translated by Lina Ding, Children’s 800/545-2433 extension 1398 Librarian, Brooklyn Public LIbrary and Yanhua Yu, Library dia@ala.org • http://dia.ala.org Inforamtion Supervisor, Brooklyn Public Library Parents, Your Library 家长们,你们的图书馆就是 is Your Partner… 你们的搭档… Ask the children’s librarian for book, music and movie selections. • 请儿童图书馆管理员推荐适合儿童的书籍、音乐和影视选 集。 Visit the public library regularly, and often. • 定期并经常拜访公共图书馆。 Register your child for a library card; it’s never too early. • 为您的孩子办理一张图书馆借阅证;越早越好。 Ask about scheduled story hours for babies, toddlers and preschoolers, • 询问专为婴幼儿和学龄前儿童设定的讲故事时间、课外活 after school programs, and summer reading programs. Many libraries 动和暑期阅读计划等日程安排。很多图书馆还有讲双语故 offer bilingual story hours. 事时段。 Borrow library materials to celebrate Día at home! • 向图书馆借阅资料在家里庆祝Día节日! ° 选一本手工艺书籍,用包装纸做一朵墨西哥纸花或用折 • Choose a craft book and make a Mexican paper flower from 纸做一些纸鹤。 tissue paper or fold paper into origami cranes. • Select an international cookbook for kids and make mouth-watering ° 为孩子选一本国际烹调书,和你的孩子一起烹制让人垂 recipes from Brazil, India, Spain or Thailand with your child. 涎欲滴的巴西菜、印度菜、西班牙菜或泰国菜。 • Check out music from around the world and dance in the kitchen ° 用锅碗瓢盆作演奏乐器。在厨房里尝试来自世界各地的 while playing instruments made from pots and pans. 音乐和舞蹈, • Read award-winning books written by authors about life in other ° 阅读作家描写国外或不同文化生活的获奖作品。 countries or from cultures different from your own. ° 庆祝如春节、感恩节、死亡节、宽扎文化节等节日。讨 • Celebrate holidays like Chinese New Year’s, Thanksgiving, Day 论这些节日和您本国的节日有什么相同和不同之处。 of the Dead or Kwanzaa. Talk about how these holidays are the same or different from those celebrated in your home. • 向您的图书馆管理员提供庆祝4月30日书籍日的建议。 ° 创建双语图书展览。 Suggest ideas to your librarian for celebrating Día. ° 在图书馆策划开展家庭读写能力展示会。 • Create bilingual book displays. ° 张贴赞美其它语言的海报或标语。 • Plan a family literacy fair at the library. ° 策划一场来自世界各地书中角色大游行。 • Display posters and banners that celebrate other languages. • Plan a book parade of titles from around the world. ° 举办一个国际讲故事节。 • Host an international storytelling festival. ° 举办一场具有民族特色的烹调示范。 • Have an ethnic cooking demonstration. ° 邀请多元文化的表演者和艺术家出席图书馆的活动。 • Invite multicultural performers and artists to present at the library. More resources at Children’s Day/Book Day Book List dia.ala.org Banks, Kate Crews, Nina Fox, Mem Guy, Ginger Foglesong Ages Birth–4 The Bear in the Book The Neighborhood Sing-Along Diez deditos de las manos y ¡Bravo! Illustrated by Georg Hallensleben Illustrated by the author diez deditos de los pies/Ten Illustrated by René King Moreno Ada, Alma Flor, and F. Isabel Farrar, Straus and Giroux/Frances Greenwillow Books, 2011 Little Fingers and Ten Little Greenwillow Books, 2010 Campoy Foster, 2012 9780061850639 Toes 9780061731808 Ten Little Puppies/Diez perritos 9780374305918 Illustrated by Helen Oxenbury Illustrated by Ulises Wensell Dominguez, Angela Translated by F. Isabel Campoy Hnatov, Catherine Translated by Rosalma Campoy, F. Isabel Maria Had a Little Llama/María Houghton Mifflin Harcourt, 2012 Buuga ka halaya wajiyaaga/My Zubizarreta Mi día de la A a la Z tenía una llamita 9780547870069 Face Book HarperCollins/Rayo, 2011 Illustrated by Sandra Lavandeira Illustrated by the author Star Bright Books, 2011 9780061470431 Alfaguara Infantil, 2009 Henry Holt, 2013 Grossman, Rena D. 9781595722904 9781598209426 9780805093339 Carry Me/Llévame (Somali/English. Also available Ajmera, Maya, Elise Hofer Translated by María A. Fiol as bilingual titles in Burmese, Derstine, and Cynthia Pon Colato Lainez, René Elya, Susan Middleton Star Bright Books, 2010 Mandarin, Hebrew, Portuguese, What We Wear: Dressing Up Señor Pancho Had a Rancho Fire! ¡Fuego! Brave Bomberos 9781595721990 or Spanish) around the World Illustrated by Elwood Smith Illustrated by Dan Santat (Also available as bilingual titles Charlesbridge, 2012 Holiday House, 2013 Bloomsbury Children’s Books, 2012 in Amharic, French, Portuguese, 9781580894166 9780823426324 9781599907598 Somali, and Vietnamese) More resources at Children’s Day/Book Day Book List dia.ala.org Katz, Karen Thong, Roseanne Greenfield Cunnane, Kelly Mandell, Muriel Vamos, Samantha R. ¡Cu-Cú, Bebé! Round Is a Tortilla: A Book of Chirchir Is Singing A Donkey Reads The Cazuela That the Farm Illustrated by the author Shapes Illustrated by Jude Daly Illustrated by André Letria Maiden Stirred Simon & Schuster/Libros Para Illustrated by John Parra Random House/Schwartz & Wade, Star Bright Books, 2011 Illustrated by Rafael López Niños, 2009 Chronicle Books, 2013 2011 9781595722553 Charlesbridge, 2011 9781416979388 9781452106168 9780375861987 9781580892421 Marx, Trish Love, Maryann Cusimano Wu, Faye-Lynn Flett, Julie Kindergarten Day USA and China Velasquez, Eric You Are My I Love You/Tú eres mi Chinese and English Nursery Owls See Clearly at Night: Photographs by Ellen B. Senisi Grandma’s Gift te quiero Rhymes: Share and Sing in Two A Michif Alphabet/Lii yiiboo Charlesbridge, 2010 Illustrated by the author Illustrated by Satomi Ichikawa Languages nayaapiwak lii swer: L’alfabet 9781580892193 Walker, 2010 Philomel, 2012 Illustrated by Kieren Dutcher di Michif 9780802720825 9780399243967 Tuttle Publications, 2010 Illustrated by the author Meshon, Aaron 9780804840941 Simply Read Books, 2010 Take Me out to the Yakyu Winter, Jeanette Lyles, Deanna Lynn 9781897476284 Illustrated by the author Nasreen’s Secret School: A True Good Morning/Buenos días Yang, Belle (Michif/English) Simon & Schuster/Atheneum, Story from Afghanistan Illustrated by Sergio Membrillas A Nest in Springtime: A Bilingual 2013 Illustrated by the author Bilingual Readers, 2012 Book of Numbers Gilani-Williams, Fawzia 9781442441774 Simon & Schuster/Beach Lane 9788492968176 Illustrated by the author Nabeel’s
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