Index A Ardmore, PA, 52 Aristocracy, 70 Academy of Fine Arts, 309 Aristotle, 115 Academy of Natural Sciences, 136, 145, 309 Army of Northern Virginia, 196 Act of Allegiance, 156 Army of the Potomac, 195-6, 198 Adams, Abigail, 228 Army of Virginia, 194 Adams, Charles Francis, Jr., 4, 5 Arnold, Douglas M., A Republican Revolution. Adams, Henry, 4 Ideology and Politics in Pennsylvania, 1775- Adams,John, 226, 228 1790. Rev'd, 213-214 Adams Papers, 8 Articles of Confederation, 250 Adelphi Building, 308 Asia, 241 Africa, 241 Association for Documentary Editing, 8 de Ahna, Pauline, 345 Association of Philadelphia Settlements, 50 Albamarle Sound, 15 Athletics, 119, 122, 126 Albany Congress, 327 Atlantic Ocean, 68 Albany, NY, 246 Albany Plan, 327 B Allegheny Mountains, 237 Allegheny River, 237, 240, 249, 251, 253 Bacon, Edmund, 45, 49, 58-9 Allegheny Seneca Reservation, 251 Bacon's Rebellion, 247 Alvina, Joe, 126 Baird, Spencer Fullerton, 251-2 Amalgamated Association of Iron and Steel Baldwin, Caleb, 28, 31 Workers, 108 Baldwin, Laommi, 15, 26 American Federation of Labor, 125 Baltimore, MD, 343 American Historical Association, 4, 7, 8 Baltimore City Life Museum, 268 American Institute of Planners, 45, 49 Bancroft, George, 4, 5 American Philosophical Society, 16, 17, 309, Barbour, Hugh and J. William Frost, The 310 Quakers. Rev'd. 373-4 American Political Science Association, 7 Barclay, Robert, 328 American Revolution, 5, 8, 13, 16, 17, 69, 72, Bartholomew, Harland, 47, 49 77, 136, 153, 156, 225, 227, 228, 230, 231, Barton, Joseph, 226 233, 250, 265, 267, 313, 318, 328 Bartram,John, 323 American Society of Civil Engineers, 50 Baumann, Roland, 9 American Society of Composers, Authors and Bayreuth, Germany, 345 Publishers, 349 Beach, Ephraim, 28-9, 32 Amish, 150 Beard, Charles A., 4, 6-8, 11 Anderson, Nancy Scott and Dwight Ander- Beaver Wars, 244, 246 son, The Generals. Ulysses S. Grant and Belknap, Jeremy (Rev), 5 Robert E. Lee. Rev'd, 286-288 BellJohn, 112-3 Anglicans, 150, 159, 265, 321 Bell, John (tailor), 137 Anthropology, 236, 241 Benezet, Anthony, 325-6 Antietam Creek, 197 Berks County, PA, 150, 156, 158-60 Apology for the True Christian Divinity, 328 "Better Philadelphia Exhibit," 45, 49, 52 Archaeology, 236, 239, 240, 242 Better Traffic Bureau, 54 Architects, 15 BevanJohn, 114 Architecture, 111, 306 Beveridge, Albert, 225 Archives, 4, 6, 9, 264, 271 the Bible, 160, 225, 321 Archer, Frederick, 337-9, 343 Biddle, Clement C., 18 - a 382 Biddle, Nicholas, 17 BufordJohn (Gen), 198 BiographicalDirectory of Early Pennsylvania Buillian,J.J. (Rev), 115 Legislators, 11 Bureau of Public Road Inquiry, 46 BiographicalDirectory of the United States Bureau of Public Roads, 46-8, 52, 54, 56-7 Congress, 11 Busarello, Feeney, 129 Biography, 4, 11 Butler, William F., 52 Blackett, RJ.M. (ed.), Thomas Morris Chester, Byington, Margaret, 116-7, 123 Black Civil War Correspondent, Rev'd. 362-3 C Blacks, 120, 265 Calhoun, John C., 16, 231 Black Minquas, 240 Calvert, Karin, 263 Black Rock, 25 Canals, 13, 16-20, 23-4, 30 Bloomfield, NJ, 23, 28 Canandaigua, NY, 251 Bloomfield-Ziegler, Fannie, 314 Cane Creek Monthly Meeting, 159 Blue Mountains, 21, 24, 237 Canojoharie and Catskill Railroad, 29 Blumenberg, Marc, 339-40 Capital Club, 126 Board of Managers of the Schuylkill Naviga- Caribbean, 66-8, 71 tion Co., 27-8, 31 Carlisle, 252-3 Bodnar,John, 107 Carnegie, Andrew, 108, 110, 112-4, 117, 343 Bohemians, 121 Carnegie Land Co., 110 Bonus Bill, 16 Carnegie Library of Braddock, 110 Boone, Daniel, 152 Carnegie Library of Homestead, 107-8, 110, Boone, Hezekiah, 156 118-9, 122, 124, 128, 129 Boone, Sarah, 152 Carnegie Library Club, 117, 123, 126 Boone, Squire, 152, 156 "The Carnegie Library and Its Donor," 114 Borch, Gustave, 341-2 Carnegie Music Hall, 122 Boritt, Gabon, (ed.), The Historian'sLincoln: Carnegie, PA, 114 Pseudohistory, Psychohistory, and History. Carnegie Steel, 107-110, 120, 128 Rev'd, 94 Carnegie Steel Welfare Department, 125-6 Boston, MA, 309-314 Carr, Lois G., 265 Boxing, 126 Carroll, Charles, 227 Boyd,Julian, 7, 8 Casals, Pablo, 345 Braddock, Edward, 249 Catawissa, PA, 151, 160 Braddock, PA, 107, 110, 112 Catfish Island, 23, 26 Brady, Kathleen, Ida Tarbel: Portraitof a Cayugas, 240, 246 MAuckraker. Rev'd, 363-5 Centennial Exposition, 251-2, 262, 268, 311 Brandywine Creek, 247 Central America, 229 Breckinridge,John, 198 Centre Square (Penn Square), 301-2 Breintall,Joseph, 323 Chancellorsville, VA, 198 Bridenbaugh, Carl, 323 Charles River, 15 Briscoe, George, 137 Chesapeake, 66-71, 78 British Labour Party, 61 Chesapeake Bay, 15, 239, 242, 244-5 Broad Street (Phil), 57, 306 Chester County, PA, 271 Brooke,John, 11 Chew, Benjamin, 272 Brooke, Robert, 15 Chicago, IL, 268 Brooks, Edward, 143 Christianity, 233 Brown University, 113 Church of NewJersulam, 140, 142-3 Browning, Robert, 115 Citizens' Council on City Planning, 44-5, 49- Brugger, Robert, Maryland:A Middle Tem- 52, 59-60 perament, 1634-1980. Rev'd, 211-3 City Hall, 57 Pennsylvania History 383 City Line Avenue, 56-7, 59 Delano, Frederic, 47 City of Philadelphia Planning Commission, Delaware, 237, 248-50 48-9, 54, 56 Delaware Expressway, 57, 59 Civil Rights, 228, 236 Delaware River, 17, 52, 70, 237, 239, 241, 244, Civil War, 5, 67, 194, 200, 201, 231, 267, 308 249, 301 Clemson's Island, 239 Delaware River Bridge, 50 Clinton, DeWitt, 28 Delaware Valley, 242-3, 246 Coal, 13, 16, 30 Delaware Water Gap, 237 Coal and Iron Police, 110 Delinquency, 156, 158 Cold Harbor, VA, 199 Democratic Party, 195, 197-200, 313 Cole, Albert M., 58 Demography, 241 College of Philadelphia, 17 Denham, Thomas, 322-3 Colles, Christopher, 13, 15 Department of the Dakotas, 199 Collonson, Peter, 323-4, 328-9 Depression University, 129 Columbia University, 6 "Developmental Model," 68-9, 74-5 Columbus, OH, 50 Dickinson, John, 225 Commager, Henry Steele, 229 Dickinson College, 251 Commerce, 241 Dictionary American Biography, 11 Community Heart and Civic Association of Dinkey, A.C., 113 Ardmore, 52 Dismal Swamp Canal, 15 Companari, Giuseppi, 344 Division of the Atlantic, 199 Conestogas, 247-8, 250 Dix, Keith, What's a Coal Miner to Do? The Connecticut River, 15, 120 Mechanization of Coal Mining. Rev'd, Conner, C.N., 54 371-3 Conowingo, MD, 22 Dodd, Ira, 28-30, 32 Conoys, 239, 247 Dreer, Ferdinand, 5 Consumerism, 107 Dreibelbis, Daniel, 19, 23 Continental Congress, 250, 331-2 Dryel, Ray, 126 Cooley, Ariel, 15, 20-2, 25-6, 32 Duane, William J., 17 Cooper River, 15 Duffy, Martin, 128 Cooper, Samuel, 333 Duke University, 7 Corey, Charles,Jr., 21 Duncan, George, 23, 28, 31-2 Corey, W.E., 113 Duncan Canal, 28-9, 31 Cornell University, 113 Dunkards, 150 Cornplanter Senecas, 251 Dunn, Albert, 54 Cornplanter Tract, 251, 253 Dunn, Mary M., 9 Corps of Engineers, 195 Dunn, Richard, 9 Covenant Chain, 248 Duquesne, PA, 107, 126 Cuyler, Theodore, 307 Dutch, 240, 246-7 Dvorak, Antonin, 337 D E Dallas, TX, 50 Damrosch, Walter, 345, 347 Eagleson, H.M., 129 Dams, 18 Early Woodland, 237 Danes, 150 East River Drive, 57 Darwin, Charles, 138 Eastern European, 110, 121-2 Debs, Eugene, 113 An Economic Interpretation of the United States Declaration of Independence, 225-33 Constitution, 6, 7 "Declension Model," 74 Eddy, Thomas, 20 Defense, 330 Edgar Thomson Works, 100 Volume 57, Number 4 e October 1990 384 Editors, 4, 9 Flat Rock, 20-2, 24-5, 31 Education, 120 Foerster, Adolphe M., 343 Egnal, A Mighty Empire: The Origins of the Foerster, Therese, 337 American Revolution. Rev'd, 207-9 Football, 113 Eighteenth-century, 70, 72, 74 Ford, Worthington C., 4 Eisenhower, D.D. (Pres), 46 Foreign Policy, 229 Election of 1860, 198 Fort Ancient, 241, 246 Election of 1864, 197 Fort Duquesne, 250 Engineering, 13, 15 Fort Frontenac, 249 England, 71, 78, 242, 326, 330 Fort Orange, 246 Enlightenment, 320, 325 Fort Sumter, 195, 198 English, 67, 150, 245, 247-8 Foster, The Past is Another Country: Represen- Entomological Society of Philadelphia, 145 tation, HistoricalConsciousness, and Resis- Entomology, 136, 145, 147 tance in the Blue Ridge. Rev'd, 295-6 Erie Canal, 13, 16-7, 20, 25, 28 Founding Fathers, 225, 227-8, 232-4 Eries, 240, 246 France [French], 5, 13, 121, 150, 225, 239-40, Ethnic, 120 249-50, 265, 326 Etting, Frank (Col.), 5 Franklin, Benjamin, 269, 318, 320-34 Europe [Europeans], 5, 241, 244-5, 247-8 Franklin Institute, 138, 306, 309 Evans, Cadawalader,Jr., 17-9, 22-4, 26, 30 Fraternal organizations, 126 Evening Telegram, 313 Frederick, MD, 197 Everett, Edward, 5 Fredericksburg, VA, 198 Exeter Monthly Meeting, 150-1, 153-6, French Creek, 25 159-60 French and Indian War, 156, 327-8 Exeter, PA, 150-1 Frew, W.N., 338, 347 Exeter Preparative Meeting, 154, 158, 160 Frick, Henry Clay, 108 Exogamy, 153 Friends and Neighbors: Group Life in Ameri- Expressway, 44, 46 ca's First PluralSociety, 77 Expressways for Philadelphia, 52 Frontier, 159-60 Fryberger, Catharine, 138 F Fulton, Robert, 15 "Futurama," 47 Fairbank, H.S., 52, 54 Fairmount, 18, 23, 25, 28, 30-1 G Fairmount Park, 59 The Fall of the Nation (1916), 349 Gallatin, Albert, 15 Falls of the Schuylkill, 22, 24 Gambling, 127-8 Federal Aid Highway Act (1956), 58-9 Garfield,James A., 200 Federal Aid System, 48 Gemeinschaft-Gesellschaft Model, 74 Federal Army of Virginia, 196 General Assembly, 320, 325-30 Federal Highway Act (1944), 48, 54 General-in-Chief, 195 Federal Works Agency, 48 General Motors, 47 Fifth Military District, 199 George III, 226, 231-2 Film, 268 George, Thomas, 23 FincherJohn, 156 Gerber, David A., The Making of an American "Finding Philadelphia's Past," 262, 264, 266 Plurism: Buffalo, New York, 1825-60.
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