Pennington Nutrition Series No 89 Fad Diets Defined Special points of What are fad diets? interest: can be eaten and oth- Fad diets can lead Fad diets take many offer special ad- ers that must be elimi- to quick weight forms. They make vantages for weight nated? loss. Fad diets can dieting and weight loss loss? 11. Is any research also lead to quick seem easy. 5. Does the diet rec- data presented spon- ommend supplements sored by the company weight re-gain. To help you determine or pills as part of the publishing the diet? Is if a diet is a fad ask Fad diets are real- plan? there external review yourself these ques- ly low calorie di- 6. Is the diet written provided by other tions. ets. or advertised by a researchers? celebrity? 1. Does it ask you to 12. Do the results Fad diets can lead 7. Is there any scien- Diet books abound in your eliminate one or sev- simply sound too good to nutrient defi- tific evidence that the local bookstores. eral food groups? to be true? ciencies. combination of foods 2. Does the diet prom- or methods in the diet Losing weight perma- The safest way to ise quick results such work? nently is difficult but it lose weight is to as 5 or more pounds 8. Is exercise mini- can be done. It takes of weight loss a week? follow USDA mized as a weight loss determination, calorie 3. Are there several Food Patterns. aid? counting, lifestyle personal testimonies 9. Did the diet gain changes along with that are used as a quickly in popularity smart food choices. proof of effectiveness? and then fade away? 4. Does the diet use 10. Does the diet pro- only certain foods that vide lists of foods that USDA Food Patterns and MyPlate One of the most foods that would pro- crease fruit and vege- researched diet plans vide appropriate nutri- table intake, reduce in the world is the ents for each calorie foods high in salt and USDA Food Patterns level. sugar, and to switch to Inside this issue: by calorie level: .http:// lower fat dairy prod- www.choosemyplate.g The USDA Intake ucts. Patterns is illustrated ov/global_nav/ Low carbohydrate, 2 pdf_food_intake.html by the new MyPlate. The MyPlate plan en- All nutrition research There is an emphasis courages that we in- high fat diets in the United States is to reduce the amount clude foods from all Low fat and very 2 used as a background of food consumed food groups at each for making the recom- while at the same time meal. Choosing a vari- low fat diets mendations found in consuming nutrient ety of fruits and vege- Magic foods 3 the USDA Food Pat- rich foods that would tables of different col- terns. Groups of spe- provide all the neces- or each week ensures cialists in various areas sary vitamins and min- we get all the protec- Liquid diets 3 in nutrition deter- erals. Also, the recom- tive phytochemicals we mined the amount of mendation is to in- need. Page 2 Fad Diets Defined Low carbohydrate, high fat diets Examples of this type of diet are nance phase. Such low intake of water loss from the liver and the the Atkins Diet, The Zone Diet, carbohydrates can lead to head- muscle. Body stores carbohy- Sugar Busters and Protein Power. aches, irritability and bad breath. drates in the form of glycogen in The theory behind these types of Many experience headaches on the muscle and the liver. Glycogen diets is that carbohydrates pro- these diets due to the fact that also attracts water. During carbo- mote insulin production and in- the brain uses about 120 grams of hydrate restriction, the stored High protein diets creased insulin then leads to carbohydrates a day for energy. glycogen is used and the stored tend to be high in weight gain. Reducing insulin levels Carbohydrates are the only water is released leading to weight meat, eggs, cheese by eliminating carbohydrates is source of energy for the brain. It loss. Fat utilized for energy under and poultry. then thought to lead to weight cannot use fat or protein for en- low carbohydrate conditions pro- loss. ergy, therefore when we restrict duces ketones. A high level of carbohydrates to 20 grams, our ketones and a high protein intake Low carbohydrate diets are high brain is suffering. That is one of reduces appetite and food intake. in fat (about 60% of calories) the most important reason not to Many don’t feel hungry and they while carbohydrate intake is se- go on this type of diet. begin to eat fewer calories, about verely restricted (about 10% of 1400 on average, which can lead calories). On the induction phase Fat intake can be two times the to weight loss for most people. Most fad diets many of these diets recommend recommended level and protein The plan is also very structured, lead to weight only 20 - 30 grams of carbohy- intake can be 3 – 4 times greater with very little room for individu- drate, increasing it to 40 - 60 than normal. loss because they alization so there is no decision- grams during the weight loss making required. Some body pro- It is possible to lose pounds quick- are low in phase and increasing it to 60– 90 teins are broken down for energy ly on low carbohydrate diets, but calories. grams during the weight mainte- resulting in muscle loss. the initial weight loss is due to Low fat and very low fat diets Diets that fall in this category are cooked, which can make the food higher in fat than the diet. It the Pritikin Principle, Eat More, less palatable. The diet can also would take a serious commitment Weigh Less and the Scarsdale lead to deficiencies of fat soluble to follow a LF diet. Diet. The low fat (LF) and very vitamins and minerals. It can lead low fat (VLF) diets are difficult to to deficiencies of essential fatty LF diets can lead to reduction in follow and require special food acid, that are involved in many blood cholesterol and LDL levels preparation techniques and ingre- organ systems in the body, includ- and reduce cardiovascular risk. dients. Only about 10-13% of ing the brain and skin. Also many There are specialized LF diets that calories come from fat, 79% from essential hormones are synthe- a physician may prescribe under carbohydrate and about 17% from sized from fats or cholesterol. specialized conditions for weight protein. Normal dietary intake loss or other conditions. Most of recommends that 30% calories Caloric intake on the LF diets those would be liquid diets and come from fat. The fat restriction tends to be about 1450. This is the individual would be under Low fat diets use a makes it almost impossible to eat low enough so that most adults doctor’s supervision. lot of grains products regular meals containing animal will lose weight on them. It is not in their menus. protein due to the high fat con- a diet one can follow in the long tent of most meats. In terms of term due to the severe re- food preparation, very little, or no strictions in fat intake. It would fat is used when the food is not allow a person to eat out, or buy ready made foods that are Page 3 Pennington Nutrition Series No 89 Magic Foods Examples of diets that fall under out of your body. Individuals who Depending on the diet, there may this category are the Cabbage follow these diets may experience be protein, vitamin and mineral Soup Diet, Eat Right for Your some weight loss, but this is be- deficiencies due to restriction of Type, the Rice Diet and the Raw cause the diet is rigid and allows foods. Consuming these diets for Food Diet. few options. When there are only the long term is not recommend- a few choices available, it becomes ed. They can lead to calcium defi- These diets claim that eating par- boring and food intake decreases ciency which increases the risk for ticular foods or combinations of resulting in a reduced calorie di- osteoporosis; or iron deficiency Diets can create foods will cause rapid fat burning et. In addition, the cooking meth- which leads to anemia. Consuming controversy among and weight loss. The rationale for ods used may eliminate all of most these types of diets can also lead authors and health these diets is that weight loss is or the dietary fats. to essential fatty acid deficiency care practitioners. due to the special combination of which is difficult to diagnose. ingredients provided by the diet, There's no scientific evidence that the enzymes in these foods any one foods used in these diets or chemical reactions that form, or combinations of foods facilitate or because they eliminate ‘toxins’ fat burning in the body. Liquid diets that include a meal or two per day, Liquid diets or that teach Liquid diets are good at control- the dangers associated with quick lived. One of the biggest draw- you healthier ling caloric intake if one limits weight loss and consuming a liquid backs of these diets is the fact that eating habits, intake to one meal replacement at diet only. the person can lose a lot of weight will be more mealtime. This can quickly reduce quickly, but as soon as they start calories leading to weight loss. If The liquid diet drinks should con- eating normal food, all the weight likely to help you eat fewer calories than you tain a balance of nutrients needed and more will be regained.
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