BIS-CD-825STEREO lE pl Totalptaying time:62,27 SIBELIUS, Johan (Jean)Julius Christian (1865-re57) Works for Mixed Choir a cappella E Rakastava,op.l4(1894/c. 1898)(Texr:Kanrelerarl:173.1:t74&I:122)cazus 6',54 Mezzo-sopranosolo: Monica Groop; Baritonesolo: Sauli Tiilikainen tr Soitapas, soria likka (?1894)(Texr: Kanrelettrll:238) (Mis) 1,23 Tenorsolo:TomNyman @ tr Ensam i dunkla skogarnas famn 1trsa; (Text:Emil von eu anten)Ga.e, z',31 tr Aamusumussa (1898)(Text: J.H. Erklo) rra:err 1'38 tr Till Th6rise Hahl (tsoz) (Text:Nils Wasastjema)rlrore.l 2',09 tr Den 25 Oktober 1902: Till Th6rbse Hahl (rsoz)(Text: Nils wasastierna) rpazert 2,07 tr Ej med klagan ltlost (Tcxt:Johan Ludvig Runeberg) ra:er1 1'19 Two Songs, Op.65 (BreilkopJ&Hatu, 7'06 tr a. Miin frin sliittenoch havet (1911)(Text: Emst V Knape) 1'40 Llt b. KelloslivelKallion kirkossa(1912) (Text: Heikki Klemeui) 2',r'7 @ Driimmarna (1917)(Texr: Jonatan Reurer) (razer) r'27 E Koulutie { Iq24) (Texl:V.A. Ko,kenniemi) ,rarer, 4',41 @ Skolsing (192-5)(Text: Nino Runeoergl 1r'o:n"7 l'02 ) Den tr hiiga himfen, Op.l07 l926,t27)(Text: SimoKorpela,trans.JacobTegengren) rsuu"o, 2143 tr Joululaulu (1929) (Text: VL Forsman) @vanketis4utufl,inenfidisns) 2'00 tr Juhlamarssi (1894/96)(Text: Kasim.ir Lei no) E@et) 4'02 @ Tyiikansan marssi (1896)(Texr: J.ll.{. Erkko) dcea 2',lg tr Uusmaalaisten laulu (1912)(Texr Kaarlo Terhi) rrazerr z',15 @ Finlandia Hymn 1an 1948) (Text:'y'.A.Koskenniemi) Grcilkopf&Hdnet) 2',04 Six Songsfrom Op.18 11'56 @ No. 1: Isiinmaalle (1899/1900)(Text: PaavoCajander) ooz",t 2'19 @ No. 3: Saarella palaa (1895/? 1898) (Text: KantelerarI:tg6) Breilkopf&Hdne| 1'12 E No.4: Min rastas raataa (c. 1898) (Text:Kanteletar I:219) rrser; 1'r7 @ No.6: Sydiimeni laulu (1898i?1908) (Iexr: Aleksis Kivt) @reitkopf&Hdae, 2',56 tr No. 7: Sonunut eiini (l 898) (Texr:KanFlerar I :5j ) (Brcilkop! & Hddet 1'22 @ No. 9: Venematka (1893/c.l9l4) (Text:Kalevata XL:l-16) BreitkopJ& Hdrtet) / lo Jubilate Choir Astrid Riska, conducror reputatiun of Reinecke and a keen Wagnerian with whom Sibe- f ean Sibeliuscnio1. rtt intemational (ornpo5er \1 mu'ic. lius establisheda close friendship. Several student I principalha. r of mphonic period take their inspiration from and it i. r'nlr in reeenl\eJ_rs that his chamber works from this at loremoit amone lhe.e compo'i- rid in'trumentrl uorks. chorrl pieee: and :ong\ literary source': melodrana S|altvukans ntitter have begun to attracl more widespread attention. tions is the ambitious by Runeberg Another Whereas his solo songs - over a hundred in number (Nights of Jealousy) to verses i dunkla skogarnas - are overwhelmingly settingsof Swedish texts' his such piece is Ensam Jamn (Alone Clasp),written in 1888' choral music, both (1(appella and accompanied,is in the Dark Forest's Ma(in Wegelius much more evenly split between Finnish and Swe- with a text by Emil von Quanten. in Finland's dish-languageoriginals. Somc of his choral pieces later became a prominent conductor were clearly designedfor amateursto sing, although Swedish-speakingchoral movement. (In Mist) was ori- othersare technically very demanding.Many of the Aamusumussa the Morning choir in 1896, but songs also exist in versions for male chorus d ginally composed for children's l898 lts text is by cappelfu. and in many cases it was the male-voice the version heard here dates from ill-fated opera version that came first. often written for the Helsin- J.H. Erkko. the librettist of Sibelius's (The Boat) The ki University Chorus (YL) which had been founded Veneenluominen Building of the contribu- in 1883. mixed choir version was one of Sibelius's of choral Rakastava (The Lover) was one such work' tions to the fourth volume of a collection (A written fbr a competition organizedby the Helsinki works by various composets entitled Srilellsto Taavi University Chorus in 1u94. The choral style was Choral Collection), edited by Eemil Forssfiijm. was for Th6- more complex than the jury had expected,and Sibe- Hahl and the latter's wife Th6rbse. It wote lius's piece only gained secondprize. The texts rbse's sixtieth birthday in 1902 that Sibelius (To soon after- come liom the Konteletar. a collection of lyrical Till Thdrise Hahl Th6rdse Hahl), but lblk poetry. The composer rcworked lhe piece fbr wards he tackled the same text by Nils Wasastjema (25th male choir and stringsand also, in 1898,for sopra- again, as Den 25 Oktober 1902 October 'I by no and britone soloistswith mixed choir; in 1911112 1902). The composer rematked: set more store Per- he also undertook a very substantialrevision of the the first version but wanted to have another try. material for string orchestra.timpani and tdangle haps this time it will be more to the poet's liking.' 'lhe Kqnteletor provided the texts for a number of Th6rdse Hahl, a much-respected musical personality other choral pieces by Sibelius, including the brief in turn-of-the-centuryHelsinki, had fomerly been re- Soitapas, soria likka (Play, Beautiful Girl: ? I 894), much in demand as an oratorio soloist and had in which an expressivcfbur-bar-long tenor solo in hearsedthe chorus tbr the premibresof several of 5/4 time separatesmore robust outer sections in 2/4. Sibelius'sworks for chorusand orchestra. wa. This piece is here recorded fbr the first time. Ej med klagan rNot with Lamentation') When Sibelius studied music at the Helsinki written for the funeral of the artist Albert Edelfelt, - Music Institute in the latter part of the 1880s, he who had died suddenly in August 1905 which was taughtby Martin Wegelius( I 846-1906), a pupil explains its altemative title. Till minnet av Albert Edelfelt 21.8.1905 (In Memory of Alberr I1delf'elt FinnishJanguagerexr is by VA. Koskenniemi,who 24.8.190-5).Sibelius himself conductedrhe pre_ was later to supply the words for the Finlandia midre. The text is from a poem bv J.L. Runeberg H,"mn. The very brief Skolsdng (School Song), (1804-1877), one of Sibelius's favouritepoers. whose wdtten in 192-5.has a Swedish text by Nino Rune- words had already inspired the composer to produce berg but remainedunpublished until 1992. some of his most enduringl)' popular solo songs Den hdga himlen (The Lofty Heaven) is a such as Vdren hastigt (Spring fyktar Flies Speedill,) setting of Jacob Tegengren's Swedish translation of and Flickan kom ifrdn sin dlsklings mt)te (The Trysr). Strtrr' olet, Herra (You are Great, O Lord) by Simo The two songs thar make up Sibelius's Op.65 Korpela, originally written for male choir and organ. tre. to say the least, uneasy bedt'ellows. The first of The piece was dedicatedto Servi Musica Sacre, a them. Miin slaitten frdn och havet (Men from Land quanet of church ministers, who gave its first per- and Sea). is an ambitious piece for double mixed tomance with the organist Sune Carlsson in Swe_ choir, wdtten at the suggestion of an eminent choral den in the autumn of 1926, the year of its com- conductor named Axel Stenius in 19l I for the Vaasa positton. The mixed choir version dates from the Song Festival, where it was first perfomed cn 30th foilowing year.The male-voiceversion was also in- June 1912. Such were the technical demands of the cluded as the eleventhmovement of Sibelius'sMa- musrc. however, that a stdng orchestra accompani_ sique religieuse.Op. ll3. Suruiving manuscriprsand ment was required at the premidre (ananged by the published editions do not pemit the definite identi- conductor on that occasion, Hans Aufrichtig). The fication of a piece listed in various catalogues of companion piece, Kellosiivel 'Hymn, Kallion kirkosstt (Bell Sibelius'sworks as Op.107', but it has been Melody of Kallio lBerghiilll Church) is quite liter_ suggestedthat the work in question was probably ally a carillon written for one of Helsinki,s major Den hdga himlen. churches and arranged by the composer bc,th for Joululaulu (Christmas Song) is here perfomed mixed choir and piano for solo. It can be sung either with a text by VI. Forsman, although it can also be to words by Julius Engstrdm or, as on this record- sung to words by A.V Jaakkola.lt datesfrom 1929 ing, to a text by rhe renowned Finnish choral con- and was composed for the Finnish Lutheran Evan- ductor Heikki Klemetti. The choral version was first _selicalSociety. perfomed at the inauguration of the church in 1912. During the 1890s Sibelius wrote several can- Some years after the compositton of Mti,n frdn tatas for ceremonial or academic functions in Hel- sltitten och havet, Axel Stenius again asked Sibelius sinki, all of which have remained unpublished in for a new work, and the result was Drijmmarna their original fom.The Juhlamarssi (Festive Mach) (The Dreams), an exquisite little piece written in derives from one of these,originally serving as the l9l7 [o a text by JonatanReuter. last movement of the Cantatd for the LIni\.ersitl Two school songs from the mid-1920s are fea- Ceremontesol Itlsl. The mixed choir u*ung".ant tured on this recording. The first. Koulutie ('fhe of this piece dates from 1896 and was first perfom- Way to School) was composedin 1924 for the anni- ed at the Mikkeli Song Festival in 1897, conducted versary of a school in Oulu in nonhem Finland. Its by Eemil Forsstrdm. Isiinmaalle (To the Fatherland; No l \ext Ie hear three songs of a popullst nature patriotic song to the nine-song numbering and omitted Sibelius set J.Fl.Erkko's Tyiikansan narssi (March iccording six-song numbering)' a setting of Paavo of the Labourers) in 1896 but' despite its title.
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