1750 1750fCOUNCIL.] NORTH-WEST. Financial Stress of Gascoyne River Settlers. Wednesday, 31st October. 1956. Hon. F. J. S. WISE asked the Minister CONTYENTS. for Railways: Page (1) is he aware that many banana Questions : War service land settlement, swlt growers and planters generally on the Gas- on blocks, Denbarker area .... .... 1750 coyne River are experiencing financial North-West, financial stress of Gascoyne worries? River settlers .... .... .. .. 1750 Water supplies, (a) Calilagr and Miling (2) Does he agree that a considerable .. .. .. part of the contributory causes to the schemes 1750 financial (b) availability to Midland Province 1751 stress of settlers is the fact that Education, retrenchment of teachers on far too many holdings have been made supply 1751 available for settlement on the Gascoyne Railways, renit Increase on workers, Kal- River and consequently have exercised an goorile liner .. -.. .. .. 1751 unreasonable draw on river water avail- Bridgetown school, installation of septic able? tanks............... ...... 1751 (3) As the industry on the Gascoyne River is very important as an economic Motion : Licensing Act, to inquire by select part of our North-West and of great value committee .. .. .. .. .. 1751 to the State. will he consider having a full Bills: Fisheries Act Amendment, fr. 1751 inquiry made Into methods required to Police Act Amendment (No. 1), Sr., revitalize the industry, and in particular 1752 consider using the agency section of the Licensing Act Amendment (No. 5), 2r. 1752 Rural & Industries flank to help in this Friendly Societies Act Amendment, 2r. 1753 restoration? State Government Insurance Office Act The MINISTER Amendment, 2r. ... .. -. 176t replied: State Trading Concerns Act Amend- (1) Yes. ment, fr....... ......... .... 1764 (2) This could be a contributory cause; launes Registration Act Amendment, Sr. 1764 but it should. be borne in mind that the Licensing Act Amendment (No. 8), 2r. 1765 position generally on the delta has been Profiteering and Unfair Trading Na- brought about by the deterioration of the vntion, Corn......... 1769 water supply due to drought and through Child Welfare Act Amendment, Ir. 1783 the river not running since the 20th Adjournment, special .. .. .. 1783 February. 1955. However, overall improve- ment in supply is anticipated owing to the installation of a baffle plate. (3) Two senior officers of the Rural & Industries Bank of W.A. have Just com- pleted a, comprehensive on-the-spot survey of the delta's problems and the bank's The PRESIDENT took the Chair at 4.30 report and recommendations are awaited. pim., and read prayers. WATER SUPPLIES. QUESTIONS. (a) Cali giri and Mfiing Schzemes. Hon. A. R. JONES asked the Chief WAR SERVICE LAND SETLEMENT. Secretary: Salt on Blocks, Denbarker Area. In view of the Commonwealth having made extra moneys available to the State Hon. J. MeI. THOMSON asked the Government to assist In the problem of Minister for Railways: unemployment--with a bias that country (1) Is there any evidence of salt appear- water supplies be given consideration- tig on any of the blocks in the Denbarker will he ascertain from the Minister in war service land settlement area? charge of country water. supply if- (1) The Calingiri water supply will be (2) If the answer is in the affirmative- commenced this financial year? (a) How many blocks are affected? (2) A favourable report is obtained (b) How much development work has with regard to quality and quan- tity of water available west of been carried out on these blocks? Miling will- (c) What distance would they be (a) a water supply be made situated from the Narrikup town- available in the township site? of Miling? The MINISTER replied: (b) If the answer to (a) is "Yes" when will a com- (1) No. mencement of a scheme be (2) Answered by No. (1). likely? [31 October, 1956.1 151751 The CHIEF SECRETARY replied: RAILWAYS. (1) The Calingiri water supply will not Rent Increase on Workers, Kal goorlie Line. be commenced this financial year. Hon. J. M. A. CUNNlINGHAM asked the (2) (a) Yes. Minister for Railways: (b) Many water supply works with (1) Will he advise the House of the a higher priority have still to actual increase in rent paid by railway be completed and availability 'Workers on the Kalgoorlie lines? of loan funds will eventually determine the date of corn- (2) What opportunity was given to nmencement. workers to object? (3) Dloes he consider that the present ('b) Availability to Midland Province. disparity in rents between Railways and Hon. A. R. JONES asked the Chief Water Supply Department workers in the Secretary: same area Is fair to the railway employees? In October last year the Minister for The MINISTER replied:. Works and Water Supplies met a deputa- (1) The increases range from Is. to 20s. tion known as the Midland Province Water per week. Supply Committee, and promised that (2) The unions concerned have been well Investigations for a source of supply of informed regarding the increases in rentals. water for a comprehensive scheme for the (3) When compared with rents charged area would be made. by private owners and under the Corn- in view of such- znonwealth-State Housing Agreement, the (1) Will be ascertain from the de- W.A.G.R. rents are fair and reasonable. partment what progress has been made in fulfilment of the above? BRIDGETOWN SCHOOL. (2) if a report of work done to date Installation of Septic Tanks. has been prepared? Hon. 0. C. MacKINNON asked the Chief (3) if a report has been prepared Secretary: to in- could it be made available In view of the concern expressed with terested parties? regard to Poliomyelitis in unsewered areas The CHIEF SECRETkARY replied: such as Rockinghamn and Safety Bay, will (1) Investigations indicate that the the Government reconsider its decision re- main source of supply would need to be garding the installation of septic tank sys- from the Gingin Brook. The stream flows temns at the old Bridgetown State school? are being gauged, possible dam sites have The CHIEF' SECRETARY replied: been selected and test boring of founda- Owing to available finance being required tions will comnmence in a few weeks. for the construction of urgently needed Possible provision of individual dams and classrooms, the installation referred to can- catchment areas on farms is being con- not be carried sidered. out at present. (2) A progress report is being prepared. BiLL--FISHERIES ACT AMENDMENT. (3) Answered by No. (2). Introduced by Hon. E. IA. Davies and EDUCATION. read a first time. Retrenchment of Teachers on Supply. MOTION-LICENSING ACT. Hon. J. McI. THOMSON asked the Chief To Inquire by Select Committee. Secretary: HON. N. E. BAXTER (Central) (4.45]: (1) How many teachers "on supply" I move- have been retrenched since the 1st July of That a select committee be ap- this year- pointed to inquire into and report upon (a) in the metropolitan area: the Licensing Act, 1911-1956, and to (b) in the country areas? recommend such amendments as may (2) For what reasons were they re - be considered necessary or desirable trenched? in the light of present-day conditions (3) Have these retrenchments Increased and requirements. the size of the classes? I move this Motion because of the dis- (4) Will this retard the proposed exten- satisfaction amongst the public in regard sion of the school-leaving age? to licensing and because of the condition (5) Has any of these teachers been re- of hotels, Particularly in the country, and appointed: if so. how many, and at what some in the city. In addition, over the schools? years--I should say since about 1922-the amendments to the Act have only been of The CHIEF SECRETARY replied: a very minor nature; and it is felt, not None. There are 886 supply teachers at only by a number of people in the state. present employed, compared with 862 on but also by all politicians In this Cham- the 1st July this year. ber and another place that it Is high 1752 1752[COUNCIL.] time the whole Act was overhauled. I be- hotels just outside the radius. They are, leve these reasons are sufficient to war- by road, Just as far distant from the Perth rant a select committee to inquire into this Town Hall, as other hotels which are Act, and also Into the general conduct outside the present radius and are allowed of people who are responsible for its ad- to trade on Sundays. I do not mind nam- ministration. ig the three hotels. They are the Parker- I do not think anybody can say there is ville hotel, the Mundaring hotel and the any doubt that there is room for a big Mundaring Weir hotel. improvement. However that big Improve- The Parkerville hotel is a small one with ment cannot be brought about unless we a small local trade. The Mundaring hotel have some amendment of the Act to is in a similar position; and a nicer type straighten the position out. The licensing of hotel and a better conducted one, I do laws of Australia are far behind those of not know of. the Mundaring Weir hotel other countries, where they appear to be consists of large premises with quite a much more elastic in some ways; much number of bedrooms. In the early days more modified, and much more capable of it was used as a holiday resort. In times coping with the times. For these reasons of bad roads and indifferent motorcars, I feel it is most necessary that a commit- people would go there and stay for the tee be appointed to inquire into this legis- week-end or for a week; but now, with the lation to attempt to bring the Act to what modemn motorcar and present-day roads.
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