Named Things in Chemistry: A New On-line Database for Research and Teaching John Andraos ([email protected]) York University, Department of Chemistry Toronto, ON M3J 1P3 Named Things in Chemistry & Physics http://www.chem.yorku.ca/NAMED http://www.careerchem.com/NAMED/Homepage.html "Scire ubi aliquid invenire possis, ea demum maxima pars eruditionis est." ("To know where you can find anything, that in short is the largest part of learning.") -- Anonymous "Knowledge is of two kinds: we know a subject ourselves, or we know where we can find information upon it." Samuel Johnson (1709 - 1784) 1 "History is a thing scientists do when they can't do science anymore." -- Oxygen, a play by Profs. Roald Hoffmann and Carl Djerassi "If [this were] true, then there is little chance of the younger generation ever following us and becoming chemists themselves." -- Colin Russell, Prof. Emeritus at Open University, UK Current challenges: => minimalref erencing to original work in undergraduate texts => breeding of misconceptions and incorrect associations between pe ople and ideas => students feel detached from subject => perception of passive spectators => lack of inspiration => desensitized to self-discovery approach which is the drive of research => human dimension is lost in a deluge of facts that need to be memorized in a short time => professors become interested in history of science in “swansong” of their c ar eers Why bother with "history"? => science is a human activity Tradition of naming & scientific genealogies: => signposts of important events and ideas in a field => connections between ideas are revealed => connections between people are revealed => order of development of ideas is revealed => patterns of success in career development are revealed => identifying major players in a field => identifying innovators and followers => how ideas are generated => how discoveries are made => how to decide which ideas are worth pursuing and which are not => how to ask the "right" questions 2 Getting the “Big Picture”: Dot-to-Dot Diagram Getting the “Big Picture”: Dot-to-Dot Diagram 3 Getting the “Big Picture”: Dot-to-Dot Diagram Getting the “Big Picture”: Dot-to-Dot Diagram 4 Getting the “Big Picture”: Dot-to-Dot Diagram Getting the “Big Picture”: Dot-to-Dot Diagram 5 Evolution of Chemistry Medicine Rouelle, Berard, Lavoisier (1770s) Chemical Biology Pharmacy Schreiber, Wohler, Liebig, Nicolaou, Whitesides Bunsen, Kekule, Hofmann (1860s) (1990s+) Molecular Biology Chemistry Watson, Crick, Pasteur, Michaelis, Pauling (1950s) Menten, Krebs (1880s-1930s) Biochemistry how to determine rate of New Paradigm reaction of a substance in a chemical reaction; reaction mechanism? what is matter? what is light? what is energy? what is the mathematical description of optimization? what is connection between how to determine chemical chemical structure of a substance structure of a substance? and its properties, reactivity, and function? how to determine if a substance is pure? how to come up with efficient synthetic strategies for creating new chemical structures with desired properties, reactivity, and function 6 Laws (47) Constants Laboratory Apparatus (18) (53) Concepts Named Units (31) NAMED After People (409) Equations THINGS Concepts Not (77) Named After People (181) Rules (37) Reagents/Catalysts/ Reactions (275) Compounds (171) Non-chemists (9) Structures Places (55) (785) Trivial/Unusual (238) Functional Groups (188) Acronyms (124) Scientific Genealogy Optical Illusions Master Index (1062) (64) Birthday & Discovery Memorial Genealogy Trees (103) of Reaction Calendars Intermediates Women in Chemistry (38) and Physics (40) Minerals (166) NAMED Anecdotes & Statistics Chemical THINGS Discovery of Elements Industry (145) of Periodic Table Physics (268) Canadian Connections Mathematics (488) Index of (32) Scientists Nobel Laureates in (1041) Chemistry (143) Physics (172) Index of Obituaries & InventionsPhysiology & Medicine Named Biographical (162) (180) References Things Glossary of (271) (1164) Coined Scientific Terms (287) 7 Maud Leonora Menten 20 March 1879 - 20 July 1960 Canadian, b. Port Lambton, Ontario, Canada Michaelis-Menten equation Hen ri, V . Lo is gén éra les de l' act i on de s di ast as e s , Par is, 1 903 Mi ch aelis, L.; M en ten , M .L., Biochem . Z . 1913, 4 9, 3 33 Biographical References: Ray ne r- Ca nh am, M.; Ra yn er- Ca nh am, G. , W om en in Chemistr y , A C S: Wa s hin gto n, 1998, p. 15 7 Sto ck, A.H.; C arp en t er, A .M. , Nature 1961, 1 89 , 9 65 Smi th, D. B . Trends Bi ochem . Sc i. (Per s. Ed .), 1979, 4 , N150 Og ilv ie , Ma rily n; H arv ey , J o y ( ed s.) The Bi ograp h ica l Di ct iona ry o f Wome n in Sc ien ce , Ro ut led ge: New Yor k, 2 000, p. 8 8 2 Where to find biographical information about scientists? Gillispie, Charles (ed.) Dictionaryo f Scientific Biography Obit. Not. FellowsR oy. Soc.; Biog. Mem. FellowsR oy. Soc. Biog. Mem. Natl. Acad. Sci. USA; Current Biography Profiles, Pathways, andD reamsS eries, ACS: W ashington, D.C. CandidS cience series,TheR oadT o Stockholm Ogilvie, M.; Harvey, J.( eds.) TheB iographicalD ictionaryo f Womeni n Science Websites: N obel Academy, Named Things in Chemistry& P hysics General: Swiss: TheChemical Intelligencer Helvetica Chimica Acta (1918+) (1995-2000) Eur. J. Org. Chem. (1998) British: American: Chemical Society Reviews (1972+), C hemical Reviews (1980+), Accounts of Journal of the Chemical Society (1849), C hemical Research (1972+), Journal of Green Chemistry profiles (1999+), Physical Chemistry Festschrift issues, Organic and Biomolecular Chemistry profiles (2003+) C hemical & Engineering News obituaries and profiles German: C anadian: Chemische Berichte (1868 - 1997), C anadian Journal of Chemistry Angewandte Chemie (1888+) dedication issues (1988+) French: Japanese: Bulletin de la Société de Chimie de Bulletin of the Chemical So ciety of France (1889+) Japan (Accounts) 8 "Named" things: signposts of what ideas are important and which stand the tests of experimentation, verification, and reproducibility over time Good nomenclature elicits images and aids reasoning by analogy; it is the organic chemists 'best friend'. -- Donald J. Cram Organic Name Reactions Timeline Number of Reactions Not Named 30 After People Number of Reactions Named After People 25 20 15 10 5 Number of Reactions Discovered 0 1828 - 1837 1838 - 1847 1848 - 1857 1858 - 1867 1868 - 1877 1878 - 1887 1888 - 1897 1898 - 1907 1908 - 1917 1918 - 1927 1928 - 1937 1938 - 1947 1948 - 1957 1958 - 1967 1968 - 1977 1978 - 1987 1988 - 1997 1998 - 2007 Decade Survey of Connections Between People and Ideas Type 1: N amed thing shared between student and advisor Diels-Alder reaction (O. Diels, K. Alder, 1928) R R2 2 R 1 + R 1 Baeyer-Villiger oxidation (A. von Baeyer, V. Villiger, 1899) O O + R'OOH R 1 R2 + R'OH R 1 OR2 9 Survey of Connections Between People and Ideas Type 2 Evolution of ideas from advisor to student (innovator-follower) Wittig reaction (G. Wittig, 1954) -> Schlosser modification of Wittig reaction (M. Schlosser, 1971) R O O=PPh3 + PPh 3 + RCH 2Br + HBr R 1 R2 R1 R 2 O nBuLi LiBr PhLi LiOtBu + Br + tBuOH + O=PPh3 R H nBuH PPh3 R PhH Example Genealogy Trees Type 3 N ovel ideasand discoveries through generations Bunsen burner, actinometry (1855) (with Sir Henry Roscoe ) BUNSEN elemental spectrum analysis (1860) (with Gustav R. Kirchhoff ) Discovery of element 37, rubidium (1861) (with Gustav R. Kirchhoff ) Discovery of element 55, cesium (1860) (with Gustav R. Kirchhoff ) Ludwig Mond Viktor Meyer method Hempel column Heiki Kamerlingh-Onnes Discovery of metal carbonyls (1876 - 1878) Hempel pipette properties of matter at low Wilkinson's catalyst (Ni(CO)) (1890) temperatures, 4 (1965) ; organometallic Louis M. Dennis superconductivity(1911) ; chemistry; metallocenes (Michigan, 1886) liquid helium Chemistry Nobel 1973 Wurster dyes Michler's ketone Bodenstein (1906) Physics Nobel (1879) , Wurster's 1913 (1879) steady state Eugene G. Rochow reagent (1879) approximation silicone polymer (1941) Penning vacuum (1913) Schrock carbenes Corey-Pauling-Koltun gauge (1937) (1974) space filling model (1959) Zeeman effect Sir Edward Frankland Paul Harteck (1896 - 1897) Concept of valence (1852) (Berlin, 1926) Physics Nobel 1902 Discovery of Ladenburg benzene (1869) parahydrogen(1929) Adolf Hermann Kolbe Philipp E.A. Lenard (Marburg, 1843) synthesis of salicylates Investigation of cathode rays Physics Nobel 1905 (1874) Karl Heumann (Heidelberg, 1878) industrial process Bronsted-Lowry definition Henry E. Armstrong Beckmann Constantin Fahlberg of an acid and a base (1923) to produce indigo (Leipzig, 1869) rearrangement (Leipzig, 1873) Armstrong and Wynne's (1890) discovery of 1,3-butadiene (1886) discovery of sweetener acids (1890's) in cracked petroleum (with saccharin (with Ira Remsen) Sir William J. Pope A.K. Miller) (1886) (1878) Discovery of asymmetric N, S, origin of colour (1888 - 93) Walter Reppe Sn, Se compounds (1899+) (Munich, 1920) Reppe process to make vinyl ethers and acetylenes (1928) 10 “Unknown” Canadian Scientists SCIENTIST DATES BIRTHPLACE SCIENTIFIC ACHIEVEMENT Avery, Oswald Theodore 1877 - 1955 b. Halifax, Nova DNA as source of heredity MD 1904 Columbia Scotia (1944) Brooks, Harriet T. 1876 - 1933 b. Exeter, O ntario Transmutation of the elements MA 1901 McGill (1904) (Lord Ernest Rutherford) Eadie, George Sharp 1895 - 1976 b. Toronto, Ontario Eadie plot applied to Michaelis Ph.D. 1927 Cambridge -Menten equation (rate of (J.B.S. Haldane) reaction, v, vs. v/[S]) (1942) Giauque, William Francis 1895 - 1982 b. Niagara Falls, Absolute zero temperature Chemistry Nobel 1949 Ontario Measurements (1927+) Ph.D. 1922 UC Berkeley Partition functions (1930) (George E. Gibson) Good, Norman Everett 1917 - b. Brantford, Good buffer solutions (1966) Ph.D. 1951 Cal Tech Ontario (Hershel K. Mitchell) SCIENTIST DATES BIRTHPLACE SCIENTIFIC ACHIEVEMENT Kamen, Martin 1913 - b. Toronto, Ontario Discovery of carbon-14 Ph.D. 1937 Chicago isotope (1941) (William D. Harkins) Menten, Maud Leonora 1879 - 1960 b. Port Lambton, Michaelis-Menten kinetics Ph.D. 1916 Chicago Ontario (1913) (Albert P.
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