INFECTION AND IMMUNITY VOLUME 39 0 NUMBER 1 * JANUARY 1983 J. W. Shands, Jr., Editor-in-Chief (1984) University ofFlorida, Gainesville Phillip J. Baker, Editor (1985) Arthur G. Johnson, Editor (1986) National Institute ofAllergy andInfectious Diseases University of Minnesota, Duluth Bethesda, Md. Stephan E. Mergenhagen, Editor (1984) Peter F. Bonventre, Editor (1984) National Institute ofDental Research University of Cincinnati Bethesda, Md. Cincinnati, Ohio John H. Schwab, Editor (1985) Bernard N. Fields, Editor (1984) University ofNorth Carolina, Medical School Harvard University, Medical School Chapel Hill, N.C. Boston, Mass. EDITORIAL BOARD Michael A. Apicella (1985) Harry Greenberg (1985) Chik H. Pai (1985) John A. Armstrong (1983) Frank Griffin (1984) Monique Parant (1984) Roland Arnold (1984) Carlton L. Gyles (1985) Fred Rapp (1983) Joel B. Baseman (1985) Edgar Hanna (1984) John B. Robbins (1983) Edwin H. Beachey (1983) David Hentges (1985) Donald Robertson (1984) Elmer L. Becker (1984) Martin S. Hirach (1985) Burton Rosan (1983) Neil Backlow (1984) Randall K. Holmes (1983) Noel R. Rose (1983) Arnold S. Bledweis (1984) Dexter H. Howard (1985) Jon A. Rudbach (1984) William H. Bowen (1985) Howard M. JohnSon (1985) Stephen W. Russeil (1985) Robert R. Brubaker (1983) Karl M. Johnson (1983) R. Bradley Sack (1983) Ward Bullock, Jr. (1985) Russell C. Johnson (1985) Catherine Saelinger (1984) Priscilla A. Campbeil (1983) William Johnson (1985) Edward J. St. Martin (1985) Charles Carpenter (1985) Garth W. Jones (1984) Irvin E. Salit (1983) Bruce Chassy (1984) Irving G. Kagan (1983) Anthony J. Sbarra (1984) John 0. Cisar (1985) Dennis L. Kasper (1985) Charles F. Schachtele (1985) John Clements (1985) George E. Kenny (1984) Julius Schachter (1983) Myron Cohen (1984) David F. Keren (1985) Jerome L. Schulman (1985) Barry C. Cole (1984) George S. Kobayashi (1983) H. Jean Shadomy (1983) Gerald A. Cole (1983) Yi-chi M. Kong (1983) Alan Sher (1984) R. John Collier (1984) Julius P. Kreier (1983) Gerald D. Shockman (1983) Lynette Corbeil (1984) Maurice J. Lefford (1984) Phillip Smith (1985) Jlm E. Cutler (1984) Thomas Lehner (1983) Ralph Snyderman (1985) Peter C. Doherty (1984) Stephan H. Leppla (1985) H. G. Stevens (1985) Judith E. Domer (1983) Jack P. London (1983) Barnet M. Sultzer (1985) James L. Duncan (1985) Michael Loos (1984) Catharina Svanborg-Eden (1985) Dennis Dwyer (1984) John Mansfield (1985) John L. Swanson (1984) Roman Dzlarsli (1984) Zell A. McGee (1985) Diane Taylor (1984) Robert A. Eisenberg (1984) Jerry R. McGhee (1985) Ivo van de Rln (1984) Barry Eisenstein (1985) Dougls D. McGregor (1985) Johannes van Houte (1985) Toby Elsenstein (1984) Floyd C. McIntire (1985) Jan T. Vilcek (1985) Peter Elsbach (1983) Monte Meltzer (1983) Stefanie Vogel (1985) Stanley Falkow (1985) Jiri Mestecky (1983) Duard L. Walker (1983) John J. Farrar (1985) J. Gabriel Michael (1983) Lewis W. Wannamaker (1984) John C. Feeley (1985) George Mller (1983) Peter A. Ward (1985) Robert Flnberg (1984) W. E. C. Moore (1983) Robert G. Webster (1983) John R. Flnerty (1984) Page Morahan (1985) William P. Weldanz (1984) Thomas J. Fitzgerald (1983) David Morrlso-a (1983) William 0. Weigle (1984) Samuel B. Formal (1983) Frederick A. Murphy (1985) Emilio Weiss (1983) Robert M. Friedman (1983) George Naff (1983) Jerry A. Winkeistein (1984) John Gallin (1985) Neal Nathanson (1984) Alex J. Winter (1983) Peter Gemski (1985) Robert J. North (1985) Meyer J. Wolin (1984) Robert Genco (1985) Alois H. Nowotny (1983) David J. Wyler (1984) Ronald J. Gibbons (1985) Alison O'Brien (1985) Wendell D. Zollinger (1985) Frances Guif (1984) Pearay L. Ogra (1983) Mayer B. Goren (1985) Roy C. Page (1985) Helen R. Whiteley, Chairman, Publications Board Walter G. Peter HI, Director, Publications Linda M. Illig, Managing Editor, Journals Karen Simon, Production Editor Infection and Immunity (ISSN 0019-9567), a publication ofthe American Society for Microbiology, 1913 I St., NW, Washington, DC 20006, is devoted to the advancement and dissemination of fundamental knowledge concerning: (i) infections caused by pathogenic bacteria, fungi, unicellular parasites, and viruses; (ii) the ecology and epidemiology of pathogenic microbes; (iii) virulence factors, such as toxins and microbial surface structures; (iv) nonspecific factors in host resistance and susceptibility to infection; and (v) immunology of microbial infection. Instructions to authors are published in the January issue each year; reprints are available from the editors and the Publications Office. Infection and Immunity is published monthly, and the twelve numbers are divided into four volumes per year. The nonmember subscription price is $225 per year; single copies are $20. The member subscription price is $37 (foreign, $44 [surface ratel) per year; single copies are $7. Correspondence relating to subscriptions, reprints, defective copies, availability ofback issues, lost or late proofs, disposition of submitted manuscripts, and general editorial matters should be directed to the ASM Publications Office, 1913 I St., NW, Washington, DC 20006 (area 202 833-9680). Claims for missing issues from residents of the United States, Canada, and Mexico must be submitted within 3 months after publication of the issues; residents of all other countries must submit claims within 6 months of publication of the issues. Claims for issues missing because of failure to report an address change or for issues "missing from files" will not be allowed. Second class postage paid at Washington, DC 20006, and at additional mailing offices. POSTMASTER: Send address changes to Infection and Immunity, ASM, 1913 I St., NW, Washington, DC 20006. Made in the United States of America. Copyright 0 1983, American Society for Microbiology. : 1fl4¶;t E :f (I All Rights Reserved. a A,JN :rkf. The code at the top of the first page of an article in this journal indicates the copyright owner's consent that copies of the article may be made for personal use or for personal use of specific clients. This consent is given on the condition, however, that the copier pay the stated per-copy fee through the Copyright Clearance Center, Inc., 21 Congress St., Salem, MA 01970, for copying beyond that permitted by Sections 107 and 108 of the U.S. Copyright Law. This consent does not extend to other kinds of copying, such as copying for general distribution, for advertising or promotional purposes, for creating new collective works, or for resale. Author Index Aaronson, W., 315 Engert, Richard F., 117 Kato, Keijiro, 132 Achtman, M., 315 Eppstein, Deborah A., 172 Keusch, Gerald T., 270 Aikawa, Masamichi, 377 Etherden, I., 280 Kirkland, Jerry J., 383 Altieri, Patricia L., 247 Kling, J. Malcolm, 383 Alves, Maria Julia M., 377, 435 Klipstein, Frederick A., 117 Anderson, Porter, 233 Falke, Dietrich, 15 Knoblich, Andreas, 15 Appleton, Judith A., 208 Fleischmann, W. Robert, Jr., 159 Knox, Kenneth W., 445 Arneborn, Per, 29 Flores, Jorge, 91 Kohl, Steve, 480 Ascher, Michael S., 388 Fraser-Smith, Elizabeth B., 172 Kotani, Shozo, 132, 449 Azuma, Ichiro, 137 Freter, Rolf, 60 Kreger, Arnold, 439 Freter, Rolf R., 60 Kroll, Hein-Peter, 122 Friedman, Richard L., 487 Kronvall, Goran, 336 Fukuhara, Hiroko, 132 Kusecek, B., 315 Bach, M.-A., 109 Kusumoto, Shoichi, 449 Barja, Juan L., 184 Barron, Almen M., 463 Gabridge, Michael G., 164 Baughn, Robert E., 297 Gardner, I. D., 353 Labat, Deidre D., 305 Beachey, Edwin H., 275 Gibbons, R. J., 280 Lagrange, P. H., 109 Bearzotti-Le Berre, Monique, 7 Glock, R. D., 460 Larsen, Marjorie A., 172 Berger, Melvin, 403 Gortz, Johannes, 15 Larsson, P., 142 Berman, David T., 394 Greenberg, Harry, 91 Lawton, J. W. M., 353 Berman, Monique A., 388 Griffiss, J. McLeod, 247 Leake, Eva S., 439 Berman, Sanford L., 247 Gupta, Sunil K., 344 Lecara, Grace, 473 Bernard, Jacqueline, 7 Letchworth, Geoffrey J., III, 208 Best, Gary K., 383 Letendre, Elaine D., 50 Biberfeld, Gunnel, 29 Ha, D. K. K., 353 Levinson, Arnold I., 290 Bigley, Robert H., 487 Hague-Park, Mickey, 297 Lindblad, M., 147 Blackwood, Linda L., 198 Hamada, Shigeyuki, 43 Lochner, Janis E., 487 Blalock, J. Edwin, 220 Harle-Grupp, Veronika, 15 Bloomster, Timothy G., 311 Harris, Alan S., 431 Bolton, Ronald W., 476 Harshman, Sidney, 439 Mackowiak, Philip A., 38 Bottone, Edward J., 469 Havell, Edward A., 362 Marling-Cason, Margaret, 38 Brandt, Brenda L., 247 Havu, Vaino K., 24 Mathew, Ranjit C., 344 Brickner, Howard, 60 Hetrick, Frank M., 184 Matsuno, Shigeo, 155 Brown, Eric J., 403 Heuzenroeder, M., 315 Matthews, Thomas R., 172 Butterworth, Anthony E., 225 Hoffenbach, A., 109 Mattsby-Baltzer, Inger, 466 Byrne, Gerald I., 362 Hoffman, Marjorie, 100 McAuliffe, Vincent, 91 Hofstad, Tor, 179 McCallum, Roderick E., 213 Holbein, Bruce E., 50 McGee, Maria P., 439 Campbell, Lindy K., 445 Holmgren, J., 147 Mercer, A., 315 Campbell, S. Gordon, 202 Hoshino, Yasutaka, 91 Mikesell, Perry, 371 Carlson, Eunice, 193 Houghten, Richard A., 117 Miorner, Hakan, 336 Carter, Jeanne K., 410 Hsu, H. S., 423 Moreno, E. C., 280 Casareale, Domenic, 85 Hughes, Thomas K., 220 Moriyon, Ignacio, 394 Chiesa, Claudio, 469 Humphreys, Robert E., 85 Mtero, Shungu S., 202 Clark, I. A., 1 Hunt, N. H., 1 Musher, Daniel M., 297 Cleary, P. Patrick, 239 Cole, Roger M., 403 Collins, Frank M., 202 Iglewski, Barbara H., 198, 487 Nakoneczna, Irene, 423 Colweil, Rita R., 184 Inouye, Sakae, 155 Nelson, Robert D., 239 Cowley, Benjamin, 297 Ivins, Bruce E., 371, 483 Neussen, Mary E., 460 Cox, Rebecca A., 473 Izumitani, Akira, 43 Niederbuhl, Carol J., 202 Curtis, Jill, 344 Nussenzweig, Ruth S., 377 Jerrells, Thomas R., 262 Joens, L. A., 460 O'Callaghan, Richard J., 305 Dahlen, Gunnar, 466 Johansson, Gote, 336 Ogawa, Tomohiko, 449 David, John R., 225 Joiner, Keith A., 403 Okahashi, Nobuo, 43 de Kinkelin, P., 7 Jones, Wendy, 85 Oiling, S., 142 Dessein, Alain, 225 Joronen, Iris A., 24 Ooshima, Takashi, 43 di Rienzo, Joseph M., 253 Osterman, Joseph V., 262 Dockrell, Hazel M., 456 Ow, Cathy L., 410 Donohue-Rolfe, Arthur, 270 Kabir, Shahjahan, 452 Dreier, Thomas M., 371 Kaijser, B., 142 Dyer, John K., 476 Kalica, Anthony, 91 Palmer, Bennie A., 262 Dziarski, Agnes, 290 Kalimo, Kirsti 0.
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