TIMELINE OF VERO BEACH HISTORY 1919-2019 “Public Service / Public Sector - significant impact on our community” 1950 1951 Feb 19 Merrill Barber bridge, built near the original 1920 wooden bridge, is SMI-00308 dedicated and SMI-00314- opened. 001 1952 Jul 15 The Vero Beach Dolphinettes, a SMI-00395 local synchronized swimming IRCHS-3468- group, is founded by Millie Frasier 001 Bunnell at its organizational meeting, with its first show held on August 16, 1952 at the Shamrock Pool in Ft. Pierce. The Dolphinettes made their home in the pool at the Windswept Hotel in Sexton Plaza .........-,<: . ~ . ti until their final show on September -NOW ',!ill '<ii - 1, 1962. They represented the City "llllnDSWEPT" IJ, s¼ r4 .,J/ot.J . ON THE OCEAN . • V- 0 ...,/,, ~ of Vero Beach both locally and around the United States on television, at theme parks, and in at least one movie. 1953 Mar 11 The Brooklyn IRCHS-01098 Dodgers dedicate IRCHS 01096 Holman Stadium. The legendary flier Eddie Rickenbacker, president of Eastern Airlines, unveils the plaque. 1954 Jun 7 The first radio station, WTTB (“Where The Tropics Begin”) at 1490 IRCHS-00681 AM, goes on the air from 7 a.m. to 10 p.m. 12/15/2017 5:20:19 PM 1957 In addition to its Lock IRCHS-03190 Haven, Pennsylvania IRCHS-03192- facility, Piper Aircraft 001 Corporation locates a IRCHS-03199 manufacturing plant in Vero Beach at its current location at the south east corner of the Vero Beach Municipal Airport, currently the Vero Beach Regional Airport. 1958 Mar 22 Jaycee Beach Park is dedicated SMI-00327 as a new nine acre City park. Governor LeRoy Collins is the principal speaker at the dedication. 12/15/2017 5:20:19 PM 1958 Nov 5 Dedication of Sexton Plaza and Waldo Sexton Day SEX-033 Sex-038 1959 Jan 30 Greyhound Bus Lines opens a station and waiting room in Vero IRCHS-00708 Beach at U.S. Highway 1 and 12th Avenue, between Helseth Motor Companies and Bunky’s. 12/15/2017 5:20:19 PM ----.. Vero Beach Journey Through Time Section of Business District, Vero Beach, Fla. [Bruce Smith Collection - 00058] Table of Contents: Ve ro History Events 1919 - 1929 Page 3 - 6 Vero History Events l 95 0 - 195 9 Page 14 - l 6 Vero History Events 1970 - l 979 Continued Chamber of Commerce Organized Merrill Barber Bridge Dedicated First Snow Fall in Vero Beach City Incorporated Dolphinettes Founded New Indian River Memori al Hospital First Vero Press Ed ition Brooklyn Dodgers Holman Stadium Hurricane David Blows Through First Toll Bridge Across Indian River Eddie Rickenbacker 1 7th Street Bridge Opens First Volunteer Fire Department Highwaymen Artist Harold Newton Vero Theatre Opens WTTB Radio Station On Line Vero History Events l 980 - 1989 Page 2 5 - 28 Indian River County Created Piper Aircraft Mfg. Plant First Woman Elected Mayor First Mosquit o Control District Created Jaycee Beach Park Dedicated Vero Beach High School Class 4A Champs Vero Beach Municipal Light Plant Opens Sexton Plaza Waldo Sexton Day Beachfront Purchased for Public Greyhound Bus Station Opens Thanksgiving Weekend Storm Ve ro History Events 1930 - 1939 Page 7 - 9 Florida Theatre's Becomes Plaza Dedication of Ve re's Municipal Airport Vero History Events l 960 - 1969 Page 1 7 - 20 Vero Beach Theatre Guild 1s New Location Citrus Grower's League Organized Miracle Plaza Opens Museum of Art Opens McKee Jungle Gardens Opens Treasure Found Sebastian Inlet Railway Station Purchased and Resotred First Indian River Hospital Progressive Civic League Organized Prince Charles Plays at Windsor Polo Airmail Service Established Municipally - Owned Power Plant Citrus Freeze on Christmas Day Community Building - Heritage Center New Library Military Record Set in Vero City Hall Dedicated Vero History Events 1990 - 1999 Page 29 - 31 Indian River County Courthouse Complet ed Hibiscus City's Flower Indian River Main Library Opens Vero History Events 1940 - 1949 Page l O - 1 3 Last Passenger Tra in Old Community Center Restored Air Conditioning Arrives First Woman Commissioner New Courthouse and Parking Garage Municipal Airport War Time Usage School Desegregation Twin Pairs Road Construction DDT Mosquito Control Vero History Events 1970 - 1979 Page 21 - 24 Walt Disney Beach Resort "The Buccaneer" Annouces WWll's End Interstate 95 Malabar to State Rd. 60 Prefabricated Erosion Prevention Reef Naval Air Station Transferred Back to City Mclarty Treasure Museum Opens City's 75th Anniversary Mayor MacWilliam Designat es Memorial Park Vero Beach Community Theatre Opens Merrill Barber Draw Bridge Replaced Sebastian In let En larged Joe ldlette Elected School Board Gifford Youth Achievement Center Opens Miracle Mile Spillway Community Disappears City Y2K Ready Brookl yn Dodgers Arrive IR Community College Mue ller Center 2a Table of Contents: Vero History Events 2000 - 2019 Page 32 - 35 Dodgertown Public Buyout FBI Comes to Vero Beach l 00th Anniversary Pelican Island Refuge Twin Hurricanes Frances & Jeanne Hurrican Wilma Dodgers Play Last Spring Training Game Old Vero Ice Age Sites Vero Beach Sports Village Name Change 300th Anniversary Sinking Spanish Fleet Florida Power & Light to Purchase Municipal Plant The City's Centennial Begins. 2b 1919 - 1929 The Vero Chamber of Commerce, formerly the Vero Commercial Club, is IHUf'P't..t a OANO COIJlll'Ta 'WEFt() 8UCH ,..L,CJ11Ub4 organized and addresses important local issues, including the bridge campaign and the town incorporation project. April 25, 191 9 [Bruce Smith Collection-· 00094] April 25, 19 I 9 Courtesy ofBruce Smith Estate Collection at the Archive Center Indian River CountY Main Library . \'JG-Onous VERO ts KOW A FULL The City of Vero is incor~orated as a municipality by the Florida legislature. ..FI.,EDGED INCORI>ORA-TED CITY~ The first five members oif the City Council are: (1) Joseph A. Frere. A ' Vero is nov..r incorpo;afed; ,vord,was lumberman who was born in Belgium and spoke Walloon. (2) C. Gifford, son . received. 1at _Ve.r.o . Tue~da:y cycning­ from Rep:tesentative \Vhyte tha.t· the of Henry Gifford, the first settler of Vero. (3) William J. Maher who moved to g o,r.e:itnor had signed· the bill -fo'r .. the Vero in 1915 from Illinois and opened the first department store in 1916. incorporation .of the .city of Vero. The affaiirs of. the city will,: tJ.O\v be (4) Charles G. Redstone 1 ho was born in Canada and was in the lumber · adr.ninistered b~· a' boa•rcf qf· council- · 1nen, consisting, o.f five members. The business when he arrivea in 191 8. He is the first President of the city council. p1·esent n1en1bers of the council ,vho v.·ere named in the incorporation bill (5 ) Ottaway Roach move ti to Vero in 1901 and is the first fire chief. The first are J. r'\. Frere, F. C. Gifford, W. J.: l\faher. C. G. Redstone a·na 0 . R'oach. -: mayor is Anthony W. Yo(~ng. [St. Lucie County Tribune, June 13, 1919, p.6] The c·huncil ,viJl elect a n1avor ,vho ' ,t.·iH be the to,vn's executive ;fficer until the regular election ,vhich ,,·ill be in December next. T·he use of Serninole I-Iall has been tPndered t o the councih11en for . the transac.tion-of their business until thcv can secure s uitnbie quarters. · 3 1919 - 1929 Editor Paul Nisle publishes the first edition of the Vero Press. It merges in 1927 with the Vero Beach Journal and becomes the Vero Beach Press Journal with John Schumann as editor. September 13, 1919 [Indian River Historical Society- 3294] The dedication of the first Vero toll bridge across the Indian River is on Labor Day, 1920. This is the second bridge across the Indian River, the first being at Cocoa. Is is a wooden swing bridge that crosses from present- day Royal Palm Pointe to the barrier island. Over 300 automobiles cross the bridge to the ocean on the opening day. September 6, 1920 [Indian River Historical Society- 0041 7) The Vero Volunteer Fire Department forms as a result of the loss by fire of the .......- ·!z entire business block of Vero on November 16, 1919. The fire destroys the r Al - '1111 Twitchell Building, Maher's Department store, the Toole Barbershop, the Pool - - Room, and the Victory Restaurant, with the total property loss of $73,000. Approval of the volunteer fire department takes over a year, and another major fire occurs in October 192l, one month before the fire truck is delivered to the volunteer fire deparment. July 14, 1 92 l [Indian River Historical Society- 131 6- 00l] 4 1919 - 1929 The Vero Theatre opens on 14th Avenue. There is room for 850 seats including two boxes on either side and a full- size orchestra pit. The Hunchback of Notre Dame is the first movie shown in the theatre. On October 24- 26, 1991, the newly restored Theatre Plaza, site of the old Florida Theatre, is unveiled with apartments upstairs and retail space downstairs. October 20, l 924 [Bruce Smith Collection- 00058] Section ot Business District, Vero Beach, F1a. The municipality of the City of Vero is abolished and a new municipality to be known as City of Vero Beach is created, established, and granted a new charter with the approval of Governor John W. Matin. May l 9, l 92 5 [Indian River Historical Society- 01058] .,... ~ >'t'.- . .. - - . - r ' . ~ '- ... , . · . r Indian River County is created from the northern half of St. Lucie County. Governor · '5· .· -a;, ' . John W. Martin approves the legislative bill on May 30, 1925 and language in the bill J - , , itself creates and establishes Indian River County thirty days from the Governor's approval.
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