' Wether Distribution fib fetor, *u tmm> BEDBANK Today ww-Hifb both y •Ight, «. See (ides and weather page 2. MONDAY THROUGH FRWAY-EST. 1178 16,800 BY VOL. 83, NO. 101 Issued Dally, Monday through Frldty. •mered ai Second Class Mattel .RED BANK, N. J., TUESDAY, NOVEMBER 22, 1960 /C COPY I CARRIER at the Post OJUc* at Red Bank, N. J.. under the Act of March 3, 1S79. LUl-X j Mc pER WE£K AU-Night Siege Red Bank Prepares Routs Ghanian To Fight State Plan LEOPOLDV1LLE, The Congo (AP) — Ghana's charge d'affaires Nathaniel UN Seat Welbeck quit his besieged To Close Broad St. residence for home today after'an all-night battle be- Due For tween his UN defenders Would Block Southbound •nd a Congo army determined Kennedy to force his ouster from the Kasavubu Traffic at 35 Intersection country. UNITED NATIONS, N. Y. (AP) Welbeck said he had decided —Weary delegates headed for a Reduces RED BANK — Borough officials were up in arms to leave after a long and stub- vote today on whether to give born refusal, "because my gov- the Congo's bitterly disputed UN last night over a proposal to block Broad St. to south- ernment wants me to." He gave seat to President Joseph Kasavu bound traffic at its intersection with Rt. 35 as part of no further explanation but said bu. Top Staffthe State Highway Department's widening of Rt. 35 in he would make another state- Western delegates predicted he Shrewsbury. ment upon his arrival at Accra, would win by a comfortable mar- PALM BEACH, Fla. (AP) - his capital. gin, but the issue was compli As outlined by Councilman John Warren, Jr., a •resident-elect John F. Kennedy cated by fighting in Leopoldville His departure brought to an ;ave priority attention today to barricade would be erected which would force south- last nighf between UN troops and end a 12-hour battle with ma- illing about 80 top federal jobs bound cars on Broad St. to make the forces of the Congolese army chine guns and armored cars NOT SO SAFE—Sea Bright Police Capt. George Dougherty copies down informa- right turn into Rt. 35 headed chief, Joseph Mobutu. ifter disclosure that he intends between United Nations troops tion from Arthur Fox, owner of Fox Foodtown Supermarket, whose office tafe con- o cut the White House staff deep north. and the Congolese army. Fight- Kasavubu in a statement de- '—starting at the top. 'Ballute' Otherwise, Mr. Warren said, taining about $15,000 in cash, checks, jewelry and bonds was apparently stolen Ing broke out after Welbeck fended the action of Mobutu's ar- Kennedy expects to abolish, at motorists would have to turn on- my in using force in an effort refused to leave the Congo as early yesterday morning. east so far as title is concerned, to Wikoff PI. from Broad St. go to throw out a Ghanian diplomat ordered by army commander vhat in the Eisenhower adminis- .vest to Rt. 35 and make" a left who has been acting as adviser Test Is Col. Joseph Mobutu, Mobutu ration has been one of the most turn to continue south though to Patrice Lumumba, Kasavubu's accused Welbeck' of plotting Yule Tree powerful positions in government. Shrewsbury. rival. with deposed Premier Patrice Safe With $13,000 The job is called "the assistant Harry A. Hartman, super- Lumumba against Mobutu's The assembly resumes debate In Red Bank Success to the President." vising engineer of the State regime. after a late night session which RED BANK — A 40-foot The man who apparently wil WASHINGTON (AP) — The Highway Department, contact- saw several delegates push Kasa- Christmas tree will be erected come closest to filling" that role At least five soldiers were Air Force has safely brought ed last night at his home in vubu's candidacy. at East Front St. and Wharf Stolen in Sea Bright in the new administration is 32- killed and nine wounded. Milltown, told The Register, Ave. within the next two weeks. back to earth a 500-pound space Among the killed was Col. J But Cuba's ambassador, Man- ear-old Theodore C. Sorensen "I don't think, there's any- uel Bisbe, led off the debate with Red Bank's answer to the capsule using a combination of Kokolo, second ranking officer SEA BRIGHT—Police are investigating the thefi long-time Kennedy aide who al- thing that's definitely com- a heated attack on "anti-African yuletidc tree in Rockefeller In the Congo army, the UN said of a safe containing about $15,000 from Fox Food ready has been named Whiti a drag balloon and a parachute. mitted at this stage. It's in colonial leaders" and a blast at Center, New York City, will House special counsel. The Congolese army however, town Supermarket here early yesterday. The device, called a ballute, the planning stage." Kasavubu and his associates as go up with the compliments of To Fill 80 Jobs listed him among four missing, was tested successfully for the Mr. Hartman said the pro- tools of the imperialists, the Community Chamber of Reports that four or five men were observed re These Kennedy plans were an- second time yesterday at Santa posal "certainly will be" dis- The UN said three of its men Opponents of the move to seat commerce; borough and county nounced here late yesterday by cently in the vicinity of the. market are being checker Rosa Island, Fla. The capsule cussed with local officials be- were killed and seven wounded Kasavubu, contend that no action officials, and Leon Kislin, the Clark M. Clifford, Kennedy's chief shot to a height of 32 miles by fore any action is taken. The Congolese listed one killed, should be taken until the UN owner of the vacant lot. out by local, county anc liaison man with the outgoing Re- a three-stage missile. two wounded, four missing. conciliation commission goes to Road department crews arc state investigators. publicans. Mr. Warren said he under- Maj. Gen. Henry J. Alexander, the Congo to try to bring war- filling in and leveling off the Hunter Stabs The 500-pound safe, lo Reporting on that liaison mis- Four other rockets were launch- stood the barricade idea was British chief of staff, of the Gha- ring political factions together. lot. cated in a small booth a sion, Clifford said he gave Ken- id during the day in re-entry presently contemplated" by the na army, drove up to the be- Francis J. Bolduc, executive nedy a list of about 80 high lev;] ;csts at the Eglin Air Force Base State Highway Department, and Guinea announced earlier that the front of the market, at 1121 •ieged residence to get Welbeck President Sekou Toure had sent vice president of the Commun- 73-Year-Old jobs—including cabinet posts— site. Three of these also involved urged the Borough Council to Ocean Ave., was reported miss after reaching an agreement on a cable to President Eisenhow- ity Chamber of Commerce, said which must be filled first in or- jalloons. "be absolutely opposed, as his departure with Mobutu. er charging the United States the chamber hopes to acquire ing at 8:10 a.m. yesterday. der to give the new President Earlier in the day at Cape vehemently as we can. ." a manger scene to go with the Once they left, the neighbor- with taking a partisan stand in Farmer Police said the safe containe complete control of the executive Canaveral, Fla., a full scale He said the borough has con- tree. about $3,300 in cash and check: test of an unmanned Mercury tacted Joseph C. Irwin, director hood quickly returned to nor- behalf of Kasavubu in assembly MANALAPAN TOWNSHIP - branch when he is inaugurated He said area schools and from week-end receipts. The ba space capsule failed when its of the Board of Freeholders, be- mal except for battered Con- debate and declaring that Guinea A 73-year-old Chinese vegetable Jan. 20. churches will, be invited to ance was in petty cash, jewelrj Redstone rocket didn't get off cause Broad St. is a county golese army vehicles on the would refuse to take part in the farmer was slashed about his Kennedy also got from Clifford send choral groups to sing at and personal bonds of the own the launching pad. An escape streets. * conciliation mission if the United stomach yesterday with a knife second list of between 400 and road. the tree when it is lighted. ers, Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Fox. mechanism ignited by mistake At the big military camp, States sticks to its position. or razor wielded by one of four 500 jobs of secondary importance, "This is the first notification The safe apparently was ca and shot high into the air, adding that the borough has had of Leopold II, Congolese soldiers hunters he had ordered off his and a third tabulation of about ried out a side door, througr to the confusion. it," Mr. Warren laid. were reported screaming for 6-YEAR DOCTORS property. • 1,200 lesser positions—all filled by which the thieves gained en The ballute system, developed A resolution of opposition revenge, however. BOSTON (AP) — A program to Rocket Fires State Police at Tcnncnt bar- presidential appointment. trance to the market, police iy Goodyear Aircraft Corp., work was adopted and will be sent "You have eaten our colonel," produce doctors in six years in racks last night broadcast an As for the possibility Kennedy said. jd this way: to Dwlght R.G.
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