^iBJiJjj] e Auto Inclu I focus on the No !JJjyUJJJ]JJJ]R PUBLISHED BY THE AMERICAN WELDING SOCIETY TO ADVANCE THE SCIENCE, TECHNOLOGY AND APPLICATION OF WELDING AND ALLIED PROCESSES, INCLUDING JOINING, BRAZING, SOLDERING, CUTTING, AND THERMAL SPRAYING The Driving Force in LOtifte Welding tivi ..... .... i •l s N - ^^s^n^ s i "H'i i|l^ — Select-Arc Metal Cored Electrodes Select-Arc. Inc. offers a of rejects. These Select-Arc and trucks such as manifolds, in your specific automotive complete line of composite electrodes deliver smooth mufflers, catalytic converters industry welding application, metal cored, gas-shielded, arc transfer with negligible and tubing. call Select-Arc at 800-341-5215 stainless steel electrodes spatter and excellent bead or contact: Select-Arc also provides specially formulated to contour. They also bridge the 70C Series of premium increase welding productivity gaps and handle poor fit up metal cored, carbon steel SELECT in your demanding automo­ better than solid wire. This. electrodes which are ideal tive industry applications. coupled with superior for car and truck frames, feedability from our robotic The Select 400 Series of trailer and earth moving packaging, means greater electrodes (409C, 409C-Ti, equipment applications. PO. Box 259 409C-Cb and 439C-Ti) are productivity and cost Fort Loramie, OH 45845-0259 uniquely designed to maxi­ efficiency for you in the For more information on the Phone: (937) 295-5215 mize welding speeds while welding of exhaust system metal cored electrode best Fax: (937) 295-5217 minimizing the percentage components for automobiles suited to increase productivity www.select-arc.com Circle No. 41 on Reader Info-Card SEE YOUR PROCESSED IMAGE ON-SITE IN LESS THAN A MINUTE. KODAK INDUSTREX Digital Systems for Non-Destructive Testing offer portable solutions that let you see if you've got what you need before you leave- saving you time, money, and effort. Plus, our legendary global service and support means you're covered anywhere the job takes you. Visit www.kodak.com/go/ndtproducts to see the full line of INDUSTREX Digital Systems. For a personal demonstration, call 877.909.4280, or e-mail us at [email protected]. VIFIL M PRODUCTSIA1 » DIGITA L PRODUCTSlAl l FILM DIGITIZERS'JKI i GLOBA L SERVICE AND SUPPORT Kodak Circle No. 33 on Reader Info-Card THE EXTREME LIGHTWEIGHT WELDING HELMET BY JROCSON Shed the unnecessary pounds with the newest innovation in welding safety, the Halo X™. Unrivaled in lightweight welding protection, the Halo X offers welders durable, high performance protection in an ultra-lightweight, 6 ounce shell. We understand that weight-loss isn't for everybody, but with three cutting-edge designs and the fastest switching auto-darkening lenses available, the Halo X puts weight-loss on the map. So lighten the work-load on your neck this summer and slim down with the new Halo X welding helmet by Jackson. Circle No. 30 on Reader Info-Card WE VE LOST WEIGHT. HHVE YOU FOR MORE INFORMATION, VISIT WWW.JRCK50NPR0DUCT5.COM/HRL0 X CONTENTSAugust 2006 • Volume 85 • Number 8 AWS Web site http://www.aws.org Features Departments Single-Sided Resistance Spot Welding for Auto Body Assembly Washington Watchword 4 Hyundai Motor Co. explores use of single-sided resistance Press Time News 6 spot welding for difficult-to-access parts Y. Cho et al. Editorial 8 News of the Industry 12 Resistance Spot Welding of Coated High- Strength Dual-Phase Steels Aluminum Q&A 16 Advanced high-strength steels offer automobiles the Brazing Q&A 18 advantages of higher strength and greater fuel efficiency M. D. Tumuluru Technology 20 New Products 22 Reducing Exposure to Hexavalent Chromium in Welding Fumes Navy Joining Center 53 Methods are given to help manufacturers comply with Coming Events 54 OSHA's new standard for lower exposure to hexavalent chromium Welding Workbook 58 S. R. Fiore Society News 59 Tech Topics 64 What You Need to Know About Remote Laser Welding Guide to A WS Services 78 A look at how remote laser beam welding differs from GTAW Best Practices 80 conventional laser welding and how it can be used for a variety of manufacturing applications New Literature 84 K. Klingbeil Personnel 86 Simulation Software Helps Automakers Classifieds 89 Simulation software considers the metallurgical, electrical, Advertiser Index 92 mechanical, and thermal processes involved with resistance welding and calculates their effects N. Scotchmer Aluminum GTAW Basics These tips can help you produce better aluminum gas tungsten arc welds M. Sammons Welding Research Supplement 163-s Evaluation of Chemical Composition Limits of GMA Welding Electrode Specifications for HSLA-100 Steel An algorithm was used to evaluate chemical composition limits of selected GMAW electrode specifications for Welding Journal (ISSN 0043-2296) is published potential application to welding HSLA-100 steel monthly by the American Welding Society for K. Sampath and R. Varadan $120.00 per year in the United States and posses­ sions, $160 per year in foreign countries: $7.50 per single issue lor AWS members and $10.00 per sin­ 174-s Using a Hybrid Laser Plus GMAW Process for gle issue for nonmembers. American Welding So­ Controlling the Bead Humping Defect ciety is located at 550 NW LeJeune Rd„ Miami, FL A defocused laser beam applied in front of a GMAW 33126-5671: telephone (305) 443-9353. Periodi­ cals postage paid in Miami, Fla., and additional mail­ pool helped suppress formation of bead humping defects ing offices. POSTMASTER: Send address changes H. W. Choi et al. to Welding Journal. 550 NW LeJeune Rd„ Miami, FL 33126-5671. 180-s End Point Detection of Fillet Weld Using Readers of Welding Joura/may make copies of ar­ Mechanized Rotating Arc Sensor in GMAW ticles for personal, archival, educational or research A geometrical sensing model was developed to detect purposes, and which are not for sale or resale. Per­ the end points of joints in GMA fillet welds mission is granted to quote from articles, provided customary acknowledgment of authors and W.-S. Yoo et al. sources is made. Starred (*) items excluded from copyright. WELDING JOURNAL WASHINGTON BY HUGH K. WEBSTER WATCHWORD AWS WASHINGTON GOVERNMENT AFFAIRS OFFICE H-1B Visas Max Out; Program Problems Reported The Pipeline and Hazardous The annual cap on H-1B visas for highly skilled foreign work­ Materials Safety Administration is ers for fiscal year 2007 was reached as of June 1. This means that the earliest start date for which an employer can seek an H-1B updating its pipeline safety regulations visa for a foreign worker is October 1, 2007, the start of the next by adopting 38 revised industry techni­ fiscal year, though employers could file petitions for those visas as early as April 1. This is the second year in a row that the H- cal standards, thereby allowing 1B cap has been reached before the start of the fiscal year. pipeline operators to use current tech­ The H-1B temporary visa program allows employers to bring highly skilled foreign workers into the United States to fill jobs nologies, materials, and practices. requiring specialized expertise. Changes of employment for cur­ rent H-1B workers or extensions of their visa terms are not sub­ ject to the annual cap, nor are such visas for those who would be employed at universities or at nonprofit or governmental research cent report on U.S. economic competitiveness by the National organizations. Academy of Sciences and is consistent with the Administration's American Competitiveness Initiative. It also represents one of In a related development, the General Accounting Office has the few significant legislative efforts with widespread bipartisan issued a report that expresses concern over a lack of government support. oversight of the H-1B program and alleges widespread failure of employers to strictly abide by the restrictions of H-1B visas, in­ cluding payment of a market wage to H-IB workers. The report, "H-1B Visa Program: More Oversight by Labor Can Improve New Mine Safety Provisions Signed into Law Compliance with Program Requirements," is available at www.gao.gov. The Mine Improvement and New Emergence Response Act has become law. It will increase penalties, promote safety re­ search, and improve emergency response. The higher civil and criminal penalties for mine owners are expected to become ef­ Use of Nonconsensus Standards by fective by the end of 2006. Department of Labor Addressed Legislation has been introduced in the U.S. House of Repre­ sentatives that would prohibit the use of nonconsensus standards Government Pipeline Standards Updated by the Department of Labor, including the Occupational Safety For the first time since 2004, the Pipeline and Hazardous Ma­ and Health Administration (OSHA) and the Mine Safety terials Safety Administration within the Department of Trans­ Administration. portation is updating its pipeline safety regulations by adopting The bill is sponsored by Rep. Norwood, chairman of the House 38 revised industry technical standards, thereby allowing pipeline Education and Workforce Subcommittee on Workforce Protec­ operators to use current technologies, materials, and practices. tion, and would prohibit adoption or incorporation by reference The technical standards adopted address areas such as purging of a nonconsensus standard in any rule, regulation, guideline, or pipelines and handling flammable and combustible liquids. standard, and would prohibit OSHA from approving standards in states with their own occupational safety and health programs The final rule incorporating these standards took effect July 10. unless the standards are reached by consensus. This legislation would impact, in particular, Threshold Limit Values (TLVs) established by the American Conference of Gov­ Free Trade Agreement Progress ernmental Industrial Hygienists (ACGIH). ACGIH has been crit­ in Central America icized for refusing to use an open, consensus-based process for setting TLVs.
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