Rivers are high, temps are warm, and school's almost out!! 2 Friday. May 26. 19 9 EXPONENT Join the Guardians is a 1emporary name for a proposed organ1zat1on ol ~ ru­ About tw ent~ years ago. an articlcenrnlcd "Student A.., If students knew ho\\ exciting, challeng111g. rewarding "The Guardians'" Nigger" was" ntten to describe the parallels between the and 'olidly preparatory for a full and meaningful life their dents, parents.taxpayers and other coocerned citizens who belie\e that students dehumanizing treatment of students and Blacks b) 1hose personal in\'estments toward education could and should 3;"d 1~eir ed u ~a t ion should be the number one priority of educational inst1tu­ t1ons 10 pracuce. The G~ard1ans is currently envisioned as an orgam1a11on who historical\~ ha\e little respect for themselves or oth­ be. they would surely be more demanding consumers of a ers. The author of "Student A' Nigger" shov.cd that uni"er~it; ·s services. That students do not demand better whose day·to-day operation would be run by students under the direction of a "board of director .. including students. parents and other concerned c11izens­ though diffcn:nt 1n degree of O\Crt violence and outv. ard i~ a telling indication that their educations and indiv1dual- mcluding dedicated educators. e\ ii, the a bus~ of Blad.sand students was similar in form 1ties ha\•e been neglected and otherwise abused. Purp?ses and_ objectives of The Guardians are thought of as mcluding a and theme and in undem1ining creativit). grov. th ind1- of the general roles of: v1duahtJ. freedom. and respect for the abusing institu­ responsible playing I . Ad,·ocate for students and guardian of s1udent rights u ons and ~oc u.:tv If students were truly well-educated they would grow H1ston and c"urrent events show that the abuse of both and be prepared for life to degrees approxima11ng their 2. Champion of a meaningful and quality education. and students 3nd Blad• .:; is. and has been perpetuated b)_ lhe1r own naive ideals. They would be prepared to be ·good" 3. Monitors of the use of precious educational resource We expect that The Guardians "ill: lack of part1c1pat1on m the poY.er ~truc tures that rnllu­ hw.bands. wi ves. parents. friends, sons. daughtc~. ence their li\es. If a group is excluded from meaningful workers. builders and caretakers of our world and each I. believe that student should be treated fatrl) and "ith the respect that part1c1pat1on in directing and controllingevcnb affecting other. should be afforded to any human being and espec1alh to the prima" customers of educat1onal mstuutions; - - them. tha1 group i.;; abui,ed b) those who do have inslllll­ And fortunately. 1f a uni,erslly had a well educated l!onal. positional. "official'' power alumni. there would be no cun11nual effort to neecc such 2. find o~t a _co ndition of respect and fairness does not current I) pre\ ail at Student abu1,.c like any otha result of a buse of power an alumm with the idea of their university bu; ing higher man; 1nstnu11ons. f-or example. at M.S. U. students will be found 10 face in this area mcludine their often may be O\ICrt and intentional (e.g. physical 'iolencc or a quality facully. A '~ell educated alumni would know that many ongoing and long-1erm problems ~~ demeaning remark). or abuse b; neglect (e.g. failing to the best tcachc~ arc likely to be those who\\ ill work da) - rude!) b; ;taff and faculty. strive to\\ard meaningful education). No '"bad. mean. e\ ii and mght tor room and board alone 11' quality education - treated - personal!) mtimidated by professor\. villa1mi" are necessary to pcrpctra~c student abuse - 1s a ··real" goal and prionty. - humiliated b) instructors. though omc alwavs arise <rnd arc created. hn't it time for students. parents. and taxpayer~ to a..s arc created. "Official power Q,er the powerles!!. will lull. 1,.educe. and \Orne 4ucsuon~ about and demand \Orne meaningful - neglec1ed v.hen schedules by unprepared. 1ll-1nformed and uncar mg ad' l'.'iOT'\, hypnot11e man) ol us pretty good folks into bemg al h:ast input~ mto directing and controlling pO\\ er \tructures - counseled 11 a' an 1mpos111on. part-ttme f>O\\er ah1N•r, Abuse by neglect 1s C\Cn c-as1cr that affec1 ..,tudcnt\ and thereb) our \\Orld"? Fore\ample. - ··taught" b; teachers who dislike teaching and regard to practice and to rationah1e than overt abuse \houldn't s1udents ask·• and In a Unt\'Crsllv. e\en·om: else - from the President to I \Vhat are \\e domg and "hat are 1>.e learnmg'1 - treated a~ a low pnont) burden 111 general; problems a~ these alluded tom "2" abo\e are h1~toncal and the lowest der( - ha-, more mstatuuonal - posrnonal 1. \Vho arL~ \H' being and \\ho are \\e becoming·! note that \UCh in~tuutional adm1mstra11ons ha'e no1. do nm. and power than students. [,en the lowest Matus workers ha'e J \\ hJ.t j, being done for u~ and to us'! conunuing and 1ha1 1hat an: morl' official po1>.er to command respect and lair. good 4 . Arc our goal' and object\\es being met', \ re ''e \\1thou1 pre,surc \\ill not make the on-going. good-fauh effort' neces~ary to the problems~ faith treatmenc than stu1.knt-. gcttmg what is paid for'! sohe 4. el_ucidate the triviali73tion of educauon perpetrated b) man~ m'tnution,. Recau".~ 'tudents ha\C '1rtually no official power. 11 1' h.>r c'.ample, .ire ''e being guided. conditioned and 5 discO\cr. document. and make known fo .. cal and other resnurL-e manage- not rare that the~ are lrrate<l with le~s rc,pect and cons1d­ programmed in -.uch a ''ay. that \\C arc doing. hcmg. and ~ era11on tha'1 the) dcscne. l·or example. ,tudenh arc learning and hecoming people \\ho: ment irrc')pon~ibility; methods for ellccll\e input inlll directmg .md often I. ha\c lea ·ned to accept and desire pa~'1ve role'. 6. design ctnd implement controlling factors that influence s1udents' lncs and education~. I 1re~ued ru1.kl\ b) ~tall member~ and tacuhy. 2. acccp! Ii\ tng a major part ol our \i\eS \\ uhout the The constiwtion and 01her articles of mcorporation as well as goal,, obJ~C­ 2. per-.onall~ mllmtdatcd b; profcs'-.~)~. dcd1ca1ion and cn1hu::.iasm th.n come from domg some­ ti,·es. s1ratcg1es and tacuc~ for operauon will be dra\\ n up b\ those who \\ 111 3. humiliated by instructors. thing mcan111gful to u~. I CO\ lslOO 4. neglected when schedules are created. J. are o\..a) with hcing impotent in determining 1he dedicate heir lime. cnerg). spirit, inlelligence and concern. WC do not or ill-considered re' oh. Perhaps The Guardian!> w 111 undenake ac1i' 1- 5. coumeled b) unprepared. Ill-informed and uncaring direction of our own grow th and acll\ 1Ue\. anarch) ad\'lsors. ~ arc un4ucs11omng about what they arc to do. hm\ to t1cs like I. learning about \\.hat education should be like and aniculatmg meaning.Jul 6 ... ta~ght .. b~ teachers who d1shke teaching and regard do 11. and c\ en "hat to think about. : it as an 1mpos111on. and 5. are unthin\..ingl~ accepting of hureaucra11call; educational objecti\'cs and strategies 2. preparing for and offering quality canng peer counseling~ 7 treated ~a low pnoru~ burden in general. imposed hmi1a11o ns on personal po,\ er and competencic1,, clas::.es and How often and ho1>. many are treated unfair!\ and for .l prepanng and pubhshmg a student guide to depanments. for e'ample grades of -1- are giH~n profe~sors. w uhout due re,pecf> How often. for example. is asludent -taking respon.sib1lny instructon.-where who is a parent. a spouse. a friend or a work.er rudeh -being creati\e 4. organizing bo;cot!"s ol meaningless classes: 5. holding .. protest strikes .. agamst tenured facuh) who blatantl) abuse stu- treated 10 an adn11n1stratt\e or departmental offi e or put -real problem sol' mg and decision mak.mg do1>.n 1n cla,s? How olten does this abused student abuse <armg about others dent while thumbmg their noses: ... ; and his or her child. spouse. friend or roommate? How often -learning 1hrough acti\e participation 6. lodging protests again't student abuse b~ rude staff person is too often? -responsible use of authorit) 7. mitiating discussions "uh ,raff and facult): 8. learning about and supporting m\.·estigat1\e report mg b) all possible media~ Certain!; there arc some dedicated teachers and com­ 6. mechanical!) ••stuff' our natural reaction~ to h) poc­ 9. keepmg themsehes and their \\ Orld informed about education. petent. respectful staff members at mo t Unt\ersu1es. risy and 111samt) (e.g. '"'lectures" to hundreds ol students These people are literally life savers and should be \alued the majonty of'' horn are pu1 to sleep by the dromng of a JOIN ll. PLEASE! for\\ ho and what they are as \\ell as for what they do. 10111bie-like instructor: or grad mg criteria that appro\·e a A dedicated teacher IS a hero or heroine of our tune one hundred fifty word essay that covers a page and a hall Such a person 1s an exception because the literally ··c\ ti" and reject a t\\o hundred \\.Ord essay that docs not CO\'Cr burem1crac) 1n w h1ch he or she worh is constant I)\\ ork­ an en1ire page because the author wri1cs small), mg 10 frustrate and undo effort' toward real education.
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