Cables: “Kitty Malta’* Telephones: Central 4028 * THE*STARS*CO. * Exclusive Bottlers In Malta and Gozo for The Kitty-Kola Co. Ltd., London 165/6 FLEUR-DE-LYS, BIRKIRKARA£MALTA Malta’s First-class Mineral Water Manufacturers OUR SPECIALITY—THE FOLLOWING SOFT DRINKS PINEAPPLE LEMONADE ORANGE GINGER BEER i f GRAPE FRUIT i f DRY GINGER i f STRAWBERRY TONIC WATER LIME JUICE SODA WATER Suppliers for N.A.A.F.I., Malta When you are serving in Malta, afloat or ashore, always call for ★ STAR’S* REFRESHERS * AND SEE THAT YOU GET THEM ********************************************* A JOB ASSURED BEFORE you leave the Services is encouraging. I SHORT BROTHERS HARLAN D* LIMITED have the jobs. Have you the qualifications ? ---------------------------------------------------- • W e need EN GIN EERS and TECHNICAL ASSISTANTS with University Degrees. National Certificates or the equivalent, for development work on aircraft, servo-mechanisms, guided missiles, auto-pilots and electronic and hydraulic research, in short, men qualified in mechanical or electrical engineering, mathematics, physics and with experience or an interest In aircraft and in related matters. To such as these we can offer a satisfactory career. If you are interested why not talk it over when you are on leave. Apply giving educational background to: STAFF APPOINTMENTS OFFICER, P.O. BO X 241, BELFAST, quoting S.A. 92. THE COMMUNICATOR 1 /»•<»#*I# in touch withm u r p h y ' I I Lo o L n - ~ _ J^ = > O /*=» <=* j O >V Our Admiralty Type 618 Marine Communications Equipment meets the needs of all kinds of ships. It consists of an M.F./H.F. receiver, separate M.F. and H.F. transmitters, and a power pack. The whole equipment is designed to rigid Admiralty specifications. M U R P H Y RADIO (ELECTRONICS DIVISION) WELWYN GARDEN CITY, HERTFORDSHIRE c r c i € e ftece#ers Specially suited for M o n ito rin g Field Tests La b o ra to ry Superbly engineered and of advanced design, the two models offered posses excellent electrical characteristics and are robustly constructed for service in any d»- mate. The “ 770R” has continuous AM/FM cover­ age from 19 mc/s to 16S mc/s; the “ 770U” from 150 me s to 500 mc/s. Both incorporate 6 position turret tuning assemblies of unique design and giving high reliability. Self-contained when operated from A.C. mains and with provision for use on external power supplies. Fully descriptive literature with illustrations and performance curves available on request. Manufactured by STRATTON & CO. LTD., BIRMINGHAM, 31 THE COMMUNICATOR The Magazine of the Communications Branch, Royal Navy EASTER, 1956 VOL. 10. No. I CONTENTS page page Editorial ...................................................... 4 H.Q. A llied N aval F orces C entral Commissioning F o r e c a s t ............................ 4 Europe, F ontainbleau ... ... ... 32 F oreword by C aptain of The Signal Birds of a F eather ... ... ... 33 School ...................................................... 5 T he Aircraft C arrier Squadron ... 34 Letters to the Editor ... ... ... 5 T urkish Delight ... ... ... ... 37 Long D istance VHF Propagation by South Atlantic ......................................... 39 Ionospheric Scatter ............................ 8 he riginal remlin Far East ...................................................... II T O G ... ... ... 40 The G unboat Communicator ................ 15 A merica and West Indies ................ 42 Communicators at Work ................ 16 C alling all R eserves ............................ 43 H.M. A ustralian F leet— 1955 ................ 18 H ome Station ......................................... 45 East In d i e s ...................................................... 19 F leet Air Arm ......................................... 53 With a Low, Mocking La u g h ................ 23 G oing the R ounds in “ M ercury” ... 59 A utomatic T riangulation ... ... 24 C ommunications G azette ... ... ... 63 Mediterranean ......................................... 26 Promotions and R etirements ................ 64 Editor: Lieutenant (C) N. F awcett, r n . Treasurer: Instructor Lieutenant K. O. Bright, b.sc., r.n . Art Editor: Commd. P.T. Officer E. J. M acey, r.n. Secretary: Wren F uller / Instructor Lt. Commander T. R. Smart, b.a.,b.sc., a.m.i.e.e., r.n. Editorial Staff: ^Chief Wren P. N. K elly Business, Production and Advertisement Manager: Mr. Edgar Sercombe, 2 Station Hill, Farnham, Surrey. CONTRIBUTIONS All MSS., photographs and cartoons should be sent to the Editor at H.M.S. “ Mercury”, as below. These will be returned to the senders only if asked for, and responsibility for them cannot be accepted by the Editor. Subscription Rates for 1956 are as follows: For the whole year ......................................... 6/- post free For each issue ... ... ... ... ... 1/10 or 2/2 post free Bulk orders from commands, ships or establishments, 2 /- per copy, post free. The Magazine is published at Eas'er, Summer and Christmas. Some back numbers are obtainable. * * * * Cheques and/or postal orders should be made payable and sent to: The Editor, T he Communicator. H.M.S. “ Mercury” . East Meon, near Petersfield, Hampshire. PUBLISHED AT H.M.S. “ MERCURY” 4 THE COMMUNICATOR EDITORIAL COMMISSIONING FORECAST Contributions have continued to flow in and we 1956 hope you will once more enjoy pleasant reading. April H.M.S. Lynx South Atlantic Unfortunately, due to difficulties in the printing East Indies trade, we have been unable to print articles, which April H.M.S. Loch Killisport arrived at the last minute. To ensure getting in a April H.M.S. Cardigan Bay Far East few words from as many as possible we regretfully April H.M.S. Big bury Bay America and had to shorten several articles. West Indies You will notice two different comments on the April H.M.S. Acute Dartmouth Magazine in the pages that follow. The editorial Squadron staff always welcomes such suggestions. Our motto April H.M.S. Jamaica Mediterranean is “Send us the material and we will do our best to May H.M.S. Agincourt 4th Destroyer print it.” Squadron In his foreword to the Christmas number, the May H.M.S. Aisne 4th Destroyer Captain of the Signal School remarked that we are Squadron an Allied branch; we are therefore particularly May H.M.S. Barrosa 4th Destroyer pleased to print an article from COMNAVCENT Squadron and hope to be including other articles from NATO May H.M.S. Corunna 4th Destroyer Countries in succeeding numbers. Squadron There has been a big exodus of the editorial staff May H.M.S. Murray 2nd Training since the last number. Lieutenant Commander Grey Squadron goes to H.M.S. Newcastle and Instructor Lieutenant May H.M.S. Torquay 5th Frigate Harper to H.M.S. Tamar. We wish them every good Squadron fortune in their new appointments and look forward May H.M.S. Albion General Service to reports from our special correspondents in the Commission Far East. Good wishes also to P.O. Wren Kirk who Far East left us for civilian life after doing yeoman service June H.M.S. Concord as secretary. June H.M.S. Keppei 2nd Training There will be competitions for the best article, Squadron photograph and cartoon in the Summer number. June H.M.S. Mounts Bay America and Details will be found on page 17. Make certain that West Indies there are plenty of entries. July H.M.S. Waterwitch 5th Fishery Protection and Minesweeping Squadron TROUBLE WITH LOOSE LEAVES July H.M.S. Warrior Trials Carrier vice The leaves of the loose leaf ACP’s, particularly Bulwark the procedure handbooks, are very easily torn at the July H.M.S. Newfoundland Far East punch holes. It is not generally known that linen July H.M.S. Pellew 2nd Training reinforcing washers for the holes can be obtained Squadron on your stationery demand under S.O. Code No. July H.M.S. Girdieness Guided Missile 68-30. A spare half-hour spent reinforcing the holes Ship will prevent much frustration from torn pages. July H.M.S. Loch Lomond East Indies THE COMMUNICATOR Foreword hy CAPTAIN OF THE SIGNAL SCHOOL With an early Easter, the leave period looming in The following taBle showing (he difference o f the sight and going-to-prcss time at hand I had more or numBers on the roster for advancement lo the rate less decided that there was little o f real significance shown as in FeBruary 1956 is o f interest:— to write aBout in a foreword for this issue. Then on Portsmouth Devonport Chatham 2Q(h h'eBruary no less than four major changes to C.Y.S. '» «* our lives were announced—The New Pay Code, Y.S. n » JO New Engagements, Centralised Drafting and Centralised Advancement rosters. C.P.O. Tel. By the time you read this you will all have digested, P.O. Tel. these important announcements and thought aBout Ldg. Tel. them in great detail. Nevertheless I would like to To any of you who are particularly well placed take this opportunity of letting you know briefly for advancement at the present Lime and who feel how. as I see it a t present, the Communication that the comBination of the rosters may result in a Branch is likely to Be affected. longer wailing lime I can give the assurance that This is clearly no place to discuss the new pay steps are Being taken la ensure that this does nol code except to express gratitude for what we are aBout to receive and to note with satisfaction a To those who are by domestic arrangements likely levelling of Basic rates Between the communication to Be adversely affected By the prospect o f central­ and seamen Branch. ised drafting—and there are Bound to Be some— A particular feature of (he new engagement I would say “ Look ahead and think o f the overall scheme is the first long service period of nine years, advantages to the majority in the future." which has the over riding merit that any junior rating I am delighted to see that elsewhere in this numBer worth his salt should Be aBle to look forward lo we have been critisised and as the Editor says, this passing for Petty Officer rate Before (he end o f his is a challenge.
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