A Chronology of Key Events in the History of the New Left (1949-1975) 1949 Under the Alien Registration Act of 1940, also called the Smith Act, Communist Party leaders are convicted of conspiring to advocate the overthrow of the U.S. government by force; Communist-led unions are expelled from the Congress of Industrial Organi7Ations (cro). 1950 Mattachine Society is founded in Los Angeles to advocate for homosexual rights. 1954 May U.S. Supreme Court declares school segregation unconstitutional in Brown v. Board of Education; in response, southern whites form Citizens Councils to lead a campaign of "massive resistance" to desegregation. 1955 December Bus boycott begins in Montgomery, Alabama; the Reverend Martin Luther King Jr. is drafted as spokesman. 1956 March Liberation magazine begins publication. 1957 january U.S. Supreme Court overturns Montgomery's bus segregation law; King forms the Southern Christian Leadership Conference (snc). September President Dwight Eisenhower sends troops to Little Rock. Arkansas, to enforce desegregation and protect African American children entering a white high school. 175 176 CHRONOLOGY November Committee for a Sane Nuclear Policy (SANE) is founded. 1959 january Fidel Castro's 26th of July Revolutionary Movement overthrows U.S.-backed president Fulgencio Batista in Cuba. 1960 February Black students "sit in" at a lunch counter in Greensboro, North Carolina, sparking civil disobedience across the South. April Sit-in leaders create the Student Nonviolent Coordinating Commit­ tee (sNcc); Fair Play for Cuba Committee (FPCC) is founded. November Kennedy defeats Nixon for the presidency. 1961 April Bay of Pigs invasion fails amid nationwide protests. May Congress of Racial Equality (coRE) sends integrated teams of Free­ dom Riders into the Deep South. November Women's Strike for Peace organizes a nationwide mothers' protest against nuclear war. 1962 june Students for a Democratic Society (svs) issues The Port Huron Statement. October White mobs attack U.S. marshals sent to enforce desegregation at the University of Mississippi. October-November Cuban missile crisis occurs. 1963 February Betty Friedan's The Feminine Mystique is published. April scLc targets Birmingham, Alabama, for a civil rights campaign. june Kennedy calls for "peaceful revolution" in the South; Medgar Evers is assassinated. August March for Jobs and Freedom takes place in Washington, D.C. August-September Kennedy signs the Limited Test Ban Treaty with the Soviet Union and convinces the Senate to pass it. September Ku Klux Klan bombs a Birmingham church, killing four African American girls. CHRONOLO(;y 177 November Kennedy is assassinated in Dallas; Lyndon Johnson becomes president. 1964 March Malcolm X leaves the Nation of Islam and forms the Organization of Afro-American Unity. june Freedom Summer Project brings northern students to Mississippi. july Civil Rights Act outlaws discrimination based on race, ethnicity, reli­ gion, and sex. August Mississippi Freedom Democratic Party (MFDP) refuses a compro­ mise at the Democratic National Convention. October Free Speech Movement (FSM) begins at the University of Cali­ fornia at Berkeley. November Johnson wins a sweeping victory over Republican Barry Gold­ water. December King wins the Nobel Peace Prize. 1965 February Malcolm X is assassinated in Harlem. March Civil rights marchers are beaten in Selma, Alabama; Johnson pres­ sures Congress to pass a voting rights act; U.S. Marines land in Vietnam, beginning a massive buildup of ground troops; "teach-in" on Vietnam at the University of Michigan spreads nationwide. April SDS leads a march against the Vietnam War in Washington, D.C. August Watts uprising breaks out in Los Angeles. November First large-scale draft card burnings occur in New York. 1966 june During a civil rights march in Mississippi, sNcc's Stokely Car­ michael calls for "Black Power." October National Organization for Women (NOW) is founded; Black Pan­ ther Party for Self-Defense (BPP) is organized in Oakland. December Chicago conferencE' creates the Resistance, an antidraft net­ work. 1967 April During the Spring Mobilization against the War, 200,000 rally in New York and 50,000 in San Francisco. 178 l'I1RONOLOCY Summer Black urban rebellions paralyze Detroit and Newark, New Jersey. October One hundred thousand protesters surround the Pentagon to de­ mand an end to the war in Vietnam. November Senator Eugene McCarthy announces his antiwar presidential candidacy; Carl Stokes is elected mayor of Cleveland, becoming the first African American mayor of a major city. 1968 january Tet Offensive by South Vietnam's National Liberation Front (Vietcong). February McCarthy almost beats Johnson in the New Hampshire Demo­ cratic primary. March Johnson withdraws from the presidential race and announces a halt to the bombing in Vietnam and the beginning of peace negotiations; "blowouts" by Chicano youths occur in Los Angeles high schools. April King is assassinated in Memphis, and 109 cities erupt in violence; student strike occurs at Columbia University. May Berrigan brothers lead a raid on the draft board in Catonsville, Maryland. August "Police riot" occurs at the Democratic National Convention in Chicago; Vice President Hubert Humphrey is nominated. September Miss America pageant protest is staged by New York Radical Women (J'o.'YRw). November Nixon narrowly defeats Humphrey; segregationist George Wal­ lace runs third. 1969 April Chicano student leaders in California form Movimiento Estudiantil Chicano de Aztlfm (MEl hA). june When SDS collapses, one faction forms Weatherman: gay men confront police after a raid on the Stonewall Inn in New York's Greenwich Village. july Gay Liberation Front (GLI-J is founded; Young Lords Party (YLP) 1s founded in New York's East Harlc>m. October Millions participate in the Moratorium against the war. November In the largest antiwar rally to date, 500,000 march on Washing­ ton, D.C.: Native American activists occupy the former federal prison on Alcatraz Island in San Francisco Bay. December Gay Activists Alliance (GAA) is founded in New York. CHRONOLOGY 179 1970 january Women's Equity Action League files a class action lawsuit against every university in the United States for sex discrimination. April-May Nixon orders the invasion of Cambodia; nationwide student strike begins; four students are killed at Kent State in Ohio, two at Jack­ son State in Mississippi. May "Lavender Menace" disrupts Now's Second Congress to Unite Women. August NOW leads Women's Strike for Equality demonstrations nation­ wide. 1971 january Congressional Black Caucus (cBc) is established. April Vietnam Veterans Against the War (vvAw) organizes a return of members' medals at the U.S. Capitol during the last major antiwar rally. july National Women's Political Caucus is created by Betty Friedan, Gloria Steinem, Representatives Bella Abzug and Shirley Chisholm, and others. 1972 March National Black Political Assembly is held in Gary, Indiana; Senate approves the Equal Rights Amendment (ERA; approved by House in 1971) and sends it to the states for ratification. july First issue of Ms. magazine sells out. August Antiwar Senator George McGovern of South Dakota wins the Democratic presidential nomination. November Nixon defeats McGovern, winning 61 percent of the vote. 1973 january United States signs the final peace accord with North Vietnam; U.S. Supreme Court's Roe v. Wade decision legalizes abortion. February American Indian Movement (AIM) leads an armed occupation of Wounded Knee on the Pine Ridge Reservation in South Dakota. August Congress cuts off all funding for the air war in Southeast Asia. November Coleman Young, an African American, is elected mayor of Detroit, America's fifth-largest city. December American Psychiatric Association removes its classification of homosexuality as a mental illness. ISO l!IR(lNOIJlCY 1974 August Nixon resigns the presidency and is pardoned by President Ger­ ald Ford. 1975 April South Vietnamese government and army collapse; Saigon falls, and Vietnam is reunited; war ends. Questions for Consideration 1. What was cold war liberalism? How did the movements of the New Left relate to mainstream liberalism before the Vietnam War escalated in 1965? 2. What common strategies and tactics were used by the different move­ ments? How did they inspire and learn from one another? Were par­ ticular types of protest used by all the movements? 3. Why was the civil rights movement the driving force of the New Left in 1955-65? Wl1at were the major groups in that movement? Vvhat role did Martin Luther King Jr. play? 4. Why was the Cuban Revolution important to various movements of the early New Left? 5. What was the connection between the 1964 Mississippi Freedom Summer Project and the Free Speech Movement at Berkeley? Why did white students in groups such as Students for a Democratic Soci­ ety (sns) rebel, and what did they rebel against? 6. What led to the revival of feminism in the 1960s? Wl1at various groups of women made it possible? What did they have in common? 7. Wl1at did Black Power and the civil rights movement have in com­ mon? How did they differ? Why did some civil rights activists em­ brace Black Power? 8. How did the Vietmm1 War change the relationship between the New Left and cold war liberals such as Lyndon Johnson? What were the different groups and trends in the antiwar movement? 9. How did the events of 1968 shift the political terrain for the New Left movements? 10. After 1968, why did significant nl!lnbers of liberals become radical­ ized? What happened to the Democratic Party from 1968 to 1972 and after? 11. How was the women's liberation movement organized? What made it different from the other movements? 181 182 <lUI•SI'IONS FOil lONSlllERATION 12. What did the African American, Native American, Chicano, Puerto Rican, and Asian American movements have in common? How did they differ? Why did so many of these movements appear at the same time? 13. What were the differences between the homophile movement of the 1950s and 1960s and the gay liberation movement after the Stonewall riot in 1969? 14.
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