® Priority Updates from the Research Literature PURLs from the Family Physicians Inquiries Network Deborah Phipps, MD; Erik Butler, DO; Anne Mounsey, MD; Michael Best timing for measuring M. Dickman, DO; David Bury, DO; Ashley Smith, MD, MBA; Nick Bennett, orthostatic vital signs? DO, MBA; Ben Arthur, MD, MBA; Bob Marshall, MD, MPH, MISM We typically take a blood pressure within 3 minutes of a University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill patient rising from a supine to a standing position. But is (Drs. Phipps, Butler, and Mounsey); Madigan that too long? Army Medical Center, Gig Harbor, Wash (Drs. Dickman, Bury, Smith, Bennett, Arthur, and Marshall) PRACTICE CHANGER be neurogenic (mediated by autonomic DEPUTY EDITOR Measure orthostatic vital signs within 1 min- failure as in Parkinson’s disease, multiple James J. Stevermer, MD, ute of standing to most accurately correlate system atrophy, or diabetic neuropathy), MSPH 1 Department of Family and dizziness with long-term adverse outcomes. non- neurogenic (related to medications or Community Medicine, hypovolemia), or idiopathic. University of Missouri- STRENGTH OF RECOMMENDATION It’s important to identify OH because of its Columbia B: Based on a single, high-quality, prospec- associated increase in morbidities, such as an tive cohort study with patient-oriented out- increased risk of falls (hazard ratio [HR] = 1.5),5 comes and good follow-up. coronary heart disease (HR = 1.3), stroke (HR = 6 Juraschek SP, Daya N, Rawlings AM, et al. Association of history of diz- 1.2), and all-cause mortality (HR = 1.4). Treat- ziness and long-term adverse outcomes with early vs later orthostatic hypotension assessment times in middle-aged adults. JAMA Intern ments include physical maneuvers (getting up Med. 2017;177:1316-1323. slowly, leg crossing, and muscle clenching), increased salt and water intake, compression stockings, the addition of medications (such as ILLUSTRATIVE CASE fludrocortisone or midodrine), and the avoid- A 54-year-old woman with a history of hy- ance of other medications (such as benzodiaz- pertension presents with a chief complaint epines and diuretics). of dizziness. You require an assessment of or- The guideline-recommended 3-minute thostatic vital signs to proceed. In your busy delay in assessment can be impractical in clinical practice, when should assessment take a busy clinical setting. Using data from the place to be most useful? Atherosclerosis Risk in Communities (ARIC) study, investigators correlated the timing of rthostatic hypotension (OH) is de- measurements of postural change in BP with fined as a postural reduction in systol- long-term adverse outcomes.1 Oic blood pressure (BP) of ≥ 20 mm Hg or diastolic BP of ≥ 10 mm Hg, measured with- in 3 minutes of rising from supine to standing. STUDY SUMMARY This definition is based on consensus guide- Early vs late OH assessment lines from the American Academy of Neurol- in middle-aged adults ogy and the American Autonomic Society2 and The ARIC study is a longitudinal, prospective, has been upheld by European guidelines.3 cohort study of almost 16,000 adults followed The prevalence of OH is approximately since 1987. Juraschek et al1 assessed the op- 6% in the general population, with estimates timal time to identify OH and its association ranging from 10% to 55% in older adults.4 with the adverse clinical outcomes of fall, Etiology is often multifactorial; causes may fracture, syncope, motor vehicle crash, and 512 THE JOURNAL OF FAMILY PRACTICE | NOVEMBER 2019 | VOL 68, NO 9 mortality. The researchers sought to discov- was associated with OH at measurements 1 er whether BP measurements determined (HR = 1.16; 95% CI, 1.01-1.34) and 2 immediately after standing predict adverse (HR = 1.14; 95% CI, 1.01-1.29). Motor vehicle events as well as BP measurements taken crashes were associated only with BP mea- closer to 3 minutes. surement 2 (HR = 1.43; 95% CI, 1.04-1.96). Study participants were between the ages Finally, risk of syncope and risk of death were of 45 and 64 years (mean 54 years), and 26% statistically associated with the presence of were black and 54% were female. They lived OH at all 5 BP measurements. in 4 different US communities. The research- ers excluded patients with missing OH assess- ments or other relevant cohort or historical WHAT’S NEW data, leaving a cohort of 11,429 subjects. Earlier OH assessments As part of their enrollment into the ARIC are more informative than late ones study, subjects had their BP measurements This study found OH identified within 1 min- taken 2 to 5 times in the lying position (90% of ute of standing to be more clinically mean- participants had ≥ 4 measurements) and after ingful than OH identified after 1 minute. standing (91% participants had ≥ 4 measure- Also, the findings reinforce the relationship ments) using a programmable automatic BP between OH and adverse events, including cuff. All 5 standing BP measurements (taken injury and overall mortality. Evaluation for at a mean of 28, 53, 76, 100, and 116 sec- OH performed only at 3 minutes may miss This study found onds after standing) were measured for 7385 symptomatic OH. that orthostatic out of 11,429 (64.6%) participants. Subjects hypotension were asked if he or she “usually gets dizzy on identified within standing up.” CAVEATS 1 minute of Researchers determined the association Could a healthy population standing was between OH and postural change in systolic skew the results? more clinically BP or postural change in diastolic BP with The population in this study was relatively meaningful than history of dizziness after standing. They also healthy, with a lower prevalence of diabetes OH identified determined the incidence of falls, fracture, and coronary artery disease than the general after 1 minute. syncope, motor vehicle crash, and mortality population. While there is no reason to expect via a review of hospitalizations and billing detection of OH to differ in a population with for Medicaid and Medicare services. Subjects more comorbidities, the possibility exists. were followed for a median of 23 years. If OH is not identified in < 1 minute of standing, standard OH evaluation within Results 3 minutes after standing should be per- Of the entire cohort, 1138 (10%) reported formed, as OH identified at any time point af- dizziness on standing. Only OH identified ter standing is associated with adverse events at the first BP measurement (mean 28 secs) and increased mortality. was associated with a history of dizziness This study did not address the effects upon standing (odds ratio [OR] = 1.49; 95% of medical intervention for OH on injury confidence interval [CI], 1.18-1.89). Also, it or mortality. Also, whether OH is the direct was associated with the highest incidence of cause of the adverse outcomes or a marker fracture, syncope, and death (18.9, 17, and for other disease is unknown. 31.4 per 1000 person-years, respectively). After adjusting for age, sex, and multiple other cardiovascular risk factors, the risk of CHALLENGES TO IMPLEMENTATION falls was significantly associated with OH at A change to protocols and guidelines BP measurements 1 to 4, but was most strong- Although none were noted, any change in ly associated with BP measurement 2 (taken practice requires updating clinical protocols at a mean of 53 secs after standing) (HR = and guidelines, which can take time. JFP 1.29; 95% CI, 1.12-1.49), which translates to ACKNOWLEDGMENT 13.2 falls per 1000 patient-years. Fracture The PURLs Surveillance System was supported in part by MDEDGE.COM/FAMILYMEDICINE VOL 68, NO 9 | NOVEMBER 2019 | THE JOURNAL OF FAMILY PRACTICE 513 PURLs® Visit us @ mdedge.com/familymedicine Grant Number UL1RR024999 from the National Center for Research Resources, a Clinical Translational Science Award to the University of Chicago. The content is solely the responsi- bility of the authors and does not necessarily represent the official views of the National Center for Research Resources or the National Institutes of Health. Vaping-related lung Copyright © 2019. The Family Physicians Inquiries Network. All rights reserved. injury: Warning signs, care, & prevention References Doug Campos-Outcalt, MD, MPA 1. Juraschek SP, Daya N, Rawlings AM, et al. Association of history of dizziness and long-term adverse outcomes with early vs later orthostatic hypotension assessment times in middle-aged adults. JAMA Internal Med. 2017;177:1316-1323. 2. The Consensus Committee of the American Autonomic Society and the American Academy of Neurology. Consensus state- ment on the definition of orthostatic hypotension, pure auto- nomic failure, and multiple system atrophy. Neurology. 1996;46: 1470. 3. Lahrmann H, Cortelli P, Hilz M, et al. EFNS guidelines on the di- agnosis and management of orthostatic hypotension. Eur J Neu- rol. 2006;13:930-936. INSTANT POLL 4. Freeman R, Wieling W, Axelrod FB, et al. Consensus statement on the definition of orthostatic hypotension, neurally mediated Are you (or other members of your syncope and the postural tachycardia syndrome. Clin Auton Res. organization) taking steps to learn more 2011;21:69-72. 5. Rutan GH, Hermanson B, Bild DE, et al. Orthostatic hypotension about how AI can benefit your practice? in older adults: the Cardiovascular Health Study. Hypertension. 1992;19(6 Pt 1):508-519. 6. Xin W, Lin Z, Mi S. Orthostatic hypotension and mortality risk: a meta-analysis of cohort studies. Heart. 2014;100:406-413. ONLINE EXCLUSIVES • APPLIED EVIDENCE Head & neck cancers: What you’ll see, how to proceed • CASE REPORT 45-year-old woman • fever and chills • diffuse abdominal pain • shortness of breath • Dx? • PURLs® Supplemental oxygen: More isn’t always better • CLINICAL INQUIRIES Does tranexamic acid reduce WE WANT TO HEAR mortality in women with FROM YOU! postpartum hemorrhage? • RESIDENTS' RAPID REVIEW Have a comment on an article, editorial, or department? You can A 5-question monthly quiz to send it by: help you prepare for the family medicine certification exam.
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