-, ·i .: ~ Issue Num.ber 6· Septe:mber 1945 i <'l ,~ ., -~ <~,...;...,~,. ' 'j .~ ,..:1 The I.-I .<: A '.\ .1.') Official Register "'\ i 0/ J .c::; .' ',';~ Passenger Train Equipment ;'~ ;~f ;:~~ --- ....~------ ----- ._-- ------~----- ---~-- - ---- ------ --===--=---=-=- ~-=-=----=-=====---==~~=--=-.-=-=-=-=----=---====----:-_-- ~=---~====== - ~--- - --- -----------~----­ \ if~ .;1 "l'j CONTAINING­ ~i ;'/!l ~.", A LIST OF PASSENGER TRAIN CAR EQUIPMENT OF RAILROADS ,:; ,f' AND PRIVATE CAR LINES IN THE UNITED STATES AND CANADA, SHOW. , ::1 ING BY CAR NUMBER, SERIAL NUMBERS OR NAMES, INFORMATION AS f TO TYPE, LENGTH, SEATING CAPACITY AND SPECIAL FEATURES OF THE ,. EQUIPMENT AND MILEAGE AND PER DIEM RATES APPLYING THERETO. ..~; ALSO INFORMATION DESIGNATING THE NAME OF THE OFFICER TO WHOM CORRESPONDENCE PERTAINING TO PASSENGER TRAIN CARS t' ~\. INTERCHANGED SHOULD BE ADDRESSED AND TO WHOM PASSENGER ~ v'i TRAIN CAR MILEAGE OR PER DIEM STATEMENTS SHOULD BE SENT. :i~ .~ -:....-_._- ------- -----:=-::.-=.=--=-~~~~~~----=-----=- ---- ~~===----=-=.--~- -- "----------­ X ISSUED SEMI.ANNUALLY ' .. \ ·tt ..... \ The Railway Equipment and Publication Co. V~ 424 WEST 33rd ST., NEW YORK 1, N. Y. ~~ ---~ Copyright 1945 by The .Railway Equipment and Publication Co. J.::­ >:i Issue Number 6. SeptelIlber 1945 The Official Register of Passenger Train Equipment Published at the request of the Association of American Railroads and by authority of member roads participating in the publication thru registration of their passenger train equipment. Issued semi-annually in March and September. Contains list of passenger train car equipment of participating railroads and private car lines, setting forth by car numbers or serial numbers or names, information as to the type of car, measurements of lengths of car and compartments, seating capacity, mileage and per diem rates and any special features which the equipment may contain. Also information designating the name of the officer to whom correspondence pertaining to passenger train cars interchanged should be addressed and to whom passenger train car mileage and per diem statements should be sent. TABLE OF CONTENTS Page 85 A. A~ R. List 'of Definitions and Designating Letters of Passenger Equipment Cars. II 87 ..... o. A. A. R. Codes of Car Service Rules, Mileage and Per Diem Rules, etc. ii Index to Individual Registrations. 2 .... ... Individual Registrations of Railroad Passenger Equipment. 81 00000 ° Individual Registrations of Private Car Lines' Passenger Equipment. The Railway Equipment and Publication Co. 424 WEST 33rd ST.• NEW. YORK 1, N. Y, Copyright 1945 by The RaHway .Equipment and Publica.tion Co. -~- .---.... -- --~---~- --- -------=---=-~ - -- ---­ THE OFFICIAL REGISTER OF PASSENGER TRAIN EQUIPMENT. 1 I • Explanation of indicating marks and standard notes appear in the individual registrations or at the foot of each page. Measurements of lengths are given, in the , majority of instances, in feet and inches, fractions of inches omitted from inside measurements and increased to the next even inch in outside measurements. In those few registrations where this is not the case, following is an explan~tion of figures appearing under heading of "Length of Car", sub-colum~ headed "Over Buffer": -60 indicates length-under 60 ft 60-70 indicates length - 60 ft and under 70 ft -70 indicates length-under 70 ft 70+ indicates length-70 ft and over. Figures appea,ring under heading of "Length of Comp't", sub-columns headed "Bag. or Exp." and "Mail" are in even feet, the lower foot measurement being used where the excess is 6 inches or less and the higher foot length where the excess is more'than 6 inches. Example-If actual measurement of eompartment is 28 ft 6 in., the length appears as 28 ft; if actual measurement is 28 ft 7 in., the length appears as 29 ft. Head End Cars - References to "Head End" cars which appear in "Note X" in the individual registrations, signify cars of the so called head end type, A. A. R. Mechanical Designations BE, BH, BM, 'BX, MB, MBE, M~ and MR, referred to in Rule 7, Section' 2, Code of Mileage and Per Diem Rules Governing Settlement for the Use of Passenger Train Cars. 2 THE OFFICIAL REGISTER OF PASSENGER TRAIN EQUIPMENT. THE ATCHISON, TOPEKA & SANTA FE RY. CO. Cars marked "A T & S F" or U A T SF" unless otherwise indicated in column headed "Markings and Kind of Cars." A., Send reports of passenger train cars interchanged and address correspondence regarding passenger train car mileage or perdiem statements I, to W. P. Dolan. Superintendent of Car Service, Atchison, Topeka & Santa Fe Railway, Topeka, Kan. De ( Sept., 19/,5) The passenger train cars of this Company are numbered and classified as folows: ! ~~'i Let.g:h LENGTII I RATE .... Length LBNGTB R ~lofComp't ~~ .LA-B.. MARKINGS OF CAB Bo. i. A. B.. MARKINGS ofComp't 0)11 CAB ATE 10. BE Kech. AND CAB NUMBERS g Bag. of Keeh. AND CAB NUllBEBS g Bag. of Desig. Knro 0)11 CABS OR NAllES -+-~_.s+~-..I or I'~ lov('r Mile- Per Cars Desig. Knm 01' CABS OR NAXES J or I.~ IOver)(ile- Per Can BE __-f---,..- I Inside Buffer age Diem I- +- -1-rZ_f-E%_lP. Inside Bufer age Diem BE MI MI PV •• eBU8~;;~;~~~} 41022 ••. I~ ..~. ~.~~..~I 10 PB eIChair,:~~:erham~11222tOI244 721~.II·~::: ~.0%$13.50 19 MI 8.~ B i All Steel, } I PB .e' H All Steel···· 1 1245to 1295 72i,·· '1·'· 69 4 78 18.50 49 :::::!ir~~f.:r~D8j ~·}·Ii 5.~ ME 9,10 : PB::.eCI"bBl " 1296to1298 68: ••.••• 75 .. 83 18.50 8 ME D81ee1 U~.... 27 c8 e!l· ~eei .. ~tf~~C(D 1301, 1302 28~ 281." 77 6 84 7.10 18.50 2 ME IA I::~mu~r:::n~'.... .•.e 29 ..•.......•..........•.• $25.00 1 PL eLoung&-Dormitory,!llSteel. ..Note AC(D5 ( 1350to 1355 87 I 77 6 84 7 .10 18.50 6 CA ~t :::BUS!P.ess,1ll~teel..}. 30to39 ........•...........•......•.. 10 PL...eXlfst~:liloteAC(D. 1358 1359 52 .•.... 69 478 8.10 18.50 2 CA N t AC(!) Santa Fe ..••..... 74 1 88 8,....... ••.. 1 I o ell PL e H ...loteAC(!) 1360to1369 49 ... j•• ' 77 6 84 •••10 18.50 10 CA MA ..ePostal,All Steel... 57 to 79 60 •. 64 8.m 11.50 28 PL eCIub-Lounge,5 Notes ( 73 CA MA ..e H ~~ote 80,81 ........• 60 .• 68 2.m 11.50 2 !ll Steel.. ~A, AC(DS 1370to 1376 27, .. .1 2 79 10.10 18.50 7 Ai ·1·· CA 15694762.~18.502PL liS .•eMail-Smoker.AIl91.9265 ... eHlotesA.AC(!) 1377 29\ ...1.·· 78 2 79 10.10 18.50 1 CA SteeL........... PL e H Notes A, AceD 1378 J... 78 7 79 10.10 18.50 1 271 .. CA, MB Baggag&-JI&il, Trailer Tl00, TI0l ... 84 15 50 2 52 10..... .•..•. 2 CS Cl b BAll} I MB ~ ..~.. H·:: TI02 .•• 88 16 54 4 66 11..... •••.•• 1 e :eei.N~~:~C<D 1380to 1385 30 22 .•. 73 4 79 10.10 18.50 «) CA. liB ..eB(~~~s~"'~erfrJ 109,110 ... 89 80 69 2 78 4.~ 18.50 2 (Js eBagg&~~~~l?:~5 1386,1387 82 19 73 479 10.10 18.50 2 CA. CA. lIB ..e Bt~f:~~~~,~~e~} 112, 113 . .• 89 80 69 2 78 4 '~113'50 2 PL e C1AtLS:f.:{A~A~} 1388, 1389 47 72 8 79 8.10 18.50 2 CA. BE Bag~ge-E!l?ress,i 202,203 40 •• 44 1.~ 5.,00 2 PL e H lotesA, AC(!) 1396, 1397 45 ••.... 73 2 79 8.10 18.50 2 CA. Steel Center Sills••• ~ S BE.... H H.. 207to239 59 8 68 8.00 6.50 10 PL eCIUbN~~~rA~~} 1398,1399 56 !.•• 78 27910.10 18.50 2 CA. BE eBagga~e.EXPress,} 257to319 69 3 73 1.~ 8.50 55 DA ..eDining, All steer'l CA. BE e Ste~~l Ild~e••• :. 340to 352 71 8 77 10.~ 8.50 '12 NotE:C~i~S:S) 1400to1418 ~ 79 888 5.10 18.50 11 CA. Horseu~XCs, 1~gg, 1~gA'} CA. BH } 372 to 376 69 3 78 1.04 8.00 5 DA ..eDining, All Steel'l{ I CA. BH .•e S~el e He.:::. 377to381 69 8 78 1.~ 8.50 5 Note AC(D't.EX- 1409: 1416: 48, •••••• 79 8 88 {) .10 18.50 8 cep IOns 1417, 1418 CA. BE..•eBagga~-Express,} 383 to399 .......•. 69 8 73 1.~ 8.50 17 DA D' i All St 1 86 I" ilQtL 8 e:.n 1 Steel UnderfraJne.... ..e In ng, ee .. 1439 75 10 82 lu.~ 1 .uu CA. PV ..eBusiness, Su. Unclerfr. 400to403 51 4 60 4........•.. : DA .. eDining'Ns:~e~C®} 1440, 1441 80 71 4 80 8.002 15.'15 2 CA. ~1 NAollteSAt~~ll,} PV •.e H H.. 404to409 51 4 6...... .••.. 4 DA ..eDining. 1442 40 ••...• 71 4 79 9.10 18.50 1 CA. ~ PV .•e U H.. 422 to425 51 4 60 4........... CA. U H.. 426to429 51 4 61 6 4 DA ..eDining, All steel'l PV ..e . .. ....•• Note AC(D, (See 1444to 1455 30 71 4 79 9.10 18.50 8 ..•. •.. Coach.... ..•.. 435 to449 •••••. 15 Exceptions) CA. 7 l'Q1L 13 50 1 DA ..e Dining, All Steel, CA. PB e .. All Wood.... 648 64 .••••• 69 l' 8 7 .VU7"~ • Note AC(D, Ex- 1448, 1449 40 ...••. 71 4 79 9.10 18.50 2 CA. PB e H H.. 677 72 .;, .... 69 4 78 7.(l% 13.50 1 ceptions 78 3 l'QtL 18 50 1 DA ..eDining, All Steel,} CA. PB e h Steel Underframe 761 64 •••••• 69 4 ·vun· Note AC(D, (See 1456to 1473 48 •••••• 79 10 88 5.10 18.50 13 CA. PB e H H •• 780 72 69 4 78 3.~ 18.50 1 Exceptions) PB esmoker-Chair,!ll} 799to804 68 69 479 2 10 18,50 6 DA ..eDining, All Steel,! 1460, 1461, } CA.
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