July 21, 2016 • Issue 1048 • $1.00 Serving St. Joseph Island since 1995 Connecting our Community Visit us online at www.islandclippings.com Tel: 705 246-1635 email: [email protected] Fax: 705 246-7060 Arts at the Dock THE THIRD SUNDAY IN JULY is always a day to which we look forward. That’s when the Village of Hilton Beach hosts its annual ‘Arts at the Dock’ event. Teresa Parker and her camera were there to capture the sights and the atmosphere of this wonderful offering of so many beautiful creations by talented artists and arti- sans, working in so many different media. Teresa tells us that she went early, because it looked like it might rain. On the bright side, she found the cloudy sky made better lighting for her photos. That’s our Teresa – always finding the rainbow in any situation! Photos by Teresa Parker A PART OF YOUR Northern Advantage COMMUNITY Office: 705-942-6000 AlgomaTrad Camp Returns to Richards Landing in August! IF YOU’RE INTERESTED IN MUSIC, dance or the arts, you’re QUARRTETTETETTE on AuAugustugust 3rd is SOLD OUT. in for a real treat in August. The 13th annual Algoma Trad Music, Dance and Heritage Arts Family Camp will be return- No tickets will be available at the door. ing to Richards Landing, August 14 to August 20. The camp, which runs from Sunday evening to Saturday morning, is now open for registration! Registration is available on-line or by calling 705 257-6106. AlgomaTrad 2016 will take place at locations throughout Richards Landing, including the Centennial Grounds, the Le- gion Hall, the St. Joseph Island Central Public School, and the Old Town Hall. As is customary, workshops will occur during Barbra Lica Aug. 10 @ 8pmm the day from Monday to Friday in a vast array of choices, in- $VRQH RI &DQDGD·V WRS XSFRPLQJ MD]] DUWLVWV %DUEUD /LFD cluding fiddle, piano, whistle and flute, guitar, claw hammer GHVFULEHVKHU VW\OH DV VRPHZKHUH EHWZHHQ VLQJHUVVLQJZULWHU banjo, bagpipes, singing, Ottawa Valley-style Stepdance, con- YLQWDJHSRS DQG MD]] /LFD VPLOHV ZKHQ VKH VLQJV DQG \RX tra, square and Irish set dancing, community arts, basket mak- FDQKHDU WKDW VPLOH HYHQ UHFRUGHG RQ KHU WZR DOEXPV +HU ing, and much, much more. Evenings will feature concerts, EULJKWFOHDU DQG KDSS\ YRFDOV DQG XSEHDW VRQJZULWLQJ ZHUH dances, song circles, sessions and a fundraising live/silent auc- LQVSLUHGE\ 'RULV 'D\ (OOD )LW]JHUDOG DQG ,UYLQJ %HUOLQ tion. DQGVKH OLVWV IHOORZ IUHHVSLULWHG VLQJHUVVRQJZULWHUV5HJLQD AlgomaTrad is pleased to have great Canadian artists teaching 6SHNWRUDQG 6DUD %DUHLOOHV DV KHU FXUUHQW IDYRXULWH DUWLVWV and performing as part of the Camp this year, including Virtu- &%&5DGLR QDPHG KHU RQH RI &DQDGD·V 77RRS )HPDOH -D]] 6LQJHUVDQG 77RRURQWR·V -D]] )0 VDLG VKH·V ´D GD]]OLQJ oso Canadian fiddler Pierre Schryer, traditional songster, SHUIRUPHUZKR KDV WDOHQW WR EXUQ DQG YRFDOV WKDW ZLOO NQRFN multi-instrumentalist, and artist Ian Bell, singer and flute \RXRYHUµ Fathead Aug. 17 @ 8pmm 6HYHUDOPHPEHUV RI )DWKHDG KDYH SHUIRUPHG RYHU WKH \HDUVDW RXU 6HULHV EXW DV SDUW RI RWKHU DFWV )LQDOO\ ZH·UH EULQJLQJWKLV LQFUHGLEOH -XQRZLQQLQJ EOXHV HQVHPEOH WR 6W -RVHSK,VODQG )DWKHDG FDPH WRJHWKHU LQ DQG KDYH EHHQVKDULQJ WKHLU EOHQG RI EOXHV IRON IXQN DQG VRXO RQ WKH 1RUWK$PHULFDQ IHVWLYDO FLUFXLW HYHU VLQFH 0DGH XS RI -RKQ 0D\V$O /HUPDQ %RE 7XQQRFK 3DSD -RKQ .LQJ DQG %XFN\ %HUJHUWKLV ZHOOUHVSHFWHG JURXS RI PXVLFLDQV FUHDWH DQ HQHUJHWLFEOHQG RI EOXHV SHSSHUHG ZLWK U E IXQN\ JRVSHO WLQJHGVRXO DQG IHHOJRRG URFN UROO 5HDO %OXHV PDJD]LQH VDLG)DWKHDG KDV LW DOO ´WDOHQW SHUVRQDOLW\ KXPRXU XQLWHG Fine Craft YLVLRQDQG D OLWWOH ELW RI KRRGRRYYRRGRRµ Exhibition & Sale BUY YOUR TICKETS ONLINE August 5, 6 & 7th 2016 10 am -5 pm www.oldtownhall.ca The Old Town Hall ~ ~ ~ Richards Landing, St. Joseph Island Old TTownown Hall Concert Series www.wabisabiarts.org Hilton Beach Community Hall, Hilton Beach Visit Us on Facebook Page 2 player Allison Lupton, a newcomer to AlgomaTrad this year and Champion Canadian stepdancer and world music per- Kari Gamble, RMT Offering in home service only cussionist, Ariel Hyatt, plus internationally renowned fid- Registered Massage Therapy Serving Echo Bay dler/singer/composer Anne Lederman. to Thessalon Basketmaker Sheila Ziman, from the Haliburton School of Call and book an appointment today! the Arts, fills out the heritage craft part of the program with My Services include: an immersive weeklong workshop in Natural Materials Bas- 30 minutes.....$50.00 60 minutes.....$80.00 90 minutes.....$120.00 ketry. See some of her work at www.mindentimes.ca/wet- * Extra $10 charge for Echo Bay, Bruce Mines and Thessalon or if lands-and-waterways-examines-ecological-threats. required by distance to be travelled. I accept cash, credit, cheque as well as email money transfer. Other staff members are: the ever-amazing multi-instru- Call 705-971-2249 Email: [email protected] mentalist James Stephens, a core member of the AlgomaTrad Gift Certificates also available organization; fiddler, singer, and hambone-ist Teilhard Frost (Sheesham Crow of the incredible Sheesham and Lotus and Son, fun-and-fabulous dance callers Myra Hirschberg and NO JOB TOO BIG OR TOO SMALL! Tom Calwell, the one-and-only, coolest double bassist and singer Joseph Phillips, cellist, violist and all around awesome string chopper Lea Kirstein; and fiddler/violist Chelsea Sleep. Day & Night All the members of local award-winning group The O’Schraves are on staff as usual and the most excellent piper GENERAL CONTRACTING SERVICES PLUS Paul McClelland from Deep River has once again generously • Residential Roofing & Repairs • Additions, Garage & Deck • Sheds & Fences • Workmanship Guaranteed • Asphalt Shingles offered to give instruction on the Highland Pipes and tin • Soffit & Fascia • Window & Door Installations whistle. • Serving All of Algoma District FREE ESTIMATES • RESIDENTIAL • FULLY LICENSED & INSURED Complete AlgomaTrad 2016 staff bios and photos can be $2 MILLION GENERAL LIABILITY LIMIT • WSIB COVERAGE found on the website. Call the Insured Professionals at 705 254-9150 Continued on page 5 Tree and Hedge Removal Services OPEN LATE & WEEKENDS. CALL ANYTIME! • Hazardous tree removal • Tree stump grinding & removal VOLUNTEER BARTENDERS NEEDED. • Tree cutting, shaping & hedge removal Evenings and some weekends. • Tree & shrub pruning & removal • Residential and Commercial Smart Serve is required (course available on line). • Fully insured up to $2 million We cut down and remove dead wood, big or small trees FRIDAY FOODS VOLUNTEERS NEEDED. Fry cooks, 24 hour, year round service FREE no obligation estimates food prep, servers and dishwashers. Serving St. Joseph Island and all of Algoma (No experience necessary. Training will be provided) Tel: 705 254-9150 STUDENT VOLUNTEER HOURS AVAILABLE for various tasks/hours; food prep, dish washing, serving, yard maintenance, building cleaning and much more. OGS The Royal Canadian Legion Br. 374 St. Joseph Island D is a non profit organization focused on supporting NLY Veterans and their families, community seniors and O youth. Our fund raising events have for many years 8709 Hwy 17 E. GROOMING BY and continue to provide financial support Bruce Mines, ON to many local groups. 705 785-3739 SHELENA Help us help our community by Volunteering! Legion Membership Not Required. Our R.C.L. Branch Truly personal attention... relies on the invaluable support of VOLUNTEERS! Grooming one dog at a time - yours! For more information please contact the office: Professional dog grooming services 246 -2494, Anne 246 -7269 or Michelle 989- 5226 Page 3 1st Annual Sustain Algoma Expo Art Exhibition featuring arrtwtwork with a St. $8IIPPµJÙÙ)@M<I K?<D< Ù9IFLL>>?K ÙÙÙÙKF PFL 9P K?<ÙÙ*K $8IPµJ Ù)@M<I ÙÙ)<D<;@8C Ù:K@FE Ù Plan and Thinking Rock Community Arts rd Join us Saturdayy Juulyy 23 froom 99am to 3pm at the Johnson Towwnshipp Communityy Ceentre Fun for in Desbarats, ON Face Painnting! 9am to 1pm all ages! FREE ADMISSION Habitat for Humanity will be MNRF Canine Unit will be doing demonstrationso at collecting used furniture 10:30am and 1:00pm donations for the ReStore in Pancake breakfast from 9am-11am supporting the Central AlgA oma Sault Ste. Marie Freshwater Coalition! $10 or children $5 Vendors who will be present at the 2016 Sustain Algoma Expo include: 7KH.HQVLQJWRQ &RQVHUYDQF\ z &OHDQ 1RUUWWK z &HQWUDO $OJRPD )UHVKZDWHU &RDOLWLRQ z -RKQVRQ )DUPHUV¶0DUNHWz $OJRPD 0DVWHU *DUGHQHUV 6W0DU\¶V 5LYHU 5HPHGLDO $FWLRQ 3ODQ z 0LQLVWU\ RI 1DWXUDO 5HVRXUFHV DQG )RUHVWU\ z (QWRPLFD ,QVHFWDULXP z -5 :RRGZRUNLQJ z 125',. ,QVWLWXWH +DELWDWIIRRU +XPDQLW\ z 1RWWLQJKDP 1RUWK $UFKHU\ z 7.& -XQLRU ([SORUHUV z &XOWXUH &OXE z 5XUDO $JUL-,QQRYDWLRQ 1HWZRUN z $OJRPD 8QLYHUVLW\ ,QYDVLYH6SHFLHV &HQWUH z 7UHH+RXVH *XLWDUV z %UXFH 0LQHV &KDPEHU RI &RPPHUFH z $OJRPD 3XEOLF +HDOWK z %OXH 0DU &KDQJH $1'025( Page 4 ALGOMA TRAD . continued from page 3 And there’s still more! AlgomaTrad 2016 is excited to have the Thinking Rock Community Arts organization (think- Hillsid Farm ingrock.ca) involved at the camp again this year. The Algo- maTrad community and staff will be working to provide a Farmer’ Marke musical score for TRCA’s multi-community, intergenera- has moved tional community arts project, Rivers Speak, which is sched- From Ambeault’s Confectionery uled to be performed across the North Shore in 2017. to Ruth Howard, artistic director of Jumblies Theatre Company The Parking Lot beside the from Toronto (jumbliestheatre.org) will also be on hand to Sugar Shack Ice Cream Shop. help with the Rivers Speak project. Ruth, a committed Irish set dancer, will also be offering instruction in Irish Set Dance W wil ope a 9 a Saturday (the Irish version of square dancing). with fresh eggs and vegetables as the Registrants can sign-up for the entire camp experience, garden produces. which includes all workshops, lunch, gathering and evening activities.
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