OFFICIAL GAZETTE GOVERNMENT PfilNIINg BIREMf ENGLISH EDITION iB* ~"f-4* i-n^+B o^BBwrnmn- No. 654 TUESDAY, JUNE 8, 1§48 Price 28.00 yen Att orney- Gener al OFFICE ORDINANCE SUZUKI Yoshio Minister of Finance Attorney-General' s Office Ordinance KITAMURA Tokutaro , No. 29 Name of Debenture Name of Registry Jtine 8, 1948 Tokyo-to Bond (No, Chi) ' Industrial Bank of Ja- The following amendment shall be made to pan,^ Ltd; part of the^ Examination Regulations for Bar -Apprentice (Ministry Gf -Justice Ordinatice No. il of 1936) : Ministry of Finance' Notiffcation No. 174 fc* Attorney-General SUZUKI.Yosfaio June 8, 1948 In Articles-1, 4,.5 and 12, " Minister of Jus- A part of the Notification designating the day tice " shall read il Attorney-General." of submitting the financial statements or trans- In Article 2, "Chief"of Division" shall be ferring the business ,of new account of the dis- deleted. solved financial institutions in accordance with In Paragraph 1 of Article 3, " Vice-Minister the provisions of Paragraph 2 of Article 8, Article ' of Justice" shall read " Secretary-General " and 21 and Paragraph 2 of Article 26 of the Financial Paragraph 2 shall fce deleted. Institutions Reconstruction gnd Reorganization Tn Article 4, " 4 persons"' shall read " 6 per- Law (Ministry of Finance Notification No. 255, sons" anjl *'Ministry of Justice" shall read October, 1947) shall be amended &s follows, and " Attorney-General's Office." it shall be applied as from March 27, 1948: In Article 5, "Court of Appeal" shall foe Minister of Finance deleted. ' KITAMURA Tokutaro Article 6. Deleted. In Item 3,' !'the last day of the month to In Paragraph 1 of Article 7, " Chief of Divi- which the day belong^ on which the approval sion shall supervise thie business belonging to the stated in Paragraph 1 of Article 27 of the Law is division" shall be deleted and in Paragraph 2, granted " shall read ""the day of the public notice " or Chief of Division" and "respective" ' &hall provided for in the Article 34-(2) of the Law" bedeleted.•E - ', and the following proviso shall be added to the ! In Article 9, VMinistry, of Justice" shall same Item : read " Attorney-General's Office." Provided that the day which the competent In Article ll, " and examiners belonging to Minister will designate in accordance with the each division " shall read " and special examiners." provisions of Paragraph 2 of Article 42~~(2) >and In Article.13, " Seat of each Court of Appeal " Article 42~(3) shall, in the case of the local agricul- shall read ' Tokyo Metropolis." , tural associations, be the,day one month after the % last day of the month to which the ciay belongs Supplementary Provision : on which the public notice stated in,- Article 34-(2) This Ordinance shall come into force as from of the Law is made. the day of its promulgation. , Ministry of Finance Notification- 'No. 175' NOTIFICATIONS June 8, 1948 A, The Notification concerning tHe financial in- Attorney-GeneraFs Officeand Ministry of stitutions collecting unpaid capital stocks accord- Finance Notification No. 2 ing to the provisions of Paragraph 2 of Article June 8, 1948 25^(14) of the Financial Institutions Reconstruc- The following company shall be designated tion and Reorganization Law delegating the execu- as company referred to in the proviso of Item 2 tion of the right of voting of the shares referred of Paragraph 1 of Article 1 of the Enforcement to in the same paragraph to the special liquidators Ordinance of the Debentures Registration Law : of the said closed institutions (Ministry of Finance X -""•E Notification No. 47 of February, 1948), and the In accordance with the provisions of Article Notification designating the assets in accordance 3 of the said Ordinance, with respect to the Sha- with the provisions of Item 5 of Article 47 of the dan Hojin Nihbn Yukaita Kyokai (Corporate Enforcement Regulations of the Financial Institu- Juridical Person Japan Floor Plank Ass.), business tions -Reconstruction and Reorganization 1Law^ p ertaining to inspection of floor sMll foe des-^ '(Ministry of Finance Notification No. 52), shall ignated as designated business. b£ abolished. * %, Minister of Finance* Minister of Finance KITAMURA Tokutaro - KTTAMURA Tokutaro Minister of Agriculture & Forestry . •E NAGAE Kbzuo Minister of Commerce.& Industry Ministry #f Hitance Notification JjTo. 176 . - MJZUTANI Chozaburo 1' Z&ikoku KaguTosei Kumiai •Ey June 8,< 1948 (All Japan Furniture Control Union) •E The ratio for the month of April and May, 1948 mentioned in 1-4 of the Ministry of Finance. Nihpn- Shingu Seizo Tosei Kumiai Notification, No. 155 of July, 1947. shall be fixed (Japan Bedding Mfg. Control Association) as follows. ^ However, in cases where the' Minister Nihpn Nikawa. Tosei Kumiai (Japan Glue; /Control Association) of Finance fixed another ratio under unavoidable NihonSeruroidoTosd K.K... circumstance the latter shall he applied, to : (Japan Celluloid ConW Co.) Minister of Finance , Sfementd Seihin Kogyo Tosei Kumiai ' r% KTTAMURA Tokutaro (Cement Products Industry Control- Guild) •E, Bank 50^ Asa-ito Moto- Oforfii Uri Tosei Kumiai ' :,.A., Central Bank of Agriculture and (Japan Hemp String Wholesalers' Control As- Forestry : m% soci ation) Central Bank of Industrial and; /Am- Seihin Hai-kyu Tosei Kumiai Commercial Association 100%- ' (Hemp. Products.Distributioiià¬ontfoi Associa- * Trtst Companies - Bd% .•E tion) ^ Life Instirtoce Companies 50|^ . Zfekoku- Bagu; Kawagu Kogyo'Tosei Kiimiai '. Non-life Insurance Companies (National Horse Saddle & Harnesg lndUstrial Control Association) Kogyo Kawa-seihin Tosei K.K. ' ^Ministries of Finance and Agriculture j (Industrial Leather Goods Control Co.) * ' &.Forestry Notification'No* 43 1 Shadaur Hojiti Nihon Yukaita KyoMai 4 '. 'Jiine 8, 1948 (Corporate Juridical Person Japan Plotir Plank Ass oci ation) In accordance with the provisions of Article Nihott Hakimoiio Tosei K,K. 3 of the Closed institutions Ordinance' (Imperial (Japan Footwear Control Go.) , 'Ordinance No. 74 of 1947), We hereby designate Sen-i Zappin Haikyu Kumiai the following business of the Nippon Shinju Kako (Fibre Sundries Distributing' Asstftidtion) KJC. XThe Japan Pearl Mfg. So., Ltd.) as des- Rozai Tosei K.K. ignated; business : (Furnace Refractories Control Co.) Working-up, of Pearl ordered from' Central Zenkoku Mito Kogyo Kyodo Kumiai Reiigo- Purchase Officeand payment of expenses thereof. kai ' - { '( '', Minister of Finance (National Bean-paste Industrial Cooperative v*' , KITAMQRATokutaro •E Association ) Minister of Agriculture & Forestry Nihon Asarui Haikyu Tosei Kuffii&l NAGAE Kazuo (Japail. 'fiferiij) Distribution, Control Associa- tion) A Ministries of Finance, Agriculture & Ministries of Finance and Commerce Forestry and Commerce '& Industry & Industry Notification No* 28 Notiication No* ll JJune 8, 1948 > June 8, 1948 In accordance With the provisions of Article In accordance with the provisions of Article 3 of the Closed Institutions Ordinance (Imperial 1 of the Closed Institutions Ordinance (Imperial Ordinance No. 74 of 1947), the designated busi- Ordinance No. 74 of 1947), we hereby designate ness designated in accordance with the Isjptifica- the following companies, etc. as Closed Institu- tion concerning the designation of the Nihon toins•E Tsushinki Kikai Kogyokai (Japan Communications -*?>, Equipment Manufacturing Association), " Min- 3 of the Closed Institutions Ordinance (Imperial istries of Finance and Commerce & Industry Ordinance No. 74 of 1947), the designated business Notification No. 39 of November, 1947," shall be designated in accordance with Paragraph 2 of the released with respect to the Nihon Tsushinki Notification concerning the designation, etc. of the Kikai Kogyokai (Japan Communications Equip- Hokkaido Sen-i Seihin KJK. (Hokkaido Fibre Pro- ment Manufacturing Association). ducts Co.,Xtd.) etc. as Closed Institutions, " Min- Minister of Finance istries of Finance and Commerce & Industry KITAMURA Tokutard Notification No. 87 of 1947/' shall be released Minister of Commerce & Industry with respect to the Tottori-ken Sen-i S§ihin KJK. MIZUTANI Chozaburo (Tottori Prefecture Fibre Products Co.,' Ltd.). 'Minister of Finance KITAMURA Tokutaro Ministries of Finance and Commerce Minister of Commerce & Industry & Industry Notification No. 29 MEUTANI diozaburo , June 8, 1948< In accordance with the. provisions of 'Article * Ministry -of Education Notification No, 50 % June 8, 1948. The following Amendments shall be made to part of the designated schools and subject of study whose graduates are entitled to receive teacher's certificate for middle schools and girls' high' schools without written examination provided by the Ministry of Education.Notification No.30of1903: ' _ •E Minister.of Education ,. , , •E ' MORIT0 "Tateuo In the^ column of Kyoto Imperial."University the following shall be added to the item of *'.Course of Medicine, Faculty of Medicine " : Bo. Course'of Pharmacy •E , Natural Science of Course of Mathematics and Science The following 'shall be "added to the item of " those who studied chiefly subjects concerning' biology-" in- the column; of faulty of.Science of Tohofeu Imperial University : - ' Do. Course of Geophysics [ Natural Science of Course of Mathematics & Science (Limited" 'to -persons who passed -the > ' examination of more than two:subjects concern- m- ^ _ , v ' ingchemistry) ' < Do. Course, of Geography Geography of National Course lm. the c#umii of tt&Atof of Emgiiieerifig of Tohoku Imperial *tMv©rsitf, t&e following, shall be,added to
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