UNITED STATES DISTRICT COURT FOR THE DISTRICT OF COLUMBIA RE: JANICE WOLK GRENADIER JWG) INTERVENER UNITED STATES OF AMERICA :;o m () V. CRIM. No. 17-232 EGS I m 0,. MICHAEL T. FLYNN -< m -P. MOTION TO INTERVENE BY JANICE WOLK GRENADIER O .z::: VICTIM of the LEGISLATURE & JUDICIARY OF FEDERAL AND STATE OF VIRGIN'&_ U.S. and VIRGINIA STATE CONSTITUTIONAL RIGHTS VIOLATED FOR YEARS "COVER UP" BY DOJ & FBI SUPPORTS and SHOWS THE PATTERN & PRACTICE COMES NOW, Intervener Janice Wolk Grenadier (JWG) claims that she as General Flynn have been harmed by the collusion and corruption of the DOJ and the FBI. That Genera l Fly nn went to wa r to protect the FREEDOMS of the America n Citizens. Rights that American C itizens do not have. WHERE IT STARTED FBI February 18, 2014 - F Bl cautions residents of public corruption in Va. - http://www.wusa9.com/storv/news/local/2014/02/18/fbi-cautions-residents-of-public-corruption-in-northern-virqinia/5 585877/ WASHINGTON (WUSA) -- The Federal Bureau of!nvestigation's (FBI) Washington Field Office is looking to identify any public corruption occurring in Northern Virginia. The FBI says public corruption can occur "when a public official, at any level of government - local, state or federal - does any official act in exchange for money, or other free goods or services, fo r private gain. Public corruption could also include public employees who take something of value for th eir own personal gain, th ereby violating the public's trust." The FBI soys many of th eir investigations into public corruption start once they receive a tip from someone. If you want to help identify potential criminal activity, the Wa shington Field Office has set up a Northern Virginia Public Corruption Hotline at 703-686-6225 and you can also e-mail th em at [email protected]. Some of the examples of corruption include: Government officials such as OMV employees, city inspectors, taxing or zoning assessors or other regulatory agency employees, or even town councils or mayors; Contracting officials at al/ levels, including those who manage government contracts or regulatory permits; or, school resource officers who manage school accounts; Local officials colluding with real estate investors to rig th e bidding process at foreclosure auctions; A person representing the iudicia/ branch - a iudge, member of the iury or court personnel; or, A person representing law enforcement, who steals drugs from criminals, embezzles government funds, falsifies records or smuggles contraband 1 Document ID: 0.7.5411.5788-000002 20201221-0000004 Who do you go to for H ELP? Notthe FBI https://archives.fbi.gov/archives/washingtondc/press-releases/2014/fbi-announces-campaign-to-seek-public-a ssistance-identifying-acts-of-public-corruption If you go to the site and then hit the link YOU USED TO GET THIS for the transcripts you - got NOTHING Corney when asked about it - LIED said he knew nothing about this https://youtu.be/KlsSkkxYnTg the question asked at Brookings event. ~ ~ ..- ..-.:. - · \ I I 71' • - \I •• ..,, ~ / 7 ·· I . 1 ,; I ,,,C_;f,.:•.!• .._ ,,, ., _ , , f;, ;.. 1'A'4Hl'f 1t11,, 1,, ... co,1,,1 1 , \ lt.tJl l l\ Mo,, .. ,,111, , ... , ,1,1, .. ,t.\U I , "'' 1.,,u, Seltct Language y Field Office Lmks '1 hi..•" .t11 h1H d m ..trn.tl h 11m tlh· I t'tlt r.d lh1rt·,.11 ol l nH''\11(,,,lll••H t i 11 11 ~..-1,..11(' II 111.t\ t • !l;t .1 111 outll,,11,ll Washm9ton ml 1f11u1Jon ,u... 1111\1, ,,. m,.\ "" l0111 ·r luu11 ttun wro Hom<t ConlA(l u~ 0 D ... FUI Announces Campuii,:n to Seek Public As sistan ce Identify ing Acts of Puhlic Corruption Nf'w• and Out•••IC. h tJ# ' FUI \\'u,liins;ton Puhlir l nform n tio n O fficr I", hn1.u, 18 . .!ut I f ..:o.!) .!'-H- till) ·nil' 1·u_lt'r,1l Bun ,HI 111 Im, -.t1x,111o n -. ( I 81 I \\'.1• hm~to n f K ltl l )fl1tt , , -w: 1.L.inJ( tlu puhhC'" a~ 1 ,tnnu• 111 r om· l r1111111.,I UtH , 11v_,t11\1. pnonh. u lt 11111\m~ puhltl 1. orrupt mn II\ !\'ortht·rn \"1r,;1111,,., th1.~ FHI , numl"M: w.m,~u by 1h,• re, . wro puhlll· n>rn1p11n11 ou:u ~ ,,hut ,1 puhli.· nfl1u.,I. .111.1n, lt'\1. I 0 1 l(O\trnmt·nt lo•.·.11. , 1.1h · or lt"(lt r.tl tint~ nm nffic Lll ill'I III l' \l h,IIIRt' for lllOlll'\ or otlu r lrt't' K' M"l" or , H, IL't, tor 11r1,.1li• ~11 n PuhliL· l 'fll rupllon FBI Job~ 1ould .11!'1'.o mt.huh• publll' t• mplo\t'1'' " hn t.1 k1• 'l•lllh 111111,r. nt ,.1lut• tor thr1r m, n 1w~111.1I ,:..1111 . lht•h h\ ,u1lu11n~ tht puhla ·, tm -.r Puhl" nirnip111111 1111 , 111 tht· ht.ll"t o f ,,tMt 11 ~ •l\t rnnit·nt 1"' , u1,1w..,.--.I tu ,lu 11t n1 H"ipt'ol•h• Listen: Public Service Announcement H ,I, 1 I I ;111 npl P11hll1.• ,·un uptaun 14' oft1. 11 till' r, --. u lt o l .1J:_rt 1'11li:llh 111,,lll• Ill ,, lw,;p11t'tl t:o n\l r-.,1111111, o nd 'it·,1!1.tl ,., 11h 11uu.k luuut~h:tki't. Till" ....~ u, tl\l' n.,turr o f t hr C' nnw m al..t., II dtfhC'u h tt, dltfft \,t1™1ut tlw a~,;1 .1:rnr rot •om.triu.'<I •·11 111•11 , . ~l.un 1,f tlw I Ill , 111\1. ,11x.ttuu" 111hl puhlu ton-up111m ht J;lll ""1th .1 tip !ruin n mt orw \\h11 t ncounln'i , ornaptum '11h r,·trn,•, tlu- 1mhh1., \\ 111111,tnt·,, tn l·omt• fun,.,nl ,md r, l'k>f"I ,d,u,... ol ,.,ubht· o ftu l~ l"i l ~ 1111.11 to lht· Fur, tn\1 , 11~.11I011 ,. Tlw HU "' w.,~hm,ttm, l11·kl (JffM l h.1"' ,I 1lnh1·,lhd ''-Ill.Kl o l :tJ;t•1u , lh:1 1 lll\t , 11~~ltt' a llqit.tlum, o l puhhc· ,·orruptum 111 !\o rth,·111 \'1r,;~1ni.a To In Ip ult-1111(\ po1t·n11,1I t·11111111nl .u II\ 11 ,. 1tw \ \ ",1i..l11 n ~ tll11 I 1t Id {lll1 t·t• h.L, ~ t UJl .i !\w lht rn \ "1r,:1111.1 Puhlu· ( "11rru p11o n I li,tlllll' :H ..., _t hHh· h.!.!'j , ind t'·m , 11 1 at :--.:o,·.,p( .,. K' .On )tn\ \\' h1lr t ht• ,.1--.t m .itunt, nl puhlir othn.,l, .1rt. hu m t an tht· ir \\c,rk .tml c1,11111utli c.l to "4.·n m ~ tlu II h 11cm ,·111,cn". unfo rtunatd,. n sm,111 pt·rc1. nta~t 0 1 1n1hhl nfflcul, ahu l' thor c,flltT< and the ~llllHt, that thl'~ h (·n ~ "''\orn h• uplmld E,.tmple, 11f t orrup11Ctn. h h1 r 1.· hnh,:n ~1n d1or k1ckh.1cl, 1K1. 11r 111 t ,d1.1n)t,· lor u f11u.il tu-lion, rouhl 11u lud1.~ p uh lu· 1. urmptmn 1.'fm111Hth d In G mtTrllllUll olfK·1,1L" , mh ''"' 1•~1, · t• ntplo\l'\ ,. lll\ 111, lk. l lttP\. 1.. , 111g 111 1011111~ u~h (' ,or" nr otlll'r rt,tul:thll"\ .t~t ttC'\ l mplo,, t. ,. ,1r, , ,·n to,,n ,·mmnl"' or rn;l\o~. ( '011t1at tm~ oll1C"1.,t, nt .1II lt'\d,., uu luduu.~ 1ht1 l' "hu 111J11.1,:.t· ~•1\1. nmh 111 1. 1m1r,u1 , or r, KUl.tlon pt r11111 ,. ur .,d,ool rn ourn• 11fl11 t r, \\ho 111.111,IF,l' '4:' hoo l ,1u·ollrlh, • l.ot..11 o tlu·rnl, tolludmK \\llh ri·,11 l '1 1,lll' m \t '11111, 10 n ~ lht• huhlm;; prot:l""""' at loredo,ur,• ,111t 111111, . • A l>t'r" '" rt pn "' ntm,t 1h,• J111hu.1 l hr.tlh h .1Jm.l,;t•. mt m l,-·ro( tin· J IU"\ orto urt 1)("N11111t I. .\ J X r " ,n h pn ""- 11 1111,: ti\, t 11 fun'- '"'" 'H \\ho , h ,th tlruJ::,, trrnn \: r11n111.d,. l'lllht.uh.s ~0,1.•nun t nt lumb. t.1t~1f11 .., n n ,nh. ur , 11u1AAI, , 1ontr.1h.mtl T,,o ryn•nt t.•,.unpl• ..,ot puhht n11rupl 11111 111 \t,t1~ 1IL·1l h, tht• I Bl , W.1-.h111~1011 l· 1tl1l Ufht.·t.•. ,,111, h 1111 hult.•-c 111n .. , l,nmn o\1·r Surtlh n 1 \ '1rx111M . 1n • ,1 UM\" t·m11loH·,· 1u1c.l ' "'' otlu r-.. ,, ho pl,tl ~ m lt , 10 "'"'-'- p l1n)t hnlM."' 111 ,·•u lu nKt' f11r ll~J\ ' d n,. umt 111, 1t1r 1llqtnl ,1hul'I "'h" \H·n. o tl u n\1'4 nut d1~1h h•; .mJ ..a dud nf a , o h11t111.·r hn• clqu1111unt \\ht, pit d ~u1h, to tlH tt frnm a pm>=,r.1111 1ha 1 m.·t.l\t·tl fl"titr11l lumt, Su, h C'\.1 111pl c... ul puh l1t· c 11rrnp1ion • rodt· Cht• puhhl s t tlllfltlt ntt· .incl u ndt rm1m tth' !lll'\' 11,tth u l our );U\t' OIIIH.. n t. 2 Document ID: 0.7.5411.5788-000002 20201221-0000005 WHY THE DIRECTIVE FOR ALL PUBLIC CORRUPTION IN VIRGINIA TO FBI AND WAS FBI INVOLVED IN JWG ILLEGAL JAILING and GANG AGAINST HER? 1. Gov. Terry McAulliff - 1st choice VP for Hillary Clinton until this became public? 1. $130,000 donation Chinse Nationalist - He Starts out lying about it https://abcnews4.com/news/nation-world/va-~ov-mcauliffe-feds-have-found-no-wron~doin~ 2 GreenTech Chinese investors sue Gov.
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