SCIENCE CHINA Earth Sciences • RESEARCH PAPER • doi: 10.1007/s11430-015-5251-y Effects of tide-surge interactions on storm surges along the coast of the Bohai Sea, Yellow Sea, and East China Sea XU JunLi1, ZHANG YuHong2, CAO AnZhou1, LIU Qiang2* & LV XianQing1 1 Key Laboratory of Physical Oceanography (Ocean University of China), Ministry of Education, Ocean University of China, Qingdao 266100, China; 2 College of Engineering, Ocean University of China, Qingdao 266100, China Received August 27, 2015; accepted November 17, 2015 Abstract A two-dimensional coupled tide-surge model was used to investigate the effects of tide-surge interactions on storm surges along the coast of the Bohai Sea, Yellow Sea, and East China Sea. In order to estimate the impacts of tide-surge interactions on storm surge elevations, Typhoon 7203 was assumed to arrive at 12 different times, with all other conditions remaining constant. This allowed simulation of tide and total water levels for 12 separate cases. Numerical simulation results for Yingkou, Huludao, Shijiusuo, and Lianyungang tidal stations were analyzed. Model results showed wide variations in storm surge elevations across the 12 cases. The largest difference between 12 extreme storm surge elevation values was of up to 58 cm and occurred at Yingkou tidal station. The results indicate that the effects of tide-surge interactions on storm surge elevations are very significant. It is therefore essential that these are taken into account when predicting storm surge elevations. Keywords Storm surges, Astronomical tides, Tide-surge interactions, Typhoon 7203, Coupled tide-surge model Citation: Xu J L, Zhang Y H, Cao A Z, Liu Q, Lv X Q. 2016. Effects of tide-surge interactions on storm surges along the coast of the Bohai Sea, Yellow Sea, and East China Sea. Sci China Earth Sci, doi: 10.1007/s11430-015-5251-y 1. Introduction agement and engineering planning (Olbert et al., 2013). Typhoons can bring about significant storm surges in coastal regions (Zhang et al., 2015; Yang et al., 2015), such People in coastal areas can be affected by storm surges, as storm surges. To improve coastal storm surge forecasting, with these being abnormal increases or decreases in sea Peng et al. (2006) constructed a four-dimensional variation- level induced by typhoons and atmospheric pressure dis- al data assimilation algorithm using a tangent linear model turbances (You and Seo, 2009; Yang et al., 2014). Storm and an adjoint model of the Princeton Ocean Model (POM). surges can be positive or negative. A positive storm surge Peng et al. (2007) and Li et al. (2013) used this adjoint op- can result in significant loss of life and property damage, for timal technique to adjust initial conditions, boundary condi- example through the destruction of coastal infrastructure tions, and the wind stress drag coefficient in the POM. Yin (Lin et al., 2012; Olbert et al., 2013; Haigh et al., 2014). et al. (2009) simulated five typhoon storm surges in the East Negative surges (Pousa et al., 2013) mainly jeopardise mar- China Sea using a coupled model and suggested that a storm itime safety and coastal engineering structures. It is vitally surge-wave coupled model should be used for storm surge important to study storm surges along the coast, as results prediction. can provide useful information for risk-based flood man- Storm surges can be aggravated if coinciding with a high spring tide or with a low neap tide (Maspataud et al., 2013; *Corresponding author (email: [email protected]) Olbert et al., 2013). In recent years, researchers have ex- © Science China Press and Springer-Verlag Berlin Heidelberg 2016 earth.scichina.com link.springer.com 2 Xu J L, et al. Sci China Earth Sci January (2016) Vol.59 No.? plored the interactions between storm surges and astronom- vuvvvu 22tan kvuv2 ical tides in certain coastal areas using different methods. fuA v ta R R h Zhang et al. (2007) utilised the two-way nested coupled 22 tide-surge model to study the combined effects of storm g1 P CWdy W x W y aa 0 , (3) surges and astronomical tides in the Taiwan Strait. Simula- RR h tion results indicated that the influence of astronomical tides ww on storm surges should be taken into account in prediction where t is time; and are east longitude and north latitude, models. Park et al. (2012) analysed the effects of water respectively; h is depth of undisturbed water; is sea sur- depth and astronomical tides on storm surges using the cou- face elevation, relative to the undisturbed level; h+ is total pled numerical model PBL-ADCIRC. Results confirmed water depth; u and v are the east and north components of that the coupling of storm surges and tides is an essential consideration in coastal areas with shallow water depth and the current, respectively; is the adjusted height of equi- large tides. Antony et al. (2013) examined the dependency librium tides; R is the radius of the earth and a=Rcos; of surge maxima on tide magnitudes and phases, quantify- f=2sin is the Coriolis parameter (here, is the angular ing their interaction along the east coast of India and the speed of the Earth’s rotation); k is the bottom friction coef- head of the Bay of Bengal. They found that the strength of ficient; A is the horizontal eddy viscosity coefficient; is interaction tended to increase northward when tidal ranges the Laplace operator and uv,, a11 a uv and surge heights increased. Kong (2014) calculated and analysed 57 cases of Typhoon 7203 to study the impact of 1 R cos uv , ; g is gravitational acceleration; Pa tidal waves on storm surges in the north of Liaodong Bay, 3 using DHI Mike21. is atmospheric pressure on the sea surface; w=1025 kg m 3 However, little attention has been paid to the impacts of is seawater density; a=1.27 kg m is air density, and Wx tide-surge interactions on storm surges along the coasts of and Wy are the x and y components of the surface wind field. the Bohai Sea, Yellow Sea, and East China Sea, all of which In this paper, the wind-stress coefficient Cd was calculated are vulnerable to such phenomena. In the present paper, we on the basis of wind velocity U10 measured at 10 m above investigate the effects of tide-surge interactions on storm mean sea surface (Wu, 1982): surge elevations during Typhoon 7203 using a two-dimen- 3 sional coupled tide-surge model. Eight principal constitu- CUd 0.8 0.065 10 10 . (4) ents (M2, S2, K1, O1, N2, K2, P1, and Q1) were introduced into the numerical model through open boundary conditions 2.2 Initial conditions and boundary conditions and tidal potentials. Meteorological driving forces that gen- erate storm surges were provided by the wind forcing mod- In the present coupled model, initial values of current ve- ule and pressure field. locity and surface elevation were calculated using the tidal model. Along closed boundaries, it was assumed that no water would be allowed to flow to the coast; that is, the 2. Coupled tide-surge model normal component of the current would be zero. This can be expressed as un 0 , where uuv , is the current The coupled tide-surge model is based on a depth-averaged two-dimensional flow model. This section describes the vector and n is the outward unit vector. model framework in detail. The main areas of research for this study were the Bohai Sea and northern Yellow Sea. Suppose that there is a cur- rent with a speed of 0.5 m s1 at the open boundary point 2.1 Basic equations (130.9°E, 33.8°N). It will take 24 days for the current to The governing equations used in the two-dimensional flow arrive at the LianYunGang tidal station (119.45°E, 34.75°N). model are composed of depth-averaged equations of conti- However, the simulation time of the typhoon is only three nuity and momentum. days. In this case, the open boundary conditions of the storm surge are negligible. The present open boundary con- 11hu hv cos ditions are therefore determined as sea-surface elevations 0 , (1) ta a caused by tides, as follows: J 22 uuuvuuv tan kuuv f jjHtuvgcos j j j j, (5) fvA u j1 ta R R h where H and g are the amplitude and phase-lag of the jth 22 j j g1 P CWdx W x W y aa 0 , (2) tidal constituent, respectively; j is angular speed; vj is aaww h the initial phase angle; fj is the nodal factor; and uj is the Xu J L, et al. Sci China Earth Sci January (2016) Vol.59 No.? 3 nodal angle. transition between the two wind fields. The pressure field for the tropical storm (Jelesnianski, 2.3 Wind forcing module 1965) is determined as follows: 3 Meteorological driving forces that generate storm surges are 1 r P00 PP , rR mainly composed of surface wind stress and pressure gra- 4 R Pa , (11) dient forces (Zhang et al., 2007; Chen et al., 2012). It is 3 R P PP, rR therefore critical for tropical storm simulations to determine 0 4 r surface wind and pressure fields. Compared with the impact of a pure tropical storm, that where Pa is the sea surface pressure at r; P0 is the pressure of the background wind field on a storm surge is probably at the storm centre; and P is ambient pressure and is here weaker; however, it should not be neglected (Wen et al., assumed to be equal to 1020 hPa.
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