SLOVAKIA European Elections monitor General Elections in Slovakia 12th June 2010 ANALYSIS On 12th June next the Slovaks will be renewing the 350 members of the National Council of the 1 month before Republic, the only Chamber in Parliament. 2,041 candidates from 18 political parties and move- the poll ments will take part in this election. 7,900 prisoners will be able to take part for the first time; before this they were only allowed to vote in the presidential election. Finally one million Slovaks living abroad (mostly in the UK) will be able to fulfil their civic duty by mail. Four years ago 3,427 of them did so. The Slovakian Political System Robert Fico’s Domination The National Council of the Republic comprises 150 Outgoing Prime Minister Robert Fico is undeniably the members elected for 4 years by proportional represen- strong man in Slovakian politics. Taking office on 17th tation. In order to stand in the elections any party or June 2006, the head of Government enjoy a high rate movement has to deliver a declaration certifying that it of popularity amongst the population. In spite of what has rallied at least 10,000 members. If these numbers might be said the SMER-SD leader did not modify the are inferior to this a party can however hand in a sup- economic structure of the country when he took power port petition bearing a number of signatures enabling nor did he undo most of the reforms set in motion by it to reach the correct figure. A deposit of 16,500 € is his predecessor Mikulas Dzurinda (SDKU), Prime Minis- obligatory for each list. ter from 1998 to 2006. A political party must win at least 5% of the votes cast in order to be represented in the National Council of the Slovakian GDP growth lay at -5% in 2009 and is due, Republic, a coalition of two or three parties must win at according to analysts, to turn positive and rise to 2% least 7% (10% if it rallies four parties or more). this year. In 2007 Slovakia had the highest growth rate in the EU with 10.4%. The GDP/capita represents Six political parties are represented at present on the 63.5% of the European average; it is the weakest in National Council of the Republic: the euro area. Unemployment affected 14.2% of the - Direction-Social Democracy (SMER-SD), a social de- working population at the end of February 2010, i.e. the mocrat movement created on 29th October 1999 and second highest rate after Spain (19%) and before Ire- led by outgoing Prime Minister Robert Fico; 50 seats; land (13.2%). In addition to this Slovakia is the country - The Christian and Democratic Union-Democratic Par- amongst OECD members to have experienced the shar- ty (SDKU-DS) led by Iveta Radicova, 31 MPs; pest rise in unemployed (+4.1%) over the last few - The National Party (SNS), led by Jan Slota and mem- months. Finally foreign investments declined greatly in ber of the outgoing government coalition, 20 seats; 2009. They totalled 244.4 million € and led to the crea- - The Hungarian Coalition Party (SMK), chaired by Pal tion of 4,450 jobs (in comparison in 2007 they reached Csaky; 20 seats; 1,277 million and 16,852 jobs were created). - The Movement for Democratic Slovakia (LU-HZDS), led by former Prime Minister (1993-1998), Vladimir Meciar To attenuate the effects of the international crisis, Ro- and member of the outgoing coalition; 15 seats; bert Fico increased State social spending thereby wor- - The Christian Democrat Movement (KDH), a party sening the budgetary deficit significantly. In 2009 for created in 1990, led by Pavol Hrusovsky, 14 seats; the first time ever Slovakia saw the latter rise above Policies FONDATION ROBERT SCHUMAN / GENERAL ELECTIONS IN SLOVAKIA / 12TH JUNE 2010 General Elections in Slovakia 12th June 2010 3% of the GDP allowed in the Stability and Growth Pact lary equal or superior to 3,000 or 4,000 € monthly. He to settle at 6,3%. «Slovakia will be amongst the few would like to continue his economic work in support countries to improve their public finances this year,» of recovering State control of the country’s strategic declared Robert Fico who also maintains that the bud- industrial heritage. Robert Fico is campaigning and re- 02 getary deficit will be brought below the 3% by 2012. peats that if the SDKU-DS returns to power this party The Prime Minister likes to remind people that in spite will upset the economy and privatise the national com- of the crisis he managed not to freeze salaries nor in- panies which will contribute, in his opinion, to the wea- crease taxes. He is proud of his country’s adoption of kening of the State and Slovakian interests. He also the single currency on 1st January 2009. Robert Fico maintains that the main opposition party will abolish also declared that he wanted Jan Pociatek former busi- the law on the establishment of Slovakian as the State nessman, Finance Minister and craftsman of Slovakia’s language, approved in 2009 and it will build a second entry into the euro zone, to retain his post after the Hungarian university in Slovakia. general elections on 12th June. The main question which observers are asking is: who One of Slovakia’s problems is that most of its invest- will govern with Robert Fico? ments have been made in a small number of econo- «The Slovakian National Party has little chance of mic sectors and only in certain regions of the country. staying in power,» stresses Pavel Haulik, a sociolo- Hence the GDP of the region of Bratislava represents gist at the pollster MVK. In addition to this relations 148.7% of the European average, the unemployment between Robert Fico and Vladimir Meciar are not really rate is only 4.6% whilst in the area of Presov, the lat- the best: the results produced by the Movement for a ter has risen to 18.1% with a GDP representing only Democratic Slovakia (LU-HZDS) will be vital for possi- 34.7% of the European average, likewise the region ble participation in the next government. Many ana- of Banska-Bystrica where unemployment totals 21.1% lysts believe that the future government coalition will and the GDP 46.9% of the European average. only include one other party with the SMER-SD. Some Over the last two years of his term in office Robert political analysts believe in the SMER-SD/Christian De- Fico has done away with some of the measures esta- mocratic Movement (KDH) alliance, others believe in blished by his predecessor Mikulas Dzurinda such as the possibility of a coalition rallying the SMER-SD, KDH the obligatory contribution which is paid on every visit and the party representing the ethnic minorities Most- to the doctor, or after time spent in hospital and on the Hid (Pont). purchase of medicines. He also reviewed the labour laws making them less liberal. Robert Fico also reo- There is little doubt about SMER-SD’s victory on 12th riented Slovakia’s foreign policy, distancing it from the June next. But recently and also for the first time ever USA by opposing the anti-missile shield that the USA people have been wondering whether the outgoing wants to set up in the eastern part of Europe and by Prime Minister might be prevented from forming a withdrawing the Slovakian contingent from Iraq. Under government because he may not be able to rally opi- his regime Slovakia also entered the Schengen area. nion to his cause or he may not be able to put forward a coherent line of action. At least Robert Fico can be The SMER-SD programme includes a re-evaluation of pleased at the decision taken by the Movement for De- the minimum annual salary and the introduction of a mocracy (HZD), formerly the party of the President of special end of year bonus for pensioners which could the Republic, Ivan Gasparovic founded in 2002 and led become a 13th month of retirement pay. Robert Fico, by Jozef Grapa, which chose in November 2009 to dis- who wants to increase solidarity by way of the fiscal solve and merge with SMER-SD. system does not want to review the single tax rate which affects both revenue, companies and VAT – all Can the opposition win? at 19%; but he does not rule out the introduction of Just a few months ago the Democratic Christian a progressive tax on income for those who earn a sa- Union-Democratic Party (SDKU-DS) leader, Mikulas Policies FONDATION ROBERT SCHUMAN / GENERAL ELECTIONS IN SLOVAKIA / 12TH JUNE 2010 General Elections in Slovakia 12th June 2010 Dzurinda, announced that he was no longer going Party (SDKU-DS), the Christian-Democrat Movement to be head of the party. «I am taking this decision (KDH) and his party. because I want the electoral campaign to focus on people, programmes and on what Robert Fico and his Most-Hid, a party founded recently by some SMK government have done,» declared the former Prime members who rejected Pal Csaky’s management style, 03 Minister. Two people were vying for his seat: Ivan is chaired by Bela Burgar. In view of the general elec- Miklos, former Finance Minister and Iveta Radicova, tions he started negotiations with the SDKU-DS as well former Labour Minister and unfortunate candidate in as with the new party, Freedom and Solidarity (SaS) the presidential election on 21st march and 4th April with whom Most-Hid would like to work.
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