EPA Report: Verified Source: Pestlink Operational Report for Possum, Ship rat Control in the Russell Forest and Cape Brett 12 Sep 2018 - 29 Sep 2018 27/02/2019 Department of Conservation Whangarei Contents 1. Operation Summary Operation Name Possum, Ship rat Control in Russell Forest and Cape Brett Operation Date 12 Sep 2018 - 29 Sep 2018 District Whangarei Region: Northern North Island Pestlink Reference 1819WNG01 Treatment Area Russell Forest and Cape Brett Size (ha) 7936.00 Conservation Unit Name(s) GA Id(s) Taparahaia Stream Marginal Strip 2795376 Russell Forest 2795709 Russell Forest 2797484 Deep Water Cove Scenic Reserve 2797568 Manawahuna Scenic Reserve 2797569 Te Toroa Scenic Reserve 2797570 Whangamumu Scenic Reserve 2797571 Ngaiotonga Scenic Reserve 2797602 Russell Forest 2797603 Treatment Block Details Treatment Blocks Size (ha) Grid Ref GIS Ref Cape Brett 1717.00 AV30 Russell Forest 6219.00 AW30 Contractor Name EPRO Treatment Dates Start Completion Cape Brett 12 Sep 2018 29 Sep 2018 Russell Forest 12 Sep 2018 28 Sep 2018 Target Pest Details Target Treatment Blocks Control Method Name Pests Cape Brett Possum, Pesticide Aerial Pesticide - Aerial in Cape Brett-(1) Ship rat Russell Forest Possum, Pesticide Aerial Pesticide - Aerial in Russell Forest- Ship rat (2) Conservation Outcome(s) Russell Forest Block This operation will not restore the degraded state of Russell Forest alone. It should temporarily reverse the decline of canopy and sub-canopy trees, allow a cohort of seedlings to germinate, and improve the nesting success of most forest birds for up to 2 years. A comprehensive outcome monitoring regime is not yet in place, and time does not allow pre- treatment data to be collected, however there is a commitment to put at least basic outcome monitoring in place following the operation. This regime may include:- • Nest monitoring (including non-treatment control block) • Photo points of foliar browse. • A re-measure of historic foliar browse indices Cape Brett Block At Cape Brett the operation aims to build on the work already being done to rid the headland of introduced predators. An aerial 1080 operation will significantly reduce numbers of possums and rats, enabling populations of some native species to recover and increase. In early July 2018, a team lead by Isabel Castro (Massey University) collected kiwi call count data using automated recorders. This will provide a useful baseline of information from which kiwi population changes can be tracked over time. The team also collected rat tracking and possum bite mark data as a pre-treatment index. Result Target(s) Treatment Area/Block What we got • • A Bite Mark Index Cape Brett 4%BMI (BMI) of less than 10% or a Residual Trap Catch of less than 3% (3 possums per 100 trap-nights) by 30 October 2018 • • A Bite Mark Index Russell Forest 16%BMI (BMI) of less than 10% or a Residual Trap Catch of less than 3% (3 possums per 100 trap-nights) by 30 October 2018 • • Cape Brett 0%RTI • • Russell Forest 0.6%RTI Pestlink Ref: 1819WNG01 Page 2 of 16 Date Printed: 06 Mar 2019 Outcome Targets What we got • Outcome targets have not been well defined but outcomes will be measured via Manaaki Whenua Matauranga Maori project following the operation. • Cape Brett outcomes are being measured by an arrangement with Massey University co-ordinating this work. 2. Introduction 2.1 TREATMENT AREA Non-target species Common Name Scientific Name Pig Sus scrofa Cattle Bos taurus Target benefit species Common Name Scientific Name New Zealand pigeon Hemiphaga novaeseelandiae Petroica macrocephala South Island tomtit macrocephala - Prosthemadera novaeseelandiae Threatened species Common Name Scientific Name North Island brown kiwi Apteryx mantelli king fern Ptisana salicina paua slug Schizoglossa gigantea kauri snail Paryphanta busbyi watti Geographical location The Russell Forest and Cape Brett is situated 12 km West of Kawakawa. TREATMENT BLOCK DETAILS: Treatment block Cape Brett Coastal Broadleaf. Kanuka/ pohutukawa/taraire forest with coastal Vegetation type shrubland in more exposed sites Bioclimatic zone coastal Climate characteristics: Rainfall 1200 mm Temperature: Average Summer 20.0 Average Winter 15.0 Snow level - m Pestlink Ref: 1819WNG01 Page 3 of 16 Date Printed: 06 Mar 2019 Altitude 10-362 m Cape Brett is primarily used by the public for walking and tramping. The Cape Brett track leads to the historic lighthouse which has guided in visitors for the past 100 years. There is a 23 bed DOC serviced hut which will be closed along with the track during the operation. The hut, its water catchment, and three workers huts used by the Rawhiti 3B2 Trust will all have 100 metre exclusion zones applied around Community and Iwi them. The public hut on the Cape Brett peninsula will be booked out interests by DOC from 13th August to 19 October or until the operation is complete, and an alert will be placed on the DOC website. The Cape Brett coastline is also regularly used by private boats, tourism operators and swimmers/snorkelers. Signage will be in place at known landing sites and personel will be present during the actual operation to prevent people entering the treatment area while bait is being applied. Entire peninsular is significant to most Northland Iwi. Historic sites Historic lighthouse at the northern point. Treatment block Russell Forest kauri-broadleaf forest. Towai/taraire/totara/tanakaha/kanuka Vegetation type dominant canopy types with emergent kauri and podocarp species in places. (Natural Areas of Whangaruru Ecological District 2005) Bioclimatic zone semi-coastal Climate characteristics: Rainfall 1500 mm Temperature: Average Summer 20.0 Average Winter 15.0 Snow level - m Altitude 20-430 m Walking and pig hunting are the two main recreational activities undertaken in Russell Forest. The Te Araroa trail crosses the northern end of the treatment area for a length of approximately 3.6 km and the Te Ranga Trig (northern section) track borders the treatment area for approximately 3.1 km. There is a day shelter on the Papakauri track, Community and Iwi which will have a 100m exclusion zone around it. The track itself will interests be cleared of baits following the operation. The Pukemoremore (southern section) track Extends from Punaruku Road to the Te Araroa Trail junction but is subject to a Rahui due to the presence of kauri dieback disease within the Punaruku catchment. Regardless of this, the track will be cleared of baits following the operation. Historic sites A number of Urupa are present within the treatment area 2.2 MANAGEMENT HISTORY Management history was not chosen to be shown in this operational report. This history is, however, available via Pestlink Pestlink Ref: 1819WNG01 Page 4 of 16 Date Printed: 06 Mar 2019 3 Outcomes and Targets 3.1 CONSERVATION OUTCOMES Russell Forest Block This operation will not restore the degraded state of Russell Forest alone. It should temporarily reverse the decline of canopy and sub-canopy trees, allow a cohort of seedlings to germinate, and improve the nesting success of most forest birds for up to 2 years. A comprehensive outcome monitoring regime is not yet in place, and time does not allow pre- treatment data to be collected, however there is a commitment to put at least basic outcome monitoring in place following the operation. This regime may include:- • Nest monitoring (including non-treatment control block) • Photo points of foliar browse. • A re-measure of historic foliar browse indices Cape Brett Block At Cape Brett the operation aims to build on the work already being done to rid the headland of introduced predators. An aerial 1080 operation will significantly reduce numbers of possums and rats, enabling populations of some native species to recover and increase. In early July 2018, a team lead by Isabel Castro (Massey University) collected kiwi call count data using automated recorders. This will provide a useful baseline of information from which kiwi population changes can be tracked over time. The team also collected rat tracking and possum bite mark data as a pre-treatment index. 3.2 TARGETS 3.2.1 Result Targets The result targets for the treatment area were: • • A Bite Mark Index (BMI) of less than 10% or a Residual Trap Catch of less than 3% (3 possums per 100 trap-nights) by 30 October 2018 • • 3.2.2 Outcome Targets The outcome targets for the treatment area were: • Outcome targets have not been well defined but outcomes will be measured via Manaaki Whenua Matauranga Maori project following the operation. • Cape Brett outcomes are being measured by an arrangement with Massey University co- ordinating this work. Pestlink Ref: 1819WNG01 Page 5 of 16 Date Printed: 06 Mar 2019 4 Consultation, Consents & Notifications 4.1 CONSULTATION Representatives from the nine hapu/marae have been working with the Department of Conservation (DOC) and the Northland Regional Council (NRC) to draft a 20-year forest health strategy. Twelve consultation huinga have been held on marae that surround Russell Forest over the last 18 months. The aim of the huinga was to develop the forest health strategy, seek support for the use of appropriate pest control tools including aerial 1080, and agree to a long-term governance structure to implement the forest health strategy. The last four of the twelve huinga was more focused on ratifying the use of aerial 1080 as a start point to the implementation of the 20 year strategy. The roopu (Hapu representatives) gained support for “all the available tools” to be used, including aerial 1080, for pest animal control and a Letter of Agreement was signed by the roopu and the Department of Conservation in July 2018 outlining the conditions under which the respective Hapu agreed not to oppose an aerial 1080 operation. The process for Cape Brett has been driven by the Rawhiti 3B2 Ahuwhenua Trust who administer the majority of the Cape Brett peninsula.
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