national mod Stirling 7th-15th October 1971 tLbe ©ban ©lines anb West IfMoblanb ©imes FOR NEWS AND I! PHOTOGRAPHS OF THE MOD ^be Oban ^tmes WILL BE ON SALE IN STIRLING ON WEDNESDAY EVENING Tha Bord-Leasachaidh na Gaidhealtachd agus nan Eilean a’ cur failte oirbh uile, eadar luchd-ciuil agus luchd- eisdeachd aig am a9 Mhoid Naiseanta ann an Struighlea «gg The Highlands and Islands Development Board. Bridge House, Bank Street, Inverness Sensible people put their money matters People in the hands of the Clydesdale Bank- no fuss, no bother... just a friendly who mean efficient service over the counter—and a full range of banking facilities when business you need them. choose the Clydesdale Bank 2 AN COMUNN GAIDHEALACH Patron: Her Majesty The Queen PROGRAMME of the Sixty-eighth Annual Mod CONTENTS PAGE Programme 5 Executive and Regional Councils 7 Facal bho’n Cheann Suidhe 8 Notes for guidance of Competitors 12 Time-table 13 Halls Plan 22 Junior Section— Thursday—Oral Delivery 23 Vocal Music 28 Frida y—Oral Delivery 39 Vocal Music 47 Instrumental 49 Saturday—Junior Piping 57 Fiddle Groups 58 Open Piping 60 Senior Section— Written Competitions 61 Tuesday—Vocal Music 62 Wednesday—Vocal Music 69 Thursday—Oral Delivery 76 Vocal Music 80 Clarsach 87 Frida y—Vocal Music 89 Piano 93 Trophies and Donors 96 Medals, etc. and Donors 98 Winners of Premier Competitions 99 Cover photograph by courtesy of J. Arthur Dixon Studios, Inverness. Cover designed by John Player & Sons Design Studios. Printed in Scotland by A. Lear month & Son, 9 King Street, Stirling 3 Who cares about Bannockburn? The National Trust for Scotland does—and for other aspects of Scotland’s onheritage. legacies, A donationscharity, notand a members’government subscriptions. department, the Trust depends theIf you Trust’s care forwork. Scotland write now for a free colour booklet on THE NATIONAL TRUST FOR SCOTLAND 5 CHARLOTTE SQUARE, EDINBURGH EH2 4DU 031-225 2184 4 AN COMUNN GAIDHEALACH Patron: Her Majesty The Queen Programme of the Sixty-eighth Annual Mod MOD LOCAL COMMITTEE OFFICE-BEARERS Convener — Mr. A. McCaskie. Vice-Conveners — Mr. I. D. McCallum, Rev. J. MacDougall, M.A. Rev. M. A. MacCorquodale, M.A. Secretary — Mr. N. A. Cameron, M.A., 8 Windsor Place, Stirling. Assistant Secretary — Mr. D. J. Macaulay, 31 Randolph Road, Stirling. Treasurer — Mr. G. F. Asher, 3 Laurelhill Place, Stirling. GAELIC SERVICE in CHURCH OF THE HOLY RUDE on Sunday, 10th October. Service conducted by Rev. M. A. MacCorquodale, M.A. Readers, Rev. Archibald M. Beaton, T.D., M.A., and Mr. I. D. MacCallum. Precentor, Mr. W. MacDonald. GAELIC SERVICE in ST. MARY’S R.C. CHURCH, Upper Bridge Street, on Sunday, 10th October, at 11.30 a.m. Service conducted by the Rt. Rev. M. MacDonell, President, St. Francis Xavier College. OFFICIAL OPENING of the Mod in the BALLROOM, GOLDEN LION HOTEL on Monday, 11th October, at 7.30 p.m. The formal proceedings will be followed by an informal ceilidh. Admission free. ADMISSION TO COMPETITION SESSIONS Junior Section — Thursday and Friday. Day Ticket, 20p. Saturday, 9th October — Open Piping and Fiddle Groups, 20p ; Juvenile Piping, 15p ; Solo Violin, 15p. Senior Section — Tuesday, Day Ticket, 20p ; Wednesday Forenoon, 15p ; Wednesday Afternoon, 20p ; Thursday Forenoon, 25p ; Thursday Afternoon, 15p ; Clarsach, lOp ; Choral and Clarsach, 25p ; Friday Forenoon, Piano, lOp ; Choral and Piano, 20p ; Friday Afternoon, Lovat and Tullibardine, 30p ; Margrat Duncan, 20p ; Season Ticket (Senior Section only), £1.25. Fiddlers’ Rally in Albert Hall, on Saturday, 9th October, at 7 p.m. Admission 40p. Recital of Cedi Mor in Smith Institute, on Saturday, 9th October, at 8 p.m. Admission 30p, Feisd in Albert Hall, on Monday, 11th October, at 10 p.m. Ticket, £1. Broadcast Ceilidh in Albert Hall, on Tuesday, 12th October, at 8 p.m. Ticket, 30p. Gaelic Drama. Session of One-Act Plays on Wednesday, 13th October, at 8 p.m. Admission 20p. Late Night Ceilidhs in Albert Hall, on Thursday, 14th October, and in the Smith Institute on Friday, 15th October at 11 p.m. Admission, 30p. CONCERTS Junior Concert, and the Final of the Schools’ Quiz Competition in the Albert Hall, on Thursday, 7th October, at 7 p.m. Presiding, Mr J. Meldrum, Director of Education, Stirlingshire. Admission, 25p. Junior Concert in the Albert Hall, on Friday, 8th October, at 7.30 p.m. Presiding, Mr. T. Landsborough. Director of Education, Clackmannanshire. Admission, 25p. Rural Choirs’ Concert in the Albert Hall, on Thursday, 14th October, commencing at 7.30 p.m. Presiding, Provost R. D. McIntyre. Admission, 50p. Reserved. Grand Concerts in the Allanpark Cinema, on Friday, 15th October. First House, 6.30 p.m. Presiding, Major-General F. C. C. Graham. Second House, 9 p.m. Presiding, Rt. Rev. M. MacDonell, President, St. Francis Xavier College. Admission, 60p reserved ; 50p unreserved. 5 A royal welcome awaits you at the GOLDEN LION King of hotels Headquarters of An Comunn Gaidhealach This fine hotel in the best style of Scottish tradition offers a standard of cuisine and hospitality unequalled in Stirling and rarely matched in the country. Truly superb food and a comprehensive cellar ensure a charming meal when lunching or dining at the GOLDEN LION HOTEL King Street, Stirling. Telephone: Stirling 5351 Executive Council, 1971-72 Rev. Archibald M. Beaton, T.D., M.A., President Elected from the Northern Regional Council Mr. I. R. Mackay, Vice-President Mr. Tom Maciver Mr. ArchieD. J. MacCuish Macdonald Mr. M.F. G.Campbell Thompson Dr.Miss J. Kay A. MacleanMatheson FatherMr. Duncan D. K. MacQuarrieKeith. Elected from the Southern Regional Council Mr. Roderick Mackinnon, Vice-President Mr. Norman E. Macdonald Mr. R.Robert L. M. Davidson Banks Rev.Mr. CalumJohn MacDougallA. Maclnnes Mr.Miss GilbertKirsteen MacAllister M. Grant Mr. A.Calum P. Shaw D. Morrison Representatives Councillor McClements, representing Glasgow Corporation Mr. DonaldJohn A. MacAulay,Smith, representing representing Joint Celtic Committee Departments of College of the of UniversitiesEducation ProvostMr. Ronald R. Macleod,Macdonald, representing representing Argyll Inverness-shire County Council County Council Mrs.Mr. DonaldC. F. Rutherford, Kennedy, representing representing Lewis Association and Harris of County District Councils Councils Mr.Ex-Provost Murdo DonaldMacleod, Thomson, representing representing Ross-shire Educational County Council Institute of Scotland Mr. G.Archie Harvey Fraser Maclean, and MissFinancial May F.Adviser Hunter, Joint Conveners, Art and Industry Northern Regional Council Mr. R. Mackay, Chairman Mr. A. MacAulay FatherMr. D. J.D. MacCuishK. Keith, Vice-Chairman Mr. J.T. PorterMaciver Mr. M.A. FraserCampbell Mr. D.H. MacQuarrieMacRae MissMrs. A.L. CameronDraper MissMrs. K.C. MathesonMacdonald Mrs.Mr. D.V. MacLeanGrant Washington Dr.Mr. J.F. A.Macintosh Maclean Mr. A.D. MacdonaldMacLeod Co-opted—Mr.Mr. F. G. Thompson Finlay MacRae Southern Regional Council Mr. RoderickCalum D. Mackinnon,Morrison, Vice-ChairmanChairman Mr. CalumIan MacGregor A. Maclnnes Mr. RobertR. L. M. Davidson Banks Dr.Mrs. D. D. J. Maclean Macleod MissMr. ArchieKirsteen Dix M. Grant Mr. KennethMurdo Macleod Matheson Mr.Dr. A.Gilbert A. Kirkland MacAllister Mr. WilliamLachlan E.Munro Menzies Mr. Norman E. Macdonald Mrs,Mr. A.A. P.Whyte Shaw Rev.Miss JohnFlora MacDougallC- Macfarlan Facal bho*!! Cheann Suidhe An t-Urr. G. M. Peutan, T.D., M.A. An deidh deich bliadhna tha am Mod Naiseanta air ais a rithist an Sruighlea— an Dorus, mar a their iad, a tha fosgladh a mach fo shrathan farsaing na Galldachd gu beanntan is gleanntan na Gaidhealtachd. Mar aite-cruinneachaidh sluaigh as gach cearn a dh’Alba cha b’urrainn a bhith na b’fhearr. A thuilleadh air a sin, chan eil Sruighlea ach mar gum biodh ceum no dha air falbh bho fhaiche Allt a’ Bhonnaich, an raon ainmeil ud far an do choisinn feachd na h-Albainn “ urram is gloir ” nuair a shaor iad an duthaich bho chuing a namhaid. Chan eil mi’n duil, mar sin, gum b’urrainn bad nas freagarraiche fhaotainn gu “ Bratach na Gaidhlig ” a sgaoileadh aig an am so agus sinn a’ feuchainn ri curam a thaobh cor na Gaidhlig a bhrosnachadh aig Mod. Tha cuimhn’ agam leughadh an ait-eigin mineachadh annasach air mar a thug armailt na h-Albainn a bhuaidh a mach an aghaidh feachd lionmhor Shasainn air an latha ainmeil ud. Bhuadhaich iad, bha an sgriobhaiche am beachd, chan ann gu buileach le neart is seasmhachd nan seoid a bh’air an raon ach ann an seadh neo-shuarach, le cuideachadh a fhuair iad bho mhuinntir eile nach robh idir air an ciinntas ’nan luchd-cogaidh. B’iadsan luchd-leanmhainn a’ champa— cocairean, sgalagan agus eadhon searbhantan — a bha ri faire gu h-eagalach ag amharc sios air an raon bho fhasgadh ballachan a’ Chaisteil. Chunnaic iad mar bha’n cath a’ dol, agus an uair a chunnaic iad gu robh am feachd Albannach an cunnart a bhith air a ruagadh, ghlac iad gach bata, speal is coran a bha laimh riutha, agus mar bheum-steibhe, ghabh iad ’nan deann-ruith sios an sliabh gu raon Allt a’ Bhonnaich agus thilg iad iad fhein an teis-meadhon a’ bhatail! Tha’n eachdraidh ag radh air do na Sasannaich so fhaicinn gun do shaoil iad gu robh feachd ur air tighinn a chum an sgrios—thainig crith-cath orra air fad ’s ghabh iad an ratreut, a’ fagail na buaidh-laraich aig Brus is a chuid ghaisgeach. Mas ann mar sin gu fior a thachair tha so fior cuideachd ann an cath sam bith—cha ghabh tomhas cur air de an toradh a leanas beartan dileas treubhantais. Cha suarach a’ chobhair as lugha a gheibhear an latha na h-eigin. ’S ann aig Ni Math fhein tha fios de a b’urrainn am prasgan ud a dheanamh aig Blar Allt a’ Bhonnaich’s gun aca ’nan doirn ach spealan is corain is steafagan an aghaidh marcaichean is fir-bogha Shasainn.
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