Lleic]E in a Cworld Ofcwonderlands , the TRANSLATIONS of LEWIS CARROLL S MASTERPIECE

Lleic]E in a Cworld Ofcwonderlands , the TRANSLATIONS of LEWIS CARROLL S MASTERPIECE

llEIC]E In a CWorld ofCWonderlands , THE TRANSLATIONS OF LEWIS CARROLL S MASTERPIECE VOLUME ONE Essays General Editor JON A. LINDSETH 'Technical Editor ALAN TANNENBAUM OAK KNOLL PRESS in coopera tion with The Lewis Carro ll Society of North America OAK KNOLL PRESS 310 Delaware Street New Castle, Delaware, USA 19720 © 2015 The Contributors. All Rights Reserved First Edition published in 2015 The essay "The Universal Child" by Warren Weaver first appeared in Alice ill MallY TOllgues, 1964, University of Wisconsin Press and is used by permission . The map on the end papers was made by Connie Brown of Redstone Studios LLC of Durham. CT. ALL RIGHTS RESERVP.D No part of this book may be reproduced in any manner without the express wrillen consent of Oak Knoll Press, except in cases of brief excerpts in critical reviews and articles. Printed in China on acid-free paper meeting the requirements of ANSIIN ISO Z39.48-1992 (Permanence of Puper) Library of Congress Cataloguing-in-Puhlication data available from Oak Knoll Press ISBN : 978· 1. 58 456.33 1.0 Volume One: Essays ~ ED ITORIAL NOTE 13 Foreword' David C')lstal 15 Introducti on ' A. Jail Lindseth 21 PRELIMINARY ESSAYS Warren Weave r's Alice in Many Tongues: A Critical Appraisa l · Emer 0 'Sullivan 29 Alice and Global Bibliography: Reading Ih e Wh ole Book' Michael F. SlIarez, SJ 42 The Universal Child . Warren Weaver 47 Lewis Carroll as He Was' MOrlon N. Cohen 51 Al ice Liddell as She Wa s' Morton N. Cohen 65 The Alice Books: English Classics' MOrlOIl N. Cohell 71 Translations of Alice during the Lifetime of Lewis Carroll · Edward Wakeling 80 The Real Flood of Translations . Selwyn Gaodacre 99 A SELECTION OF COVERS IN COLOR LANGUAGES Afrikaans' Le/onie de Roubaix and lise Feinauer 127 Albanian (Gheg and Tosk) . Merita Bajraktari McCormack 130 Arabic ' Nadia EI Kholy 134 Aragonese . Antonio Chuse Gil Ereza 137 Annenian (Eastern) . Zoya Pirzad 139 Aromanian . Mariana Bora '41 Assamese . Pradip'a, Bargo/win 144 Asturian' Xilberlo Liana 147 Azerbaijani . Sheyda SOllleymanova 150 Basque' Manu Lopez Caseni Belaru sian . Max SCllr 15 5 Bengali · Nivedila Sen 159 Bosnian ' Sandra Novkil1 ii; 164 Brazilian Portuguese ' Lauro Maia Amorim ,66 Brazilian Sign Language ' Clelia Regina RalllO.l' 168 Breton . Herve Le Bihan I II Bulgarian ' /van Derzhanski 174 Cata lan ' fhll7ce.\'c Parceri.w,\' 178 Ccbuano . Marilla P Hmnoy lS, Chinese ' ZOIlKx in Fel7~ , 87 Cornish ' Nicholas .J.;/, Williallls 199 Croati an · Smiljall(l Nar(lfltii: Kovac !Q 1 Vo ltllll(' (Jlle . Tlw f.l'.I'<lYs CO N r liN I'!i ( ,. 1", . t .,. ' Jll . Il "Ith II. I J." r "~" P'l '" • I , t( I {". .... ,J. p ..... "" I """1 P,tI" lar HI I ",,,",,in \/I/'~/" (" I n~l):d JJ • I ." If. rylif~ ' tn \l.rr",.,,,,1 A rll fI"J., ~ '1( IIQ>lJW"f{'1 1I0 I 'll-n tr"I""'1I Ti,"""',, 1I. I I)" 't"..n "m m.1 P 11,1"ff ll l l11n,.h ' f,,,~u. J .h'i I I I\. h " ,' i>t'lIr 'iO"! ( hr' ITI 1 ""111 11 ( \\ ct.1) , ,,,,, 'U'I fJer U r~. I .4 I\..,m"" 14 1) (.. "II\.IIm 1"'l'llI /lUNlI .\. (" IC("llhl ll ("M)!! (,04,..11 H\ (,c l lll;J n "",CI () 'SUI/"d" 1S 9 (i',lhll I ' O I'U/ Ii ( 'odltnl 170 (;1\'(:. "- /)1,1",,,olt IJ mlHf Ku:u:1t 17J G IlPIn!!1 lim,,1 '\h' ~ /1t1 "" (' A" ljlia,.,o 176 II UWIIIIUII Kcut} AIrS",,,}, lSI I h:hl'c\\' . Htldll'l IfI." \\hnHI IH6 Ilimli S,ummYII Sal/HII/n' ami /,(1/11 Kllmur 1 8~ lIungnrinll . "' WIlI Kerr"y 194 kclnllllk" Ga"/ A:,.wmmmj .\OII, Ah·k..wm/rtl MaritI 'I(:W/uka, alltl J',411gneaJ. N!atthill.fdultir 299 IIHl n n~ si :t1l . ",,""y .4\'t'/"'J.! . Riru J.: . TuJw ,SllMm'/xlCt, (md I.u y Yuli{l.'i ri 302 Irish · Alcm 7i' I I( ~\ ' 307 Itlilian . At/e '/c ' Ca",,,,llrlJftl 310 JIl(1l1ncSc . } h.s"~ \ ' "k i Mumma 316 Jerrini s . Gt'milll Jf.-'lllJ i"gs 320 Kunnndn . Iryclyakrmmr M. Borall; 324 Knzakh . Fatima Moldashora 316 Konk ani . Pad",a Baliga 329 Korean ' Kong-hoon Lee 331 Korean (Sewell version) . ViclOr;a J OII Sewell 333 Kurdish (Sorani) . Ka\'eh Tagll(lrobi 33 5 Lndino . Avner Perez 338 Lao ' Gregory H. Green 341 Latgalian . I/ga SliplillSka 343 Latin ' Allgllsl A. Imhollz. Jr. 346 Latvian ' Kristine Baiza and Gunta Loemele 349 Lithuanian ' Agile Zoilibiene 352 Low Gemla" . Reinhard F Halll' 355 I', Macedonian . Rumena Buiarovska Alice in a World of Wonderlands 8 CONTENTS ~hlla )' . I"haidull 'bralllm -lld ' )61 I ~f " l lIyn "lIn AI/lo "/I1O",m ChflkmmaU'/III1t/ Alir/n A'"smr )64 . Mallia ~ l lIhl',e (~(t'1l )68 Mllnllllll Ng)' G/nll ( -/,,,, Chw'K ) 71 MUII\ Alull ]l,h·,· ) 75 Mlluri . Tom Hem 377 f\ lnNlllu Swati .Inir/( ·(.p Huje 381 1\'lcll ievnllrish . EIi:" lwlh /JoY/I! 38 4 MCI11l01lile Low German ' Thies.H:II .Iack 387 Middle Brehm ' IIt'I'I',: I,e lIilum 389 fvl iddlc Wel sh ' Sib'a Nllrmio 391 f\'lol du vill ll ' H/t'lla SlIff 395 Mongolian ' G, ""(·/I(/·Ooyo 40t Montencgrin . GO I'Ulillll Klts illclif: 404 Ndcbclc (Zimbubwcan) . Dio ll Nko mo 406 Nellpolilan ' Siefimia Tondo 411 Nepa li · C. M. 111111dllll 417 Norwegian ' Krislin (i)lja.w.!ler 419 Occitull ( Provc n ~a l) , Philippe Blal/chet 411 Old Norse ' Vi C:IOI';a Coudie, Alexis LCIIISblll),. and Richard MlIl1ro 415 Ori yn ' SlImanyu Sa/pathy and A"imesh Molwpatra 419 Pa lati ne Germa n (Vorderp1l Izisch) . Frallz Schlosser 433 Papiamc nlo ' Augiolilla 1-lel1riq uez 436 Pashlo and Dari - Rahman A. Armol/ 438 Persian ' Forie/ell Powgi\! 439 Picard (Borain) . Alldre Capron 44' Pitj!lntjatjara . Nllncy Sheppard 445 Pitjantjatjara Ill ustrations ' Byron Iv. Sewell 44 7 Pitjantjatjara Ill ustrations ' DOlllla Leslie 449 Polish ' Monika Adamczyk-Garbowska 451 Portuguese . COl1cei~ao Pereira. Margarida Vale de GalO. alld Patricia Anile Odber de Baubefa 454 Romanian' Claudia Elena Stoian 457 Russ ian · Liudmyla I, Skuratovska and Maria L. Isakova 461 Rusyn . Milwjlo Fejsa 467 Samoan' Lila/ala Simanu-Klutz 469 Sasak - Harry Aveling, Muhammad Rifqi. alld Hariro Zamzam 473 Scots Languages: Overview' Derrick McClure 476 Scots (Borders) . Cameron Halfpenny 486 Scots (Caithness) . James Miller 490 Scots (East Angus and Kincardine) . Raymond Vettese 493 Scots (Glaswegian) . Thomas Clark 496 Scots (Northeast) . Derrick McCIlire 499 Voillme Olle . The Essays CONTENTS 9 104 !)cntilli (O r~n c)', IJ"''''(l llffM/,' 107 Scut", (~ h c tl n lld icl I UW 'l'f'II .1oh IlHUI \ 10 SCOIII (Sn ulh c n ~ 1 rC l1lml ) Sowly F"'''IIIIK \ 1) S CO I ~ (Synlhellc I.ilcmry ) . Alld"-' I\' ,\1"('0/111111 516 SCots t l"ler) ' A"I/(' .\Iorriw".smyth tJlld Mlclrnd f." '('I'!UJII 5 18 SCOI' (WCSI Cenlml Ayrshire ) . .111111('• • IJcgg SCIllli,h Gucli c (Mid-Argyll) . Adlwlllh 6 IJro ill 52 2 SCUll ish Glleli e (Non-Dialectal) . Mora), Wa tsoll 526 Scolli sh Gaeli c (Soulh UiSl) . Gilbert MllcMil/all 529 Se rhian . 'luana ];YljJill I) I Seychell es Creo le ' I'elldll Choppy 534 Shan gnni . Pelliall Mabaso 5)7 Shonu . SllIIm irai N)'uflI 011(1 Ts itsi NyoII; 5)9 Si nhala . SlIgo,lI Mallimla Senara,II 542 Slova k · .II/raj Vojtek 546 Sloven ian . J\-liIwjlo Mohur 550 Spani sh (lmd Other Lan guages of Spuin): Overview ' Jllan Gabriel Lopez GlIix 154 Swahi li · Ido /lodjim)'allis 567 Swedish · Bjorn Swulll/ork 57) Tagalog and Filipino ' Marilla P. /lam oy 581 Tajiki . IJal".idill Ali ev-A lizoda 586 Tamil ' R. A:Jwgal'Oscm 588 Tclugu . K. SIIIIeetlza ROlli 591 Thai ' Cllr;s Baker and Pasllk PlloIIgpaiclrit 595 Tongan ' Telesia Kalavite 598 Turkish ' Alev Balel Tisoll 601 Turoyo . Shabo Tolay 605 Ukrainian ' Oleg Upclrenko 608 Urdu' SIImallY1l Satpathy and Haris Qadeer 611 Uyghur . UmGljan HlijalimeJ, Feng Lill, Abidan Yibulayin, and Barharguly Ylmussy 615 Viennese ' Hans I-Verner Sokop 61 9 Vielnamese . Hoi1llg-TIII( Dlrang alld )ohll Celli 621 Voro . SlIlev Iva 624 Walloon ' Jean-Luc Fauconnier 628 Welsh' Siolled Davies 6)2 Xhosa ' Nosisi Mpolweni 6)5 Yiddi sh . Adilla Bar-EI 6)8 Zulu ' IJhekillkosi Ntl/Ii 642 ENGLISH DIALECTS Appalachian ' IJyroll W Sewell Cockney' Charlie Lovell Alice ill a World of WOllderlallds 10 CONTENTS I1rnish·Engli sh " Ahm M. K('1If Middk English " IJritlll S. I.e(' Old English " /'('/ ('1' S. /Jake'" S!;OllSC "I'otrick IItJII( l'/uJ/I /! S USSl":( " Richart! Coates ENGLISH IN OTHER ALPHABETS Alice in Unu sual Orthogrn l)hics . Michael Everson 668 Dcscrct Ewclli c Inlcrnation;11 Phonetic Alphabet Nyctographic Square Alphabet OR Barcode Shaw Unifon AJphagram . Adam TO/mum Kalai 672 Bm ill e " Clare Imholl: 674 Ciphers and Codes " Edll'w"d '''ake/ins 676 Nspcl . Francis K. JOllIISOll 678 Shorthand' Catherine M. Parisian 681 CONSTRUCTED LANGUAGES Invented Languages: Overview' Sarah L. Higley Blissymbol s' Michae/ Eversoll Esperanto' Patrick H. Wynne Lingua Franca Nova' Simoll Davies 700 Lingwa de Planeta . DmillY Ivanov 702 Lojban . J\tIark ShOll/son 705 Nco' Ralph Midgley 707 Sam bah sa . Olivier Simoll 709 VolapOk . Michael Everson 7" ILLUSTRATIONS The Illustrations of Alice: Overview' Jon A. Lindseth and Stephanie Lovell Alice Illustrations as Translation' Nilee M. Pereira A/ice: Illu strated by a World of Artists " Adriana Peliallo Fashions of Alice' Kiera Vaclavik ADDITIONAL ESSAYS Carro llian Comi cs Worldwide' Byron W Sewell alld Mark 11lm'tein 728 Disney's Alice in Other Languages and Land s' Mati Crtillda/I 730 Zumori gcnnil: A Parody of This Project' Byron Iv.

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