RED BANK GISTER • VOLUME LXX, NO. 9.. RED BANK, N. J., THURSDAY, AUGUST 21, 1947 SECTION ONE—PAGES 1 TO 12 Bicycle Race No State Funds Of ficers Of New Eatontown Pastor Virginia Families Attracts Throng To Teach School Attempt To Unionize A bicycle race between an ccto- For Permanent Hospital Group Rov. Dunham V. Reinlg, who re- genarian and hla 7&-year-old antag- cently received a unanimous invi- Purchase Homes onist stopped traffic on Main street Housing For Vets Are Elected . tation to return as .pastor of Eat- Boro Bus Co. Fails in Belford recently and attracted a ontown Methodist church for the cheering throng as the two cyclists second year, has been engaged as pedaled persplrlngly down tbe Rumson Official . Mra. dimming Heads teacher of the seventh grade in the Neighbors In Alexandria Buy course to a close finish, with 83- Eatontown public school, He will Discharged Workers Spread Rumori year-old William Morrell winning Reports Findings Children's Auxiliary At replace Mra. Turnberger of Long by Jwo lengths. • : Branch, who resigned, Mrs. Leota At Lfittle Silver And Fair Haven To. Boro Council " Monmouth Memorial Schulz, wife of Chaplain Schulz of All Employees Receive Raises The prize was not a silver cup Fort Monmouth, will succeed Mrs. '1 but tankards all around, provided Two families living about a block Councilman Charles B. Harding, Mrs. Peter H. B. Cummlng of Helen Brown of Freehold as sixth Three employees of the Boro Bui by LangfordV tavern. * •' Rumson.has been'elected president grade teacher. apart; In Alexandria, Va., have pur- This is how the race came about. reported at the meeting of the company, who were discharged re- chased homes through the Ray Plan Round-Up Rumson mayor and council last or the newly-formed child ren's aux- The appointments were made at AbrahamZager_ cently, have been-UnsucceMfulIy at- _ Some weeks past Joseph Gallnslt], : :-VanHom-Agency-of-Palr-Havenr Thursday nlglit ~"thar under—ths iliary-of TMonmouth Memorial'hog-~ aspecial mcetinp Mo«afiy"nlght"or tempting to establish ah A. F. of L. Who does odd jobs about town; was pltal. The- gjoup Js replacing the the Eatontown board of education in the Red Bank area, one property forced to travel afoot when his present Bet-up the state will supply Counselor at Law Drivers' union in the company as being located at Little Silver and T5FSenior Scouts funds only for temporary housing Two Rivers - auxiliary which was on recommendation of the teachers' a means of "getting back", at the trusty bicycle was smashed in an dissolved this year, and is continu- committee, of which Edward H. the other In the River Oaks section accident. Sympathetic - patrons of for veterans, and thatMhe houses organization for their dismissal, it .. of Fair Haven. '.'•••• ' \ v First Annual Event must be rented, not sold, arid event- ing to assume its. responsibilities, Emmons is chairman. Miss Mar- ' To Be Sworn In At - was revealed this week by David Langford's' tavern, wherein Joe that of providing clothing for the garet Fetter Is returning as prin- One of the buyers is Lieut. Col- was often want to quench his ually must be razed. Mr. Hardihg's W. Russell, general manager and onel Sidney F. Dull, who is op To Be Held In Sept. report was the result of an Investi- children's ward and th«rnecessary cipal of the school, which reopens Trenton In Sept. treasurer of the company. ' i • ' ^ / • thirst, offered to provide 79?year-old funds for equipping the playroom Monday, September 8. terminal leave from the U. S. Gallnskl with a new bicycle It he gation he jnadc after the council These men, said Mr. Russell,, .Army. Col. and Mrs. Dull have More than 300 Senlpr Scouts of had been Informed at the previous with toya and a victrola. The Long Branch firm of Morris Abraham J. Zager, a member of have been circulating rumors and bought the residence owned by Mr. e'Boy.Scouts of America, repre- would engage In a cycle race down A drive for sustaining and ac- and Williams was awarded the the UV firm of Parsons, Labrecque, Main street with octogenarian Bill meeting" by John Grogan that It false facts among the employee* and Mrs. Russell S. OhI, located on, senting communities in seven may be possible to combine federal tive membership will be held with contract to paint the interior of the Canzona 4 Combs, 18 Wallace bf tlit company in an attempt to th» south side of Woodbine avenue Northern New Jersey counties, are Morrell, who is a fisherman of some Mrs. J. Upshur Moorhead serving school building, the Improvements street, received notification Friday repute as well as a bicyclist. and state aid for a permanent to be completed by' September 4. get them to join the union. in the Fpxwood park section of expected to take part in the«flrst housing project. ' as chairman, assisted by Mrs. Jos- that he had pased the examination The matter came to a head Little'Silver, The'house is of mod- annual Senior Scout round-up to be It is reported that all liquid' eph JLord, Mrs. Horace Toy, Mrs. for appointment as counselor-at-law A demand that steps be taken Rfchard Thomas, Mrs. Williamson Tuesday night of last week when ern design, has six rooms, photog- held in this state. The'conclave wagers on the classic event were immediately by the state to dredge and master In ohancery. He will be about 90 per cent of all employees / rapheris dark, room, game room, will be held oh September 18 and settled at' the tavern following a .Thomaa and Mrs. Edgar A. Knapp. Scottish Games sworn In at Trenton September 17 Polly's'.pond, or Oyster bay, an In- ' At a meeting at Mrs. Edgar A. of the company, Including driven, fireplace, automatic heat, screened^ 14 with' members of the Air Scouts, toast to the winner. let of the South Shrewsbury river, at tho Supreme Court In the state part-time drivers, office and shop porch and slate roof. On the ex- Explorer .'Scouts and. Sea .Scouts Knapp's residence In Rumson, of- house annex. was voiced by Mayor Louis M. ficers, an. advisory council, commit- Will Be Held workers, met at the company of- tensively' landscaped grounds, arriving by plane, boat and cars Hague, who declared that tho-ob- flcewlth Mr. RuBsell. I'which are enclosed ln.eteel f from Morrls^Sussex,JEtaritan.MSfl- Eprt Monmouth tee chairmen and a board of mana- ." lhg7"areTi.TtW(M;ar garagerk noxious odor is such that- it can-- gers wer?relectefl. Officers; includ- After the employees held a pre- dlesex, Monmouth, Union and not be continued. Decaying vege- Labor Day liminary gathering, Mr. Kuaaell ••' and a stone outdoor fireplace. Watchung Couoclls whose head- ing Mrs. Cummlng, are Mrs. Oliver ";, ..Col. Dull Ms vice president of the tation has been the .chief cause of k. Vletor vice president, Mrs. Rob- was called. In for the purpose of quarters are In Morrlstown," Perth To Distribute the offensive odor. The Rumson of- ert C. Lawrence, Jr., secretary, and determining what, if anything, was Hardln Chemical company of Mld- Ambo'y, New Brunswick, Long Clan Montgomery dleiown. — . •%. ' ficials will contact legislators and Mrs. Williamson Thomaa treasur- on the minds of the employees. The 1 Branch," Elizabeth and Plalnfleld, representatives on several state er. Committee chairmen are.Mrs. employees, who are members of a '.Mi , and Mrs. Edward P. Bar- respectively. War II Medals Will Field Soccer rows, also of Alexandria, have pur- boards in a drive to remedy, the Moorhead membership, Mrs. An- non-union association of Boro Bus " chased a home from plans through The program calls for the three situation as soon es possible. thony L. McKim and Mrs. Bayard And Other Teams workers, appointed a committee to divisions of the Senior' Scout de Vets, Next-of-kin Of D, Stout closet supplies, Mrs. Ran- talk to Mr, Russell to discuss the ••:'•' the VanHorn agency in the . Rlve^ partment to gather at various On motion by Councilman J. Ed- . Oaks section "bf Fair Haven. The ward Wilson, permission was grant- dall M. Keator, Jr., volunteers and Clan Montgomery of Monmouth problems. architects are McMurray ,and Chlr- points in Monmouth county for the Deceased Soldiers Mrs. John W. Ragsdale publicity. first half of the activities and then ed to the Rumson Veterans' organ- county will be well represented During, the talk with Mr. Rua? eotls of Union. Construction on ization and the Catholic War Vet- The advisory council Includes Labor day at Llnwood grove, near sell, It was-discovered that many • the home/will he started soon by for all Scouts, to meet at a com- May Apply There Mrs. George H. Bodman, Mrs. John mon junction'for the final session. erans to. use Victory park Labor Metuchcn, when Scottish clans of the problems on the minds of the:bulldere, and owners of River day for athletic events, arid a band Prentice Kellogg, Mrs. Knapp and throughout the state will compete the employees were "misconcep* Oaks, Allen (Brothers, Inc., of Red The present plans are for the Air Eligible Army veterans or i.axt- Bertram H. Borden. Members of Scouts to gather at the Monmouth of-kin of deceased veterans may concert, and a letter of thanks will in the annual Scottish games. Last tlons," which had been circulated /Sank, The home will have six 1 be sent to Bertram H..Borden for the board of managers are Mrs. year the games were hold on .the by the three discharged men.
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