Vol. 26, No. 29 July 18,'1983 BEIJIN A CHINESE WEEKLY OF EVIEW NEWS AND VIEWS II~ ~ ~. ._-~--~---~ Yunnan: A Multinational Province Wrong Tendency In Art Opposed Women Win Volleyball Tournament tures on China, so the series is resentative of the hopes and LETTERS useful to me. When people ask aspirations of the Chinese people me "What does the modernization as well as a vehicle of friendship process mean in China?" it's much for those abroad who are interest- easier to answer these questions. ed in the path the Chinese people have embarked upon. Articles on Chinese-Type. Pertti Laine Modernization Helsinki, Finland Philip T. Johnson Arlington, VA, USA Your series of articles on Chi- The series "Chinese-Type Mod- ernization" has been excellent. nese-type modernization deeply I think it safe to say that your Your articles on Chinese-type analysed the nature and charac- readers and all friends of the Chi- modernization are very interest- teristics of socialist China's mod- nese people are vitally interested ing. After reading them, I under- ernization, its emphases in con- in the modernization of Chinese stood why the leaders and the struction and plans for the future. industry, agriculture, science and masses should unite in your The articles also gave reasons why technology. Your series devoted modernization drive. However, in the gross annual value of indus- to this topic has been the most my humble opinion, if you are not trial and agricultural output can complete and cogent explanation. patient in your work, many be quadrupled towards the end defects and social problems will of the century. They explained I find the articles appearing in arise. the necessity of reforms, offered your magazine pertaining to the straight-forward answers to ques- economic and social life of the I hope you will go on publishing tions raised by foreigners and Chinese people to 'be of great in- articles on other related questions. talked about the past neglect and terest. Such information is in- errors in your work. Supported valuable in contrasting the differ- Again, there is no economic by convincing facts and figures ent goals of socialist and capitalist development to speak of without the development of econometrics, and written in an easily under- societies. Examples of such arti- no matter what kind of economy standable style, they built up my cles would include the interesting you are trying to develop--either confidence in China's moderniza- report appearing in the January planned economy or free economy. tion. 17, 1983 issue (No. 3) concerning a reformatory in the Qinhuangdao Therefore, I hope you will develop These articles and others, like region and the several articles your statistical work. Hu Yaobang's report to the 12th devoted to the introduction of the Shinpei Uehara National Party Congress (issue contract system and other eco- Gunma, Japan No. 37, 1982) and report on the nomic reforms. While I cannot work of the government, have say that I dislike any particular deepened my understanding to section of your magazine, there I think your Chinese-type Chinese-type modernization and appears occasionally an over- modernization series marks a provided me a correct approach abundance of statistics. Statistical transitional stage for your weekly towards false reports about China. information should augment ar- from that of journalistic report- ing to that of educational offer- Nirashi Sakaguchi ticles and not become their focus. ings. These articles are them- Tokyo, Japan I had occasion to read your selves a textbook on the com- magazfne during the latter part of plicated field of China's modern- The series on Chinese-type the period of the "cultural revolu- ization. modernization is very interesting tion" and can state unequivocally and informative. I have written that it has improved immensely. Yury Abdon Cahuata Pilares some articles and given some lec- Your magazine is a worthy rep- Cusco, Pecu Child Welfare It is now about one year since Announcement I wrote to commend the articles carried in your magazine. I must Beginning in our next issue, we will carry some now comment on Beijing Review articles from the newly published "Selected Works issue No. 22. This issue was of of Deng Xiaoping." particular interest to me. Firstly in that it carried an excellent In our next issue, we will publish excerpts from article on child welfare ("All are Deng Xiaoping's talks on the drafting and revision concerned for children") which was the subject of my last letter of the Resolution on Certain Questions in the to you. Secondly, the extensive History of Our Party Since the Founding of the coverage of various aspects of People's Republic of Chino between March 1980 Confucius. Admittedly this is not and the Sixth Plenary Session of the 11th Party a su'bject about which I know a Central Committee of June 1981. In these talks great deal, and so it was very he dealt mainly with the merits and demerits of good to be able to learn much from just one issue of Beijing Re- Mao Zedong and expressed his views on some other d,Jew. major questions. Jonathan Gordon-Till West Yorkshire, UK HIGHLIGHTS OF THE WEEK BEIII REVIEW WrOng Tendency in Art and Literature Opposed Cultural departments are taking measures to check Published even/ Monday by BEIJINO REVIEW the unhealthy tendency among some artists and writers 24 Boiwonzhuang Road, Beijing of appealing to vulgar and socially harmful tastes (p. 4). The People's Republic of China Vol. 26, No. 29 July 18, 1983 China Defeat US and Japan in Volleyball CONTENTS An analytical report on the victory of China's women's LETTERS volleyball team at the Super-Three Women's Volleyball NOTES FROM THE EDITORS 4 Tournament held in Xianggang (Hongkong) from July 6 to An unhealthy tendency in arl . and literature 8 (p. 28). EVENTS & TRENDS 5-9 Huang Zhicheng on the main* land A China-run firm in Xiang- Yunnan Province in Progress, gang New styles become popular Major scientific research pro- Yunnan Province, a centre for national minorities and jects Central African President in economic .resources, is the subject of this week's special Chino feature by our correspondent. It shows the success of Sino-Koreon amity further government policies on the unity of nationalities and theiI enhanced Note on Taiwan's issuance of common prosperity (p. 19). visas INTERNATIONAL 10-14 Afghanistan: First six months of fighting in '83 "Five Goods" Families ASEAN: Conference with dia- logue countries Italy: Political situation under- Four Shanghai families who have won "five goods" goes change West. Germany: Chancellor titles indicates new ethics for family relationships in Kohl's visit to Moscow present-day China (p. 15). Bulgaria : Improving foreign trade structure SHANGHAI FAMILIES CITED 15-18 FEATURE Afghanistan's Fighting China's Administrative Re- gions: Yunnon: A multina- tional frontier province Afghan guerrillas NotionoFities policy: fruitful results 19 smashed the Soviet spring Developing economy 23 offensive, causing heavy Farewell. god of plague 26 losses to the Soviet Union CULTURE & SCIENCE 28-30 (p. 10). ART PAGE 31 Distributed by China Publkafions Centre (GUOJI SHUDIAN), P.O. Box 399, Belling, China Subscription prkes ~I year): Australia ..... A.SI2.00 USA...USS13.00 New Zuknd.. NZ.$14.00 UK....... f. 6.80 Youth of Lisu nationality in their ~ ...... Cu.$15.00 holiday best for traditional festival. Photo by Zhu Yuhu NOTES FROM THE EDITORS screenplay Unrequited Love i An unhealthy tendenoy in art and his later creative works. These criticisms were not cen- ~ and literature sorship of the writer himself. In fact the criticisms have helped ~ him to write more and better ~ Writers, artists and the should not be allowed to in- works since then. His new his- ~ public are critical of an emerg- filtrate our literature and art. torical play, The Story of King ~ ing tendency to commercialize Goufi~r~ recently staged in Bei- .~ literature and art. The art and FundamentallY , commercial- ized literature and art arise be- jing, has been widely acclaimed. ~ •literature departments are tak- This is only one example. ing measures to check this cause s6me writers and artists tendency. seek personal gains, and have Other people worry that when ~ deviated from the orientation literary and art works em- ~ '"Commercialization" specifi- that their works should serve phasize the principles of patriot- ~ cally refers to the works or the people and socialism. They ism, collectivism, socialism and ~ performances that appeal to forget that in New China their communism, they will be re- ~ vulgar or socially harmful tastes duty is to accelerate the con- duced to formulas and generali- e0 for the sake of monetary or struction of socialist spiritual ties. I think there are no inevi- ~ other rhaterial profits in civilization by educating the table links between the former ~ disregard of social effects. The people in the spirit of patriot- and the latter. A work that is I. influence of such works is ism, collectivism, socialism and characterized by formulas and ~ palpably negative, particularly communism. They lose sight of generalities signifies its depar- ~ upon th.e youth. Unchecked, their responsibility to steer peo- ture from life and violation of ~ this tendency could undermine ple away from vulgar and back- the laws of art. socialist spiritual civilization ward sentiments. campaign and the moderniza- While arming themsel~,'es with ! tion drive. Some people worry that crit- patriotism, collectivism, social- ~ icism of commercialization ism and communism, artists and ~. 0 IrL socialist society, commodi- may affect the implementation writers should actively partic- i ties cannot yet be abolished. In of "two hundreds" policy (let- ipate in. the real life of the t~ fact commodity production and ting a hundred flowers blossom masses.
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