Wright State University CORE Scholar The Guardian Student Newspaper Student Activities 8-23-1972 The Guardian, August 23, 1972 Wright State University Student Body Follow this and additional works at: https://corescholar.libraries.wright.edu/guardian Part of the Mass Communication Commons Repository Citation Wright State University Student Body (1972). The Guardian, August 23, 1972. : Wright State University. This Newspaper is brought to you for free and open access by the Student Activities at CORE Scholar. It has been accepted for inclusion in The Guardian Student Newspaper by an authorized administrator of CORE Scholar. For more information, please contact [email protected]. Woman heads nursing school Dr Joyce L Randall, formerly East Lansing, Mlch--a BS in nursing program, Randall well as illness," she explained. chairman of nursing education nursing education granted in srtd, "This wiu be a community Thare will be Increased emphasis at the West Virginia University 1957, a MA In psychology and nursing program which will use placed on a systems approach Parkersburg Center, has been counseling, 1959, and a PhD in the agencies and facilities of the to nursing In the future, she said, named dean d Wright State Unl- * . administration of higher educa- community to a far greater ex- and less reliance on traditional verslty's new School of Nui'slng. tion in nursing, 1969. During the tent than usual." course divisions. Randall's selection culmin- oast year, she has traveled ex- Wright .State's plans for a bac- She expects the University's ates a nine-month search for a tensively and pu-sued post-doc-1- calaureate nursing program were nursing program to attract recent qualified Ph D to direct tlie Uni- torate work In psychology at developed In cooperation with high school graduates starting versity's baccalaureate nursing Michigan State University. Miami Valley Hospital whichwlll nursing training, as wall as grad- program, which will begin en- Prior to her position at the make available Its facilities for uates of diploma or associate rolling students by the fall of Parkersburg Center, Randall clinical instruction of the Uni- degree schools who want to up- 1973. held a variety of administrative versity's nursing students. grade themselves for profes- "We feel very fortunate In at- and faculty positions in the Lans- As Wright State's program de- sional advancement. tracting Dr Randall to the Uni- ing, Mich area including director velops the capacity to produce Randall also hopes ihe Uni- versity," said Dr Brian Hutch- of the associate degree program enough nurses to serve the area, versity can attract women in the lngs, associate dean of the Col- in nursing at Lansing Community Miami Valley has started it will 30 to 35 age bracket with no lege cf Science and Engineering College and assistant professor phase out Its diploma school of prior professional training and and chairman at the search com- at the Michigan State University nursing. men, who are entering nursing in mittee which selected Randall. School of Nursing. She has also Randall will use the 1972- increasing numbers. "She will have the opportunity been associate director of the 73 academic year to engage fac- The nursing program was ap- Dr Joyce Randal! to develop an Innovative progranv EW Sparrow Hospital School of ulty members and develop cur- proved by the WSU Board of in a new school and tie the cur- Nursing and assistant director riculum necessary to implement Trustees in 1970. but official selected Randall was com- riculum into community-related of the St Lawrence Hospital Mer- the program In the fall of 1973. establishment cf the school was posed cf representatives & the programs." cy School at Nursing, both (i "I see nursing education as a delayed due to lack ci funds Combined General Health Dis- Randall holds three degrees Lansing. study of a person from birth until July 1 of this year. trict, Miami Valley Hcepltal, and from Michigan State University, In describing the Wright State through senescence, wellness as The search committee which WrlgM Slate University. WRIGH! SI ATE STUDENT UNIVERSITY GUARDIAN PUBLICATION Volume 9 August 23, 1972 Issue 4 WSU car Freshmen disclose reasons why captures they decided on Wright State BY LAURA KKAR stand up and valk around the top honors* Managlrg Editor room without talking. He goes on to explain that this Is just like Wright State University's car- If you've seen a mass of stu- going to class. You don't know af-the-future took top honors for dents roaming the campus this anyone. parkablllty, driveabUlty and pas- summer, and they look lost, they "You're sort of like a loner," senger confort In tha Urban Ve- probably are members of WSU's says Adkins, "and you'll feol hicle Design Competition last class of '70. like a stupid freshman. One rea- week. By the end of the summer, ap- son for orientation is to SIK-W The Wright State entry, a con- proximately 1,000 freshmen will you that you're not the only stupid verted Ford Pinto which runs have baen put through the orien- freshman." on propane fuel, vied with cars tation program co-ordinated by Freshman enrollment for from 63 universities In week- student Don Adkins and the Dean Wright State this fall is down to long testing on the General Mo- of Students office. 1,800, almost 25 per cent less tors Proving Grounds In Mllford, The five-hour session starts off than last year. Mich. INFORMAL DISCUSSION a planneQ activity at Orientation. with Adkins telling the gioupto Listening In on the discussion At the close of the student groups, the most common rea- competition, WrlgM State's car son why the student has chosen was one of six vehicles which WSU is money. contest officials asked to dis- University employment committee recommends Mark Gerhard, one of the in- play at the Chicago Museum of coming students said, "It U: about Science and Industry. The car the only place I could afford. will be In Chicago through Wed- students be allowed 20 work hours per week Wright State offers the best col- nesday. lege program proportional to BY TOM SNYDER of Trustees has already rejected Awards for the competitlai were while they have petitions still what I can afford." presented by U.S. Secretary of Associate Editor pending. an Increase la the $1.60 an hour Among the average dally group Transportation John A Volpe at Tho ad hoc committee reviewing Any of these decisions can be minimum for student employees, of 25, you'll find a wide cross- the committee nevertheless is a wrap-up banquet In Ann Arbor, student eniployment policies has changed by the committee and section of people. considering Increasing It to at Mich. A total cf 15 prizes were decided to recommend tothe uni- any Input from students or em- And student, Ed Worrell, is a awarded with overall honors go- versity administration that the ployers is welcomed. The uni- least $1.85 and possibly $2. native of Phililplnes. He ex- ing to the University of British hours a student on work-study Is versity administration can dis- The US House and Seriate are plained that he's "nc* an ex- Columbia, Vancouver, Canada. allowed to work while regular regard any recommendation the now dickering over whether to In- change student, but an exchange Panels of automotive experts classes are In session be In- committee might finally come up crease tlie minimum wage to serviceman." juaged the cars on control of creased to 20, effective January with. either $2 or $2.20. Marina Welzel, a Mlamlsburg automotive emissions, safety, 1,1973. All decisions cf the administra- One problem area for the com- resident and psychology major, consumer cost, drlveabllity and Presently a student is allowed tion based <xi the student employ- mittee has been PERS or the Pub- gave her reason for attending damage sustained in a five-n;'.le- to work only up to 15 hours. ment committee's recommenda- lic Employees Retirement Ser- WSU as "my dad Is paying for per-hour collision. The committee Is also recom- tions will be placed In a handbook vice of the Revised Code Ohio. It. Otherwise I would go to Cali- Wright State's entry also fared mending a grievance procedure for campus employers and their Under this law.apubllcemploy- fornia where It Is really ex- for students and their campus student employees. well in the collision testing. "The ee who has worked over 800 pensive." Insurance experts said there was employers. "As long as we can be flexible hours must then submit 7.7 per Welzel plans m attending school no damage to our car after the Under the suggested procedure, about each policy, I think we're cent of Us pay check to PERS here for cue year and then trans- flve-mlle-per-hour crash," said the student and his omployer going to come out In good shape," for future retirement. His em- fer to San Diego university. She Dr Richard Scott, assistant pro- would first discuss the grievance said Harold Newlln, committee ployer must give 10 per cent. says her younger sister plans to among themselves. If the student chairman and Asslstiuit Director fessor d engineering and ad- Students can be exempt from do the same. visor to the Wright State stuients. Is dissatisfied with any decision of Financial Aid. PERS, but only If they have - "I couldn't decide where else The car was designed and re- the employe. makes, the student Other committee members in- worked under 800 hours during to go," Sue Turner stated. "This can appeal to tlie financial aid clude Clyde Vaughan, Burch Ri- searched by students over the each calendar year.
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