* DOUBLE LIFE SENTENCE FOR FARM KILLER * SUPER SPORT * Bringing Africa South Vol.2 No.317 SOc (GST Inc.) . Friday May 3 ....... ... AGENT TELLS ALL STAFF REPORTERS Basson speaks out on THE extent of South Africa's covert opera­ tions in Namibia during the independence period, despite its commitment to free and fair * Lubowski assassination elections, was revealed this week by a key * April 1 incursion . player, former military operative Nico Basson. The chilling facts of the for the military in Namibia * Exposes DTA connections lengths to which Pretoria went during the elections. as well as has terrible implications for being involved in the ' DTA, * Parents Committee links " li)e democratic process in South, . f"vealed how far the teuracles \. Africa, where, claimed Bas- '( lof South Africa's operation * 's ongoing operations son, a similar campaign is in stretched during the 435 proc- progress. ess. He said Pretoria's interfer- Other revelations of Preto- ence in the 435 election proc- ria •s "propaganda and disin- His clients included ess in November 1989 proba- formation" operation include: bly cost Swapo a two-thirds .. that the DTA was so heav- majority. Following a South ily infiltrated by the Military African Cabinet decision to this that it could be likened to a * The United Nations effect. an estimated few bil- South African parastatal; lion Rand could have been spea1 .. that virtually all parties * The Administrator-General on a campaign which aimed to opposing Swapo were funded, boost the •democratic' parties either directly or indirectly, by * The PCC and PUM opposing Swapo to winning 70 the South African Government; per cent of the vote. .. that Swapo leader Anton In an interview with The Lubowski lost his life because Namibian in Windhoek this he uncovered links between For more details, pp 6 & 7 week, Basson, a self-confessed the intemationalMafia and SA former SADF undercover Military Intelligence; propagandist who ran a RI NICO Basson, who spoke to The Namibian in Windhoek million plus covert operation TO PAGE 2 this week. Photograph: Stanley Katzao Angolan breakthrough Oil refinery a reality LISBON: Politicians hailed a they have a view of peace and Under the accords. an inter­ • • ~ r provisional peace agreement development before them," said nationally monitored ceasefire between the Angolan govern­ President Mario Soares of will come into full effect at the THE proposed oil refinery for Usakos finally The R250 million refinery is expected to give ment and Unita guerrillas as a Portugal, the former colonial end of the month. Angola' s became a reality yesterday when an agreement a major boost to the stagnating economy of major breal..1hrough yesterday. power in Angola. first multi -party elections will was signed with the consortium of companies Usakos as well as encourage further foreign But in the Angolan capital . Officials from the Angolan be held in the fall of 1992. building the plant. investment in Namibia. Luanda reaction to the accords government and Unita on In Washington, the State The agreement was signed by Minister of Namibia's first ever oil refinery will produce was subdued. Wednesday night initialed Department greeted the agree- Mines and Energy Andimba Toivo Ya Toivo petrol, diesel, jet fuel. kerosene and power "I have to congratulate the documents that call for a May and the Chairman of Enerkor, Frank R Arther­ AngoJan people because now ) 5 halt to fighting. TO PAGE 2 stone. CONfINUED ON PAGE 2 STAY AT WINDHOEK'S MOST CONVENIENT AND AFFORDABLE CITY CENTRE HOTEL. OUR TARIFFS ARE THE CHEAPEST FOR VALUE IN TOWN **TYYY CONTINE . TA.I_ HOTEL TEL: 37293 '12 ' Pl1day May ·3' 1'991 , THl!~ ' NAMIB1AN because of the peculiar envi­ FROM PAGE l ' r ronmental conditions. Funeral Artherstone said there was a high degree of oxidation on paraffin. engage building contractors to the Namibil'..\l coast, rapid cor­ TITUS Haluodi died In a car Design engineering of the build 300 houses for the refin­ rosion cause'3 by moisture from accident between Khorixas plant will start inJune this year ery's future workf"orce. the sea and a dust problem ment as an "historic develop­ . and Vis on April 28. and the refinery is scheduled The company hopes to pro­ from desert sands. "With all ment which offers the possi­ His funeral wlll take place the vide work for 300 Nambian these facets it would not have bility of peace for a country \ , for completion towards end at the Kuisebmond Roman of 1992. employees - and if their fami­ been a wise decision to locate which has known only war for Catholic Church, Walvis Bay, At the same time as the plant lies are included, this should the refinery on the coast," he more than 30 years." Titus Haluodi tomorrow, May 4, at 14hOO. is being built, Enerkor will boost Usakos' ~pu1ation by explained. The United States and the approximately 2 000. TransNamib will transport Soviet Union joined the Portu­ Enerkoris the main investor crude oil from Walvis bay in guese-led mediation of the in an international consortium rail tankers and deliveritto the Angolan conflict last year, made up of four companies, refinery. putting behind them years of including the South Korean Similarly, TransNamib will superpower rivalry during companies Sunkyong Ltd, also carry the refined product which arms poured into An­ Sunkyong Engineering and to various distribution points gola. Construction Ltd and Y okon in the country. Wednesday's accords follow Ltd. Germany is represented Artherstone said Enerkor a year of occasional conversa­ by Montana Engineering Ltd would strongly encourage par­ tions in Portugal leading to a of Hamburg. ticipation by local oil compa­ month of intense negotiations In an interview Enerkor nies in the new venture. "We that started on April 4 in the chairperson Frank Artherstone want as much local participa­ resort of Estoril outside Lis­ gave several reasons for the tion as possible because this is bon. decision to base the refinery in something meant for the bene­ 'This is a day of victory for Namibia. fit of Namibia." Angola," said Lopo do Nasci­ KHOMASDAL BAPTISTE KERK He said Eoerlwr felt Nanubia Speaking at the signing cere­ mento, the Angolan minister was going to play a large and m~>ny Mines and Energy Min­ who joined Unita Vice Presi­ bied aan leading role in southern Af­ ister Toivo Ya Toivo said the dent Jeremias Chitunda in ini­ 'n Gospel Toer rica. Nanilbian government was tialing the accords. "A victory "The CQuntry has a stable proud of this new development. for the mothers who lost sons, met HOPE SA government and peace and This was p8rticu1arly so since the wives turned widows, the stability, which is one of the it was the first maj9r invest­ separated families, the men, Program: main ingredients of prosper­ ment since the donor confer­ woman and children maimed." ity, Artherstone added. ence and was therefore an his­ At Wednesday's ceremony Sjorde - Akademle om 1.00nm Although the Namibian torical occasion. Angolan diplomats and Unita Vrydag, 3 Mel market for petroleum products ''The future economic pros­ officials embraced and wept is fairly small, Enerkor is pects of our country look together. Eastside BapHste Kerk, Khomasdal om 8 nm confident it will grow; brighter and the confidence in In Luanda, the reaction was Vrydag , 3 Mei Furthermore the company is our ability to do business with more reserved. Many people Saterdag, 4 Mel not only looking at the local foreign investors has been said they feared fighting could A Shipena-Saal, Katutura om 8 nm market but also hopes to de­ greatly enhanced," Ya Toivo escalate during the month-long velop export markets that will said. gap between Wednesday's Toegang: eam the country foreign ex­ The agreement provided for provisional agreement and the Volw assenes: R4 change. the entire capital expenditure scheduled meeting between Studente: R2 With a production capacity to be borne exlusively by the rebel leader Jonas Savimbi and of 10 000 barrels a day, the investors. Angolan President Jose Edu­ (by alle vertonlngs) refinery will be relatively small Furthermore the government ardo dos Santos for formal Vir enige navrae kontak by international standards. It had been given the assurance signature of the accords. Pastoor W Abrahams by tel: 213608 has been specifically designed that local and regional partici­ "Seeing is believing," said NB: AANDAGI! AANDAGI! Alle Gospel Ltefhebbers for a production capacity that pation in the Namibia Refin­ Luanda taxi driver Sebastiao the country can support, but ery Corporation would be Mota. Dos S antos himself was moenle I vertonlng van 'n leeftyd mlsloop nle! capacity can be increased as welcomed. cautious on Wednesday when the country grows. Most importantly, Enerkor he announced the imminent The choice ofUsakos came had undertaken to adhere to understanding with Unita at a as something of a swprise, stringent technical specifica" May Day parade in Luanda. because normally refineries are tions and standards. "It doesn't mean the war is based on the coast where they These standards would going to end immediately," can receive crude oil directly comply with Namibian and said Dos Santos in an appeal to from tankers. international practices and his countrymen for vigilance Enerkor apparently decided regulations regarding the pro­ and responsibility to ensure the 4 MEI 1991 not to base the refinery in a tection of the environment. success of the accords. - Sapa­ coastal Nanubian town because AP structures of the state machinery in South Africa, the same scenario FROM PAGE 1 would be repeated there. Basson, himself of conservative Western Tr8l)svaal origin, said his OOP VIR U • that the Parents Commit­ of the Military was to c·reate Namibian experience had opened tee was heavily influenced by divisions in the Swapo hierar­ his eyes.
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