mf/wmm/mmm/mm-mm^m///0m////fm^^^ OIL FILTEe J FOK removing Dirt, Grit, Metal Filings, and every description of impurit)'-, from Oil which has already been used, so that the same Oil may be utilized over and over again. The apparatus is a first-class economiser, and has proved itself in every way successful, as may be inferred from the long Hst of users given below. Should he in every Engine Room and Boiler House throughout the world. EASY TO CIiEAISr. ECOlSrOMISES THE OIL. CHEAP TO MAIWTAIK". SAVES THE MACHIBTERY. Jliese Filters liave been supplied to— L. & N.W. Railway, Crewe Midland do. Derby G.N. do. Donraster (2) L. & Y. do. Manchester L.B. & S.C. do. New Cross (3} Central Argentine do. (2) Halifax Gas Works Stafford do. City and Guilds of London Institute Victoria Infirmary, Glasgow Sheffield Telephone Exchange Burma Ruby Mines, Limited De Beers Diamond Mines, Limited H H. The Maharajah of Mysore Brunner, Mond & Co., Limited T. Thornycroft & Co. Joshua Tetley & Son Felber, Jucker & Co. (3) W. Garnett & Co. A. R. Goldie James Finlay & Co. Dutton & Co., Limited Dawson, Wilmer & Clift J B. Saunders & Co. Foster & Sons Electric Construction Co , Limited St James' & Pall Mall Electric Co., Ltd. Thomson Houston Electric Co. Johnson & Phillips Cronipton & Co., Limited {2.) Exeter Electric Lighting Co., Limited Taunton do. do. do. Bath do. do. do. Newcastle do. do. do. House to House do. do. Metropolitan Electric Supply Co , Ltd. Paterson & Cooper And others too numerous to nieution. D£SCKIFXION. This is the only type of Oil-cleaner which combines a quadruple cleansing apparatus in a single instrument, and can constantly supply sufficient quantities of purified oil for the needs of the engine-room. It can be used for cleansing either animal, vegetable, or mineral oil, or glycerine. Can be placed in any engine, dynamo, or boiler room. Never requires repairing. Filtering material only requires changing five or six times in a jear, and this can be done by any ordinary mechanic in a few minutes. Sole Makers : WOODHOUSE & RAWSON UNITED, LIMITED, Electrical and Mechanical Engineers and Contractors, 88, QUEEN VICTORIA STREET, LONDON, E.G.; 41, PICCADILLY, BRADFORD; CORNBROOK TELEGRAPH WORKS, MANCHESTER; AND UNION FOUNDRY, KIDSGROVE. STEAM LOCOMOTION COMMON ROADS. AN ILLUSTRATED TREATISE, OF SERVICE TO ENGINEERS, STEAM USERS AND ENGINE DRIVERS, PRICE THREE SHILLINGS. THE "Steam Jacket Practically Considered," By WILLIAM FLETCHER. opinions of the Press on the above work. The only Book on this Subject. "Mechanioal World" says —"As a treatise on steam jacketing i'Xr. Fletcher's little book is most excellent, and may with confidence be recommended as a safe guide on an important subject. "Machinery Market " says —" The subject has been well considered by Mr, Fletcher, and his method of dealing with it affords material which should prove useful to engineers generally." "The English Meohanio" says —"In this useful and practical manual many defects in construction are clearly pointed out by Mr. Fletcher, who gives diagrams showing how the steam jacket should be ananged ; and those who are interested in the subject would do well to read what he has to say hi the work." "British Trade Journal" says —"The conflicting opinions which prevail respecting the utility of the steam jacket have led Mr. Fletcher to make an attempt to put users of steam right on the subject. He has evidently given the subject a thorough consideration, and practical engineers will peruse his treatise with profit." "Iron" says —"In the above work many useful suggestions, the result of careful observation, are set forth; the publication has much to recommend it." "Colliery Guardian" says —"The author gives some valuable introductory remarks, after which he points out the defects in many steam jackets now in use and lays dovra some principles relating to their proper design and application. The book is worth reading, as developing the practical views of an engineer who has evidently well considered the subject," The '•Implement Review" says — "Mr. Fletcher has written a book which should prove, and we trust it may, of some service to the designers and makers of steam engines. It is the fullest treatise upon the steam jacket that has yet appeared ; it should be in the possession of every mechanical engineer." "Design and Work" says —"Mr. Fletcher has set himself the task of putting steam users right on the whole matter. We heartUy recom- mend the work to our readers—they will not be disappomted." "Hants and Berks Gazette" says —" Mr. Fletcher has chosen a subject on which a great amount of ignorance prevails in the engineering community, and this contribution to their technical literature will be hailed with pleasure." "The Ironmonger's Journal" says — " It is written by a man who understands the subject. We cordially recommend it to all steam users." London : E. &. F. N. SPON, 125, Strand. :: Complete Catalogue {List "B") 450 pages, 800 Engravings, Price 5/- WOODHOUSE & RAWSON UNITED LIIVIXTED, MAKERS OF ENGINES SWITCHES BOILERS CUT-OUTS DYNAMOS CARBONS ACCU M U LATORS SHADES AND GLOBES ARC LAMPS BELLS INCANDESCENT LAMPS BATTERIES AMMETERS INDICATORS VOLTMETERS TELEPHONES GOLD MINING PLANT STEAM LAUNCHES GAS & WATERWORKS PLANT ELECTRIC LAUNCHES STEAM CRANES TELEGRAPH LINES ELECTRIC CRANES INSTRUMENTS VACUUM ENGINES ELECTRIC PUMPS GIRDERS AND ROOFWORK VENTILATING PLANT BLASTING APPARATUS CABLES BRACKETS CHEMICALS SHIP FITTINGS CONVERTERS ELECTROLIERS ELECTROPLATING PLANT INSULATORS FLEXIBLE CORD CASING GOVERNORS, ETC., ETC. OFFICES LONDON, PARIS, NEW YORK, MELBOURNE, JOHANNESBURG, &C. WOKES LONDON, MANCHESTER, KIDSGROVE, AND CHISWICK. Estimates free for Electric Lighting of Cities, Towns. Mansions, Shops, Private Houses, (fee., &e. Contractors for the Erection of Gas and "Waterworks Plant, Colliery, Mill, and High Speed Engines, &c. ELECTRIC LIGHTING WOODHOUSE * RAWSON UNITED, LIMITED, Are prepared to estimate for the carrying out of Electric Lighting Installations in all engineers. The following are parts of the world under the direction of experienced — a few of the numerous contracts which have been installed by the Company : Jubilee Ball, Guildhall Free Library and Art Gallery, Bradford Glouchster County Asylum Salvation Army Barracks Exeter City Asylum Sir Titus Salt, Bart., Sons & Co,, Marquis of Ripon, London Limited, Saltaire Rt. Hon. Lord Brassky, London H. H. The Maharajah of Mysore, G.C.S.I Clinton T. Dent, Esq., F.R.C S., London Stock Exchange, London Col. Wyatt Edgell, Exeter J. R. Hargrravbs, Esq., Reading Sir F. Carden, Bart., Newbury. Dr. Edwin Frkshfield, London Globe Theatrk Sir A. Guinness, Son & Co., Dublin Salisbury Club T. J. Murphy & Co., Limited, Cork Cbntury Club Pkek, Frean & Co., London Savoy Mansions Crosse & Blackwell, London Hansard Publishing Union, Ltd. &c. &c. AS WSIiI. AS THE PRIlTCIFAIi EXHIBITIONS. First-class work guaranteed. Enquiries invited. Estimates Free. ELECTRICAL APPARATUS OF EVERY DESCRIPTION, As supplied to Admiralty, "War Oface, G. P. O., and otlier GrOTemment Depart- ments; PrenclL, United States, CMnese, and other Governments; Souses of Parliament, London County Council, MarcLuis of Salisbury, Burmah Euby Mines Company, Limited, De Beers Diamond Mines, &o., &o. HEAD OFFICES— 88, QUEEN VICTORIA STREET, LONDON, E.C. Telegrams: 'WOODHOUSE, LONDON. Telephone No. 1978. SHOW ROOMS— 30, CANNON STREET, LONDON, E.C., & 41, PICCADILLY, BRADFORD. WEST END OFFICE— 16, GREAT GEORGE STREET, LONDON, S.W., WORKS— Cornbrook Telegraph Works, MANCHESTER, West Kensington Hall, HAMMERSMITH, W., Union Foundry, KIDSGROVE, And Strand Works, CHISWICK, W. BRANCHES AND AGENCIES THROUGHOUT THE WORLD. THE HISTORY AND DEVELOPMENT STEAM LOCOMOTION COMMON ROADS, WILLIAM FLETCHER, Mechanical Engineer, Author of " The Steam Jacket Practically Considered" 108 ILLUSTRATIONS. London: E. & F. N. SPON, 125, Strand. New York: iz, Cortlandt Strket. Ii'SwiCH : Printed and Published by S. H. Cowei.l. 1891. All risrhts reserved. UNIVERSITY^* X. tISRARY -'^ V- , ' -Ai — — PREFACE. In dealing with Steam Transport on Common Roads the following division of the subject is usually adopted : 1. Road Locomotives for the conveyance of Passengers, Parcels, and light goods at quick speeds. 2. Road Locomotives for Heavy Haulage and the con- veyance of goods at slow speeds. 3. Agricultural Locomotives for use on farms. In the present work the history of steam locomotion has been traced from the earliest down to modern times. The engines belonging to the first division being fully illustrated and described ; the latter portion of the book also contains illustrations and much practical information relating to road locomotives placed under the second head. The book is divided into seven sections : Introduction. The Period of Speculation. The Period of Experiment. The Period of Successful Application. The Modern Period. Practical Notes on the Design and Construction of Road Locomotives. Traction Engine Law. The first five sections are chiefly historical, the Modern Period, however, contains many useful notes and tables of dimensions. This work is a far more exhaustive treatise on this subject than has hitherto been attempted. There is not a book in existence which gives anything like a complete historj' of steam locomotion on common roads. In the two or three books (now out of print) treating on this and kindred subjects, ; IV. PREFACE. the historical notes are most meagre and incomplete, only a few of the pioneers are mentioned, and some of those men who have done the most to further
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